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The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
"come in guys the paint needs to dry anyway" Petunia said the garage-like door opened and once they were all inside Petunia closed the door there was a Serperior slithering around the banisters on the stairs and a simipour sitting by the stereo listening to music "I hope you don't mind Gabriel staying here" Luna said "of course not any friend of yours is a friend of mine" Petunia said taking off her apron
"Um... Thanks?" Gabriel piped up, sitting by the stereo, along with the simipour. His pokemon soon joined him, Ralts crossing his stubby arms, as Litwick sat down on the table, and Happiny sidled up to her 'mummy'.

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
Shaz and Gem joined the simipour listening to the song as Luna went in the small kitchen and Petunia went to a canvas to continue painting a Garydos "so how is Luna treating you Gabriel?" asked Petunia
"We get on ok, I guess," the boy scoffed, "I mean, she's willing to tolerate my attitude, and the fact that I'm a complete n00b at this, and the fact that I could have an asthma attack and die on her at any time, so..."

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
Petunia smiled at Gabriel "Luna is a strange girl even I can tell" Petunia said shaking her head "she will seem angry at you sometimes but that's how she shows care" Petunia said smiling softly at Gabriel. Simipour got up and changed the CD from 'nice to meet you Mr. Human' to 'Pokemon orchestra and Kirlia' and danced around to the fast music
"I guess she must care about me a lot, then," Gabriel chuckled, remembering how she had yelled before. She seemed to have a habit of being quite touchy-feely with him, when she was worried about him... Especially when he had his asthma attack.

The sound of the orchestra caught him off guard, and he looked down at his pokemon, who were quite happy to just sit there

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
Simipour danced around faster to the music () "I'm never going to understand how she dances to that" Petunia said laughing Luna finally came out of the kitchen putting down poffins and other Pokemon food and laughed too as Shaz joined along with Gem moving to join "eh fuck it" Luna said as she joined the dancing Pokemon which made Petunia laugh more
Gabriel shook his head, and just watched his pokemon eat. He didn't care much for music at all, except for ambient tunes, with no describable beat or lyrics... And he found that this particular one grated on his ears a lot.

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
Luna fell on the couch as the song finished and she took off her jacket "remember when you used to sing and dance Kirlia's song's Moon?" Petunia asked Luna she just laughed "Don't remind me" Luna laughed Petunia looked at Gabriel and said "you should have seen her she was amazing"
"Oh really?" the boy scoffed, glancing over at the girl, "Can't say I care much for dance, myself. Ironic, since I have a Ralts, but someday, he'll be a gardevoir, so not really. I mean, it's not like I'm planning to pack oricorios here. I have to be a champion, not a dancer here..."

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
"just ask me if you ever want to see her kid I have videos" Petunia said Luna shot up "don't you fucking dare show him anything" Luna huffed as she picked up the empty plate and went to get more Pokemon food Simipour took out the CD, put it away and started looking for another
"Whatever," the boy snorted, biting into his own, bitter poffin. He relished in the cirtrus-y taste of the treat, since he didn't care very much for overly sweet foods. Not even sweet berries satisfied him, unless he was really craving sugar, or he had to eat them due to illness.

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
"the costumes aren't that bad" Petunia chuckled Luna came back and put more Pokemon food on the table looking at Gabriel for a few seconds before getting up and looking through the CD cases with simipour "don't even try and bring them up please" Luna said annoyed
"I wasn't asking," Gabriel snorted, "Anyway, I suppose it'd be best to either do some training, or head for the gym soon. Happiny has to learn to either be a cleric, or a special wall, depending on what she's best at..."

Happiny gazed up at Gabriel with curious eyes. She wasn't sure what the words, 'Cleric', or 'Special Wall' meant, but she was willing to learn, if it made mummy happy...

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
"alright let's head out we can head to the opposite side of the track fence" Luna said as Petunia pressed a button to open the garage door(?) Gem and Shaz said goodbye to Arrow and simipour and followed Luna
Gabriel nodded and got up, motioning for Litwick,, Ralts, and Happiny to follow him. The little candle followed him closely, but was soon nudged out the way by Happiny, who insisted on rubbing up against Gabriel's leg at every opportunity. Ralts, meanwhile, followed them from behind.

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
Luna looked around the grassy area "be careful there are two fighting types I know of here" Luna said Gem sniffed around the place not entirely used to seeing grass all over the place

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
Luna snorted "don't be so overconfident kid" She said never liking those types of people. Gem hid behind Luna's leg as a blue creature ran past them
Gabriel cleared his throat. "Anyway, how about a battle? Litwick could do with the training, since I'll be using her at the gym."

Litwick jumped in front of Gabriel, eager to impress the boy after the incident at the gym, and with the sableye. Ralts came forward too, indicating that he wanted a double battle.

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
"fine but only because it's you kid" Luna sighed Gem and Shaz taking their positions Shaz smiled at litwick while Gem licked his lips at Gabriels ralts
Gabriel nodded. "Let's get this started. Litwick, use ember, and Ralts, use disarming voice!"

Litwick made a small, purple fireball with the flame on her head, launching it at the opposing pokemon with a soft outcry. Ralts, meanwhile, screeched as white rings erupted from his mouth,

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
Luna only nodded in the direction of Gabriels Pokemon for them to start Gem backflipped to avoid the disarming voice and used Foul play against the ralts while Shaz took the ember and used Psychic
"Ralts, dodge and use calm mind! Litwick, use shadow ball!"

Ralts jumped out of the way, and focused intently, to boost his attack power, while Litwick swayed to the side, and launched a shadow ball at the shiny kirlia.

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
Shaz easily dodged the shadow ball and used confusion while Gem used tried using Shadow claw. Luna watched her Pokemon intently her gaze switching to Gabriels Pokemon then Gabriel and smiled
Gabriel gave her a cold, calculating smirk in reply, before giving his next orders. With Ralts's attack and defense greatly boosted by the calm mind, he was all set up to sweep, when combined with what he had planned for Litwick next...

"Litwick, use will-o-wisp!"

Litwick shot small, purple flames at Shaz, intending to cause a burn...

"And Ralts, use draining kiss!"

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
as soon as ralts got near Gem he chomped at him and used shadow ball while Shaz shook his head at the will-o-wisp and used disarming voice against litwick
(You're making your character OP. You can't dodge every attack.)

Ralts was shot back across the field, landing in a crumpled mess by Gabriel's feet. The boy ordered him to get back up, and use magical leaf on Gem, as Litwick powered through the disarming voice, shooting yet more bluish flames at her opponents.

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser

Gem got confused at the magical leaf and it hit him and he started sneezing before using a shadow ball although weak from the sneezing while Shaz let a burn effect him before trying a confusion
"Ralts, magical leaf again! Litwick, counter that confusion with shadow ball!"

Ralts shot out yet another barrage of colourful leaves, while Litwick broke through the confusion with her shadow ball.

"You know that psychic type moves are useless against ghost types, right?" Gabriel cackled.

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
"Well I don't really give a shit about badges so why should I care?" Luna said almost monotone. Gem started sneezing even harder from the leaves he put his hands to his nose (Or where the nose would be) it stopped but he started having a nosebleed Gem ignored it and used shadow claw while Luna looked at Shaz and said "I taught you that didn't I?" Shaz nodded and used Thunderbolt
Gabriel noticed the pokemon's bloody nose, just as he was about to give his next order. He had wanted a battle, but he hadn't wanted to do any lasting damage to the pokemon involved in the process...

"Litwick, Ralts, return," he ordered, beaming the pokemon back into their respective balls.

He stepped forward into the battlefield, unsure of what to do with the sableye. In canid pokemon, nosebleeds were medical emergencies, but he wasn't exactly what to do about sableyes...

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
Luna sighed and brought a purple handkerchief out giving it to Gem who put it on his nose more blood was sprayed as he sneezed again "He must not be used to those types of moves" Luna said crouching down by him Shaz patted Gem on the back as he held it closer to stop another sneeze
"Highly likely, considering the fact that you just caught him," Gabriel said coolly, "It's possible that he may even have allergies..."

So far, Gabriel had not found any problems with his own team. None of them were disobedient, or had allergies, or aversions to things...

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
"I'm not sure about other Pokemon but when Dad had to train the Eevee's in the cave they would start sneezing since they don't see those moves very often" Luna said matter of factly as Gem's sneezing intensified putting more blood on the purple handkerchief "so it probably isn't something to worry about" Luna added
"Was that really it?" Gabriel replied, "That doesn't sound healthy, given the fact that most types don't have moves that irritate the nasal passages, intentional or not. Was he training them using a slurpuff's cotton spores, or something?"

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
Luna laughed "No they were babies and even then Aya checked them after always were rarely had a problem" Luna said smiling. Gem's intense sneezing calmed a bit and Shaz said "Ral (Keep holding it you'll be fine)"
"Interesting," the boy finally said. Eevee were tremendously popular pokemon, despite their weakness in battle, even when they evolved, so it only figured that there should be a ranch dedicated to raising them for other trainers. They probably made a great deal of money from it, too...

"Either way, your sableye needs to be checked over," Gabriel said matter-of-factly, "It could definitely have some sort of allergy."

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
"Alright come on Gem" said Luna as she picked up Gem looking almost like a mother as she started towards the city and towards the pokecenter Shaz skipping along beside his trainer