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Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

"Okay." Maria said, as she started to walk to her next class.

Then she saw Yosuki, thinking they'd have the same class.

"Morning. You mind if I follow you to class?" she asked, not sure which class she had next, for she left her schedule at home carelessly.
"Sure" Yosuki said. He was unsure if they had the same class, but hey, it would be cool. "If you don't mind i'd like to go to the vending machine first." He said. With how early he came to class, he needed another coffee
Rin continued feeling around for the steps, until she heard Yosuki's voice.

"Oh, hey," she greeted, unsure if she was facing him or not, "Do I have food tech with you first thing, or are you going somewhere else?"
"Cool," Rin returned, feeling around for the stairs once more, "I think we've just got a demo today, so that means free food for us! Strawberry cake as well, so score!"

Rin adored food technology lessons. They were always all about making food, or learning how to make food, and the class' teacher always gave them some of whatever he made. Last week, it had been curry udon, one of Rin's favourite foods, and this week, the class were learning to make strawberry shortcake.
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Maria hadn't known the school that well, making her statement to RIn a lie, so she had no idea what food tech was, but it sounded great. Her two favorite things on earth, food, and hanging out on her laptop all day (my life in a nutshell) combined.
(Food tech is a real lesson in the UK XD It's kinda where I developed my love of baking!)

"I wonder how I'll be able to fare in the kitchen though, now that I'm blind," Rin said absentmindedly. She'd loved baking before, though it would be rather difficult, now that she couldn't see. It didn't matter; she'd just have to master it again, in time for the practical lesson. She'd have to learn how to make light, fluffy sponge, whipped cream that was just sweet and light enough, and pick out perfect red, sweet strawberries for the top...Without her eyes.
(I've seen it in anime but I don't have it in this part of the US. i don't know if a different area has it though.)
Yosuki had learned to cook since his parents passed. "Well, i guess it's just a matter of doing it again and again until you figure out where everything is." He said
(COmputer is being really laggy so responses are short)
(I've seen it in anime but I don't have it in this part of the US. i don't know if a different area has it though.)
Yosuki had learned to cook since his parents passed. "Well, i guess it's just a matter of doing it again and again until you figure out where everything is." He said
(COmputer is being really laggy so responses are short)
(You people are sooo missing out T.T I've been taught to make all sorts. My teacher's shown us how to make ice cream, peach pies, brownies, you name it, and then, at the end of the lesson, she gave us some of whatever she made, if we were good! She even brought cake on our birthdays!)

"Yeah, I guess," Rin answered, "Today's just a demo lesson, so I don't have to learn to cook again just yet. We just watch, learn, and then eat!"

The hero salivated just thinking about it. "Mr Suzume's a great cook, so you're in for a real treat! The time he taught us how to make panna cotta was the best! It was so creamy and melty and yummy!"


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Ruby made it to the school and hurried inside. He wasn't very hungry and looked around to find the others. "If only my dad wasn't so lazy all the time...I'd actually have fun.." He muttered. Fjord and Tao looked over at him and landed on his head, napping. Ruby chuckled and his mood lightened up a bit. He yawned, still tired from yesterday, and found the stairs for class.
Rin wiped her mouth in a hurry, shaking her head, while Nezu and Tsuchi flew around her. Tsuchi adjusted her ponytail, as Nezu's ears perked up at the mention of cake.

"A-anyway," she began, "Let's get to class!"


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
While walking to class, he spotted Rin, Marie and Yosuki. "Hey Guys! Morning!" Ruby yelled, running toward them. Tao and Fjord smiled and greeted the other fairies.
"Hey, Ruby! Doing good?" Maria said, more happy than ever.

Mary wasn't sure why, but when she was with all her hero friends at the same time, she felt so lively, like she had a whole new family, reborn. She still hadn't told anyone what had happened to her parents, which made her wince a little. How could she keep a sorta-secret, if they were all her sorta-family?
Yosuki check his watch. "Hey guys? We better get going now if we don't want to be late." He said. There was about 7 minutes to get to the other side of the school and get ready for class.
"Yeah, I guess we should get going," Rin concurred, "Or else the fat kid will claim the whole cake for himself!"

Rin felt around for the stairs, stepping up cautiously, as her fairies accompanied her.
Maria quickly followed her friends up the stairs to their next class. It was a little strange. Mary couldn't seem to stop sweating, and yet she wasn't sure why. She also got very itchy, and kept scratching at her arms and head. Then she started to vibrate suddenly, and her breaths were shortened, as it made her harder to breath.
Yosuki could hear the shortened breaths and turned around, still running. "You okay Maria?" Yosuki asked, "You seem shaky. Like, shakier than when i dont have at least one cup of coffee a day."
"That doesn't sound fine to me." He stopped in front of maria. "I don't care if we miss class, but Iwon't be able to focus because all i'll be able to think about is if you are sick." He said. "Please tell me if something is wrong."
"Well, nothing that I completely know of is wrong." Maria said, still gasping for air.

That was when she had blacked out from air loss. She didn't know anything that was going on while she was out, but she knew before she blacked out, that she was probably having an anxiety attack.
"Maria!" Yosuki shouted. Yosuki caught her before she fell to the floor, "Hang on, i'll get you to the nurse!" He said, he picked her up and carried her piggy back style to the nurses office. What could have caused her to black out? Yosuki thought to himself as he ran down the halls, being careful not to drop Maria on her head. (Time skip to when you wake up?)
(Yeah, I was planning to.)

Maria had woken up in the nurses office, her breathing back to normal, as she couldn't remember much from before. But she did remember thinking of a panic attack. Heck, the thought was still in her head.

"Um...what happened?" she asked, like most people.
"Sounded like you were having trouble breathing, just as we were getting to class," Rin began, "And um...I think you passed out, and Yosuki carried you here? I couldn't hear your footsteps, on the way to the nurse..."
"Oh.." Maria said, a confused look on her face.

But she thought she knew why she did this.

I haven't told them. That's why. She thought, as she remembered her not trying to tell them about her parents death. But the death is probably an affect of the anxiety attack...
"Figures. You're lucky we haven't had any vertex invasions today," Rin remarked, "Even though I am kinda looking forward to seeing what weapon my second fairy will be able to give me..."

Seemingly, at Rin's command, Tsuchi came forward, conjuring a short scythe, with a long chain, and a spider-shaped clasp on the end. It dropped into Rin's hands, and she caught it by the handle of the scythe.

Rin's fingers traced the cold, heavy steel of the chains. There was no mistake about it. It was a kusarigama.
"Huh? Oh, nothing's going on." Maria said, as a pit went to her stomach for lying.

Kai, her lizard, crawled from her backpack and went into her lap, making her feel a little better.
"If you say so," Rin said warily, as her kusarigama, along with Tsuchi, disappeared, leaving her with just her cane, "We should get going now. It's gonna be a long day, vertexes or no vertexes."

She felt around for the door, before turning around, facing the other heroes with her now dull, lifeless eyes.

"Oh, and when that time comes, let's not go Mankai, ok?"
"I would agree, strongly." Maria said with a smirk on her face.

Kai then crawled up Mary's shirt, making her laugh uncontrollably, for she was very ticklish. Kai froze where he was, scared from her laugh, and finished crawling all the way up onto one of her shoulders.