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Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

"She's lucky, in that respect," Rin remarked, "She'll never have to be sacrificed to the gods..."

"Are you kidding? I love being a hero!" Raùl added, "I mean, yeah, I went mankai, and I can't walk anymore, but...Aside from that, being a hero is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Kids at school don't make fun of me anymore, in fact, they call me brave, and they practically worship me now!"
Yosuki, glancing over to Yuzuki to make sure she didn't hear Rin's remark, spoke. "That is exactly why I made sure that it would not happen." he said.
Yuzuki, just out of ear shot, began conversing with some of the other heros
"And the gods allowed it?" Rin began, "It's one thing to not get involved with the Taisha, but you've got no choice but to be a hero if the gods choose you. Pure souls are harder and harder to come across, these days..."

Rin remembered how rigorous her testing was. Fifty different girls were chosen as candidates to receive the powers of the hellebore, but in the end, she'd been granted the position. The other girls simply weren't as ladylike, or as athletic as her, and the ones with slightly tainted souls were made sentinels...
"My only guess is they took pity on me for the situation at hand." He said in a solemn tone. "But I think, that if i hadn't passed the test, she would be replacing me in where we are now." He didn't want to think about the possibility of Yuzuki becoming a sacrifice. His want to keep that life from her led to him being a hero now. But in the end, he found it worth it. Even if it meant becoming a sacrifice himself.
"I see," Rin answered. She had no siblings, so there was not one soul who could take her place, should she fail to fulfil her destiny, as a member of the Yuzuki family. Oh, the shame her family would have been left with, if she were but a lowly sentinel...
"Yeah. I think I wanna go for a swim," Rin decided, stepping with a light splosh into the shallow end of the pool.

"I'll get some pineapple juice," Raul added, sliping back into his wheelchair, "Do you want anything?"
"Sure thing! Iced, or regular, or frappe?" Raul asked, before receiving a heavily decorated glass of pineapple juice. It looked almost like a pina colada, in a fancy glass, and a cherry, and a little paper umbrella, but without any alcohol.
"Alright, comin' up," Raul answered, before relaying the order to a nearby staff member.

Rin, meanwhile, was splashing around with some of her fellow heroes. Daniel managed to get her right betwee her lifeless eyes, so in response, she'd flicked up some water at him. And soon, the two heroes were in a full on splash fight.
Yosuki swam away from the water fight before he was drowned by the collateral damage that the other two were causing.
Yuzuki meanwhile, was going in for the kill on daniel. She stealthy swam underwater, grabbed his leg and yanked him underwater before poking her hear above water and giggling.
"Ay, fuck!" Daniel cried, flailing helplessly around in the water, until he found his balance again...And the offender.

"Aw, did the big scary hero get caught by the wittle girl?" Rin teased, giggling.

"Fuck off!" Daniel cried, before grabbing the offender, and dunking her head underwater.
Yuzuki struggled to get back to the surface, the only thing keeping her from giggling to death was the possibility of water filling her lungs.
Yosuki watched from a distance, making sure not to get caught in the crossfire.
A small, long tailed dragon appeared at Daniel's side, glaring menacingly at the girls.

"If you only knew how much damage I could do to you in battle," he remarked, as he got out of the pool, fixing his hair.

"Oh, ligthen up, Daniel," Raùl remarked, "They were just having fun!"
"Yeah man, no need for that." Yosuki said after overhearing the conversation.
Yuzuki, sank in the water at Daniel's remarks, feeling like she had done something she shouldn't have.
"Psh, whatever," Daniel remarked, "You're too soft on our guests, Raùl."

Rin, meanwhile, decided that she'd had enough of swimming, and went back to her lounger, getting a Seville orange juice.
Yosuki went over and comforted Yuzuki, letting her know that she didn't do anything wrong. He got her a soda and sat in the pool with her, she rested her head on his arm, upset about what happened.
Having noticed the commotion, Raùl decided to step in. "Don't worry about Daniel," he assured them, "He's just a bit...Vain, that's all. He doesn't like taking any hits to his ego..."

"Really? I hadn't noticed," Rin remarked, "Here's another bomb, Raùl: My theme flower is a hellebore!"
"Oh come on Rin." Yosuki said. "As much as Daniel deserved it, you don't gotta hit Raul for it." At this point, Yosuki had his arm around Yuzuki while she was cuddled up to him. She nodded her head at Raul, but stayed quite while holding the unopened soda her brother gave her.
"Okay, now your just being unlikable." Yosuki said in a joking manner. His coffee came and he took it, drinking about half the cup before he set it on the edge of the pool on the wall they were sitting at.
Yuzuki, feeling a little better because of Raul and Yosuki, finally opened her soda and took a drink.
"Whatever, let's just chill," Raùl snorted, moving his motionless legs to a more comfortable position, "Might go rustle up some meriendas in a bit. That strawberry nocilla's not gonna eat itself!"

"Nocilla?! Count me in!" Rin declared,
"Your loss. Nocilla's like nutella, but a hundred times better," Raùl remarked, "It's magic!"

And he and Rin went to apply liberal coats of nocilla to two slices of sugar bread, scarfing them in a hurry.
After a while, Yuzuki felt much better and decided to go get some juice.
Yosuki, his job complete, decided to take a rest in the shade. Sitting next to Rosalia he asked her, "Is he always like that?" He figured since they were part of the same team, she would know.
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(She's not with Raùl, she's from a different hero team)

"Often," she said gruffly, closing her book, "Raùl's always been a bit...Rowdy, for my liking, but he is a great host, and an admirable hero, so I suppose I shouldn't complain. I wouldn't like to have to battle alongside him, though..."

Rin, meanwhile, was busy downing a jar of nocilla with Raùl, having resorted to eating straight from the jar, instead of buttering bread with ut.
(Not raul, Daniel. Sorry my bad)
Yosuki nodded. "What about Daniel. Has he always been... a dick?" He asked trying to find the best way to describe him.
Yuzuki fished out a juice from the cooler and went to go get Yosuki some coffee as a thanks for cheering her up.
(Not an English hero either)

"He doesn't like to be messed with. He can't take a joke," Rosalia answered, "But he's pretty strong. The Taisha say that his aptitude was the highest in Spain, when he was going through selection."
(Oh, whoops. Lol)
Yosuki nodded. "Thanks." He said before getting up and walking away.
Yuzuki met him while he was walking and gave him the coffee.
"Thanks." Yosuki said smiling and rubbing her head, which led Yuzuki to practically melt.
The whole room appeared to freeze at once. A drop of water still glistened on Rosalia's lips, as she held her glass up. Rin dropped a knife, only for it to hang in mid air...

But a second later, or so it seemed, everything went back to normal. And Raùl and Daniel were nowhere to be seen.

"Did they...Did they get summoned to a fight?"
Yosuki and Yuzuki ran up to Rin. "I don't know, but it sure seems to be that way." He said. "I guess it makes since though, considering we are in Spain." Still, it troubled Yosuki that even know, fights could break out at any time.
"Where are they?! We should make sure they're ok!" Rin said frantically, "I'm calling Raùl!"

"Agreed," Rosalia added, "Anything can happen, when you're in the Jukai!"

Rin dialled once, twice, three times. No answer. So she texted Raùl instead. He answered about a minute later, announcing that he'd had to ferry Daniel to hospital. A giant vertex had attacked, he'd gone mankai, and in the process, he'd lost his sense of smell, and broken several bones.

"Something happened, and Daniel's in hospital," Rin reported, "Raùl says that Daniel wants to talk to us, after he comes around from emergency surgery."
Rosalia and Rin threw on some dry clothes, before hot-footing it down to the emergency ward, and asking for Daniel.

"He's in the Rose ward," she responded, "That's for post-op care."

"Got it, thanks," Rin answered, before running there. Daniel was only just conscious, and Raùl was at his side, along with the rest of his team.

"So you came," Daniel said weakly, coughing.
Yosuki and Yuzuki, following the lead, also put dry clothes on. Before following to the room. Yosuki had nothing to say to him. "Of course we came!" Yuzuki said. "We're your friends right?"
"Heh...So you came too, Yuzuki?" Daniel rasped, swallowing back a wave of... He didn't even want to think about it, "Listen, kid. I have something to say that's kinda hero only stuff. You might wanna step outside, as it's...It's..."

"It's about a vertex," Raùl finished, "A huge one."
Daniel tried to sit up, only to find that he didn't have the strength, for now. He fell to his back, coughing, before he continued.

"We were up against a massive vertex," he began, "This one...It's like nothing you've ever seen before. It's huge, and it can fuse with other vertexes, and if you get too close, it'll blow you to bits!"

Raùl cleared his throat. "We're telling you, it was awful. We really thought we were gonna fail," he said miserably, "Apparently, it's called Leo, and it hasn't hit Japan yet...We just had to warn you."

Rin swallowed. Leo. She'd heard that name before. This vertex was bizarre, and uniquely inhuman, able to fuse with others, and launch fireballs the size of the sun at enemies.

"Shinju alive..."
Yosuki turned towards Rin. "If Leo just hit Spain, that means we need to be prepared when we get back to japan." He said. "We may get attacked as soon as we step off of the plane."