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Private/Closed The Kerlo Reigon

Ziro moved around in his sleep then he woke up and he shook his head then he saw Valkery and frost and he smiled then he laid on the bed still awake. Frost yawned then he woke up and he blushed as she licked his fur. he started to howl as she licked him "hey..Val...this mean what i think it does" he blushed then he pressed his nuzzel into hers and he kissed her.
Valkery decided to play with him for abit and pushed him into his back before licking under his muzzle. She pulled away and stood up, stepping away and swaying her tail. She winked and stretched, "Volkit kit kit" or "maybe. I haven't decided yet".
Gale stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in a loose fitting t-shirt and loose shorts. Her hair was wet and she was running a brush through it.
Frost blushed then he got up and he followed her and he got beside her and he cuddled up to her "Dir ice"or "aww cmon you know you like me" he smirked at her. Ziro looked at her and he walked over to her and he hugged her "hey Cutie" he kissed her cheek
Valkery shrugged and nudged him away from her. She smirked and pounced on him, only looking away when Marko grumbled at the to go to sleep. She curled up on her pillow and looked at Frost as she waited for him to follow her. Gale giggled and kissed Ziro on the nose, "didn't mean to wake you but if we are going to challenge the gym leader we all need sleep".
Frost smirked then he nudged her back. He blushed when she pounced on him then he got up and he followed her and he curled up to her. Ziro smirked then he kissed her back. "yeah we need to sleep silly" he smiled then he brushed back her hair then he heard a knock on the door and he opened it and it was Zina and she looked like she was sad "is something wrong Zina " ziro asked. Zina nodded then she frowned "i feel lonely now that i know you are with her..." she drooped then she smiled "i was gonna ask if you two would help me find someone" she blushed
Gale peaked her head around Ziro and waved. Her hair still wet and dripping on the floor. She pushed Ziro out of the way and pulled Zina into the room, sitting her down in a chair and collapsed onto the bed, "so what are you looking for in a partner. We can't help you if we don't know what your looking for".
Zina blushed then she looked down "um if i told you promise not to judge" she looked down then she rubbed her legs together. "Of course not Zina we would never judge you" Ziro said with a smile. Zina smiled then she looked at gale "ok...i like girls only " she drooped then she laid back in the chair "so there i told you" she blushed.
"No judgement. Well that narrows our area of search. She smiled and rolled around on her bed before yelping as she fell off of it. She laughed when she lanes on her back, spooking her Pokemon. She sat up again and pulled her into a ponytail, "we can start looking tomorrow after we have all slept. You can stay here in my room if you want".
"thanks Gale " Zina smiled then she looked at her and she grinned "you guys are the best." she giggled when she fell off the bed but then she fell out of her chair and she only laughed when she did this. "yay i can't wait to find that someone" she said then she stooped when said she could stay in her "wait you trust me" she looked happy and confused "thank you" she hugged her tight
"No problem. Your a friend of Ziro," Gale giggled as she looked at Zina, she fixed her shirt so that it didn't fall to far down and yawned. She stood up and crawled into her bed, wrapping herself in a blanket. She rubbed her eyes and titled her head, "well we should all get to bed. We have a gym to beat and a girl to find. Now lights out"!
Zina chucked then she nodded then she laid beside Gale and she smiled "good night guys..." she giggled then she fell asleep right after that. Ziro smirked then he laid down on the other side of Gale and he cuddled up to her then he fell asleep.
(next day)
Ziro woke up and he yawned a little then he moved over to Gale and he hugged her "hey wakey wakey Gale " he kissed her cheek then he got up "cmon lets get ready then we can do what we want" Ziro said. Zina woke up when Ziro yelled. "good morning everyone " she said cheerfully
Gale grumbled in her sleep. Not wanting to wake up, she batted Ziro away and pulled the blankets over her head, she grumbled loudly. Valkery meowed in displeasure at the noise, pulling Frost closer with her paws so she could use him as a pillow. Marko slowly got up as did Nyx nudging their sleeping partners awake as well.
Ziro shook her again "wake up baby we have a big day ahead"he pouted. Frost gasped then he moved around "Dir ice" he groaned then he whimpered. Ivy gasped then she got up and she used her vine whips to slap everyone. Flare got up and she yawned.
Gale yelped loudly when Ivy whipped her. Sitting up and stretching, hair a mess and shirt falling off one shoulders. She looked around at everyone and smiled sheepishly, "sorry. I'm not the best at mornings. Just give me a moment to get dressed and ready, I'll be out in a moment". She then grabbed her clothes and stumbled into the bathroom so she could get ready.
Zina gasped then she ran to her room and she took a shower and changed then in a few 5 mins. she came back and she sat down on the bed , she was wearing a red t-shirt and a light blue skirt. "its alright gale we all arn't" Ziro smiled then he looked at her and he waited for her to get done so he could get dressed
Gale walked out, clothes fresh and changed and hair done to its usual state. She smiled at every one and waved for Ziro to use the bathroom. Valkery slowly woke up, still hugging Frost and decided to bug him by grooming his ears slowly. Marko fixed his mess that he made last night and Nyx licked the side of flame's face.
Ziro smiled then he walked in the bathroom and he took a shower real quick then he changed his clothes and got into his normal day clothes and came back out and he went up behide her and he grabbed her then he kissed her cheek "love yah" he winked. Frost gasped then he blushed "Dir ice " or " hey....that tickles" Ivy looked at marko and she smiled. Flame looked at nyx and she licked her cheek
"Vol, kit kit Volkit kit vol vol," Valkery meowed not letting up on the grooming. She smirked and cleaned closer to his muzzle but didn't kiss him. She then stood and walked over to, pawing at her leg til she picked her up, 'oh I know. But it's fun to watch you squirm. Cute".

Gale scratch behind her ears and she purred loudly. Marko smiled back at Ivy. Nyx nuzzled against flame happily.
Ziro walked over to Frost and he picked him up "hey buddy you found yourself a girlfriend" he teased then he smiled "cmon gale lets go find that girl for our friend here" he smiled at Zina, who was smiling happily "thank you guys" Zina smiled happily
Valkery stuck her touge put at Frost then climbed onto Gale's shoulders, purring loudly and nuzzling her trainer. Gale opened the door for everyone after grabbing what she needed. Marko followed her after giving Ivy a quick nuzzle and Nyx did the same. They waited in the hall, for everyone.
Ziro smirked then he let Frost laid on his head then he walked outside then he smiled at gale. "i can't wait to help Zina" he whispered. Zina came out right behide him and she waited for Ivy and Flame to come out and she then shut the door after everyone was out.
Gale led the way, zooming through the halls and into the main pokecentre. Her Pokemon had chased after her and almost ran into her when she skidded to a stop infront of the door. She did a few more stretched and groaned happily when her back popped, "best way to start a morning is by making your friends run a little. No harm in it"!
Ziro and Zina chuckled then they ran after gale and they ran right into her and they fell outside all on top of gale, Zina's on top of gale and ziro on top of zina "Opps sorry guys" Ziro blushed then he got up then he smirked " Yeah sorry Gale" Zina said then she licked Gale's cheek for the fun of it then she got off her "hehe so can we go find that girl for me..." she said excited.
"Not problem," Gale laughed and wiped her cheek with her sleeve. She tucked her hands in her pockets, beaming brightly. Valkery meowed bouncing away then back, holding berries for herself and teammates. She took a large bite out of hers before passing it over to Frost. Marko slips his and Nyx's to share with flame and Ivy.
Frost looked at Valkery then he jumped down from Ziro head and he tackled her and he bite down on the berry and he smirked "Dir ice" or "thanks darling" he winked after. Flame blushed then she took at bite of the berry. "ziro look at your flame did she and nyx fall in love?" Zina asked. Ziro chuckled "yep it looks like it" ivy blushed then she ate it. "ok lets get going..i want my bestie to be happy" Ziro said then he put a arm around both of the girls.
"Come on let's go," Gale cheered and Valkery threw Frost off.
The water type huffing loudly and padding after her trainer, trying to hide her small blush. Nyx and Marko finished their berries, Marko decided to give Ivy a piggyback ride. Nyx just floated around Flame. Gale was walking away from them backwards, "hurry up slow pokes"!
Ziro smirked then he ran up to Gale and he smiled. Frost ran after her.
The fire type chuckled then he cuddled up to her fur. Ivy giggled then she smiled. Flame smiled then she ran after gale. Zina giggled then she ran after them and she smiled.
Valkery huffed ignoring the fire type beside her. She stuck her nose in the air, ears twitching as she listened to noise. Gale slowed down and started to look around happily, "so! Do you see anyone you like. Do you have anybody in mind"?

Marko carried the grass type happily chasing after his trainer. Nyx floated behind Flame. Valkery smirked and pushed away from Frost to go flirt with a Purrloin near by.
Frost chuckled then he bite on her ears and he licked her cheek. Zina looked around and she saw a young trainer who had long purple hair and she smiled"her...she looks cute " she blushed alittle.

Ivy blushed then she held on to marko tight. Flame smiled then she ran faster. Frost gasped then he ran up to her and he tackled her "Dir ice" or "sorry mr. purrloin ...she doesn't know better" frost said then he pulled her away.
"Well then go talk to her! She what's like and if she interested," Gale laughed pushing the team plasma member toward the purple haired girl. Valkery fought against Frost, hissing at him. She pushed herself away and glared at the water, striding away and digging her claws into the ground, "vol vol kit Volkit! Kit kit Vol" or "I can't believe you! I'm trying to have some fun"!
The water type climbed a new by tree and started to groom herself so that she looked presentable after he had tackled her.
Zina gasped then she walked over to the girl and she waved "um hello there" she waved at her and she drooped a little then she sat down next to her. Frost drooped then he climbed up to tree and he nuzzeld her "dir ice ice" or "i'm sorry...i didn't mean it".
"Volkit kit kit. Vol vol kit Volkit," Valkery ignored him, continuing to groom herself of ruffled fur. Her tail swayed softly and the ribbon on it followed. She kept her eyes narrowed and started licking her shoulder fur. She then turned to Frost and nipped his nose to show before turning back to her grooming, "green doesn't look good on you. Jealousy is not a flattering shade".
Gale giggled as she watched Zina interact with the girl and walked over to a small coffee stand to grab her and Ziro one.
(OOC: i thought you would have been the girl)
Frost smirked then he grinned at her then he nodded "Dir ice" Frost said with a laugh. he played with her tail then he blushed when she nipped his nose. he smirked then he nipped at her ears. "yeah i doesn't " he smirked
Zina drooped then she waited for the girl to reply 'this is never gonna work' she thought.
(I can be her if you want)
The girl unplugged her headphones and tilted her head. She looked surprised when she saw Zina then smiled. She shook her short hair and grinning sheepishly, "uh sorry I didnt hear what you said? I was listening to music".
Valkery ears twitched and her face became quite warm. She batted him away from her ears, growling as he did that. Her tail stood on end and she tucked it under her, "Volkit! Kit kit vol vol Volkit!" or 'stop! Those are sensitive you idiot!'
Zina smiled then she sat beside her and she giggled "ohh i didn't know " she smiled then she looked at her and she waved "i said hi " she blushed a little then she brushed down her skirt as she sat beside the girl "so whats your name"
Frost chuckled then he nipped on her ears again. when she batted him away , he smiled then he hugged her tight. His tail wagged slowly and he smirked. "Dir ice" or "aww cmon you like it"
"Mimi and you are? Also hi," Mimi waved before flicking her hair out of her face and grinned. She offered her hand and the seat beside her. Her teal eyes dancing with curiosity.
Valkery hissed at him and tried to squirm out from under him. She mewed softly when he nibbled on her ears, the appendages freezing until she pressed them against her skull. She pawed at frost's muzzle, tail flickering behind her. She couldn't run back down the tree because Frost was in her way so she decided to play dirty. She looked up at him and batted her eyes, small little pink hearts surrounded her, "Volkit vol kit kit voooool" or 'and what if I do? What are you going to do about it?'
(Valkery used attract)
" Zina and nice to meet you " Zina smiled then she brushed back her hair out of her eyes then she smiled at her. then she took her hand and she sat beside her.
Frost gasped then he got hit by the attract and he smiled lovely then he rubbed his cheek on her then he jumped on top of her and he winked "Dir ice ice" or "hey Valkery why do you look so cute today" he said then he kissed her muzzle
Valkery swear dropped when her plan backfired and she squirmed more trying to kick him off of her. She felt her fur ignite with a blush when he kissed her muzzle. She pushed herself free and leapt out of the tree knowing that Frost didn't have her feline build. She ran and hid in a bush, the only way you could tell she was there was the ribbon sticking out.
"So what can I do for yah, Zina? Or do you usally walk up to strangers and say hi," Mimi joked, raising a brow and smirking. A Pidove landed on her shoulder and she handed it a berry.
Frost grinned then he jumped down and he saw her tail and he smirked. "Dir ice ice " or "oh Valkery where are you i...just want to make you feel like a kitten" he snuck up on her and he jumped on her and he cuddled up to her then he kissed her cheek "Dir ice " or "i found you...."
Zina blushed then she shook her head then she smirked "no i kind of thought you were cute so i want get to know you more" she blushed then she smiled at her "so you like to feed pokemon"