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Private/Closed Pokemon Warcraft! Discussion

Which jewel should be the next one?

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Name: Nora Draak
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Guild: N/A, for now, she is just wandering around, trying to find a guild that she would like.
Class/Job: Dragon Tamer
Element: Fire (I gave myself no choice, lol)
Height: 5'1
Weight: 110 pounds
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Hazel
Clothing: Nora wears the traditional leathers of her people, a symbol of a Noivern with its wings outstretched. She also has an ax on her left side with a short sword on her left. She has a grey kipsnack, where she stores her wooden horn and crossbow, along with other items, like food.
Personality: Nora is a headstrong individual who is very impatient. She is very ignorant about the current happenings due to her life. She tends to speak before she thinks. Heck! She does everything before she thinks. She has a good heart though and will try to help out others when she can, even is it puts her in mortal danger.
Skills: She is adept at using her one-handed war-ax, but can also use a crossbow and sword. She also can ride Dragon-types due to her training back at home. She can light her weapon on fire. Lastly, she is much better at talking to Dragon-types, and she can even convince some to team up, temporarily.
Weakness: She is not good at ranged attacks due to the crossbow taking so long to recharge. She has not mastered the Dragon Tamer class yet, so most of her skills are sloppy. She also has light armor due to the fact she is training for the hardest sub-class to master. (I have dubbed it Dragon Rider, a subclass of Dragon Tamer)
Noibat (Wyra)
Ability- Infiltrator
Personality- Wyra is a silly little thing. She enjoys to spin, flip, and turn. Playing is one of her favorite activities. Wyra is very outgoing and tends to fly off to meet other Pokemon.
Shiny Sligoo (Goo)
Ability- Hydration
Personality- Goo is not the smartest Pokemon, due to him being a snail. However, he is very faithful to Nora and will stand by her side, even if things aren't looking to bright.
Background: Nora came from a village of Dragon Tamers, her parents being Tamers themselves. Filled with pride of her secluded village, she trained hard to learn the ways of a Dragon Tamer. However, a teacher only got you so far when it came to Dragon Tamers. She had to do the rest herself. Now she is training to become a full-blown Dragon Tamer.
As I said earlier, I'll make another character later...
My three player Characters.

Name: Ashley Lina Silver

Age: 23

Guild: Stormbreakers

Class: Bard

Element: Wind

Gender: Female

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 155 Lbs

Hair: Silver

Eyes: Baby Blue

Clothing: She wears a light blue blouse, silver breeches, boots and an overcoat of the same color as the the breeches, she also wears chainmail under her shirt.
Skills: She can cast some magic from her songs, and has skill in use of a rapier. She also has High social skills.

Weaknesses: She still doesn't sleep well, and can be too flirtatious at times (this is being worked on).

Kato (Male Greninja)

Ability: Torrent

Personality: Much like it's trainer, minus the flirtatiousness.

Windchime (Female Chimecho)

Ability: Levitate

Personality: She is friendly to the point of appearing in front of people's faces on first encounter.

Background: She was the daughter of a minor Lord, who died in the last war, she was trained in the use of a Rapier when she was six, and has been using one ever since, when she was thirteen, she travelled the world, learning Bardic magic under the Earth Bard Tobias the Orange. When she was 17, she wandered into a Stormbreakers mission and has been with the guild ever since.

Tempest's Character sheet

Name: Tempest Silver

Age: 20

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 264 lbs

Class: Druid

Appearance: Wears a lot of brown cloths, normally, but for this dance, he wears a brown formal robe, nice shirt and pants under it, and a silver cloak with the clan symbol on the back.

Personality: A very shy kid, but serious, and has his uncle's analysis skills along with the strategic abilities of his father.

Abilities: He is a druid and has the ability to summon up to twenty wild Pokemon at once, as long as they are within one mile, he knows some healing, not as much as Maira,

Weaknesses: outside of Nature, he can't do much of anything.

Background: He is Ashley's nephew, and Jason's son, he was born when Ashley was about two and a half years old. When he was six he, along with Ashley were targeted for a Kidnapping, his grandmother (Ashley's mother) died protecting them, and the kidnapper was killed. His father died in the last war in the events of season one.


Leafeon with Chlorophyll (Female)
Personality: Leafeon is very sweet, and is highly protective of younger Pokemon.

Meganium with Leaf Guard (Male)
Personality: He is Much like his trainer, but less shy.

That wraps up Tempest's sheet and here's the new one who I came up with, the Heir to the Dancing Polaxes

Name: Rocco Silverwing

Age: 18 (13)

Gender: Male

Class: Barbarian

Guild: Stormbreakers

Element: Water

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 190

Hair color: Red

Eye color: silver

Personality: Very serious, more so than even his predecessor, and protective. He is decently educated, due to training with Ashley's father, he is rather bulky, and would rather focus the enemy on him.

Skills: Can swim, wields a special technique, known as The Dancing Polaxes, which is Darryl Silver's fighting style, he isn't very Agile.

Weakness: Long range, along with his Agility.


Blastoise (Turret)

Ability: Torrent

Personality: He is exactly like his trainer.

Tyranitar (Shiny)

Ability: Sand Stream

Personality: Much like his deceased trainer, he is a strong fighter, and assists his new trainer with the fights, since he knows the style.

Background: He is the heir to The battle Style Dancing Polaxes, a dual wielding Poleaxe fighting style, he was trained to use this style when he was eight, due to his massive strength. That strength came from a pact he formed with a being just below the Elemental King of Water, The Leviathan. He met one when his family was attacked. It spoke through a Gyarados and gave him a twentieth of its power as part of the pact.
Well, she clearly hasn't changed much.

Name: Emma Fyst
Gender: Female
Age: 24!
Guild: Who needs one when you're at the queen's beck and call? (Technically a Stormbreaker)
Class/Job: War Master (Check FE 3 Houses for reference)
Element: Lightning
Height: 4"6' (Yay! One inch!)
Weight: 113 lbs.
Hair: Chestnut
Eyes: Lilac
Clothing: Don't expect her to stick to one outfit. She often changes her looks, but has always been fond of purples, oranges, and yellows. When not suited up, she generally likes skirts, frilly tops, and don't ever try to put a cape on her.
Personality: She's always liked the idea of big fist over big brain, but she tends to be relatively positive. She gets agitated easily, but as long as gets food, drink, and idiots to punch, you don't have to worry.
Skills: She's stronger than before, and tougher as well. She easily surpassed her previous strength, but it took some training to improve her endurance.
Weaknesses: Still pretty dumb, simple as that. She still tries to punch magic spells, with... varying levels of success.

Pokemon: Her previous Pokemon have been left either with the guild or assist the queen now. Pack is with Rolan, and Brian has been left to assist in more fancy matters.

Tybalt (Farfetch'd, Galarian):
Ability: Steadfast
Personality: Generally grumpy, what with being forced to be Emma's errand boy. He secretly hopes to surpass his "master" so he may shove her face in the dirt.

Mack (Applin)
Ability: Ripen
Personality: He's a simple child, cheery, tiny, and always willing to snuggle. He may not be that helpful, but he's nice to be around. He smells like peaches! ...Wait...

Background: In the past five years, Emma has been working her way up, always making sure she was Azumi's right hand. She's not gonna lie though, she was always jealous of how Azumi got a man before her. Regardless, she's stayed loyal through the years, occasionally helping out the Stormbreakers.
Name: Alice Voleuse
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Guild: N/A not looking for a guild.
Class/Job: Thief For Hire
Element: Shadow
Height: 5'
Weight: 108 lbs
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Light Blue
Personality: Alice is a con-artist that has no care for the rules. She doesn't care much for others and tends to care for the pay. She only cares for her two Pokemon. However, she can form friendships if someone is either persistent enough or if she finds their company enjoyable, as proved with her two Pokemon.
Skills: Is silent and can turn herself invisible with her shadow powers. She is skilled with her bow and two daggers. Is a quick thinker.
Weakness: She is not very good at hand to hand fighting. If she is caught by surprise, she is helpless.
Nickit (Vixie)
Ability- Unburdened
Personality- Vixie is a trickster who likes to play pranks on her trainer. She also assists her trainer with her heists though sometimes reluctantly.
Slandit (Sneaky)
Ability- Crossion
Personality- She is a sneaky Pokemon that is eager to assist her trainer. She is also devious small Pokemon who enjoys stealing.
Background: Alice was raised by two thieves. She quickly learned everything her parents had to teach her. She moved multiple times as a child, evading the law with her parents. Now that she was old enough to set out on her own, she is starting her own minor heists.
Name: Rolen Nailoen

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Guild: Storm Breakers (Current Leader)

Class/Job: Wizard

Element: Light

Height: 6’0

Weight: 165ish- lbs.

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Hazel

Outfit: He has a few different ones for different situations... but he normally wears either a Wizard’s Robe or a more casual outfit with a shirt, long pants and a belt. Sometimes a vest is added to this.

Personality: He is a very quiet individual around people he is not farmiliar with. He can be very stubborn at times, and he will absolutely ignore you if you go against his morals. (As usual, I develop personality more during the RP)

Skills: Due to his connection with the light element, he can manipulate the light reflecting off of objects to create illusions. For example, he could change the light reflecting off a person’s face to give them a disguise. He can use this to control color, intensity, and potentially even the shape of the object’s appearance. Oh, and potentially barriers of light. Those are all innate, Light connected abilities. He also has some spells, but they require studying of the spell from a spellbook and components that can sometimes be hard to come by. These are not good for emergencies unless he already has them prepared and only needs a keyword/word of command to activate.

Weakness: Most human weaknesses. Wizards are not known for being particularly tanky... he cannot wear armor, since it impedes movement and distracts him while trying to cast spells. You can also attack his morals.


Espeon (Male) (Synchronize?)

Morning Sun
Sunny Day

(Original version of this character is a D&D character of mine. Same name, same class... however, I have needed him quite a bit.)

Rolen was a ‘commoner’, but due to his magical potential he was apprenticed to a Wizard. I honestly don’t have much to put here, other than that his mentor told him when his apprenticeship ended that he should join a guild. This was the first guild that accepted him.

Name: Maira Arvich

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Guild: Storm Breakers

Class/Job: Healer

Element: Earth

Height: 5’5

Weight: 120-ish lbs.

Appearance: Maira is a slim girl with long, auburn-blonde hair which goes about halfway down her back. She has brown eyes, and is causican.

Outfit: She usually wears dresses. They have to be changed relatively often, due to the amount of grime, blood and other nastiness she deals with when tending to people. She has a large bag filled with various components for making medicines.

Personality: She is enthusiastic in the extreme. She is very optimistic, and pretty naive as well. She is easily fooled as she generally takes people at their word, but she is very knowledgeable about anything pertaining to medicine or the wilderness. She always does her best to be helpful, and worries a lot when she feels like she cannot do anything to help a friend. (As per usual, personality will be developed more in the RP.)

Skills: She is an Expert at finding edible or medicinal plants in the countryside, especially in forest, plains, and to a lesser extent, swamp. She also has a knack for communicating with Wild Pokémon. Not anything huge, like persuading a swarm of Beedril to stop attacking, but more like understanding why the Beedril are attacking. They understand her better, she understands them better. Due to her connection to the Earth element, she has some healing magic that is used alongside her medicinal knowledge. However, she cannot use any magic if she is not touching the ground. (I think she would be fine in a tree, but it wouldn’t work if she was suspended above the ground, like from a Psychic or on an Air Ride Pokemon.)

Weakness: She is not very combative, and is compatively young. She does not have any way to defend herself in battle, so she has to hide and/or provide healing support to the best of her ability. Her powers will not work unless she is touching the ground. Not to mention she is easily tricked.


Togetic, and probably Bob the Alolan Rattata

Background: Maira lived in a small village in the south of Kelan for most of her life. Her grandmother was a great healer, and Maira was inspired by her and wanted to follow in her footsteps. She has now been wandering around providing healing services to the poor, and earning a living by traveling into the wilderness to find rare herbs and other medicines and selling them to apothecaries. She wants to help people, and will join the guild if she meets them and one of their members needs help.

I may add a new character as well, but that will have to come later.
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Name: Kaiden

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Guild: Stormbreakers

Class: Summoner?

Element: Earth

Height: 5’3

Weight: 148 lbs.

Appearance: Kaiden has ruddy skin and thick hair, which is a shade of light brown. His eyes are a very dull orange.

Outfit: Kaiden wears a simple outfit most of the time, consisting of shirt, pants, and large boots. He wears straps on his arms as decoration.

Personality: He joined the guild because he thought it would be a very good opportunity to learn to use his powers. He is generally a nice person, but he is a bit power hungry and prone to temptation.

Skills: He is able to temporarily revive fossil Pokémon to fight for him. It drains a lot of energy, and at the moment he can only summon one at a time, and only basic Pokémon. He always knows the direction of the nearest fossil or other mineral item of value.

Weaknesses: He is vulnerable to most attacks, especially when controlling a Fossil Pokémon. In this state he can control it, and see through its eyes, but he is left vulnerable to attacks. If he exits the state in order to dodge the fossil will vanish, and will take a lot of energy to summon another.

Pokémon: Any fossil he summons.

Backstory: Kaiden was one of the children from Miss Bramble’s orphanage. He never knew who his dad was, and his mother died when he was four. Having met Amra and Rolen, he decided he wanted to join the guild as soon as he was old enough.
Here are my updated character sheets. I know I am not using all of them, but this will help me to be able to keep track of them. The main three are Amra, Phoenix, and the new character, Storm. I am still working on how I want Storm to look, so I will update it as soon as I figure out how I want him to look.
Name: Sarah Blackwell-Stone
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Species: ArchAngel/Moon Elf(formally Human)
Sexuality: Straight
Guild: Stormbreakers (Second in Command) Though she will be on a long break since the birth of her two children.
Element: Light and Darkness
Job: Assassin (Formally) Stay at home mother(Current)
Personality: Sarah is very kind and tends to act very motherly towards others especially children. Though that does not mean that she does not have a temper, because once you set her off then you will not like this mom.
Physical Looks: Sarah has very long hair it has grown to touch the floor, and is white with a hint of very light purple. She stands around 5'3" and has a small petite build. She has bright pink eyes that are surrounded by very long and black lashes. On her right arm is a muted tattoo of a brick wall, with roses on a vine. She also has golden wings that she is able to hide when she wants to. Her ears are slightly pointed. Her eyes have a slight slant to them, and her skin has a slight yellowish tint to it.
Clothing: For clothing she tends to wear a black dress that comes to about the knees and sleaves that come to elbows. There are lace details that decorate the hem of the dress and go along with the heels that she wears. Her ever present coker is still there as it was a gift from Zack her husband.
Abilities: Sarah is able to fly, can shift from one place to the next as long as there is shadow there. Can use healing magic to some extent, can summon light based attacks. She has lost some of the darkness powers that she had because of the merging of the being. She is also able to speak and talk with angels.
Skills: She is a master of poisons and is able to make them and use them. She is able very skilled with daggers and her crossbows. Though not as great with a sword, she is still able to use one if the need is there. She is also trained in staves and how to fight with them. In the past five years, she has learned to channel her magic though a staff.
Weakness: Demonic magic or demon made weapons.
Umbre: Umbre has been with Sarah for a long time. She has essentially been with Sarah since she was born after the assassin busted up a pouching operation and freed the pokemon from the man who had them trapped.
Other: Sarah actually has three children. Two of them are blood related, the other one was adopted by her and Zack when they went to visit Miss. Bramble's orphanage.
Name: Amra
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Species: Elf
Sexuality: Straight
Guild: Stormbreakers
Element: Fighting
Class: Ranger
Physical Looks: Long metallic pink hair. It is very straight and come to her lower back. She has blunt bangs that rest just above her eyebrows. Amra has long pointed ears that can be seen when her hair is up in a ponytail. Amra is slim and sleek. Her face is very model like. She has flawless pale skin. Her eyes are a silvery white color. On her left shoulder she has a silver metallic tribal tattoo. She also tends to wear a black smokie eye and a red lipstick
Clothing: Amra tends to wear a black tank top and black leather pants. She tends to wear a black leather jacket. Her shoes are a pair of black boots that come over her pants. There is a belt that hangs at a diagonal at her waist. On this holds two daggers. On her back is a long bow and quiver of arrows. The bow looks like it is made of a black metal of some kind. On her neck rests a heart shaped locket.
Weakness: Amra's element has a draw back to it. There has been a demonic force that has been after the elven royalty for a long time. It is relentlessly after the youngest of the royal line and if it ever has a chance, it will take over her body. When atuned to her gem sword, she is single minded and will do what it takes to take out her opponent.
Gene: Persian (Male) he evolved from the meowth that was given to Amra after they were old enough to be away from Fifi.
Flare: Rapidash (Female)
Fluff: Lopunny (Female, Shiny)
Other: Amra has a sword that is made of a white gem that is able to take the shape of multiple different weapons. Is also dating Rolen.
Name: Phoenix
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Species: Elf
Sexuality: Gay
Guild: Stormbreakers
Class: Inventer
Element: Fire
Personality: Phoenix is very playfull and tends to tinker with things. He has always had a knack for creating things that go boom, and most of the time he does it on accident. He is also very naive in the sense that he tends to mess up on some of the things he is making. Like the time he turned himself purple with a bathbomb that he tried to create he has since mastered them.
Physical Looks: Phoenix has long dark red hair that is almost always pulled up into a high ponytail. Though when down it is very curly and comes down to the middle of his back. He has very pale skin and flawless complexion. His eyes are a bright blue that seem to almost glow. Phoenix stands around 6'0 tall and has a sleek and toned build. His ears are pointed and are covered by his hair when down.
Clothing: On the top of his head he almost always has a pair of goggles that he uses when working on a poject. Phoenix tends to wear a pair of black leggings under a blue sweater, and combat boots on his feet. On his neck he has a simple black coker.
Abilities: He is very limber and flexible. He can control and manipulate fire even to the point of absorbing it into himself.
Skills: Phoenix has created a lot of inventions that are used in combat. He is very skilled in many type of instruments, and has a great singing voice. He is able to make potions and has learned a lot from Maria on how to create benifecul ones. He is also a skilled painter though that did not come about until the rebuilding of the new guild house and Phoenix created painting of the members who lost their lives for the war.
Weakness: Water used in a harmful manner towards him causes a lot damage to him. He also created a lot of damage to himself sometimes when an invention of his backfires.
Blaze: Flareon (Male)
Sass: Mightyena (Female)
Other: He is a very well known builder and artist thanks to the guild house that he built almost by himself. The library is very much his baby thanks to time he sunk into it. He is also dating Jason Blackwell
Name: Jason Blackwell
Age: 31 (though he still looks like he would be 18 )
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Sexuality: Gay
Guild: Stormbreakers
Class: Mage
Element: Life and Death- They go hand in hand. You can not have one without the other. It is also very rare and only two people are known to have this element.
Personality: Jason is very calm and tends to stay to himself. Though he is not unfriendly to people he tends to stick to Phoenix then going out of his way to meet others. He is almost always reading something and will have a bag full of books that he carries with him everywhere.
Physical Looks: Jason stands at 5'3. He. Has a very small build. He looks younger then he is, because of his height and his small build. He is not toned, but does not really have any fat on him at all. His eyes are bright vivid pink like his sister Sarah. He also has long black lashes. He tends to wear some cat eyeliner that makes his slanted eyes more prominent. His skin is very pale almost white with the slightest hint of yellow. His hair is pale blond. He tends to wear his hair up in a ponytail with his bangs and fringe hanging down. When his hair is put all the way down, it comed to the middle of his back and very straight, with some layers to it. In his ears he wears a pair of gauges, that look to be made of a blood red gem. Around his neck he wears a choker that looks to be made of black metal.
Clothing: Jason wears a long dark purple leather jacket that comes down to his knees. For a shirt he wears a white v neck shirt that conforms to his chest. Black form fitting leather pants are some of his favorite to wear. Jason wears black combat boots with a steel toe on them.
Weapons: Life Spellblade sword- It is an Elven made sword. It is black in color, with the same rose gold veins running up the blade. The handle is made of a pure white diamond. Engraved into the handle is a forest with an Alolan Ninetails sitting with it's tails fanned around itself.
Death Spellblade- It is another elven made sword. It is made of stealth rock like the life sword is. There is also rose gold veins running up the blade. The handle is made of oynx with the same forest. The forest parts and a ninetails can be seen with it's tails fanned around itself.
-Skilled potion maker
-Skilled in healing magic and able to cure most ailments, though it takes a lot for him to do and drains his power to do so.
-He has spent a long time hiding and knows how to get around most things.
Weakness: If he did not have the red gauges in his ears, he would not be able to be out in the daylight. He has some trouble with the sun, light in general actually. Light spells work extremely well against him. If he uses his powers excessively then he will be drained and pretty much useless. He has to have some kind of blood in order to survive.
Pokemon: Ember (Ninetails, Female), Frost (Alolan Ninetails, Male)
Other: Dating Phoenix. Ex-Organization X member.
Name: Rowena Blackwell
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Sexuality: Straight
Guild: Solar Flare
Element: Ice (Some control over water)
Class: Spellblade (Magical swordsman)
Personality: Rowena is very laid back and fun loving. She loves to be with others and can be a bit impulsive when it comes to things that interest her. She is a great fighter and has come toe to toe with quite a few powerfull fighters.
Physical Looks: Rowena has short dark purple hair that comes down to her shoulderblades. It is straight and has an ombre to a bright neon green. The part starts on the right and fluffs to left as she has alot of layers in her hair. Her eyes are a bright green that are from her mother's side of the family. She has pale skin with a slight tint of yellow. Rowena is taller then her siblings as she stands around 5'6. Though she has a small build, she is very toned from her training. On her cheeks she has a few freckles that she hates when they are pointed out.
Clothing: Rowena tends to wear a corset over a loose long sleave black shirt, a black skirt is worn over a pair of purple stockings. On her feet is a pair of combat boots.
Skills: She is skilled in a few different language from her studing. She is also skilled in many different types of weapons.
Weakness: She is not very skilled when it comes to large crowds and tends to tense up in them. She is also very impulsive and will pick a fight when the mood strikes her.
Icicle: Glaceon (Female
Name: Storm Cromwell
Age: 18
Gender: Androgynous Male
Species: Witch (From another Realm)
Sexuality: Gay
Guild: Eventually Joins Stormbreakers
Element: Telekinesis- she is able to move things with her mind or the use of her hands.
Class: Witch
Personality: Storm is very curious and tends to ask a lot of questions to know about the new tech that seems to be around the guild. He is someone who can and will be a pest if not told to go away. Storm will always try to find the good in others.
Physical Looks: Storm is a short spark plug standing at 5'0. His pale skin is very neutral toned, so it looks almost white in color. Storm has a very androgynous face, that most would confuse him for a girl. It does not help that he has long pastel purple hair that falls into soft waves that frames his face. His eyes are very striking and have a deep blue color to them. Though he does not wear makeup, it looks like he does as he has an flawless complexion.
Clothing: Storm is usually seen in a long dress that has a 1400 century look to it. It has bell sleaves that open at the elbows and has a tight form fitting sleve in black. The dress is dark purple in color and opens at the front that reveals a black underdress underneath. For shoes he wears a pair of ballet flats that are in black. The dress laces in the front with what looks like a corset that is sewn into the dress.
Skills: Is a skilled potion master who works to create new potions. Can cast spells that are created by her on the spoy. Can fly with her broom. She has a photographic memory and has learned quite a few languages because of it.
Weakness: Storm is incredibly Naive and trusts people way too easily. He can also be a bit clumsy and mess up a potion and cause weird side effects.
Pokemon: Aura- Galarian Ponyta, Female. Aura is a kind pokemon that looks out for Storm and tends to be a voice of reason for the curious witch.
Other: Storm has a large spellbook that he uses to write and learn his spells from. It has been passed down from one family member to the next.
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Alrighty! Time for a rundown on MY characters!

Name: Razan Takanawa

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Guild: Stormbreakers

Class: Mage

Element: Weather

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 176 lbs.

Appearance: Razan is a rather tall looking mage with dull gray eyes, and white hair. He has his hair usually slicked back.

Outfit: Razan almost always wears his trench coat like robes, white are white and blue, and yeah, that's pretty much it.

Personality: He is a very quiet person, not one to interact with other characters that much at all. He can be found out in the forest somewhere or in his room studying some sort of book.

Pokemon: Flygon and Castform

Now for my second character!

Name: Reje Katon

Gender: Male

Class: Mage/ Healer

Age: 82

Guild: Stormbreakers or Solar Flare, whichever.

Element: He has the strange element to control blood, being able to move and control it and do whatever he wants. He is very powerful.

Appearance: Mr. Katon has a wheelchair that he rides around in, and has blue eyes and thinning white hair, Usually dresses like he's going to a funeral.

Personality: Is a very kind old man, who likes to help out others. He is not afraid of dying now that he is very old, but is very protective of others around him.

Pokemon: Machamp- he's the one pushing the wheelchair xD

@Cmeriwether I don't know, what were you thinking?