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Ask to Join Outcasts 2

OH MY GOD! THE COOL... NOT cool guy is back. Wtf. Jack was a little sick of his shenanigans already, but this was crossing the line. His healing factor working like fucking Deadpool. His eyes narrowed at Rin. The guy had power, sure, but not enough. It would be nice to have this power though... you're getting sidetracked, Jack. FOCUS!
Jack was not exactly ready to reveal some unused powers, but he would if necessary. He grabbed Rin, and flung him into the wall. If this guy refused to get hurt, then Jack would make sure he could taste blood again. He dove at Rin, but shifted space ever so slightly as to appear to the left of him, then the right, throwing him off. Jack grabbed Rin once again from behind.Before the cool... grr... NOT cool guy could try some other stupid counter, Jack bit into his shoulder, and pulled back, ripping out flesh while his left arm impaled Rin through the shoulder. Jack wasn't going to relent and allow the kid to do something else this time. Jack swallowed the bloody meat along with the cloth, and disappeared again, reappearing before Rin, shoving both blades into his chest not until disappearing YET AGAIN, a few meters in front of the guy, and firing the same blast as before at him. No more playing around. He was just a stupid kid too dumb to realize he's lost already. Even if he's still kicking after this, Jack will simply kill him during his next attack. He was too sick of this guy's antics by now.
Rin took the first few hits, healing quickly. He then created a sphere in front of the blast, absorbing the abnormal amount of aura. He grunted ever so softly before sending the energy outward. He lunged forward, sweeping a leg under Jack's knee and jumped up, slamming down onto the enemy's ribs, shattering both.
... Jack is just so sick of this bullshit, he forgot to yell FUCK. Well. Time to end this.
He reached down and grabbed the guy, lifting him up. He opened his mouth to speak, which was quite hard for a muzzle. "Fuck. You." He growled as he shoved his claws into Rin's chest, gripping his heart with one hand, while the other ripped out Rin's right eye in a flash. "Fuck. You." He growled deeply as he snarled into Rin's face. If this kid wanted to live,
Better run now.
(OOC: @Dave Strider Permission to seriously injure Jack?)

Rin matched his gaze with his one good eye. "Likewise." He formed his aura into a blade of energy and sliced through the arm holding his heart. He then impaled Jack in the leg, kicking him away.
(Dude. Perfect opportunity)
Jack reared back as Rin fell, roaring in anger, pain, and humiliation. He felt the bullets hit, but they didn't do shit. Jack was pulsing with power, absolute power. He could turn them all to dust right now if his ARM DIDN'T HURT SO FUCKING- oh wait, it's just a stump. Damn... he can't grow back limbs.
Jack is distracted. Perfect opportunity to high tail it.
Rin noticed the severed arm was not healing, and took advantage of it. His energy blade grew stronger than ever before, severing the other arm and a leg. He then decided to leave and used the hatch Lucas told him about. He reverted back to his usual form and collapsed. Damn. I was in that form for too long.

(OOC: This is my last post. See you tomorrow!)
Lucas looked up at Dillon's question. "No, it wasn't going badly. Just that my attacks weren't doing shit." Lucas pressed his moonstone ring onto the wound and it slowly began to heal.
"Man, I wonder how to the fight is going on out there." Alex said as he continued to walk through the tunnel. "Oh yeah, Lucas, where does this tunnel even lead to?" Alex asked Lucas, the teen grunted as the pain increased as he continued to walk, "Man, even though it was a draw... That guy messed me up." Alex said.
Jack remained fell to the ground. His legs were right next to their stumps, and before they could heal over themselves, they began to reattach, as well as his right arm, but there was no hope for his left. Both stumps had healed. He would not be able to reattach them. He could smell his meal, but where were they? That hatch! It's too small... wait, who gives a shit? Jack could fit into that small room on the other side. He slowly got up as his body worked over time replaces cells and fixing all the damage. He needed even more power. There were still completely other continents to attack. He won round 1 with the guy. Round 2 is a little hazy, but round 3? That's always the finisher round. One of them will die. And it's definitely not going to be Jack.
"You don't know Rin and Tim, but I do," Lucas replied to Alex. "They'll be fine. My goal is to get you guys to a safe spot, then I'll come back and see what I can salvage. We're going to Quickdraw's project, Skybase or Skyfort or something like that. We'll be safe there."
Draco woke up to see noone was near him "hey guy's where are you" he called out in a loud voice so that they could hear him better "dang it, it's too dark" he thought to himself.
"I hope you're right..." Alex replied to Lucas, "Wait, who's Quickdraw?" Alex asked Lucas, Just how many Outcasts were there? Alex thought to himself. I guess there are actually many people like him and the others. Alex continued to think. "Well, we better hurry, this tunnel doesn't seem safe if a guy like that evil dude gets in here." Alex said.
Tim followed Rin into the hatch. "Come on the hatch's not going to hold him for long." He said as he started moving deeper into the tunnel to join up with the others while dragging Rin with him.
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Dillon heard looked back and could make out Rin and Tim further behind Lucas. "They made it." Dillon said taking a deep breath. "If you want to get out of here fast, then start moving like it. You're in the front after all." Dillon told Alex.
Jack leaped up through the hole, ripping apart the hole to enlarge it so he could fit, which he did. He took a step toward the next hole, a smaller one. Jack would not be able to fit through that one. He could smell them through it. He considered baking them alive inside... but he has no way of getting there. Damnit. He'd have to find a meal elsewhere. May as well crush this stupid place anyways. Make it collapse on itself. Until next time, cool DAMNIT! NOT cool guy.
Jack leaped from the hole, then rose out of the entrance into the barren night sky. He'd really obliterated this place. Just to destroy this underground base and he'd feel at least a little satisfaction, he thought as he flew high into the air, preparing for the same attack as before that caused that huge crater way over there.
"Good, we all made it." Alex said as he noticed Tim and Rin, he then turned to Dillon, "I'm sorry that I'm basically crippled and every step I take hurts more than the last." Alex grumbled to Dillon, the teen sighed and basically started running, but only lasted a few seconds before he had to walk again, "Man, this sucks."
"Come here Alex," Lucas said, closing the gap between them. Lucas shifted the bandages a little so that the injured areas were visible. "This might hurt a little," Lucas said before pressing his moonstone onto the injured areas. One by one, they slowly healed.
"So their right here?" A voice echoed from a wall in the tunnels "Yeah should be... The blueprints from the base says that it is" Another one answered, the voices seemed to stop until a Giant Mole crashed through the tunnel making another one intersect with it "Hello!" Cybele peeked her head through the newly made tunnel, followed by Alyssa "Sup..."
Jack released the energy, and like before, he left a crater in his wake. The base was gone, and possibly the entrance to that tunnel and OH SHIT IT LEADS SOMEWHERE!
Jack began frantically looking around for where it led, but he couldn't remember. It was pointless, he'd destroyed the evidence. Guess, just wait until next time, and absorb some insanely sick new powers.
Alex grunted as the moonstone was pressed on his various injuries, but after a while they were pretty much all gone and Alex was not even in pain anymore, "Woah, thanks a lot Lucas that helped a lot." Alex said, he then quickly ripped all of his bandages off accept for the ones the went from his forearms to his hands, for some reason his burns weren't fully healed yet, "They'll be fine, I actually kinda like these bandages." Alex said, holding up his arms. The teen then quickly put on his hooded sweatshirt, it was still ripped up a bit, but it would do for now. Alex then turned, "Oh, hey Alyssa. How'd you get down here?" Alex asked.
"This little Cutie is awesome by the way!" Alyssa rubbed Cybele's head and turned to Alex "Ask the girl with the Giant Mole..." Alyssa pointed behind her to Cybele, who was patting the Giant Mole on the head
"What the actual fuck?!" Dillon exclaimed as he saw Alyssa and her friend come through the tunnel with a gaint mole. "Oh great, it's drunk girl with her crazy friend. Just what we needed." Dillon said as he rolled his eyes. For all they knew, their cover could've just been broken.
Jack was leaving. They'd proven they could hold their own, and this did not settle well with Jack. He needed to be indestructible. Time to get back to work.
"Nah... That monstrosity was blowing up the base last I saw so he was probably distracted..." Alyssa explained what she saw outside "It was scary..." Cybele raised her hand in agreement
"Giant mole huh.. That's totally normal.." Alex said, looked at the thing, to him, it was quite scary looking. "Oh yeah, just what kind of power does that dude have and why does he want to kill us so bad?" Alex asked, "It just seems like everyone wants to kill us today." Alex added.
(OOC Imma go to bed, goodnight people. BIC)
"Dirk." He corrected her as he closed the tub. "And I don't do much. Just save people's asses." He shrugged as he ate some bologna. "Like you."
"Oh... okay..." She looked about the Warehouse. It was not exactly comfortable, or a place she'd like to call home. "So what am I doing here?" She asked, unsure as to why he'd brought her here.
"I don't know. You don't have to stay." He replied as he began to walk away, unsheathing his Katana and getting in a fighting stance. A training dummy sat before him. Battered and beaten. It was well used.
As Hyrain was flying back down from his stratospheric flight (Being AFK. I'm just gonna use that as my excuse), he spotted something flying below him, and swooped lower to investigate. It appeared to be... Well, he couldn't tell what it was meant to be, but he could tell it was missing a limb. "Hey. You all right?" Hyrain asked it, leveling out so he was flying alongside it.
Jack turned to the other being beside him, and was immediately angered by it. It's obvious that Jack's wings are far more impressive. This fucker is trying to compete! Letting out a bark, he stopped midair and lunged at Hyrain, arm outstretched, claws unsheathed.
Gale hD went out hunting again. Once more in her primal form but this time walking between the tree. She smelt blood and moved faster. Her body straightened out so that she would move faster. She saw Jon and a confused noise rose up into her throat as she stood over him now. Carefully she picked him up in her mouth and took off into the sky. She stayed low as she travelled back home, long tongue acting as a seat belt of sorts as it wrapped around him. She landed and crawled into her den, shifting back and treating his wounds with the help of rosa.
Jon moaned a little bit as his eyes opened up. How did he survive that? He felt a bit of pain from where Syler pushed his blade into him. He looked and saw Rosa. He smiled a little bit before doing his best to be calm and respectful towards her. "Hey there it's been awhile."
"Mom will be back. She just left to find you food," rosa waved to him in hello as she made up a bed of moss. She laid down and looked up at the ceiling of the den with a hum. She got comfortable before she spoke quietly with her friends, "I hope you are okey. The shadows holding you together are still combating the injuries inside".
"Mom?" he asked as he did his best to look at her. " Well that the shadows for me." He said with a wide smile. " I never got you're name." He said.
"I never gave it," she mumbled and ate a strawberry from beside her. She stretched her arms and rolled onto her side, trying to ignore the sounds of a battle.

Gale stepped into her den with a rumble. Her wings folding up as she put a small basket of apples and a rabbit inside the room. She shifted back behind a screen she had built and walked out to start cooking, "you shouldn't be up. That wound is pretty bad and I'm just getting you some food".
He wanted to make a remark to the shadow girl's comment but decided not to. He looked at the new comer. " I'm awake I'm not up." He said as he looked at her. He smiled a bit. " I guess I can thank you for saving my life. I'm Jonathan." He said.