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Private/Closed The Daycare Service

"I think it's a Flaffy thing." Midnight sighed. "Eh, maybe I do care." Midnight blushed. "So I. Just gonna stay here for the rest of the day. You wanna hang out or something?" Midnight asked. "I kinda like your cloud." Midnight smiled.
Snow blushed then she smiled "yeah i wanna be your buddy ...can i?" she asked him "and i would love to hang out with my bestie " she nuzzeled him close
"I thought Amethyst was your bestie?" Midnight smiled. "Heh, you can't make me blush like that anymore." Midnight smiled happily. "So? What do you wanna do?" He asked. He didn't have many Ideas or thoughts. "Ok, let's go to the barn with Amethyst or something." Midnight smiled.
Snow frowned "ok then she can make us far away again "she blushed "i mean..lets go..you can show her how good you are to everyone "she smiled then she laid flaffy on her back "ok lets go"
"Alright let's go!" Midnight smiled. He walked over to the barn. He tried shaking her awake. She wouldn't. "Heh, Amethyst is still asleep." Midnight smiled. He lied down on a haystack. "It's not soft." He sighed. He shook off the hay and fell on his back. He started kicking the air.
Snow laid beside him and she snuggled up to him "how about now with my snow" she asked with a smile. Eevee woke up and she saw Zoura "Zor? "she blushed deeply. "are you holding me"
"Well I'm trying to defend myself if anyone tries to seduce me! Amethyst went to far." Midnight sighed. He started kicking the air again. "The thing is, air is too light." Midnight sighed. "Although thanks for the snow." Midnight smiled.

Zorua was still asleep, as he was planning to sleep in. He kept hugging her. He smiled, thinking her as a plush pillow.
Snow sighed "i love...snow..1. because its my name and two its so soft and cool "she smiled " yeah she almost made me die..."

Eevee blushed "aww..."she snuggled into his arms and she licked his cheek hoping it wouldnt wake him up"
"Haha! True, soon very true." Midnight smiled. He looked around. There was nothing he could use as a weight except Amethyst. "Hmm?" Midnight thought. He shook the Espeon. She woke up stretching. "Hey Ame-" Midnight was cut off, Amethyst pounced on him. "Where is Riolu? Did they make up?" Amethyst yelled. Midnight turned Red. He couldn't move. Snow, some help." Midnight yelled.
Snow smiled "really Amethyst...he almost killed me again "she snuggled up to Midnight "hey Amethyst...Can you maybe help me find a nice guy"she droops
"Eh, find a Mareep!" Amethyst sighed, she continued to stand over the Umbreon. "Well, since we're here you want to say anything? You know, like any confessions?" Amethyst smiled. Midnight turned more red. "Spit it out Midnight." Amethyst yelled. They waited about 2 minutes, until Midnight cracked. "OKOKOK! I used to like you, and secretly love you, but you getting too close, and I wasn't getting enough space so I tried making you leave me alone! And even now I really like you!" Midnight yelled. "Now get off me!" Midnight cried. The Pink cat jumped off. She lied down, while Midnight shook off. "He backed up behind Snow.
Snow giggled "you know we both loved you..but you made it worse for yourself "she looked at him and she smiled at him "...wait a Mareep...wha...you know..i would but i want a pokemon on four legs this time "she sighs "and in my egg group "she blushed "not that a mareep is bad but i dont want one"
"Well Flaffy is in the field egg group. Maybe Diamond's book was outdated or something. Mareep are in the Monster and Field. But I understand that you don't want one. When I started dating Flaffy I regretted it." Midnight sighed. "Also can you stop Seducing me? Midnight sighed.

"Well it's the only way to get information. And it's kinda easy, and fun!" Amethyst smiled. Midnight blushed.
Snow nodded "yeah...I guess so..."she drooped "but i want someone like midnight..."she confessed "i dont know why but i still have feeling for you.."
Midnight blushed. Midnight stared awkwardly, remembering about the Breeding Room incident. "Eh Heh. Ehh." Midnight sighed. "Maybe, a different Riolu?" Midnight asked, sighing in the process.
Snow looked at him then she nodded "yeah maybe just one who is not in a gang "she smiled "cmon Midnight ...Just because of the breeding incident...doesnt mean we cant be friends"she said
"But we are Friends." Midnight smiled nervously. "Besides, the Breeding Incident is way past us!" Midnight smiled. "R-Right?" He asked. Amethyst walked out, sighing at the pathetic display. She then looked for Draco, she still had the Blue Orchard in her fur, as she looked around. "Draco! Where are you!" She yelled.
Draco was in a tree above her "im up here..."he was mad as a he could be " Im mad...i want to hunt down the riolu that hurt Snow my best friend "he climbed down. "yeah thats over..."Snow smiled "im just glad we can hangout "
"Yeah, that's over. Heheh." Midnight smiled awkwardly. He moved on. "Uhh, so I guess I'll see you later." Midnight gave an awkward smile, as he backed up. He slowly walked out of the barn, then walking back in. He grabbed the Flaffy. "I'm taking her back to the Ranch!" He muffled.

"Oh hey Draco, how have you been. I was trying to help Snow with her love life. What have you been doing?" She asked.d
Snow smiled "hey are you still dating her...."she asked him shyly "you said you didnt really like dating her right"
Snow started to turn red.

"oh i have been sleeping in this tree "he smiled "oh you have you know she loves Midnight right..." he tells her
Midnight blushed. "Well really yeah. And the only reason I said that was because I followed Amethyst's advice. I kinda feel stupid for doing it though." Midnight blushed again. "But now and then,we don't really hand out much. Midnight sighed.

"I know she likes Midnight. I absolutely hate it, but I try not to interfere. "Especially since she is being crushed. And besides Midnight is better and these things than I am. But I found something out about Midnight." Amethyst grinned.
Snow smiled at him and she nuzzeled him "i'm happy for you "she licks his nose

Draco smiled "yeah and whats that sweety" he went up to her
Midnight didn't blush, but found it disgusting that she licked his nose. "Eww." He frowned. He let go of the Flaffy, and wiped his nose. "Not funny. Midnight frowned.

"Well he's easy going, so I jumped on him and he told me everything I need to know. But I had to wait like 2 minutes. But it's worth it." She smiled.
Snow giggled "hehe got you "she looked at Flaffy "man your so lucky"she drooped

Flaffy yawned then she woke up "you two should really just date..."she joked "because i see you two spend more time with each other than any other pokemon "she smiled at them then she kissed midnight

Draco laughed "so he told you his sercet"
"You got me by being disgusting!" Midnight frowned. Midnight blushed at what Flaffy said. "Wait what!" Midnight frowned. He blushed when she kissed him, then left. "Uh." Midnight frowned. "Welp, there goes another." Midnight sighed.
Snow gasped "what ...no you two belong together "she drooped "im sorry Midnight"she whimpered and she laid down and she looked up at midnight " i didnt mean to make you lose her "
"No its OK." Midnight frowned. "I think im going to be single for awhile." Midnight frowned. He jumped on a pile of hay, snd burried himself in hay. "Im probañly going to sleep. Its almost Midnight" Midnights voice was muffled by the hay.
Snow drooped "hey Midnight cmon dont be sad..."she went in the hay with him and she smashed her muzzle on his "i want to be with you....i ....only wanted to be with you...but you seemed to always have someone with you"

Midnight frowned. "Ow, and are you nose bleeding again." Midnight asked. He didnt seem to blush, or smile. "Im flattered but, maybe some other time." Midnight smiled.
Snow drooped then she just snuggled up to him "im sorry for all the things i've done to you " She said with a frown "and now i think i'm not gonna be yours"she drooped "i dont know why i love you"
"Ah, Its OK, I saw this coming sooner or later." Midnight sighed. "You sure you arent nose bleeding?" Midnight sighed, he was trying to change the subject. Midnight smiled, happy thats she couldent see. "Um, yea." Midnight frowned.
"I know...what it is "she put her paws on her nose and she held it "ok..this should help it " she drooped " your the best Midnight "she hugged him tight.
Midnight blushed, surprised that she found him. "uh yeah. Midnight smiled. He jumped up, unable to see Snow. He felt something on his head. Unable to see, he tried looking around.
Snow sneezed "hey that tickled "she told him before went down beside him and she smiled at him even though she cant see him
"im glad we meet that day"
There was weight on Midnight. He looked up, he saw a tail in his face. He blushed. "Um." He stopped. The tail waged in his face, Midnight laughed. He lied back down, not sinking in the hay this time. "Heh, uh Nice tail." Midnight smiled.
Snow looked down and she went to him and she smiled "found you" she giggled happy then she snuggled up to him and she closed her eyes "cmon lets go to sleep"

(Hey Blu Ace um can you reply on the fusion rp)
(Yea Sure)

"Thats what I wanted to do before." Midnight sighed. He slowly fell asleep. Before he fell asleep he spoke "One Day." Midnight growled. He fell asleep, grin on his face.
Snow nodded then she fell asleep. before she fell asleep she said "ok..."Snow whimpered alittle as she fell asleep. But when she did she smiled happly
Amethyst sighed. Maybe we should go to sleep." She smiled. She walked over to the barn. "I dont know why, but I find it confortable here." Amethyst smiled. She walked into the barn. She slept on a haystack unaware that Midnight was in it.

(You can do Day time transition)
Draco smiled then he laid beside her as well "good night..and im sorry"he drooped then he fell asleep
Next morning
Snow woke up and she noticed she was right next to Midnight "um hey sleepy"she cuddled up to him.

Aria woke up "did i really sleep a whole day"she ran down stairs and she laid on to of diamond and she smiled
"wake up"

Eevee woke up and she looked at zor "Zor wake up little buddy"