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Kia nodded and she whimpered " Yeah i guess so...but i miss him" she whispered and she got up and she looked at him " Adam....thanks for being nice" she said and she began to go off on a small walk.
"Anytime." Adam sighs and leans against the wall. His Head feels light, and he's still sore. That battle against Uber Being took more out of him than he could have thought. He's gonna probably avoid his Master until he's feeling better.
Alya sighed and she walked up to Adam and she grabbed his hand " feeling well?" she asked and she blushed a little " I hope that monster didn't make you weak again" she said kissing his cheek and she sat down " Are you ok " she asked again.
Adam, slightly surprised by the surplus amount of affection he is receiving blushes slightly. "I'll be fine. Time is all I need, and I'll be back to full strength. I'm just concerned, is all. My Master warned me of Vex's darkness... I tried to give Vex a chance, to prove my Master wrong, but the evil inside Vex has grown exponentially. He may be too far gone..."
Alya nodded and she pulled away and she sighed "hey i'm gonna go....if you need me...i'll be around training with kia" she said and she walked off , not caring about what was gonna happen if vex went evil........" Hey Kia might be able to Save him....i'm saying i changed you" she said. Kia ran in the room "please take me to him...i can't stand knowing he might be killed because he's becoming evil" she drooped
"Take you to him? Well, that's possible, I'll just have to expand my mind pretty far though... this process may take a while." Adam warns as he takes a step back, and empty's his mind. Searching. The Multiverse is open before him, he can pin point anything. Now, to find Vex, which is the hard part in this jumble of Universes and realities and timelines...
Vex stood on a grey planet holding the collar of a small humanoid creature, several bodies just like it were strewn about burnt to a crisp. "Well brother, I do believe that was the last one." Vex said to Oros who was leaning against a tree. Vex scorched the body of the small alien and dropped it to the floor before wavering on his feet and holding his head. Oros flashed next to him, "It appears someone is trying to find your presence." Vex pressed his back against a wall, eyes shifting black. Oros shook his head and put his hand on Vex' shoulder. "Let me, you know my mind is stronger." Oros' eyes shined white for a moment, "Ill send a pulse of energy back, normally it would be enough to kill but a being able to find you out here would probably only faint."
Adam felt a bead of sweat as he strained to discover Vex, and he found... a scene that Adam didn't like seeing. Bodies, corpses... didn't they just stop a guy who did this shit? The image was hazy, but he could make out Vex, and some other guy... he strained his mind to get a clearer image.
The speakers began to ring, and all the non participating members teleported to the stands. "Hello everybody! Welcome to the tournament!" The crowds cheered, as the speakers rang again. "First round shall be fought by World 7 and World 2! Get in your battle stances..."

The fighters teleported into the middle, "Now, now.. There are no rules and death is not needed, But more fun.. Play Nice! BEGIN!"

Darcel sat anxiously in the chair, as he listened the mysterious woman's voice.
Miridia watched unamused. She kept herself relaxed as she was focusing on the battle and not the whispers of the shadows in the background.

Lyric took her place beside darcel, making sure that everyone was okey before relaxing. She wasn't the most interested in watching the fight, focusing on studying weakness in case they went up against them after.
Kia looked at him and she looked confused "wait whats wrong " she asked shivered "what happened did vex kill anyone" she said sounding worried.
Brandon watched the fight wondering how they might end up.
The ten people from universe two talked. Nine of them went to a small box like area while a young man stayed in the arena looking at the group. The Man appeared in one of the screens. His Name Antony Rogers.

Antony looked at his opponents. " So which of you fuckers am I up against." He said.
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"I believe that would be me," a rather short and dainty looking man stepped forward. He wore a playful smirk on his hips as he sashayed as he walked, his teammates stepping back like Anythony's had. He came up on the screen next, 'Alexandr Marks'.
" Too bad you're going to lose." Antony said. The man moved his right leg forward a little bit as his right hand moved across his chest. While his left was outwards towards the man. " Come at me." He said. Unkown to anyone his shadow moved outwards. " If you think you can."
Alya walked over to the stands and she began to watch the match, she sat right next to Casy and she began to watch it. Kia sighed and she looked at them., she wanted to be in the tournament but she can't become strong if her trainer was evil and trying to kill people.
Antony looked around seeing the figures. "Well two can play at that game." He said. He sat on the ground and waited for one of them to attack.
Brandon watched and wondered what this Antony was trying to do. " He's waiting the illusionist out." He said
"He shouldn't be sitting there though. Aren't we allowed weapons? If Alex had one, especially a long ranged one," Grace commented as she sat back and watched, eyes looking for anything that could be going on.

Alex smirked and the illusion met him infront of Anthony. They both giggled and illusionary rocks formed as cover. They sat down a whiles away and smirked, "well this is gonna be a very boring fight if we both don't move".
He looked at both of them. He saw the shadow of one of them and smirked. "Any time you're ready." He said as he looked right at the real one.
"Oh so do you know little trick? You know mine so what's yours," Alex leaned forward on his arms with a smirk, eyes flickering around as he looked for any indication. The illusion of themself got up and moved forward to shake his hand, "names Alexandr Marks".
" Antony." He said as he shook the Illusion's hand and looked at it. " Now." He said as his shadow broke from him. The dark beast grabbed the real Alexandr by his neck.
Alex giggled once again and swung his legs infront of him, pushing he upset body in the direction of where the shadows thumb was, slipping four of the Hilda me toward Anthony.
The illusion smiled and split into many other, rocks disappearing and soon there was a whole crowd of illusions moving about.
Antony dogged. The shadow disappeared and reappeared infront of Alex. Antony started to fight the illusions which only resulted in himself tiring.
His shadow ran towards the man. It jumped into the air and did a cartwheel kick at Alex.
Alex moved away with an easy flip. He made some of illusions disappear so that he could keep a clean line of sight on the two he was fighting. The man then charged the shadow, splitting into five so that it would be harder to track his movements.
Matt leaned back in his seat and looked around the stadium, "So many people, so many fighters." Matt said as he closed his eyes and mentally prepared for battle.
I wonder how Vex and everyone at home is doing. Matt thought to himself as he opened his eyes and paid close attention to the battle.
Alex and laughed and moved out of the way again, shifting his illusion again to make it seem like his shadow wasn't there, making a few of the other clones have one as they moved around, copying the laugh.
Triston McNav watched from the stage. He did everything he could the learn their movements and figure out a decent strategy of beating them if he went up against either.

Antony grited his teeth as he thought of a stragagy he moved back wards and sat down again.

"Seriously." Brandon said. "What is this guy playing at?"
The clones followed him and moved it to two seperate groups, both laughing and giggling as they went around the place. Alex moved before the sitting meta and smirked, doing a fancy twirl kick into the back of his head to show off.
Antony felt the hit and immediately fell forewards. He couldn't get a read on this guy. not to mention the fact that Antony was exaughsted from his over use of his power and fighting the Illusions. He got up and ran towards one of them. He threw a punch at him.
Alex giggled behind him and swept his leg from the side, toward Anthony's leg before standing up and shuffling with his illusions again. The illusion now being more of a show off then anything.
" He's getting cocky." Triston said. as he wondered how much more the other man could take.
Antony fell down the ground again. This time he couldn't move his leg that well. He tapped the ground three times in a signal of defeat.
The illusionist stepped back so that everyone could see the sigh and laughed, sashaying back to his party with a wink and smirk to the Anthony, "next time we meet you owe me drinks".

Grace smirked and pointed about Alex's weak muscle structure to Brandon, where to hit and what to watch out for.
" I see." Brandon said as he examined the man. " I just have to keep him at a distance and strike him down fast." he said before he looked at his love and smiled.

Antony looked at the man. " The corner Bar." He said. "I'll most likely be there tonight."
"Good to know," Alex waved before disappearing into his group, slaps on the back and congrats being given to him as he he had done a good job. They then looked to the announcer box to see what was going to happen next.
Matt gripped the arms of his seat, anxiously awaiting the next match. "I bet we're next." Matt said quietly as he watched the battle below. Matt then closed his eyes to see a blurry image of corpses and a destroyed landscape. Matt instantly opened his eyes, "What was that?" Matt asked to himself as his grip tightened on the arms of the seat.
"That was Vex." Adam replies, appearing behind Matt. Matt can see that this is an illusion, and it's seems to be fading in and out of reality.
Adam gasps as he loses the control of the illusion, and it disappears. He leans against the wall of the Cabin, drenched in sweat after whatever just happened. That guy Vex was with... he was powerful, far more powerful than Vex, or even Adam himself. His brain thumped in pain after having used so much energy to get a glimpse of Vex, and he'd used the rest to tell Matt that one simple thing. "It was Vex." Adam closed his eyes as he slid down the wall, feeling fatigue take over him yet again.
Vex and Oros were flying through space, a burning planet as there backdrop. Oros had a stern look on his face as they flew, "Victor, your strength has stopped growing hasnt it?" He asked plainly, staring at his brother who was trying to focus on flight. "....My growth maybe have slowed down, ill just train harder." Vex replied defensively. Oros smirked at his brothers reply and shook his head, "Follow me, ill show you a world of power you never knew you had...."