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Previously 5DigitNeb
OOC: don't beat the trainers
BIC: The male trainer scoffed and glared at Jane. "How dare you hurt my Pokemon!" he shouted angrily. A person with the same suit and yellow hair put his arm in front of the male person in the suit. "Relax, friends. We're going to take care of them. However since you attacked us, we have no choice but to retaliate," he said. The female trainer commanded to use gust on Venus. The pack of Houndour began backing off still growling at both groups, but more at the people in suits.

James started getting angry and aimed a punch at the yellow haired person who put his hand in front of James and didn't allow him to hit him. Then he sent out a Pidgeotto. The young trainer grunted and shouted,"Rosetta, Rock Blast!" The Roggenrola jumped and sent out rocks at the bird Pokemon. Dustox dodged the beam of electricity and the red trainer commanded the moth Pokemon to use poison sting. She sent out multiple poisonous needles at Gastro from her mouth.


Previously Swirled
OOC: Alright, but can someone explain @Nebulix's latest post?
BIC: Marcus smirked, a small part of him didn't buy the whole story, but he let the battle go on.
"Venus, Water Gun," His Pokemon obeyed and sprayed a beam of water at the trainer's Beautifly, "Alright, so long as you won't hurt them, then this can be a friendly battle of sorts," He smiled at his opponents and looked like he was having fun with this battle.


Previously 5DigitNeb
The trio were about to fight back when all of a sudden a Houndoom jumped behind the pack of growling Houndour. Then she growled at the trio of different colored dyed hair and shot out a flamethrower. "Retreat, we can't face three trainers and a fully evolved Pokemon!" the yellow haired shouted. The other two nodded and they left the scene. The Houndoom looked at Marcus, Jane, and James and slowly nodded. Then the pack left as well. James was shocked by what just happened and could only look back at his friends. "I don't know who they were, but I think I saw a C on their uniforms," he muttered.


Previously Swirled
"What was their problem?" Marcus asked rhetorically as they left, those guys were definately weird, and not cool-weird like Sid-Roggoth.
"A C...that's unusual," Marcus commented, he and never heard of trainer's going around claiming that they were "protecting" Pokemon and receiving resistance, also their hair weirded him out as well, but his hair was Azure, so that would happen.
"So, those guys were weird, right?" He wondered if anyone else thought that something was off about the trio of trainers.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Weird is one word for it... I think they're saying more than their letting on, if that's the phrase. Basically I'm saying I think they left stuff out. Also I think it's pretty safe to say that the C stood for something..:" James replied to Marcus. Then he looked at his Pokemon, which all looked pretty worried. Then he remembered. He took out his Friend Ball and released Budew. "Are you ok? Err, you aren't worse right?" the trainer whispered. Budew nodded and James returned the small Pokemon. "What do you think Jane?" he asked.


Previously Swirled
"Wait, when did you get a Budew?" He seemed happy that James was growing his team, but he never remembered his friend catch a Pokemon. Venus went over to James and started nudging his leg, hoping to get him to take out Budew again, even though Marcus eventually returned Venus to her Pokeball.


Previously 5DigitNeb
James shrugged and looked back at Marcus. "I just... found it. Someone must've injured it," he muttered. Then he turned back to the road. "Welp, I need to change. And get a shower. Peace," he said as he started walking down again.

As he headed down the road it started getting colder and colder. Eventually, James saw snow. It was cool for him, since he's never touched snow nor seen it. He started trekking through the snow, but eventually he reached Frostencool City.

There were a lot of lights, and there was a Christmas Tree in the middle of the town, even though it was currently Autumn. James stared at the bright, wonderful, new environment in awe. He saw multiple people, including many kids playing in the snow, and realized it must've been like Winter all year 'round. He reached the Pokémon Center and put his Pokéballs on the tray to heal them. "Please take care of the Budew," James pleaded. Nurse Joy nodded and said,"We'll try our best." Then the trainer went upstairs to his room.


Previously Swirled
Marcus slowly walked to Frostencool, he liked the sound of the name as it rolled off the tongue and it just sounded cool. Once he reached it, he immediately felt a wave of cold air blow in his face, Venus was out, but by the time she reached Frostencool she immediately crawled into her Pokeball.


Previously 5DigitNeb
James took a shower and then went back into his room. He changed into a black hoodie, blue jeans, and red sneakers. Then he went outside the center and realized he was still cold. He decided to buy another beanie and a scarf from the clothes shop and saw Jane nearby. "It seems we bump into each other a lot," he joked as he continued to enter. James bought a red beanie and scarf and put them on. Then he went outside and smiled. "Mmmm, comfortable and warm," he thought.
Tessa saw the others run ahead to Frostencool. "So, let's hurry up." She said to Star, who was inside his pokeball now. As she walked across the forest to the next city, a little rustle from a bush caught her attention. "Hey there," She said quietly as the girl walked up to the shaking bush. As she got closer, a small Eevee ran forward. Tessa gasped at the pokemon. It was quite cute. "Wanna join me?" She asked the Eevee, wanting it to be so. Tessa took out a pokeball and bopped it onto the Eevee's head. It shook a bit and caught the pokemon. "Yes." Tessa said to herself holding the ball tight to her body.

Tessa ran up ahead next to Marcus, happy from her newest pokemon. "Feels nice here, doesn't it?" With a grin, and to test his reaction, Tessa took off her coat and wrapped it around her waist, revealing a light blue tank top. She was from Snowpoint, Sinnoh. The cold was her life. "Got a new friend here, wanna meet her?" Tessa said sporting her cute grin as she released her new Eevee into her arms.


Previously Swirled
"Yeah, sure," He also kept his short sleeved T-shirt on, but he was freezing and wanted to shiver.
Tessa watched as Marcus tried to 'keep his cool' in the cold. "Don't try to keep it hidden. Your cold." She said stating the obvious. Tessa would've pointed to his sleeves, but there was an Eevee in her arms at the time. "And are you ignoring the CUTENESS IN MY ARMS!!!!!" She half screamed while shoving her Eevee forward.


Previously Swirled
Marcus sighed, and looked at the Eevee, it was admittedly cute, why not acknowledge it?
"It is cute, wish I had a Pokemon that cute, but Venus is cute too," He let out his Marill, who began tapping Tessa's leg in order to get her attention and let her meet the adorable Eevee.
Tessa scoffed at Marcus in a joking way. "You are such a pessimist." She said while letting her Eevee down to play with the Maril. The normal type thought that it could run around the water type and confuse it like that, so she tried it. "Ready for this gym?"


Previously 5DigitNeb
James tried to stifle his laugh, but failed. "Hahaha, what are you wearing? You look like a magician, you're just missing the cape and the mustache," he joked. He wanted to see if he could challenge the gym before nightfall, so he started heading there. Then he saw Tessa and Marcus. "Aww, what a cute couple," he teased. "Heh, but seriously, what are you doing wearing that?" James asked Tessa.
Ike watched the group leave. "Hmm," he frowned, "guess I won't catch up 'less I beat Alexa." He ran to the gym and said, "Change of plans, Alexa. We needa battle now!" Alexa whispered something incoherently. Ike, noticing this, then yelled, "ALEXA, VOLUME TEN!" This got her going. She yelled, "No!" but still sent out her Skiddo. "Alright, that's what I'm talking about!"
Ike sent out Noi. "Use air cutter, Noi!" The Noibat responded with a frenzy of cutting items made of thin air flying towards the Skiddo. "No, Turismo!" Alexa yelled. The Skiddo took a super-effective hit and rolled back on the ground. "Use tackle, Turismo!" The Skiddo used tackle, and it barely missed Noi. "Noi, use bite!" The Noibat bit the Skiddo, and the battle was over. Alexa sent out her Cacnea. "Thorn, bullet seed!" Cacnea used a bullet seed attack on Noi, and landed a direct hit. "Good thing that wasn't super effective. Noi, use wing attack!" Noi managed to pull off a direct hit. The Cacnea went flying and hit a wall, therefore fainting. "Damn, you're good," Alexa remarked. "Yeah, Trainer School does that to you," Ike responded. He took the badge from Alexa's hand and left.
tl;dr: Ike fought and beat Alexa, earning his badge.

He decided to follow James and the others into Xeleon forest. When he went far enough in that he saw some weird people in uniforms. They saw him and yelled, "Hey, kid! Piss off!" Ike gave them a look of utter disgust and ran off. He made it to the next town, and he saw Marcus and another girl he hadn't met before. Is it just me, or is everyone getting a girlfriend all of a sudden? Sid seems left out, but I think he doesn't mind. He walked up to the two. "Hey, Marcus! Can I call you Mark? Okay, Mark. Two questions. One: who's this?" Ike asked pointing at the girl he'd never met, "And two, where can I find everyone else OR the gym?"


Previously Swirled
"No, I'm not..." Marcus replied in the same joking manner, Tessa was easy to talk to, but he wouldn't tell her that, he saw no reason to at the moment.
"Oh hey Ike, this is Tessa, she's a good friend of mine," He introduced her to Ike and playfully punched her in the arm, it was light and not meant to cause any harm, he usually did that with his friends.
Last edited:


Previously 5DigitNeb
James laughed at Jane's magician joke and smiled as he looked at her Pokémon. Then he remembered his own. Quickly he left the small group and headed for the Pokémon Center and got all of his Pokéballs. He released them and held Budew in his hand. As James was walking back he was having a conversation with Budew. "Hey, would you like a nickname? What about Chloris?" he asked. The small Pokémon cried in excitement for her new name. Eventually James reached the group again. Burn went next to Lotus and smirked as if to say,"I'm baaack." Rosetta stayed quiet but slowly waddled to Gastro.


Previously Swirled
Venus attempted to catch the Eevee, despite being slightly dizzy. Marcus let a chuckle out, Tessa really was easy to talk to, but he wasn't letting her know that she may tease him for it, and for some reason, he didn't want that. He then heard a faint cry of a Sneasel in the distance.
"What was that?" Marcus asked in confusion, he hoped everything was alright. But was ready to go if Tessa was.
A scream of human agony issued from the Xeleon Forest. It was only one scream, cut short before the end, but it echoed for miles.

This had been about a half hour ago.

Sid-Roggoth reappeared in the frigid city of Frostencool, though there were no footprints in the snow behind him. His body was now bloated around the belly, as though he had gained about thirty pounds. He had lost track of Marcus and Jane early in the forest, but in the end, it had been for the better. There was no need for them to see what had transpired. All the same, it was a pity that he could not have observed their actions while in the woods. What a missed opportunity.

He moved along at a slow, deliberate pace, taking care to walk as he had seen the others walk. He needed to find the "gym" of this city, or at very least, one of the children from before who were also looking for it. Only with more of those coveted badges would he eventually gain access to where he needed to be.
Tessa quickly turned to the sound, eyes trailing around the location in case it was some kind of attack. "I dunno. Let's go!" She said to Marcus as she returned Eevee to her ball and let Star out. Tessa waved the both of then forward in the pokemon's direction. "Hurry up!"


Previously Swirled
Marcus nodded and put away Venus in exchange for Solar. As Marcus ran, the cry of the Sneasel got louder, meaning he was getting closer.
Finally, he was able to see the Ice-Dark Type in full view.
"Are, are you okay?" Marcus asked, his voice slightly breaking, the Sneasel had a small scarf with the name, "Eric" on it, it seems that Eric was its name or someone important to the Sneasel. Suddenly, the scarfed Pokemon attacked Tessa.
Tessa threw her arms up to protect her head from the attack. "Hold it Star." She called out, allowing the pokemon to scratch her arms. "Let it attack me." She said trying to keep her head safe. Quickly, Tessa reached forward and grabbed the ice pokemon's arm preventing another hit. Her arms were red, somewhat bleeding from the attacks. "Here, it's hurt. Sneasels don't attack like that normally." Tessa said while holding it down to prevent attacks.


Previously Swirled
Marcus saw the blood the Sneasel drew and went to see if she was alright.
"Are you okay?" The boy asked concerned that the scarfed Pokemon majorly injured Tessa. He then w]asked the girl who was holding it down. "What should I do now?" He was ready to call Solar on him and burn him, but he thought Tessa could take some minor pain.
Tessa held both hands down on the ice type. "In my bag, pokeball marked with purple, bring it out?" She asked Marcus. Tessa ignored the comment about her arms. She's been through worse. "It's Nido, poison. We have to weaken it." Tessa said shifting her bag over to Marcus. "Fire would hurt it, not weaken it." She knew what he was thinking, most people thought the same.
Marcus and Tessa ran off in the direction of a scream. Ike followed them, teeth chattering. I needa buy some apparel for this place later, he noted. He found Marcus and Tessa after a while, and saw Tessa holding down a Sneasel. He also saw Tessa bleeding. "Damn, what happened here?" Ike said in shock. The Sneasel saw him and growled, fighting against Tessa's grip.


Previously Swirled
"O-okay," Marcus complied as he reached into Tessa's bag, feeling around until he found the Pokeball for Nido. He released the poison type and waited for his next command.
"Now what?' He felt embarrassed that he had to dig into her bag to find it, but he managed to not show how flustered he was. The Sneasel struggled in Tessa's arms and was about to bite her.
Tessa saw Nido come out of his ball. "Nido, poke him." She said nodding to the Sneasel who was attempting to bite her. Nido ran up to it and used it's poison point to poison the ice pokemon. As soon as that happened, the pokemon's teath sunk into Tessa's arm. "Now wait." She said through teeth shut tight.


Previously Swirled
At this point, Marcus had it, seeing Tessa get bitten ignited some sort of emotion in him to the point where he grabbed the Sneasel out of Tessa's arms and attempted to get revenge on it somehow.
"I GOT IT, WHAT DO I DO NOW?" He had the ice type in his arms but he definitely felt resistance and almost got bitten.
Tessa gasped as the pokemon was removed from her arm. Her eyes turned back to Marcus. "Careful, you could hurt it!" She called out as the pokemon struggled in his arms. Nido called out seeing some blood flow from the bite wound. Noticing it for the first time, Tessa quickly shoved it into the snow. "Just wait for the poison to weaken it!"


Previously Swirled
"But it hurt you, and I can't forgive it for that!" Marcus shouted back, making sure that his grip on the Sneasel didn't tighten or losen. Eventually, the Ice type lost its strength to struggle and was motionless, but it hadn't fainted yet, it was close to doing so though.
"Now what?" He thought he could just drop it and leave it alone, but maybe Tessa had other plans.
Tessa heard the question. Reaching back in her bag using her left, not bitten, hand to take out a Pecha berry. She walked up to Marcus and the ice pokemon and placed the berry in it's mouth. "This will cure the poison, while leaving it weak. Then we take it to a pokemon center." She said, unsure of what to do after that. She knows what to do to an angry pokemon, but healing it wasn't her thing.


Previously Swirled
He watched as the Sneasel ate the Pecha Berry and looked closer at Tessa's arm.
"I think we should be more worried about you, you're bleeding, and besides this Pokemon attacked us, I'll heal it and attempt to capture it," the knew he couldn't let this Sneasel out and about especially since it attacked the two of them. He sprayed a Super Potion on the Ice Type, it was his last one though.
"Let's get you to a hospital," He offered, if only Nurse Joy could cure humans as well.
Tessa shook her head no. "Nah, I can deal with myself. You worry about your pokemon." She said pointing to the pokemon center. Tessa then reached back in her bag and took out a strand of clothe. She then wrapped it around her arm where the bite happened. Soon, it was wrapped tight. "You see, I'm fine." In fact, it hurt still, but she could deal with the pain. There's been more pain in her life.


Previously Swirled
He would have said something, but he knew that Tessa would be fine and so he nodded.
"Alright, but if you need anything from me, just say the word," He went to the Pokemon Center and addressed his reason for being here.
"This Sneasel attacked, we stopped it, but, it's injured, please cure it," Marcus pleaded to the medical professional. The nurse was a little hesitant, but rememered her training and complied.
"Alright, come back by tomorrow, he should be healed," Nurse Joy told Marcus with a smile on her face as she took the scarfed Sneasel and placed it on a medical bed, he then left, knowing that there was nothing he could do now.
"Alright Tessa, the Sneasel gone," Marcus's cheeks were tinted a faint pink when he remembered what he said when he was holding the Sneasel.
Lilith woke up in the gym.
"Did I fall asleep in here or something?" The female Pokemon trainer mumbled under her breath.

Lilith looked up. The others were gone. The gym leader, Alexa, was nearing the end of a battle with a stranger.

This stranger in particular seemed about her age, perhaps a bit younger. He had tanned, sun-kissed skin and seemed to be of Hispanic descent. He had black hair with bangs that fell into his eyes slightly and a slightly stocky, average build. He was wearing a red flannel jacket and a plain pair of jeans.

"Looks like I've won, Alexa. Good battle, though." The stranger smiled, taking the badge from Alexa. He noticed Lilith had woken up.

"Oh, you woke up? I tried waking you up earlier, but you didn't respond. I'm Joseph Flores." He extended a friendly hand.


Previously 5DigitNeb
James blinked and turned to Jane. "Wow, maybe they're going on a date or something," he joked. His Pokémon came back to him now and he sighed, which revealed his icy breath. "I'm pretty hungry. Didn't eat anything since breakfast. Welp, it seems a bit late to challenge the gym. Do you wanna go eat at McBreeder's or something?" he asked.
Darkness was descending over Frostencool City, and Sid-Roggoth had fared no better than when he had started out. He had discovered the location of the Pokemon Center and the Second Gym. However, the latter appeared to be "closed" for the night, leaving him with no choice but to approach the former. Pokemon Centers offered free overnight lodging, which was where traveling humans could stop to get in beds and leave their bodies for a few hours while they rejuvenated. "Sleeping," it was called, and it was standard for most mortals on the material plane. Sid-Roggoth knew relatively little, but this was easy.

After requesting accommodation and getting the usual weird stares from the nurse and the general public, Sid-Roggoth dropped into his provided cot and pulled the covers over himself. Suddenly remembering something, he pulled out two pokeballs and a water bowl. In a flash of white light, Torracat and Drowzee stood before him. Sid-Roggoth opened his mouth widely and regurgitated a half-pound of minced meat into the bowl. He pointed to Torracat, which stared blankly at the mystery meat.


To Drowzee, he pointed under his cot. "Stay."

Of all the lessons of Pokemon Trainer culture he'd learned so far, feeding pokemon was the one he was most proud of mastering. It had only cost him one Zigzagoon early on, but now he'd learned to keep his Torracat well-stocked on nutriment. Drowzee was even more interesting, for it subsided on the dreams of those around it. In the last two towns, Sid-Roggoth had made it a habit to put him under the bed at night to eat the dreams of the surrounding pokemon and trainers. They would often later complain of headaches or night terrors, but it made no difference to Sid-Roggoth. He himself was in no danger, for he did not necessarily "sleep." Rather, while his body lay in bed, he would astral project around the area and spy out the land. It was how he learned most of what he knew before applying it practically. Perhaps he would learn a little something about his current group of pokemon trainers. Maybe not. There was always next time, anyway.


Previously 5DigitNeb
James shrugged and left to eat at the fast food restaurant by himself. He ordered a 10 piece Torchic Nuggets, with some Medium Kalos Fries, and a Medium Chocolate Miltank Shake. After finishing he thanked the waitress and left to go to the Pokémon Center. He returned his Pokémon and headed to the room he had previously. Nobody took it, thankfully, and he changed into some Blaziken pajamas. James laid on the bed and put the blanket over him. "I wonder how mom and dad are doing. And uncle Harry... and... nevermind," he began thinking as he then started drifting to sleep.
When Ike saw Marcus take Eric - the Sneasel - to the Pokemon Center, he knew there was only one thing he could do. He barged in to ran to the counter. "What can I do for you, sir?" Nurse Joy asked him. "I need to see that Sneasel someone brought in," He paused for breath. "I can help it." Nurse Joy contemplated for a moment, then disappeared behind a door. She brought Eric out and handed it to Ike. "Eric, hang in there, bud. Where's Zack?" The Sneasel gave a groan and pointed out the door. Ike ran outside and Eric shivered. Ike tossed a cloak over him, and Eric started following his own track. Ike followed for around ten minutes until he found a house. A cottage, to be more exact. He ran inside, where he saw a familiar face. "Zack, how'd you end up from Kanto to Fantamus?"