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Open Eevee School

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Midnight saw Cerol and smiled. Then she walked over to him but noticed his paw was hurt. "Cerol, are you ok?" She asked him, concerned.
Midnight smiled back at him. "That's good! I just had a wonderful battle with that Eevee over there!" She said happily, pointing at Moku. "She was really good! Maybe you should battle her, I didn't do that much damage on her" she said.
Moku had sat by the door again, taking a rest after the battle. Hearing the others talking about her, she approached them and tried to chat. "Hey, Cerol. Your paw's better now, I assume."
"Yea, it feels better now! Thanks to this bandages!" Said Cerol smiling and sitting at one place with his paw all in bandages.
Cerol slowly started to walk out of class. He was going to other class, where he grabbed his bottle of water and started to drink a little. After that he returned water in his school bag, and grabbed one of the books to read.
"Sure, why not." Moku said, still looking happy. "I've got another class to go to, so unless you've got the same one I'll see you later." She turned around and began walking toward the exit.
"Not this one... No... Not again... What to read?" Cerol asked himself, hoping he will find something cool. "This one looks pretty good..." Cerol took one book, and started to read.
Moku stopped for a moment to take a sheet of paper out of her bag, and read the schedule on it. Reading class next, then a break for lunch. She put the paper away and stepped outside. As soon as she did, her ears and tail drooped. She began shuffling down the hall to the library.
Cerol was sitting in class... He looked in the book, but fast enough he closed it, because this book wasn't interesting. He decided to go to library.
Moku heard someone coming and snapped to attention, picking up her tail and her ears straightening out. She put her bag by the door and started moving through the book aisles.
"No... Why is this book everywhere? Not this... Nope... No, it isn't... Is this what I think it is?... " Cerol was thinking to himself. "The History of first eeveelutions... First?..."
Moku took a few fiction books from a shelf and settled into a dark corner. Remembering something, she ran to her bag and brought it over to her seat, taking out a few berries from the rain of food earlier in the day.
Zenix dodged Lunar's Double Edge and noticed that some Eevees are already leaving to their next class. "Umm, maybe we should stop," he said, "I think the next class is about to start soon."
Cerol started to read the book. "Vaporeon... Jolteon... Flareon... Here more information about those three..." Cerol said... "Cerol... Stop talking..." He was thinking to himself.
'Lunar huh. That's a nice name,' Zenix thought to himself. "My name is Zenix," he said and noticed that he wasn't as nervous as before.
Midnight looked at Lunar and Zenix and felt nervous and shy. Dang it without them I'm shy and nervous, Midnight thought. She started to walk to her next class but realized that that was the Eevee that sat next to her in her last class and walked over to them, her ears flat and her tail down. "U-um you sat n-next to me in t-the last class, w-what's your n-name?" She asked him shyly.
Zenix noticed Midnight walking to him and instantly grew nervous again. He then realized that she was the same she sat next to in his last class. "Umm... m-my name i-is Zenix," he replied nervously, "w-what's yours?"
"Zenix that's a nice name" she muttered to herself then blushed realizing that she said that out loud, she really didn't know how to talk to people poor her. "I-I'm Midnight, w-what's you're n-next class?" She asked him curiously but shyly.
Zenix blushed when Midnight said his name is nice. He then tried to remember what class he had next but couldn't. "Umm, I don't... remember.." he said and went through his bag to find his schedule.
Midnight looked at her schedule. "I have art next. What about you?" She asked him, not nervous anymore. Then a question hit her. "Do you want to be friends?" She asked hopefully.
Zenix got out his schedule and turned to Midnight. "Sure, I would like that!" he said feeling more calm now. He looked at his schedule and said, "Hey, I have art too." He had mixed feelings about it because he gets to go with his new friend but at the same time he's not good at art.
Midnight looked at his expression and looked happy. "I could teach you how to do art better!" She said enthusiastically. "I'm really good at art and it's fun for me" she said. "Shall we go to art, we don't want to be late?" She asked him.
Midnight followed Zenix and smiled. "What's your favorite color?" She asked him, curiously. "Mine is black, red, dark purple and turquoise" she exclaimed happily.
"Well, my favorite colors are red, black, and blue," Zenix said answering Midnight's question. He smiled at the sight of Midnight being happy.
"Well looks like we're here" she muttered then looked around and saw two open seats. "Lets sit there" she said and walked over to the seats.
Zenix went inside the classroom and saw the two seats that Midnight pointed out. "Okay," he said and went over to sit down next to her.
Lunar sat near them and took out her sketch pad with profecinal drawings of fnaf, anatomy of multiple Pokemon, Undertale, and labeled sketches of body parts of pokemon
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