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Ask to Join Captured by the Evil Team! (part 2: new RPers weclome)

'Sure Azumi! Hop on!' Zak grabbed out a spare Pokeball and clipped it to his belt so he could easily access it if he needed to capture a Pokemon. 'So what are you thinking of doing tomorrow at Micheal's? I was thinking... um, maybe we could... have a picnic?' He was glad he got that out. 'You know, to get to know each other. And our Pokemon too.' He smiled. He really did like Azumi.
Michael arrived at the gate.The're was not really a lot of houses,since his house was at the outskirts of Lumiouse City.He was so excited that he couldn't stay still.Jodi arrived a minute later." 'Odi!You're here!!!YEEEEE!I'M SO EXCITED!!!" "Okay,calm down.Let's wait for the others.Wait,how are they gonna find us?" "I'm gonna jump up and down so they'll see us."Blaziken started to jump over and over again,so that the rest wouldn't get lost.In the meantime,Jodi was admiring the beautiful scenery.The land was really big.She saw a house,a forest,a pond,a cave,fields,hills and a lot of Pokemon that just woke up.
Azumi got and placed her arms around Zak's waist, she was a little surprised by his question. "A picnic? I'm sure everyone would like that, specially Michael. But, I'm not sure if we should stay that long at Michael's ranch." She didn't like to remind everyone the situation they are in, but it looked like it had become her job in the team. "But..." She began, trying to cover up her negativity, "We could all celebrate once this is all over." She said with a smile.
Ray and Typhlosion rode toward the bouncing Blaziken in the distance and they soon arrived at the ranch. The scenery was lovely, but Ray had too much on his mind to pay any attention to it...
He was preoccupied with working out the details of his trip to the lost hotel: he figured he'd sneak out during the night at some point, but he wasn't sure yet whether to go alone, or to try and organize a small expedition...
But there was an even more pressing issue that Ray still had to attend to: he hadn't had a chance to send out the pokemon that Micheal had retrieved for him... But Ray had reasons not to want to do that in front of everyone else, and so he decided to put it off for the time being...
Ray walked over to Micheal.
"This a nice place," he said causally. "So, where's everyone staying?"
"You'll find soon enough,weirdo:)!"Michael told Ray with a grin."I'm sure you will all love it!Oh,and,by the way,our guards,Sentret and Watchog will be keeping a close eye on you!"From the trees there could be seen 4 angry glowing eyes."Yup,that's them!I just can't think of you not stealing anything or doing something shady!Like,something to do with Team Rainbow Rocket.I heard the whooooole thing.And don't think about doing that.I don't wanna see 'Zumi cry..I've never seen an adult cry...It's gonna be weird....But anyway,see that cave over there?"He said pointing to a distant cave."In the depths of the cave there's a frozen section,where we keep our Ice Types!Especially my brother's Amaura!She's kinda the main attraction.But I haven't seen her for some time.It's been like,what a week,since we've been captured?Maybe she's an Aurorus now.But anyway,we'll see when I'll do the Grand Tour!It's gonna be sooooooooooooooooo fun!And we'll also do activities,like racing!I'll be on Rapidash,our fastest Pokemon,and you'll be on your Typhloshion!And I'll wipe the floor with you!But we'll get to do that when everyone will get here."Then,Jodi turned to everyone and said"But they're taking so long:@.At least we're 4\7..."
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Ray looked over to the tree and scowled...
"Hmph. I don't particularly like being put under surveillance, y'know..." he said in an irritated tone. "Look, I'll be open with you, Micheal: I'm planning a trip to Laverre city. And yes, it may involve Rainbow Rocket, but no one's proposed anything better so far, and we need to do something other than just lounge about..." He turned away in frustration. "If you don't like it, then I'm more than happy to leave right now..."
"Oh,you're not going anywhere!"Michael told Ray with a sinister smile. Sentret and Watchog jumped from the trees and encased Ray in a powerful Protect."Ha!They learned this technique a while ago so they can trap criminals like you!You're not gonna ruin this for me!I've waited for soooooooo long to bring everyone here!You're just as idiotic as when we met you!Thinking you can defeat us,but you just ended up fleeing instead!But after we became friends,I began to trust you!I thought you would be a loyal companion!But of course,you betrayed us!Do you know how much you made me suffer!And now you expect to treat you like your human?!But you know what partner,I'm sick of it!You're gonna stay here!Enjoy the cupcakes I wanted to bake you!And you're not gonna be a douche!Team RR will just trick you!You'll lead them to us!I've had enough encounters with Team Magma and Team Aqua to get fooled!They tried to find this ranch to capture all the Pokemon so they could train them to do their dirty work!And since you have only 4 Pokemon,I expect you don't have 8 badges yet.But guess what,I have 8 badges from Hoenn,AND 4 ribbons from here!So I could beat you!And I can even get backup!"Michael started to feel tears run down his cheeks."You shouldn't have gone on a criminal road!You could've been fine!"Jodi witnessed all of the mess that was happening.She decided to stay out of it,so she backed away.Michael signaled Blaziken to prepare to attack."If you send out Typhlosion to help you,you'll regret it!!!"Michael thought angry.
"Pft... You think badges matter? Shiny little pieces of metal? What a joke! Lemme tell you something Micheal: I've been in a lot of fights over the years, and with a lot more at stake than just 'badges'... I'll fight you if I have to. But it doesn't have to be like this, y'know: we're trying to accomplish the same thing here!" Ray was getting frustrated...
"Sorry to break it to you, but in real life the the good guys don't always win, and it ain't always a 'noble knight' versus an 'evil emperor' - in real life things aren't as clear-cut as they are in storybooks: we're all just 'people,' ya understand? and 'people' have differing ideas of what's 'good' and what's 'bad' and what to do about it... Now, we both agree that Tempest is 'bad' - that's not the issue - but we have differing ideas of what to do about it: sure, my idea involves 'criminals,' who, in your childish storybook world, fall into the 'bad' category; but it's a helluva lot better than your idea to just sit around and do nothing!" Ray let out an exasperated sigh and grabbed Typhlosion's pokeball.
"You don't have to agree with me, you don't have to join me... but for the love of Arceus just let me go; I don't want to have to fight you, Micheal..."
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Azumi and Zak arrived at the ranch, she was excited to see the great place they had arrived at, but it quickly faded away when she saw Ray trapped and Michael yelling at him. She noticed the look in both of them, they were one second from breaking into a fight. It reminded of her when she and her brother used to argue like that and her mom would stop them.
She walked in between the two and stood there. She raised her hand at both of them, signaling to stop. "This battle would be pointless and will not contribute anything good at all to anyone." She turned and looked at Michael in the eyes, "Michael, please, I know he annoys you, but we just arrived to your ranch. This is no way to behave towards someone you invited in."
She then turned to Ray, "And Ray. I know you got a lot on you right now. But before doing anything reckless, please consider calming down and talking things over." She took a deep breath and looked away from both of them, hoping that she had managed to get through to them.
"Oh,that's right!But you don't fall in the "bad" category.You fall into the "Hell material"!"Michael yelled at Ray.When he saw that Ray got out his PokeBall,he smirked."Oh,two can play at this game."He got out Spar's PokeBall and got ready to use the Z-Move,but he stopped when he saw Azumi.He glared at her until he heard her attempt of calmimg him.He burst out laughing."Pfffft!Do you really think that that's gonna stop me?And plus,it's the other way around 'Zumi!The guest needs to be respectful and nice!But he doesn't have standards!Do you know he wants to sneak out at night to go to Laverre city?"Then he turned to Ray and scowled."They'll trick you! They never help anyone without a catch!And if they won't trick us,the police will still find out!"He griped Spar's PokeBall harder,gave a meaningful look to Blaziken,ready to battle.
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Azumi put her arms down with a sigh and looked at my Michael, "I did know. He told me at the cafe. He was suppose to explain himself. I know it's risky, but the strategy of my enemy's enemy is my friend, has always given positive results." She looked down feeling somewhat ashamed of what she was saying, "Sorry Michael." She gave Michael her back and walked over to Ray's side, keeping her distance from the attacking Pokemon.
"THE POLICE!?" Ray exclaimed in disbelief. "What police? When Tempest goes on to conquer the rest of Kalos, you really think there's going to be a police force left? This is what I'm saying Micheal: the whole system as you know it is being overturned... You can't always rely on the 'good guys' - sometimes you gotta take matters into your own hands... Besides, you're in no position to tell me that RR is going to trick us or something; I think I have a lot more experience when it comes to these kinds of organizations than you do... I'll ask you one last time, Micheal: let me go!"
Ray wholeheartedly believed in what he was saying, but he couldn't help but feel a little guilty when Azumi sided with him... he couldn't help but fear that he was dragging her into a potential disaster... That was one of the benefits of working alone: he could do any stupid or reckless thing he wanted and the only person who'd suffer the consequences was himself... but now that there were other people involved, he felt obligated for his plans to have a certain sense of security that the situation just couldn't afford...
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"Are you for real!Grrrrrrrrrrrr...."Michael yelled as he growled."I hope you both go to Hell!!!"He stormed off back to the city,with Blaziken close behind him.Jodi looked at Michael worried.She was about to follow him,but then she gave up.Sentret and Watchog retreated but kept the boarder around Ray.Michael ended up in an alley that barely had any lights.He went to a wall and started banging his head."Ugh....I miss my family...my friends...my REAL friends..."He said disappointed.He started to cry."I wish I wouldn't have been part of this mess!Tyler and Alex must be wondering if I'm dead!Alex's Malamar could've used his psychic power on Aldous and get us out of his claws!And Tyler's Chestnaught could've broken us out of Tempest HQ!UGH!!!!!!!!!"He fell to his knees.He saw a little Pokemon passing by him.It jumped on his lap and looked at him curious.Michael was surprised at first,but then he hugged the little Pokemon.He let it all out.He then saw that the Pokemon he was holding was an Eevee."*sniff* You're cuter than I expected!*sniff*Ya know what?Go PokeBall..."He got out a PokeBall and booped the Eevee on the head.It caught it within 5 seconds."Nice...*sniff*...I feel a little*sniff*better now......"He got up and started to wander around the city,hoping to bump into one of his old friends,which he thought it would be too cliche to happen.
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Ray sighed.
"There's a reason I wanted to keep this a secret from him..." he muttered to himself. He glared at the Sentret and the Watchog who, despite Micheal's absence, persisted in maintaining a barrier around him...
"I'm getting sick of this..." Ray spat. "Dusknoir, use Disable!" He sent out the bulky ghost-type and the pokemon proceeded to halt the Protects, freeing the incarcerated trainer.
Ray slowly wandered over to Azumi's side. Despite his worsening relationship with Micheal, he didn't want to just get up and leave again...
"W-well, I guess we wait for him to cool down and come back..." he said dejectedly. "Worse case scenario, we go our separate ways I guess..."
Azumi placed her hand on Ray's backs. "I'm sure he will get over it, you two just haven't had the time to talk things out." She looked at Ray's clothes and laughed. "We should stop by a store and get you new clothes, I'm not sure if rockets will appreciate your outfit." She looked over at the sky, "It's almost mid day, we should get going soon, I can't ride Arcanine that fast with my condition." She said while placing her hands on her ribs.
Ray smiled and laughed a bit.
"You're right... I could do with a new outfit." He was eager to do anything to take his mind off of what had just happened.
"Speaking of which - I wound up giving the clothes I got from your mansion to some Tempest grunt in exchange for that uniform I was wearing... In hindsight they were probably pretty expensive, so uh... sorry 'bout that" Ray apologized absentmindedly as he got on top of Typhlosion and readied himself to go.
"Alright, Ms Broken-ribs - set a pace that's comfortable for you and I'll follow suit!"
"Sounds good" Azumi replied with a smile. She turned to rest, "Please take care of Michael for me!" She yelled as she released Arcanine and got on him. "I hope he's ok." Arcanine started running at a decent speed, while Azumi pressed her body as close as possible to him, trying to avoid from her bouncing around. She felt more prepared more then ever to meet the team responsible for her mother's death and hopefully find out who was responsible for it.
Ray spurred Typhlosion onward and the two rode alongside Azumi and Arcanine in the direction of Laverre city. Anticipation was building within him at the prospect of reuniting with team rocket - so much so that it bothered him... Ray couldn't shake the perturbing feeling that, somehow, he was returning home - though he fought to vanquish this feeling with every fibre of his being...
Soon enough he could see Laverre city on the horizon, and he tried to distract himself with what kind of clothes to buy... not that he particualrily cared... but it helped keep his mind off things.
Michael kept wondering if he was wrong,he couldn't stop wondering what would happen to his "friends",he wondered if this was a mistake.He went to a bench and sat down,with Eevee in his lap and Blaziken next to him."Huh...this is...boring...:'|..."He said disappointed."Eevee...Let me tell you a story...Actually...Imma tell everyone a story..."He got everyone out of their PokeBalls,and told everone every thing from the begining.Then,when he finished,he sighed."I wish this drama wouldn't had happened...:?"Then he got out of his bag his PokeDex and said"Let's see what moves you've got Eev....Double Team...Attract....Toxic?...and...Shadow Ball??!!Mama!How long have you trained?!Y'know what?It doesn't matter...Let's go...."He got up from the bench and continued to walk around the city.Suddenly...a female Meowstic jumps in front of him."Woah!!Wait I know you...*gasps*Tyler and Alex!"He restlessly looked around for his best friends.
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As soon as they arrived to Laverre city, Azumi dismounted Arcanine and returned him to his pokeball. She rubbed her ribs a little to ease the pain. After a few seconds, she walked over and pulled Ray of typhlosion, dragging him by the arm. "Come on, we don't got time before your team meeting." She said in a playful tone. They stopped by a small food stand that was selling mooncakes in the form of various Pokemon. She picked one in the shape of cyndaquil for Ray and one shaped like Poliwag for her.
She then again began to drag him around, forgetting to collect her change at the food stand. They finally reached a clothes store. "Finally.." she said in between breaths, "These ribs are giving me a hard time to breath." She coughed a few times before walking into the store. She released Ray once inside. "Hey Ray, if you don't mind me asking. What's your family like?"
Michael kept looking after his friends until he saw dark figures moving.They jumped from their hiding spot and rushed to hug Michael.
Michael!The girl said excited.
You're okay!The boy said happy.
Tyler!Alex!You found me!Michael said as he hugged them back.Then,they released Michael and said.
Where were you?!
We went to your house but you weren't there?
Well...Ugh..I'm gonna have to tell the story again...So,here's what happened.

One story later.
Wow...you went trough a lot...
Yeah...wanna get some ice cream to get over it?
...No.I know what I have to do.We have to help 'Zumi and Ray.
But weren't them the ones you wanted to jump off a cliff?
...Well,yeah,but we still need to help them!
But how are we gonna get to Laverre City?
I'll ride Blazi,and Mala can use his Psychic to fly over you over there.Sounds good?
Let's do it!They said together.

Michael called back his Pokemon and got up on Blaziken's shoulders.Alex got Malamar out,and used his Psychic to lift up her and Tyler.Meowstic was sitting on her trainer's shoulder.
Wait!Do you have a paper and something to write?
You'll see...
They flew over Jodi,Oliver and Zak,and dropped a note.Then they headed over to Laverre city.

Jodi picked up the note,which said"Jodi,please get everyone to head over to Laverre City.We gotta help 'Zumi and Ray negotiate.Even though I wouldn't mind if they jumped off a cliff.And please hurry.~Michael"Jodi was surprised to read the note,but then got out Ursaring and climbed his shoulders.
Everyone!We gotta go!Oliver,up here!"She said as she hold out a hand to Oliver.After he climbed Ursaring,Jodi adressed Zak."You gotta wait for Jodi and then head over to Laverre City!And hurry!"And with those words Ursaring ran over in the direction of Laverre City,using Giga Impact as a boost.Soon,she arrived to the destination.Jodi remembered Ray saying something about clothes,so she entered the clothes shop.
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Even though Azumi was dragging him, Ray still enjoyed getting mooncakes and walking around. It wasn't often he got to experienced the city in such an easygoing way.
When they arrived at the clothes store, Ray immediately gravitated toward the most basic clothes there. He starting sifting through a rack of shirts for something his size...
"W-well, I lived with my mom and my two older brothers. As I mentioned before we didn't have much money, but it was as homely as I can imagine any home could be. I really looked up to my brothers: they taught me how to battle and showed me how to get by in the world... they were cool guys - smart, strong, level-headed admins - I just wanted to be half as cool as they were someday!" Ray laughed reminiscently.
"And my mother was a saint; without her keeping us in line, things woulda gone a lot worse for us a lot sooner... B-but as you know, team rocket was eventually taken down... There were some brutal raids involved, and... well... now it's just me."
Ray sped up towards the end of his last sentence and hurried into a change room with a shirt and jeans before he could choke up... It'd been awhile since he'd thought about all that...
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Oliver was confused on everything that was happening. “What’s going on...?” He asked. “Where are we going? Is it dangerous? Is it a fun place? Will those bad guys be there?” He asked multiple questions, as Sparky, who climbed up on his head, facepalmed. “Pichu....”(please stop...)
"Shut up.Please."Jodi told Oliver harsh.When she saw Ray get some clothes to try on,she whispered "Maybe we should wait for them outside."She got Oliver by the wrist and left the store.She then saw Michael jump over her with some other people.He put his finger to his mouth,and Jodi nodded and gave him a thumbs up.Then,she leaned on the wall,waiting for the adults.
Oliver whimpered when Jodi harshly told him to shut up, upset. He sat next to her, and began talking to Sparky. “I wonder when you’ll evolve....then, we can use the Thunder Stone Mama gave us, then, we can beat the bad guys!” Ollie said happily, as Pichu nodded in agreement.
"You're like a baby.Your Pichu isn't evolving because your friendship isn't strong enough."Jodi said irritated.She really toughned up in this adventure,and plus.. .she was sick of being treated like she's 5 years old.Meanwhile Michael was trying to make up an excuse to why he came,'cause he was too ashamed to admit that he was worried for the people he hated most.
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"Sounds like a charming family." Azumi said before Ray went in to change his clothes. She walked over to the casheir, "Charge whatever clothes we got from here." She gave the cashier a credit card. She walked around waiting for Ray, picking out a new change for herself. She then saw a dress that caught her attention. She picked it up and took it over to the cashier, "Could you have this dress mailed overseas? I'll have the gentleman changing provide you the address." The cashier nodded in agreement and placed Azumi's clothing in a bag.
Azumi then walked back over by the changing rooms, "Are you ok in there? Do you need an adult?" She called out with a laugh.
Sparky and Oliver looked up, confused. “I’m not a baby! For your information, Sparky and i are best friends! We just don’t battle that much since he only knows one move, Thunder Shock!” Oliver said, hugging his Pokemon closer. “I know how to evolve him, and i always knew. I just don’t know when he’s gonna do it...” He mumbled, turning away.
"Very funny" said Ray sarcastically as he emerged from the change room in his new clothes. "It's not easy putting on pants when you have a cast to take off, y'know..." He left his old clothes in the change room (he didn't think they were even worth keeping) and walked over to the counter to find that Azumi had already paid for him.
"I normally wouldn't let someone else pay for me, but considering that I have literally no money right now... T-thanks" he said to her.
"Now we just wait 'till it gets a bit darker out, and head to Route 15..."
Before leaving the store Azumi stopped Ray, "Wait. I got this for your mom." She gave him the dress she had bought, "You said she was a saint and someone who had the guts to raise YOU, deserves gifts once in a while. The cashier is ready for the address so they can mail it. I'm going to wait outside." She left Ray store with a smile.
She walked outside and looked through her bag before she released others had arrived. "Wow. Why are you all here?"
"T-thanks" Ray said quietly as he accepted the gift from Azumi and watched her walk out. He looked down at the dress in his hands... It had been years since he'd last spoken to his mother; ever since the death of his brothers, they'd grown distant... He didn't even know if she still lived in the same place...
Ray walked over to the cashier and gave him the address of their old apartment in Goldnrod. The cashier asked Ray who the name of the sender should be and Ray told him to just leave it blank. He smiled at the thought of his mother's surprised face if the package actually made it to her...
He then joined Azumi outside and was surprised to find a crowd of kids, containing none other than his favourite person, Micheal.
"Dear lord..." he put his hand to his forehead and looked down at the ground. "If you're here to try to imprison me again, I swear..."
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"Ugh...look who I ended up with.The 2 people I hate the most."Michael said looking at Azumi and Ray.He glanced over to the roof of the clothes shop,where his friends were hiding."And no,I don't want to encase you anymore,even though I can't say if you wouldn't be a little later.Now,if you don't mind,I have to to hate you somewhere else.So....Buh-bye!"He said as he flew over on the roof.There was a blue colour that was stuck to him.It was Meowstic's Psychic.Then,his friend,Tyler whispered to him:
Those were the guys you hate?They seem like nice people.
Except for the Ray dude.He did seem like a jerk.
Yeah,I know.But we need to bounce over to Route 15.And quick.We can't jump,we'll be seen.You need to help us.
On it!Meowstic,you carry Blaziken and Michael.And Malamar we'll carry us,right Alex?
Yeah,let's go.
Michael gave one last thumbs up to Jodi,when Oliver,Azumi and Ray weren't looking.Jodi nodded and pat Ursaring's head.Then,Michael and his friends flew away to Route 15,but thankfuly,no one noticed them.
I still don't understand why are we doing this.
To help them.They don't deserve it,but I don't want to let them mess up something.
But when are you gonna introduce us?
Later.And after everything,we'll get ice cream.Dibs on staying at my house!
They continued to talk about random things,and they eventually got to Route 15.Alex and Tyler hid in a bush,it was part of Michael's plan.If Azumi and Ray wouldn't tell him something,Malamar would hypnotise to jump off a cliff.He wanted to know if they had a plan on how to cooperate with RR.If they knew how to convince them.
Oliver tilted his head seeing Michael leave. “Why is he leaving? And why does he hate Mr.Ray? He saved me....he’s a good guy....right...?” Oliver looked up at Jodi and asked that question. “You should know, right? Your the smartest person I know. You gotta know the answer....”
Azumi sighed a little annoyed by Michael's display, "I really care for him, but he rushes into doing things so much that I'm afraid one of his actions might get us all in trouble." She looked over at Jodi and Oliver, "Come on Ollie and Jodi. We can drop you guys off at the Pokemon center, where we are going is not safe for you too." She grabbed Oliver by the hand and began walking, "Come on Ray. We can heal our Pokemon before heading to our next destination."
"Yeah...Michael's got his reasons.Come on,Oliver.I'll tell you...But stop talking like a 5 year old.Aren't you like older than me?Well,I guess this adventure will make you tougher."Then she whispered"Look.Ray isn't exactly a good guy...He's a criminal...And Michael hates because of that.But,mostly because,when we were at Azumi's house,he ran away because he...Actually I don't know why.Michael says because he was scared,but I think it's beacause he didn't want to get arrested.And,Ray treathened Azumi's dad,who is a really nice guy.And Michael can't get over that.And you saw how they almost got into a fight.".Jodi looked up at Azumi surprised"What?!Michael is going!If he can handle it,we can handle it!I'm not a 5 year old!I can fend for myself!You always say that it's too dangerous for me but I'm 11!Otis is older than me with 1 year!I know you want to protect the kids,but if you overprotect them,they won't be able to do anything!"
Azumi stopped when she heard Jodi's words. "I'm not saying you can't defend yourself. But walking into Team Rocket's base with you tagging along, would be very irresponsible on our part. Not only because there are many bad people in there, but because if something goes wrong, who are we going to have as back up?" Azumi continued to walk, the pokemon center was in sight now. "What I'm afraid of is that Michael won't understand that and do something reckless."
Oliver looked at Jodi confused. “Um...I’m not older, I’m 11 too. And, Ray is evil? But he protected me from the other bad guys! I’m confused....” He said, picking Sparky up again so he could snuggle him. He then pulled away from Azumi. “Wait, dangerous? Jodi said she could handle it, i can too! Ill go to the Pokémon Center, just so i can pick up my Dads Pokemon he told me to use in a emergency. Me and Jodi are Pokemon trainers too! We can fight back! I’m going, even if i have to go alone!” He said, and Sparky nodded. “PICHU-PICHU!” (HES RIGHT! WE WANNA HELP TOO!)
"Okay,that is not true.The reason why we're here,is Michael!"Jodi said serious."He sent me a letter saying that we have to help you guys!He's worried for you!...Even though he wouldn't mind if you two jumped off a cliff...But still!And plus,what YOU'RE doing is also very reckless!You want a Criminal Organization to help you!That could go extremely bad!Sure,Michael is kind of spontanious,but he's caring!More than you think!I mean,what are we gonna do about Otis and Zak?Just leave them?!"Jodi smiled when she heard what Oliver said"Yeah!Maybe we can even take a break from the "plans envolving bad guys" and train!Maybe you can convince Michael to stop hating you!
Oliver walked over to Jodi and grabbed her hand, pulling her to the side real quick. “These guys don’t think we can handle the bad guys. Why is that? They always say they want us to be good trainers, but they don’t even let us help! How are we supposed to show them we can handle it?” He asked her, being serious for once. “I have a plan to show them. Lets let them leave us at the pokemon center, ill tell you the plan there.” He whispered.
"I also have a plan."Jodi whispered Oliver."You saw how Michael went on the roof,right?I bet he's gonna go to Route 15!We can join him there!And his with some of his friends!One of them has a Malamar!You know what they do right?They can brainwash people and make them do it's biding!I think he wants to brainwash Azumi and Ray!I know that sounds bad,but he won't do it if they stop being like that!Michael is annoyed by the same thing as us!So,I say it works!But,we'll see what your plan is and decide which one is better!