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Ask to Join Captured by the Evil Team! (part 2: new RPers weclome)

Azumi stared in amazement at Ray. "Team up with team rocket?!" She looked down at her hands trying to arrange her thoughts and avoid exploding. She took several deep breaths and looked back at Ray. "There is something I need to tell you before doing something so outrageous." She pushed her plate away and turned her body to make sure she could look at Ray in the eyes. "My mother was an excellent coordinator. She used to travel to different regions trying to improve her skills. She decided to try her luck in Johto." Azumi gulped, her eyes got teary. She looked away and faced the rest of the cafe. "She never came back. It was during the rocket invasion. Team rocket took my mother." She wiped her face with her arm. "That is why it's difficult to trust an ex member even though I know your intentions are good." She looked back at Ray, "If you believe that asking THEM for help will work. The I will swallow my feelings to work with you all."
Zak woke up with a jolt. He checked his watch. 'Darn. 7:00 already? I better get up top.' When he got up to the ground floor he saw everyone discussing something. 'Hey guys! What's up?' He looked at Azumi and Ray's faces. 'OK so are you guys good or what?'

(Also cograts on 600 posts! YAY!)
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Azumi looked over at Zak who had just walked in. "Morning Zak. There's pancakes, so please help yourself. Me and Ray are discussing the plans regarding taking on tempest." She took a deep breath and leaned back on her sit, she hadn't noticed she got so tense. "Also, thank you for last night. I already began drinking more moomo milk." She pointed with a smile to the half finished bottle in front of her.
Michael heard Otis outside his door."I-it's nothing!I'm okay!"Michael said through the door."It's just that..."Michael opened the door with a Scolipede red blush."Well...I was really shocked to see you...It's been some time....like 9 hours....which isn't that long...Ugh...what I mean is..."He stopped when he saw Zak go to the elevator,then he heard Azumi's and Ray's conversation."Yeah...I think we should wait here...until the conversation cools...Let's wake up Jodi."He walked over to Jodi's room,but the door opened before he could reach the handle.Jodi walked out with a backpack."Ready!"She said."Okay....I'm not even gonna question if you eavsdropped on us.But look here's Otis!" "I heard!" "Yup,called it.But anyway,now we wait."He called back all his Pokemon except Grovyle and Spar."Look guys,these are my new Pokemon!Grovyle and Spar,the Lycanrock!" "Where did you get them?" "I went to my ranch,left there Py,Zeb and Digger,and got these guys,and there I evolved Sneasel."Michael and Jodi leaned on the wall.Then Michael looked up"Did Azumi just call Miltank milk...moomoo milk?" "That's weird..." "Yeah,I know..."
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Ray was overcome with feelings of guilt upon hearing Azumi's story. He often neglected to hold himself, or the organization he was once a part of accountable for such things...
"I-I'm so sorry..." was all Ray managed to say before Zak entered the room. He eyed the man with contempt. As of late, working with the people who'd taken his family was something that Ray too had become familiar with...
"Well, what're your plans, PSF?" he asked Zak while preoccupied throwing pancakes like frisbees for Typhlosion to catch and eat...
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Sparky ran back, and unlocked Olivers cell. “Phew...thanks Sparky!” He said, running out with his Pichu behind him. He ended up at Lysandre Cafe, picking Pichu up and carrying him in, looking around. “Woah...this place is great!” He said, as Sparky nodded in agreement.
Typhlosion heard Oliver enter the cafe and turned toward the door just in time for one of Ray's pancake-frisbees to hit him in the side of the head. Ray attempted to suppress his laughter as he turned around to see what his pokemon what looking at.
"H-hold on, Azumi! Don't you recognize him?" Ray attempted to de-escalate the situation. "That's the kid I was trying to break out of prison back at the HQ!" He turned toward the boy: "Oliver, right? I'm glad your Pichu managed to get that key to you!"
"Huh....I think something's going on...let's go!"He went towards the elevator,with his friends,and went to the main floor.When they got out,they saw a random dude with a Pichu."So that's the kid that Ray wanted to save!"He thought."Hey,we aren't here for three minutes and you already are in drama!"He looked towards Oliver,eyeing him up and down."So you're the guy the Ray completely forgot about,huh?He didn't even remembered about you until I said something,and I didn't even knew you existed."He looked towards Ray disappointed.Spar growled at Ray, sniffed Pichu,and then barked at it.He thought it was some kinda of toy."Spar,if you wanna chew something,chew Ray's leg."Spar immediately looked towards Ray,with his ears perked up.He approached Ray,curious."That's Spar.he likes to chew.And this is Grovyle.I wish he liked to chew too..."Michael imagined Spar and Grov never letting go of Ray's leg,chewing it forever."Sooo,fresh meat. Why are you threatening 'Zumi?I know she's annoying,but I thought that Ray was gonna be the first one."He snapped his fingers. Grovyle got ready to use Mud-Slap.
"Oh, my apologies. I didn't recognize you. You look really.... Dirty." Azumi said trying not to sound offensive. She glared at Michael when she heard his comment about her, "Me? Annoying? You should be the last person saying that!" She looked back at Ollie. "Ollie right? Sorry again for being rude. Please come in, there is still pancakes left. Have as many as you like." She gently picked up Pichu to get it away from Lycanroc and placed on the table.
She looked over at Zak, "So Zak, you got any plans of what to do next? Ray's is.... Interesting."
"Yes you are!With you so called "manners"!"Michael said irritated to Azumi. Then,his eyes flied between Azumi and Zak."Hmmmmmm,interesting that you ask Zak for an opinion."He winked at Zak.Spar was really disappointed so he licked Azumi's shoe."Soooo...you saying it's interesting 'cause practically Team Rocket did something to your mom,but you don't wanna to be too emotional,and you wanna keep her Arcanine."He handed over the PokeBall to Azumi."Hey,Oliver weirdo!How comes you don't wanna kill Ray yet?"
"Thank you!" She said with a smile as she put Arcanine's pokeball away. "And I don't see what is wrong in asking Zak for an opinion." She grabbed a pancake and gave it to spar while petting him on the head. "Besides Ray has experience being part of these kind of organizations and Zak dedicates his life to stopping them. I believe they are our best chance of winning." She served Ollie and Pichu breakfast and sat back down next to Ray.
"Ugh...you don't understand.But you will,soon enough."Michael told Azumi."But even if he is in the PSF,I have a plan too!"Michael started to hop,while raising his hand."Please,please,please,please!!!!!!You haven't even heard it!You have no right to reject me!Even though you didn't say anything!Can I please suggest something??!!"
"Yay!It doesn't involve any jumping...well...It could but..."Michael was trying to find the right words."I live in the outskirts of Lumiose City.It's much more spacious and comfortable than this cafe!And since we went to your house,I thought we'd go to my house.And if Tempest shows up,there are over 1000 Pokemon at my ranch that could back us up!What do you think??!!"
Azumi thought about Michael's plan, "It sounds like a great place to take cover from them, not much of an attack on them though." She answered while looking at Michael. "If things go bad, that would be a great place to hide. But, why would they go after us?"
"Y'know,if they find us.'Cause they're kinda already after us.And plus,we went to your house,I don't see why we wouldn't go to mine!"Michael said quickly."C'mon!I can bake you cupcakes!And there's enough Miltank milk for you to drink!!We can do activities!Like,riding a mechanic Bouffalant!Or a real one!Or we could race Rapidash,the fastest Pokemon at my ranch!The terrain is really big,you won't get bored!!!!!And we can attack them just fine!My father's from the Alola Region,so he has Z-Moves!Look,even I have one!"Michael dug into his backpack.He got out a Z-Ring.He attached it to his arm.It appeared it have a Lycanium Z in it."See!It's just like the one that Zak has.Just that my Lycanroc is Midday Form,and his is Dusk Form.And I have some more in my bag!"
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Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis followed Michael back downstairs where there was a new guy. Her eyes narrowed towards Michael, I'll talk to him... later... She let out a sigh, and looked at Oliver.

"Yeah, why would he kill Ray? And Michael, how could you say such a terrible thing, asking if someone would kill someone else!" Otis let out a very long sigh that time. "Well enough of that, I'm Otis. You probably haven't seen or heard of me, since I was left a bit behind at a battle field. So, welcome to our little team!"
'Hi I'm Zak! It was Oliver, right?' Zak looked at the boy. 'You look injured. Are you OK? I have a lab and could fix you up if you want? It's really no big problem.' The new boy seemed, well... New, but somehow he knew Ray. He turned is attention to Azumi, Micheal and Ray. 'Just remember that you don't have to bother me with one Micheal.' He slid down his sleeve to reveal his Z-Ring. 'But I think your ranch is a possible pace to stock up before we head off. And Ray has a point, not that Azumi is wrong either. They are dangerous. I dealt with a different dimension of Team Rainbow Rocket. So I say we head to Micheal's ranch to stock up, and then workout something from there. You have Pokemon saddles there right Micheal?' He said climbing onto Noivern.
"Ugh...thanks for making me look like an absolute jerk!"He said irritated to Otis."Now,yes,my ranch does have Pokemon saddles,how do you think we would ride Bouffalant?But anyway,it's nice there!We have a lot of land!There's a forest section,a lake,a cave,a frozen part of the cave,fields and much more!There's enough guest rooms for everyone.I can bake you cupcakes,show you around,do activites,just like your in kindergarden and I'm the teacher!It's gonna be so fun!"
Azumi sighed, she didn't like the comment she was about to make, but felt that it was necessary. "We aren't here to have fun." She colmed her hair behind her ears. "I agree on stocking up on items and preparing myself. But, we can't waste time playing around. The more time we don't act against them, the more cities are attacked and more people suffer the consequences." She gave her milk one last drink and finished it.
"Ugh...you suck!"Michael thought angry."Than I guess you don't get cupcakes!Or a bed!Or the permission of staying at my house!Seriously,we deserve some fun!We've been on the run for much too long!Ugh...then why do you even want to come!Your rich,so you can get everything you want.Ugh,break time!"Michael said as he walked out of the cafe. He went to the nearest bench and sat down."Man.....I wish the adults would't always be buzz kills...."
'OK sure. You play your little children role play games Micheal, and we'll try and actually do stuff.' Zak ran down to pack up his stuff. When he got back up, he got on Noivern again. 'Let's fly!' Zak flew off on Noivern and she circled in the air until the others could catch up and get the heck out of there.
Ray sat silently as the others conversed, considering what to do next. Upon further contemplation, he realized that there was no way Micheal would be willing to go along with his plan, and as law-enforcement Zak's presence wouldn't exactly help the situation... In addition, there was a high chance of negotiations going sour, so it would be risky to say the least...
Thankfully Azumi was the only one in the room when he pitched his plan, and he avoided bringing it up again. But he still thought it was an avenue worth pursuing... If he could catch an opportunity to sneak out alone, or with a few others, in order to avoid getting Micheal worked-up or endangering more people than necessary, that would be ideal... In theory it would just be a quick mission: go to the Lost Hotel, see if RR would be willing to help, and come back with a yes or no...
"Well, I'm happy to go to Micheal's ranch for a bit" Ray said after a long think. "If the kids wanna have some fun, let 'em have some fun." He gave Azumi a look, trying to convey to her what he was really thinking. He wanted to use this as an opportunity to slip away unnoticed.
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Azumi saw Ray's look, she figuered he had something in mind and would ask later.She was expecting Michael to react that way, she felt bad but it was necessary. She saw Zak rush out, which convinced her to go get her stuff also. She went to her room, where her coat was. "It's full of blood..." She said to herself as she examined it. She decided to throw it away in a nearby trash bin. She gather her pouch, putting some moomo milks inside it and left the cafe. Zak was circling above them and Michael on a bench. She walked over to Michael and told him, "Sorry for upsetting you. Would it help if I promise that you decide what to do after we finish this?" She was hoping to cheer him up.
She then looked up at Zak, signaling for him to come down.
"Yeah,we should order the biggest sundae EVER!!!"Michael said when Azumi came to him."But I'll cheer up on one condition:If you stop calling Miltank "moomoo milk".It's extremely creepy.............Soooo,'Zumi...I've been meaning to ask you...Do you think Zak's a good person?Like do you see him staying with us?"Michael said,while thinking"Please say that's you like him!I need a solid ship!"...Meanwhile Jodi saw the whole arguing scene while rolling her eyes.He went to Oliver and said"I'm Jodi!It's nice to meet you!Your Pichu is very cute!"He pat the Pichu,then went outside.She sent out Nuzleaf,to keep her company.
Zak saw Azumi's hand gesture for him to come down. 'Here I come then!' When Zak landed he waited. He started talking to Ray. 'So are we still going to Micheal's ranch? Or is he being sorry for himself and he feels like he should just leave on his own because he thinks he's better than us? Also I would like to know, what are we doing after we get to the ranch and stock up? '
Ray saw everyone else getting ready to go and so he began to do the same. He entered a 'staff-only' room behind the counter and started digging around for something to wear that wasn't a Tempest uniform. He found a plain red shirt with a name-tag in it - it appeared to be someone's old uniform from when the cafe was still active... there was an ugly pair of khakis to go with it.
"Well, it'll have to do..." He ripped off the name-tag and changed into the new clothes.
"Ugh, I look like a fast food worker..." he sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror, before heading out to meet the others in front of the cafe.
"Yeah, I think we should go to Micheal's ranch for now" Ray responded to Zak. "As for a plan going forward... we can talk about that later" he said somewhat discreetly. "For now, let's just get everyone out of here."
Azumi smiled at Michael's reply, "Sounds great! And well I think he isia nice guy, speaking of which, let me go check on those two." She walked over to Ray and Zak. She laughed when she saw Ray's clothes, "What ARE you wearing?"
She then directed herself to Zak, "Hey Zak I wanted to ask a favor. Because of the pain in my ribs I don't think I can ride Arcanine. Could I ride noivern with you?"
When Michael heard what Azumi asked Ray,he grined.He thought excited"Please say yes!PLEASE!!!!"Then Grovyle came over to him."So boy,what did you do?"Grovyle whispered something in his ear.Michael said"So Ray wants to come to my ranch willingly?There's something fishy...I bet it's something to do with Team RR!It's good that my hearing works well,'cause than I wouldn't have heard his conversation with 'Zumi.I need to ask him!"
"Welcome to Ray's cafe, can I get you something to drink?" he joked to Azumi. "Can't go running around in a Tempest uniform forever..."
He called for Typhlosion and the pokemon came running to his side.
"Well, I'm ready to go whenever you all are! Micheal should take the lead, I suppose..."
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"OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!"Michael yelled excited."Is everyone ready?!Are you ready?!Come on,be ready!!"Michael couldn't talk normally,he was really excited.He talked so quick he couldn't even think properly."YES,YES,YES!!!!!WE'RE GOING TO MY HOUSE!!!WOOOO!!!!"Michael called back Grovyle and Spar,called out Blaziken,climbed on her shoulders,and said"Come on!Get yo' rides!!!!!!Last one is a rotten criminal!Oops!Too late for you Ray!"He chuckeld.Blaziken jumped on the Prism Tower,then jumped towards Michael's ranch.He was so excited,he felt like he could explode with happiness.He was so happy he couldn't even frown.


Previously OtisRolePlays
"So we are going to Michael's house?" She watched Michael and his Blaziken jump towards the prism tower. "I'm taking that as a 'yes'..." Otis sighed, and ran after the two. She didn't have a riding Pokémon, so she just kept running. Soon Otis reached the tower, and she started to climb it

After awhile, Otis had made it to the top. She made her way to the direction where Michael and his Blaziken were jumping towards, and she climbed back down the tower. Otis was only a few footsteps away from Michael with his Blaziken.
"Come on Oti'!Pick up the pace!"Michael yelled at Otis excited.In the distance,Jodi was riding her Ursaring,catching up with the others."Hi 'Odi!"Michael said."You know what?We're going too slow!Use Flare Blitz!"Blaziken flew towards Michael's ranch.Jodi sighed and said"Ursaring!Use Giga Imapct so we'll go faster!"Ursaring dashed after Blaziken,leaving Otis in a cloud of dust.
Azumi was confused when she saw Otis running. Azumi had given her an Arcanine to use. Then she remembered Ollie. She ran back inside the cafe, got Ollie by the hand and got Pichu with her free arm and dragged them outside. She walked up to Ray, "Here you take these two." She said with a smile and walked back to where Zak was, waiting for his answer.