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Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

Drayda didn't move. Nor did she so much as stir or make a sound. Well, she didn't.

Her eyelids lifted suddenly, her amber eyes glowing fiercely as she saw whoever was there to dare disturb her. The dragon, now gaining full control, transformed the body painfully into a small black and purple dragon with a spike on the end of her tail, spines, and no horns. She still laid there, unable to move, but she glared at the man with ferocity, much like that of a cornered animal and one filled with bloodlust.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
".....who left their costumed pet here .. it isn't Halloween. " Jack said, as he finally made the small wall stop the annoyance it does , on purpose "so, are you a new student or are you just a homeless woman looking for a job "
Drayda's dragon scoffed at such an insult. The boy was wasting her time and she crawled back to whatever mental recess she had, allowing Drayda back control. But of course, Drayda was still knocked out. She transformed back into her regular human self, her body still almost lifeless on the steps.

After a few moments though, she came to and saw, with blurred vision, a young boy standing over her. After getting some information from her dragon about what he said, she just chuckled. "You have some nerve saying that to someone who could obviously use some medical attention. I'm a student, what does it look like? What, that I can't control my quirk like others can and I end up getting sick? Give me a break. How about you actually help me instead of standing there like some useless bully who has nothing to do with his time besides insult someone who is down and out for the count? Unless you really aren't a hero..."

She wasn't having any of his crap as she struggled to move. She didn't care if the boy helped or not, she just cared that she was able to sit up. Weak as her movements may seem, she was able to sit up properly, but this caused a rush of blood to her brain that made her want to get sick again. She held her mouth closed with her hand as her skin literally turned a pale shade of green. She really needed a proper place to puke if this was going to happen a lot.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
"If you want to puke here" Jack said before he made a bucket appear in front of her, if this hapoens alot, this year is gonna be long, very long "pretty sure there's a nurse inside, she's in the room in left hallway"
She took the bucket and laid it underneath her face, but seeing the bucket made her feel less nauseous. The color of her skin turned back to normal before she looked up at the boy. Her tone was a bit nicer, and the conversation they had before was seemingly forgotten on her end. "Well, I can't get up without wanting to collapse. That nurse will either have to come outside or I stay here until I get better. Which, the nausea will pass. Thanks for the bucket."

She took quite a bit of time and stayed silent for now, sitting on the steps with a bucket sitting underneath her face as she tried to gather enough energy to start walking, let alone to even stand up. She ignored the boy's presence for now until he did something to set her off as her mind was now set on meditating. She breathed in and out slowly with her eyes closed as she attempted to get some of her energy back.

This may take awhile.

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Aurora sat on the tree branch her pink hair swaying in the wind. The cardigan she used to wear was stuffed into her small backpack which lay next to her. She stood up, taking her backpack up with her. After making sure she had a tight grip on her backpack, she jumped off the tree. She waited for a few seconds before stretching out her wings and soaring up. She had flown to the school many times as she was training for her quirk. She had practically memorized the route to the school so she didn't have to worry about getting lost. As she saw the bridge, she slowed down and descended. She wasn't sure what happened, but there seemed to be Jack and another girl. A newcomer by the looks of it, I wonder if Jack beat her up? She stood at the side awkwardly before walking a little closer. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked quietly.

Lydia heard a beeping noise as she woke up. The thing about her alarm clock was that it seemed to get more annoying the longer she ignored it. Not to mention, she absolutely hated the noise. She was still half asleep as she pushed her sleeping mask off her eyes and turned to look at the clock. Her eyes widened as she saw the time. She only had half an hour left to get ready. She got up off her bed and put on her fluffy slippers. She walked downstairs rummaging through her cabinets to find something to eat. She picked up a granola bar, unwrapped the wrapper began eating it. She discarded the wrapper into the trash as she finished, and she headed back upstairs. She brushed her teeth before changing out of her sleep attire. She brushed her hair a couple of times before glancing at the clock. If she left any later she would probably be late. She put down her brush and headed outside. I can't wait to surprise Aurora. It's been so long since we last saw each other in person.
Drayda heard a young girl express concern for her as she just tried to keep her stomach from acting up. She nodded weakly. Her pallid skin seemed to be regaining her dark tone before she looked up at the girl. Now that she was finally able to see, she smiled at the girl, happy to have someone actually care. "Yea, just sick from my quirk. School's about to start probably and I gotta get back my energy so I can walk without passing out again... Or let her take control again.." She looked back down at the bucket and felt the dragon was in no hurry to take over her mind and body again. Thanking whatever gods there were, she felt a little more at ease.

Just a little more time left and she could probably get started. That's when she realized she didn't bring her backpack. If her dragon form got her here, which she assumed that was a thing that happened, the dragon could have at least brought her things. Sighing, she looked back from where she came from and noticed her backpack was dangling from her a tree branch high above the ground on a nearby tree. Well then... Wasn't that convenient?

She just sighed in frustration before continuing to sit there and silently meditate.
Kat's alarm went off early, before the sun was up. With a small groan, she dragged herself out of bed and into the bathroom, splashing some water on her face in an attempt to wake herself up. This would be the third day of her self-motivated workout. And boy, was it difficult. Even though she had gone to bed earlier the previous night, she still felt drained and tired. But still, if she wanted to get stronger she was going to have to push herself. The training camp had definetly shown Kat that. But it still didn't make it any easier. Before the camp, Kat considered her workout to be just a simple run to school. Now, she realized she need quite a bit more arm strength if she was going to succeed in this hero work.

Kat spent the early morning working out. As the sun rose, she showered off and ate a quick breakfast before getting ready for school. The day hadn't even started yet, and she was tired. Maybe she needed to get a bigger breakfast. Grabbing another piece of toast on her way out, she tied her shoes and put in her headphones. To finish off her morning workout, she headed off in a jog to school as she pressed play on her MP3 player. She had a perfect song cued up to keep her pumped for the run.

I see a red door and I want it painted black,
No colors anymore I want them to turn black...

Kat slowed as she made her way towards the entrance to the lot of the school. Letting out a breath, she entered into the dirt lot as the song petered off. Kat stopped the MP3 player and adjusted her backpack before entering into the dirt lot, taking off her headphones and putting them around her neck. It looked like there were a few students already here. That was Jack and... that one pink-haired girl with the wings by the steps. A... Ariel? No, it was Aurora! That's right. Kat was pretty sure she hadn't talked to her yet. There also appeared to be another student, a dark-skinned girl. She looked kind of ill, but it looked like Aurora and Jack were handling the situation. Kat didn't want to crowd the group, so she took a seat on a bench near the school and took out her drawing notebook. Everything seemed like it was starting to get back to normal, and Kat was feeling pretty good about that...

Chunky Ramen

Previously Canadian_Fish
Camden was already awake when his alarm went off.
Shoot. I forgot to go to bed.
He smiled at himself for being so dumb, and the hastily got ready for the day. His mom had set a basket of laundry on his floor, which he had never gotten to, of course. He hadn't gotten to cleaning his room, either. His clothes were strewn everywhere, as well as magazines, books, and drawings. His bulletin board was empty, as usual. He never found anything to put up there. His blue walls were covered in posters of heroes he admired. Mostly Endeavor posters.
He tossed on his (new) blue jacket. This one had a collar and fit him perfectly because mom didn't trust him with hoods or bigger sizes anymore. The last jacket was the fifth he'd torn the hood off of. He didn't care much either way. He had a more replaced wardrobe because his mom was done with him repeatedly wearing the black tee. He had a new one, of course. He put on cyan gym shorts and re-wrapped the bandaging over his right forearm. He hadn't broken it too bad during the fight, but it still had to be wrapped. It still stood out if Camden wore his jacket the way he liked it (Sleeves rolled up above the elbow.) but he refused to wear it any other way.
Camden hastily grabbed a coffee cake, stuck a post-it on the fridge that read "I ran away again. Love you, Camden." and grabbed the most caffeinated drink in the fridge before spinning out the door and putting his headphones on.
-- --
Camden had to swing to school without his right arm today, which was pretty hard. When he touched down in front of the school, he nearly spit out his drink, barely making a smooth slide of a landing.
THIS is what the school was?! All I asked for was at least three-out-of-ten public school. Jeez!
Camden slid his headphones off to see lots of his classmates there. He tossed his stuff in the trash, careful not to toss of his watch or headset with them. He grinned and ignored how bad the school was.
At least lunches are free.
He looked for Asta before tossing his trash in a nearby trash can. He decided to wait for Asta to show up.
Kishi walked down the path with a small smile, pausing suddenly when he came across a rather disturbing sight. A girl? It appeared so- Kishi took another step forward but Jack was the first to reach her. Oh no. Watching from afar, it didn't surprise Kishi that Jack was less than gentle with the girl. To keep himself from making a noise when the girl's body changed shape, Kishi quickly wrapped a hand over his mouth and his eyes grew wide with curiosity. Jack was unphased. After a while, the girl turned back to normal- and Jack actually seemed to respond with at least an act of somewhat compassion, or maybe it was because she yelled at him. Kishi let out a sigh of releif, and the lot bean to fill up a bit more. Who was this girl? More new students? She didn't seem like a student- not with that entrance, at least. Kishi finished his trot down the path and smiled at the dragon girl. "Hey-" he popped up sorta quickly, with an oversize grin and an extended hand. "My name's Kishi, are you a new student. Let me help you out here." Kishi spoke with excitement, he was glad to be back. Quickly, Kishi drew his finger guns and hosed down the stairs- clearing them from the vomit. Kishi turned around to see Kat- back with the music. Others had gathered to, he expected the doors to be locked- so didn't even try them. Waiting patiently for the girl to respond, actually she seemed kinda tired. Maybe she didn't want to be disturbed, it was too late for that now.

Zuron groaned as he reached under his bed and grabbed his back-pack, the boy dusted it off before huffing. Slinging the bag over his shoulder, Zuron smiled at the TV. On the large screen was a hero- the hero. It was All-Might, though the video was from a few years back. Zuron watched All-Might grin at the audience and say something about how any citizen could be a hero- "Yeah right." Zuron scoffed as he clicked the TV off and walked out of the room. Zuron passed his mom, who was busy in the kitchen, giving her a wave that went unseen before he walked out of the house and closed the door behind him. Zuron leaned back slightly before activating his quirk and running to school, the boy had been working on more wind-based techniques so he could enhance his long-range tactics; it honestly has increased his endurance and all-around speed in the process. Getting to school in mere minutes, the boy slowed to a stop as he examined the building. What a hideous sight, Zuron shoved his hands into his pockets and walked casually towards the lot. What was all the commotion? Zuron took a slight interest in the scene by the stairs before rolling his eyes and walking away from it so he could stand in the corner.


Previously SwiftSwoobat
Seo heard the sound of his sister yelling at him, that's the sound he heard every morning. "Seto, can you do me a favour?", he asked, half way asleep. Of course, his sister stopped to answer the rhetorical question," Weeelllll, we do go on the same bus..." He groaned,"I don't got to the bus with you anymore, I go to that one school under the bridge, now!" Seto Yoshisuki wasn't the brightest, especially with memory. She was nearly diagnosed with a memory disorder, though it was just one of her quirks at the time... Oh, yeah, her quirk. The main reason of why she didn't go to Hashino was her quirk. Her quirk is quite OP, though it depends on how and when she uses it. Before you could say 'carnivals are held in Astana locally every thirteen years on special occasions from the government' she took off to catch the bus. Seo rubbed his eyes, really not wanting to go to school today. He walked down the stairs, with his feet pounding against the ground noticeably. He did his morning routine still drowsy. He didn't even realize his parents were present, breezing past them and heading outside after fixing his own breakfast. Usually, Hoshi would come out of her house at nearly the same time as him, but this time she wasn't there. Figuring she already went to school, he walked through his neighbourhood. He passed the 'Old Honoka House', sending chills down his spine. Everything from the crooked tree to the abandoned windows was creepy. Usually, this would be where Mitsue Honoka would join him, sometimes with Ichikawa Aki. They would all laugh together, then went to the bus stop where they met up with Kitani Junzo. They were truly friends, though Hoshi started to shy away from them during eighth grade, and started to be more of a background character of sorts. He shook his head at the Middle School thoughts, then walked passed their old bus stop. He turned right where he continued on this road for a kilometer to Hashino. Still, no sign of Hoshi. Though there was a new girl, along with Jack and Aurora. He yawned, displaying his current level of energy. He was surprised to see a backpack dangling from a tree. He really didn't want to use his quirk, so looked away from the backpack. He saw the new girl who was mediating, confusing him. He coughed, most likely due to the rather cold morning air. He decided to pick up conversation, though didn't know where to begin. "So!", he turned to Aurora, as he didn't know whom to talk to," Uh... Have you seen Hoshi anywhere?"

Akagi Kosho walked down the streets to Hashino. He was rather disappointed by his parent's decision, though he couldn't blame them, His dirty blonde hair flew through the breeze, and he stopped to gaze at the school. "This is as run down as the last one...", he mumbled under his breath, then took a look at the students," And I can say the same for them..." Hoshi woke up, realizing she was late. "Crap, crap, crap!", she yelled to herself, doing her morning routine with speed, though not precision. She only ate an energy bar before heading out. It was a rather mundane day, with nothing particularly standing out. She sped walked passed their entire neighbourhood, and jogging to Hashino. Just as she touched the sidewalk she passed out, though it wasn't her quirk. Akagi sighed, walking to where it seemed most other people were.
Kazumi was excited about this new school, so excited indeed that he already woke up five minutes before his alarm went off, getting out of bed early was one of Kazumi's habits, he wore his iconic green sweater, black pants and white sneakers, he went outside his room, heading for the kitchen, his mom and his older sister was there, but they seemed like they were upset about something, breakfast was his favorite as always, pancakes!, eating it was the best part. Finishing his breakfast, Kazumi waved goodbye to his family, and went on with his way to school.

Arriving at the school Kazumi was most curious with, he smiled of excitement, though people might think this school is trash and useless, Kazumi still likes it, at least they still have schools for the misfits like Kazumi, nearing the steps Kazumi got quite the shock, students were filing up in this single place, "am i suppose to know about this?" Kazumi wondered, practically panicking, Kazumi went to take a look, what started as a small panic turned into a field of curiosity, this girl is a dragon!?


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
(I was actually waiting a while to drop info about Asta! This is exciting :D)
Once Asta got to his stop he made sure no one was looking or was going to sneak a peek at where he was going this late at night. Of course, he was going home but he didn't really want people to know what his place was really like. He traveled past an adoption center, a homeless shelter, and went through a dark alley. The thing he had been looking for was an abandon multistory parking lot.

Asta lived on the highest floor of this multistory parking lot. A lot of times he had worried about getting caught. If such a dastardly time to come at least he'd have a while before they got to the top. Though today was different he was too tuckered out to worry. He grabbed a blanket and fell asleep on the mattress that he borrowed.

The next morning he woke up to a bird pecking at his nose. At that moment he checked the time to realize that he had hurry to make it on time. Using his quirk to run to the homeless shelter and take a shower. Then back to get to get dressed. THEN back to the homeless shelter to brush his teeth. THEN back to his home to get his phone. After all that he was ready to put in his earbuds, relax, and walk to school.
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After a bit of silently concentrating on not puking and getting her energy back, Drayda opened her eyes to see a girl wanting to start conversation with her as other people filed in around her. Some seemed like they couldn't care less about everyone there, while others were a little intrigued at Drayda's appearance. She began counting instinctively, not liking the amount of people that were surrounding her. It made her dragon anxious...

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.... Ten....

She eyed them all, as if half expecting them to hurt her in some way. She usually was optimistic and happy, but this morning hadn't been a very good start. One girl sat on a bench, another girl came by and looked like she was waiting for someone, the rude boy was still hanging around, a girl and a guy were concerned for her, a guy came by and he looked like he was waiting for someone, another guy came by and she guessed he was more the kind of the "stick my nose up to the weak" kind of guy due to the way he walked and held himself, another guy tried to strike up conversation with the pink-haired girl who showed concern, another guy came by who looked like he was going to pass out or did, and another youngster came by and looked to be oggling at her.

Wow... What a group of misfits. She felt like she belonged for once.

She looked up at Kishi with a weak smile before extending out her own hand and shaking his with a surprising amount of firmness despite her weak frame at the moment. It seemed like she had gotten back quite a bit of her strength from just sitting there. She gave him a genuine smile before thanking him. "Yes, I am a new student. The name's Drayda. And yes, young'un," she directed this to Kazumi. "I can turn into a dragon. Anyway," she turned back to Kishi, obviously having had people look at her funny before due to what her quirk turned her into. "And thank you for cleaning up my mess. I don't usually intend to create messes, but being so physically and mentally drained from trying to wrestle control from an inner demon really destroys any sense of energy and stamina I have. At least I can use parts of her... Anyway..."

Drayda got up slowly and seemed to regain her balance. She set the bucket to the side and began walking to a nearby tree that held her backpack. Because she didn't want so many eyes following her, she decided to make this quick. Deep purple membranous wings sprout out painfully from her back, earning a growl and grunt of pain as she jumped up and flew to grab her backpack, and then glided back down to the ground in front of Kishi.

"I don't really remember what happened, but-" she put on her backpack properly with the wings out as she talked. "I think my dragon quirk, which acts like a separate being really, got antsy that I was using her wings for too long getting here and made me black out while she took control. Normally, I remember stuff that happens, especially if she takes control to protect me or herself. Other times, I don't, especially if she's agitated with me. I don't really understand her beyond that, though. I try, but she seems to change on a whim..."

She looked up at the school and was able to read it now. Hoshino Academy. Huh. Not a glamorous name, but at least she heard they get free food.
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Hanwon excitedly jumped out of the window from his bedroom at the top floor of his mansion. Today was a great day for him, he was finally free of the pressure of attending UA. Sure, he had tested in at the top of the class, but he wouldn’t hold a candle to the weakest student there if he was told to maintain his quirk for more than a couple of minutes. He had transferred out just in time to escape getting embarrassed at the sports festival and was looking forward to attending a school where he had no expectations to live up to. He activated only his wings and flew quickly through the sky, landing outside the school in just a few minutes. Moments after he landed the wings sparkled and shattered into dust. This, however, was not a voluntary action but was rather lucky timing with the time limit he could maintain his quirk. He looked around awkwardly, trying to make sense of the commotion. “Hi, I’m the transfer student from UA.” Hanwon spoke quietly and not to anyone in particular.
Kumori woke up to the sound of the alarm she set on her phone. It was set quite a bit earlier than usual, because she had to check if she had everything she needed and pack some additional things in her bag, thr reason being that she was going over to her father for few days. Both of the parents agreed that it would be the easiest if he picked her up from school and then drop off at his place, as he happened to have an important meeting somewhere relatively close and it would end just about when Kumori ended her school day. After finishing packing and doing her morning routine, she grabbed both her school bag and the extra bag, locked tho door to the house (as she was the only one in there as of then) and then started to make her way towards Hashino Academy.

It didn't take long for the spider girl to walk to the school and she could see at different students made their way into the school. Following down the usual dirt path and she spotted some new faces among her classmates. She ignored it for now and continued along the path.

Fuyuki's morning wasn't anything out of the ordinary and was on her way to school via a bus. When she arrived at the bridge she didn't see a school anywhere, but she happened to spot few students that were taking some sort of a dirt path down under the bridge. Following the other students, the brown haired girl got finally to see what her school looked like. It wasn't anything glamorous, but it had a certain charm to it. Fuyuki looked around the students that had already arrived. She happened to spot some new faces and some good old commotion, but luckily it seemed like it was taken care of. She looked around for a moment and spotted Kat sitting on a bench and she decided to approach the girl with the green hoodie.

"Hey Kat. What's up?"


Previously SwiftSwoobat
Seo heard someone talk about being from UA. It reminded him of Seto and he shivered. How could anyone put up with her? In the time he was awaiting for Aurora to reply, he was quickly reminded of Hoshi. He looked to the left, trying to see over the crowd, though it was too thick. It seemed as if someone from each class was here by now. He sighed, looking back to Aurora to see if she'd replied yet.

Kosho was clearly displeased of his new school. He transferred from Kogai Upper Secondary School, which was located on the other side of the city. It was just some confusion about his address that caused the shift, though it was manageable. He probably would've been kicked out anyway. He nearly bumped into Hanwon, and yelled," Watch it!", as a sign of superiority and insecurity.
Kishi looked back over his shoulder- how? How was there so many new students? So quickly- even after the villain attack. Was this normal for the school? Kishi smiled when the girl gave her name and proceeded to explain her situation- 'Don't sorry about it- most of our quirk's don't function right." Kishi added when she came down from the tree. "Your quirk's cool, I you just gotta master it a little bit." Kishi paused before grinning "I think you'll like it here, and I hope she will too!" The lot became rather full, rather quickly. Kishi let out a huff before a shadow overhear caught his attention. Another winged student? Boy, was Aurora going to get a run for her money. Kishi stared at the boy, who loudly announced his presence before awkwardly standing there. Did he say UA? THE UA! What was some UA student doing in a place like this? Kishi took a step forward to speak to the boy, but was interrupted by a loud tapping noise.

From what seemed like nowhere, the principal had gathered a small box and stood on top of it to get the crowd's attention. "Welcome students!" Mr. Zumiti exclaimed with a goofy smile. The man took a pause as he looked over the group of students and pride shone in his eyes. "I hope everyone is well rested, because school is back in session!" Mr. Zumiti smiled with a bit too much excitement, "As many of you may have noticed- we have acquired yet another batch of transfers, and we are so gracious to have them. This means that the classroom sizes will be a bit bigger. Considering the hard training many of you had done last weak, we decided to give everyone a break. Remember, that being a hero is not just about physical capabilities. I'll let you go with that- please proceed to your homerooms so your teacher may further explain." Per usual, the principal's speech was short and sweet and he quickly opened the door and vanished into the school- one would wonder where that man went all day long.

Zuron glared at the principal as he gave the speech. Break? They barely even started actual training! The boy huffed with indignant- it seemed that this school never focused on what was truly important. After the speech, the boy looked around with a huff.
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Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Aurora looked upward at Seo when she heard a cough. She thought for some time about if she had. "Sorry, I haven't," she said shaking her head. "I'm sure you'll see her soon though if you're worried or something. There aren't a lot of students at this school," she said.

Lydia had gotten off the bus some time ago and now was walking towards the school. She paused as she saw a red-haired girl lying unconscious on the sidewalk. "Hey," she muttered, nudging the girl. "This isn't a place to be sleeping," she said.


Previously SwiftSwoobat
Hoshi woke up to the sound of someone yelling at her. It was... uh... who is she? Wait, why does she have tails? She got up, sitting cross legged on the sidewalk. She rubbed her face, clearly annoyed. "Is this better for you?", she said with her mild sass. She didn't want to be completely sassy, though on the other hand she didn't want to be an emotionless orb. She sighed, getting entirely up. Being rather intimidating, Hoshi towered over Lydia She clearly looked frightening, though it wasn't entirely direct if this was how she always was or just temporary. Her eyes were the main reason. They just felt off, they weren't radiating Hoshi Happiness today, but rather a mundane tone of horror. It was like an intrusion on your deepest thoughts, the thought of your deepest fears being revealed, maybe that is your deepest fear? Anyway, Seo would've run the block by now.

What Seo was doing was thinking if he really did miss Hoshi. He didn't want to admit to it, so walked over to someone who he did plan on making friends with. It is quite random, though it is Kishi. During the race, he was trying to bond, though of course that didn't work because he was distracted by nearly dying from that dreaded workout session. He walked over rather chipper, and saw him with another student. "Oh... who's this?", he asked Kishi.
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize my standing here was inconvenient for you.” Hanwon sounded genuine when he spoke, but in his head he was contemplating two different ways to react to this rude boy. Who does this kid think he is? Show him you’re stronger than everyone here and make an example of him spoke the beast. Don’t be ridiculous, you came here to start over. Just lay low spoke the righteous one. Hanwon massaged his temples, irritated by his two clashing inner spirits. “Just shut up guys.” He whispered to himself, careful that nobody around could hear him. He spotted a boy he recognized out of the corner of his eye. “Ugh that cocky prick.” He mumbled. Zuron was obnoxiously proud during his short stint at UA, Hanwon didn’t even feel badly when he suddenly froze up. It seemed karmic. He was irritated that of all the random schools he could have ended up at, he was stuck with this guy again. Hanwon continued to stand around somewhat awkwardly, waiting for the group to head somewhere so he could follow.

Chunky Ramen

Previously Canadian_Fish
Camden noticed Asta arrive, and was about to swing over the crowd to land by Asta when someone said something about Yuuei (He had a talent for hearing quiet mutterings, as he had a past of eavesdropping to see what his parents were getting him for christmas.), followed by a "speech" from the principal. After the speech, Camden turned towards where he'd heard the sound. Camden knew that one of them ((Zuron)) was in his class, but one seemed like a new face. The new one looked irritated, but Camden decided to talk to him anyways.
Camden walked over, rolling his right sleeve down in the process.
"Did you say something about being transferred from Yuuei? Or was that someone else that I heard?" He asked, ignoring the other boy, who seemed to be locked up.
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Zuron used his quirk to slip through the crowd in quick bursts, ending up inside the building before a large crow built up. Zuron kept to himself, eyes down and hands in his pocket as he walked towards his classroom. Mr. Hami already waited inside, neither acknowledge one another as Zuron entered the room and took the seat which he had previously sat in.

Kishi made Seo's face out of the crowd, and was rather glad the other boy walked towards him. Perhaps they had the same thought process. Kishi remembered them meeting before the race- but they hadn't really gotten to know each other through that. Kishi waved at the boy before addressing the question- "This is Drayda." Kishi quickly state,d no thinking that the girl may want to introduce herself. "She's a transfer student, it seems we've gotten a lot of those, huh?" the boy chuckled. Thinking about it, Seo was a transfer student himself- having come the second day of school. Kishi determined that such an occurrence was not rare at Hashino High School. "Let's head to class." Kishi gestured to the door with a smile, he glanced over the crowd once more in search of Kat before shrugging and walking into the building, he was sure he'd meet her inside.
There were so many kids showing up now. It was almost overwhelming. Her senses were getting bogged down and she could feel the dragon inside of her get angry, affecting her emotions. She looked at the new kid who had appeared and asked about her to Kishi, when she was just as capable of explaining herself. She raised an eyebrow, finding it odd that he didn't ask who she was and instead opted for someone else. Maybe they were good friends? She scoffed. It didn't matter, it was still rude.

"Um, you could have just asked me who I was. Asking who I am to someone else when I am literal inches from you is kind of rude, no matter if you've known each other for far longer and apparently trust his word better than mine."

The anger faded and the amber eyes, that were glowing, faded. She realized what she said and her face fell into a stricken, worried look. "Oh no... I'm so sorry. My dragon self she... She got angry and.... Oh, nevermind."

Embarrassed, she fled into the school, not caring what was happening around her. She immediately walked to class, following the loner guy to a classroom and slipping past the teacher as she took a seat at the far corner of the room to be as far away from the door as possible and so nobody would burrow their eyes through her head if she sat up at the front. Her dragon, when agitated, really made it difficult for her to even make friends. She just took her backpack off, took out a notebook and a pencil and began doodling something incomprehensible to get her mind off of what she did. She felt horrible. Her dragon wings stayed out, which didn't help her emotional torrent at the moment. She wanted to punch something, but there was nothing to punch.

Looking about, she saw a chair sitting at the back of the class. An extra chair... Her eyes glowed amber and, before anybody else entered the room, she punched downwards on the chair's seat, causing the poor thing to straighten the legs and created a hole in the seat as her fist collided with the ground, causing a little dent and making the chair now unusable. This created a semi-loud thud and splintering metal as the metal legs straightened and broke off from the nails on the bottom of the chair. She was disappointed that the chair didn't resist much, and she wasn't even trying that hard. Now that she had calmed down a little, she sat back down at her seat. Her fists still shook about violently. She really needed a punching bag.

Feeling sorry about the chair, she sighed and got up to walk shyly over to Mr. Hami. Tapping his shoulder, she looked down with apologetic, upset eyes. "Uh... Yea... I broke a chair... Sorry about that... Is there a punching bag or something? Or anything I can get this urge out on? My dragon won't sit still if I don't..." She then whispered her next bit just loud enough for Mr. Hami to hear. "It's probably the reason why I'm here in this school..."
Kazumi looking curiously at the dragon girl was interrupted by someone who said there were from U.A, this made Kazumi wonder, if U.A students get transferred here, does that mean everyone is from U.A!?, hearing the principal announce the new students arrival and telling them to go to their classrooms, Kazumi really wanted to not embarrass himself on the first day, and with that Kazumi followed the principals orders and went to his classroom.

Upon entering, he got quite the shock once more, pinning himself on the door behind him, firs there was this lonely boy, and that dragon girl from earlier, this made Kazumi uneasy, what made him more uneasy is the question that kept ringing his mind since yesterday, WHERE WAS HE GOING TO SIT!?, unable to choose wisely, Kazumi just went with his instincts and sat next to that dragon girl, realizing that he already picked his seat... next to the dragon girl, realizing his actions, he froze, unable to move, his curiosity was replaced with fear, as he saw the chair behind him... destroyed.
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Yoru's eyes slowly opened, revealing a familiar setting otherwise known as her room. She could tell, the blankets on the bed were strewn all over in an unfashionable manner, no alarm clock to wake her up and the blinds still shut, blocking the seemingly infiltrating sun. The tanned girl yawned rather loudly before stepping out onto the soft rug that littered her floor. Her deep violet gaze met a pair of numbers that resided in a device soon after, she shook her head at the sight. Guess I woke up on time today. What a shame. The girl made her way over to a slightly cracked mirror which laid on her dresser, it revealed a wave of unkempt purple hair, most likely due to just getting out of bed, though it still managed to make her release a subtle sigh. She calmly grabbed the brush that rested beside the mirror and gently began to brush her hair until it was up to her own standards. Afterwards she went on about her normal daily routine, fixing herself up until she could be defined as at least "decent."
As soon as she stepped outside her eyes immediately glared at the sun enthusiastically, it was clear that she didn't have a hint of nervousness within her. Why would she anyway? Most likely nobody there was worth her time anyway, still she decided it'd be best to actually arrive on time for her first day unfortunately. On that note the girl began to walk on- air? It was thanks to her quirk, she was forming clouds of smoke and hardening them before each and every one of her steps. A quirk like this was really helpful to someone who was almost always late, she could bypass the mazes of alleys below her with ease, however there stood one glaring flaw. If I forget to solidify my smoke, I'll most likely fall to my death, what a thrill. But not really at the same time, since sadly I don't make mistakes.

Finally the girl arrived at a building that matched the description of 'Hashino Academy.' One thing that reassured her was the abundance of kids, most likely students attending the school. Looked like someone was talking, someone important but were they really? They were literally standing on a box, but what could you expect from this place. She jumped down from her smoke and into the crowd, half listening to what the man had to say. After a while, she gathered the key points of the man's small talk: bigger classrooms, a break and homeroom. How boring. The only good thing from that speech- was that the doors were open now. A cloud a smoke appeared from under the girl's feet once more, and she hovered over the crowd and directly inside the building, seemingly disregarding her apparel, particularly her skirt. Class 1-B, class 1-B, where are you...? Finally finding her assigned class, she casually went inside and slightly glanced at the kids already in the class for less than a second. Instead she silently, but not in a reserved manner, walked over to an empty seat in the middle of the room that was the closest to the windows and sat down with an already unamused expression.


Forty-seven... forty-eight... forty-nine... fifty! The brown haired boy silently counted in his head whilst he finished up his daily exercise with 50 sit-ups. He'd already done his 40 pushups for the day a little before, so he was content with his progress, though he couldn't help but wonder how he'd workout in the afternoon. The boy figured that he should start heading to school for now though, once he arrived, it only took a little while until a familiar man began to give a short speech. It was the principal, otherwise known as the man that Ciel had to overcome. The boy carefully listened to his words which made Ciel respect the man even more. It seemed as if the man cared deeply for the students' wellbeing as well as the school itself.

The brown haired student clenched his fist as a new spark was ignited from inside. Suppose I'll probably be late to class today. But I have to check something. In the midst of his thoughts, the crowd started to slowly filter into the school, catching Ciel off guard but he soon followed after the crowd.
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Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Aurora looked around at everybody. There seemed to be quite a few newcomers. She wasn't in the mood for talking so she headed inside hoping to blend in with the crowd. She was tempted to fly above everybody to reach her class, but she wasn't sure when she'd be able to land so she decided against it. After some time she finally made her way to her classroom. She hurried inside, sighing in relief that she wasn't late. She decided to sit in the front row, seeing that there were people much taller than her in her class.

Lydia glared at the girl. "Much," she snapped back as she watched her stand up. She was quite tall compared to her, but it was something she was used to. She liked to think that her attitude made up for all the shortness she would feel. She noticed the empty look in Hoshi's eyes. "Do all the people in this school turn out to look like that?" she asked, a haughty tone in my her voice. She glanced at the bridge, there seemed to be a lot of movement under. "Great, I'm probably late on the first day of school," she sighed as she started walking.
Kat watched as the amount of students in the lot grew. There were by now, quite a few faces that Kat didn't recognize. But one face she did recognize approached. It was Fuyuki. Kat offered the ice girl a smile.
"Hey, Fuyuki. Not much." Kat said. But before she could continue, the principal had appeared and began an announcement. Bigger classrooms, more students... and a break? Well, as long as they were still working to better their works and to become heroes. The principal summed up his speech, and the doors to the school opened. Students began filtering in the building. Kat picked up her bag, putting away her sketchbook, and followed the students inside.
"So, how was your weekend Fuyuki? Did you recover from the training camp?" Kat asked.


Daichi followed the group of students as they funneled into the building. This was it. This was actually happening. Daichi could not believe that this was happening. He was actually making it into a hero academy. He had chosen to sign up for this one for a reason. If he had tried to sign up at U.A, he would have been figured out immediately. Actually, Daichi assumed that even when he signed up to go here, he was going to be found out immediately. But he wasn't. Part of him felt... guilty, for doing this. For lying on his forms. That wasn't something very heroic. But he had to get into a hero academy! Letting out a nervous, shaky sigh, the white hair boy made his way into the classroom. 1-B. This was it, huh? Upon walking into the classroom, Daichi was greeted to the sight of a shattered desk in the middle of the room. What the heck had caused that? Nobody seemed to be making a big deal about it, so Daichi decided not to as well. Not wanting to attract much attention to himself, the white-haired teen sat in the middle of the room and waited for class to start.


Faint sounds of birds chirping illuminated Detsuo's head as he rolled from his bed. He lived in a small downtown apartment that sat above a repair shop. Due to the constant buzzing of traffic, he hadn't got much sleep at all. Even so, he brushed his teeth groggily and took a quick shower. Once he was prepared for the day, he took a bus directly to the bridge that was busier than usual. He had his head down when he walked into the odd school, not caring much about the people chatting around him.

Detsuo trolled along dreadfully behind a mass wave of students, his shoulder occasionally being bumped on the way He wasn't exactly thrilled to be in one of the lowest rated schools he applied to, but that didn't matter much in the grand scheme of things. In the end he didn't come to become a hero, he came to act as a mole for a his villainous father. Though as a small child, he did aspire to be a great hero, he later realized a life of crime and villainy is the only path for him - or so he thought. Some things just don't turn out the way one would expect.
In the corner of his eye Detsuo spotted the door with the letter he had been looking for: 1-B. With a few strides past the students hurrying to get to their classes, he stopped in front of the door, and with a gentle push he entered. After a quick scan of his surroundings, he slowly walked towards the nearest seat, which happened to be around the middle of the classroom. His shoulders were slumped as he sat upon the uncomfortable chair. He lowered his head onto the desk with a everlasting sigh.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Everyone seemed to be going into the class so Asta followed suit. Within the classroom, there was already a mess to be made. A broken desk and chair laid on the floor of the classroom. This didn't really bother Asta because the school was already rundown. Though it seemed that there was also another crowd gathering somewhere else but he didn't feel like joining it. "When's class starting?'"


Previously SwiftSwoobat
(Oh yeah, Seo isn't a transfer student. His parents thought school started a day after, so he was just absent.)

Seo heard the remark from Drayda, though then heard her cover up. He walked to the classroom, following Kishi. Wait... Dragons are real. That though cursed his mind for the rest of the day. He sat down at his usual spot, ((Wait make a seating chart someone)) which was a row behind of Kishi and right of Hoshi. He didn't notice the broken chair, neither did he notice the other new students. He just awaited directions from their teacher. He noticed someone get into Hoshi's chair, he had white hair and looked rather... out of place (Daichi). He thought it was someone from the other class, though still gave him an odd look. He then noticed someone next to him, (Detsuo) sighing. He looked away and over to Mr. Hami.

Kosho didn't actually stop walking after his complaint, though caught Hanwon whispering to himself. He snickered for a bit, then continued to his class. Everything from the lockers to the lighting in the hallways were clearly low budget. A light flickered on and off ahead of him as he entered Class 1-B. He noticed there was a single chair left. With regret, he sat down at the only left chair, which was in the back row. It wasn't the ideal location, but it would work.

Hoshi hated this girl from her attitude to her posture. It was a terrible first impression for the both of them, and she continued to walk to her classroom as usual. She was feeling more... down to earth... then usual, and maintained the dead look as she entered the room. She walked to her desk, then noticed someone was occupying it. Giving Daichi the glare of death, she spoke to him," Get out of this seat before I-- Just... nevermind..." . Seo randomly coughed from the cold autumn mornings.
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Hanwon looked at the boy who approached him, sizing him up. He noted the absurdly large jacket the boy wore along with his tanned skin. Hanwon figured he was a nice enough guy and decided to introduce himself. “Yep, I’m Hanwon. I just transferred here, it’s pretty exciting!” He extended his hand for the boy to shake, hoping to make a friend. “Anyways, what’s your name?”

Chunky Ramen

Previously Canadian_Fish
Camden grinned and shook the boy's hand. He seemed like a decent person. At least he didn't start a conversation by blasting him with his quirk from the side. Camden figured that he'd get along with the boy.
"I'm Camden, but if you wanna call me anything else I'm OK with it. What's your name?"
Just then Camden remembered that they had to get to class.
"Actually, never mind that question. Tell me once we get into class." He said, gesturing for the boy to follow him to class.
Zuron looked back at Hoshi when she said something. What got her so upset all the sudden? He didn't recall the girl being so rude before. He leaned back slightly and blinked at Daichi- he looked like a loser. Zuron's nonchalant gaze fell upon the rest of the classroom one by one as he analysed the new students.

Kishi sat before Seo and put his feet on the back of the other boy's chair. While in the cramped position, Kishi leaned forward "Wow. There sure is a lot of newbies. I wonder how strong they all are." Kishi whispered to Seo before falling back into his chair with a content grin. When Kat walked into the room, Kishi's gaze lit up. "Hey!" Kishi yelled, a bit too loudly and gave Kat a large wave- invited her to sit near him.

Mr. Hami slowly grew more and more agitated. What started with a sight as he simply gestured Drayda away with a hand, became deeply furrowed eyebrows and a scowl. The classroom was loud, unorganized. There were broken items, kids on the floor, kids yelling and others whispering, Mr. Hami had never been so ashamed as a teacher. It took an extra moment for the man to calm down before he stood up- the ground beneath him morphed slightly to form a stool under his feet. As the man seemed to grow taller, his hard gaze pierced all the students who were not behaving to his standard. "What the hell kind of zoo do you think this is?" Mr. Hami growled at the crowd. "You're acting like a bunch of animals. Take a seat for God's sake!" The man commanded flatly. "How the hell do any of you expect to become heroes when you can't even act like normal students? It's like you don't even care. Don't any of you dare complain about this school being inferior when your acting like a bunch of morons, what kind of hero would blame their immaturity on a brick building?" Mr. Hami huffed before taking a long pause as the clay beneath him melted and his feet touched the floor. "Life is full of compromise. I don't care who the hell you think you are-" the man lowered his voice to talking tone, "This scene is exactly what comes to mind when those big hero schools think of us. Are you really going to play into those stereotypes- or are you gonna grow up and show them what's what?" Mr. Hami sighed before shrugging. "I can't help you if you guys can't even find seats in a timely manner. Absolutely pathetic." the teacher's voice dropped off for a moment as he looked around the room.
"Whatever, let's do some icebreakers." Mr. Hami now spoke with an unbelievable amount of icebreakers. "Everyone, whether a new student or former student, please say your first and last name and state the following: quick name and description, favorite after school activity, favorite food, and favorite hero." Mr. Hami read off a list- clearly not written by him- before huffing as he waited for someone to begin.
Drayda was caught off guard by the teacher suddenly yelling at everyone. All she did was unable to control her dragon, it wasn't like she could do anything about that! She wanted to yell back, but caught herself before doing so. She didn't want to get expelled. She'll just talk to him after class is over.

Going back to her seat at the one corner of the class with a dejected look, she tried to doodle to get her dragon to calm down. It wasn't working. Hearing that they had to do some ice breakers, she decided to do her's first. She stood up, her wings flexing wildly and her tail, which was now out, was coiling and uncoiling, curling and straightening as she was nervous and anxious and her dragon didn't want to listen. She couldn't gain control and put the wings and tail away that easily, so she just stood there and took a deep breath. Her voice was shaky, yet projected quite well, once everyone else calmed down.

"My name is Drayda Nicholson. I have a Transformation quirk that allows me to use draconic body parts and can turn into a dragon, but I have no control over her whatsoever when I use her body parts or transform, and I am unable to actually put them away or calm down properly when they are out. I also can't transform into a dragon completely unless she takes over, which usually ends in disaster anyway as she acts like a feral animal. My favorite after school activity is flying, my favorite food is anything meaty, and I don't have a favorite hero, as I hardly know any of them."

Now that she was done, she sat back down. Her hands were shaking violently and she needed to punch something. Anything. She needed to get her frustrations out, but she had to keep them in. This was going to be the worst first day of school she ever experienced... Well, if she didn't get the chance to punch something.

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Aurora flinched as Mr.Hami suddenly started yelling. She listened to the icebreaker questions and looked around to see who would start. It turned out that the girl who had she briefly talked to earlier was named Drayda. I mean I guess I could go. "My name's Aurora Fletcher, I have wings. My after school hobby is singing, my favorite things to eat are salads." she paused for a moment to think about which hero she liked. "My favorite hero is probably Bubble Girl," she said, her voice quiet but still audible.

Lydia walked down under the bridge and noticed little people outside the school. I guess I'm late today then. She walked through the school until she found her classroom. As she was about to enter, she heard the teacher say something about ice breakers. She listened to Drayda and Aurora introduce themselves before walking in the room. I'll introduce myself first before sitting down. "My name's Lydia Kaori, my quirk allows me to generate and control fire. My favorite afterschool hobby is helping out at an animal shelter, and my favorite hero is Endeavor." she walked over to an empty seat in the first row and sat down.


Previously SwiftSwoobat
Kosho immediately assumed the next icebreaker. "My name's Akagi Kosho, my quirk allows me to-- Oh, how should I simplify it... Turn solids into gas, gases into liquids, and liquids into solids, if you can even comprehend that, my favourite thing to do after school is to go home, and my favourite hero is Kamui Woods.", he said with an oddly annoying tone. He is just generally annoying and obnoxious even by speaking, it's just that tone and smug look.


Detsuo kept his head flat on the desk, not even bothering to look up at the newly introduced teacher. The juttered abecedary suggested that they start with some ice breakers. He grunted upon hearing this, hoping that they would graze over him.

Though it was particularly helpful to know his classmates Quirks and interests, so he perked his head up slightly, his hair shifted with his slow movements. There were some seemingly powerful students from the sound of their quirks, someome could fly, another could shoot fire and one even had the ability to morph into a dragon, or something close to that. After most of the students had pitched in, Detsuo grumbled in his slouched posture, knowing that he was to go next. "Detsuo Bōnmani. I can manipulate my bones, it's a Transformation type quirk."
He stated grimly, his eyes locked onto the floor. "I don't have a favorite Hero." Detsuo didn't bother saying anything else, so he just returned to putting his head on the rough desk.
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Kat smiled when Kishi motioned her to sit next to him, and quickly made her way over to the desk adjacent to him. Sitting down, she took her stuff out of her bag and got ready for the class.
"Hey, Kishi. How's it-" Before Kat could finish her question, Mr. Hami began to speak up and bring the class to attention. Kat had nearly forgotten about the type of teacher Mr. Hami was over the weekend, but she couldn't help but to smile as he berated the students. A lot of the new students looked quite surprised and startled, but Kat was used to it by now.

They were doing icebreakers. Mr. Hami didn't seem to be a big fan of it, but it would be a good chance to get to know more about other students. She listened as each student introduced themselves. The Dragon girl she had seen earlier on the steps was Drayda. Her quirk sounded pretty strong, but also scary and wild. She seemed... scared of her own quirk. And why shouldn't she? The next one that introduced herself was Aurora, the winged girl that had attended the training camp. But the third one that introduced themselves was another girl, this one with shoulder-length red hair... And many fluffy tails. She stated that she was able to create and control fire. That sounded like a really strong quirk as well. The fourth student, Kosho, introduced himself. He seemed... Well, he seemed like he was going to be a bit of a troublemaker. Then there was Detsuo. He seemed like he didn't really want to be here.

Standing up, Kat decided it was time to introduce herself.
"Uh, hello." Kat said to the rest of the class. "I'm Katlynn McGregor. But everyone just calls me Kat. My quirk is called Pallet Swap. I can change the colors of things. Uh... I like drawing, and my favorite food is pierogies. And my favorite Hero is Hawk. It's, uh, nice to meet you."
Kat sat back down, waiting to hear what other students had to say.


Waiting patiently for the class to start, Daichi was jolted out of his thoughts by a sudden voice from next to him. Looking over, he found a cute red-haired girl looking at him quite crossly. Evidently, he had sat in her seat, and she looked quite upset about it.
"Uh... Sorry." Daichi said, moving to the next desk over. He glanced at Hoshi again, and was about to ask if she was okay when Mr. Hami got everyone's attention.

As each student listed off their quirk and ability, Daichi felt more and more panic rising up inside him. He may have just bitten off more than he could chew. Dragons? Pyrokenisis? Changing matter? How was he supposed to keep up with people like this? Heck, how was he supposed to survive training with people like this. I thought this was a school for people with second class quirks?! He... he... Daichi attempted to slow his breathing and get his thinking straightened out. It was quite likely that he was going to get figured out. Sooner or later. He knew that. But the reason he came to this school wasn't so he could try to blend in seamlessly with the people with quirks. No. He came to this school so he could learn how to be a hero. And if they kicked him out, well, he wouldn't let that stop him. But it would sure be easier to learn about how to become a hero from actual teachers. So he will have to blend in as well as he could.

Taking a deep breath, Daichi smiled and stood up to introduce himself.
"Hey! I'm Daichi Khorlanova. My quirk is a Transformation quirk I call Action Reflex. It gives me a small window where I have better reflexes. My favorite after school activity would probably be boxing, and I like pretty much any fruit except Starfruit and Mango. My favorite hero's, uh, All Might." He looked a little sheepish when he said this, but pressed on. "I know it's a little mainstream and unoriginal to say that's your favorite, but I really like how he's always encouraging everyone. That's a pretty unoriginal reason too, but, eh..."
Realizing he's said a bit more than was required, Daichi trailed off and slowly sat back down in his seat.
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Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Everyone was introducing themselves at there own pace. Each with their own unique personality, quirk, and favorite outside of school activity. What caught him most off guard with this ice breaker were the quirks and personalities. From a dragon who likes to fly high on her own free time to a kid who has quick reflexes that likes to box. Their quirk and personality seem to have matched oddly fine. Then he had to look into himself to what he liked to do.

There's stealing from stores to stay alive, being sarcastic, making music, and his favorite, sleeping. The first one he couldn't mention, the second one was just plain rude, the last two could be said. Then again he had to think of a favorite hero.

No hero was really appealing to him at the moment. There were all might and endeavor but they were mainstream and everyone likes them. As far as he knew there were no lightning-based heroes that were any good either. There were the heroes in training at UA that he could learn a thing or from. One of them was Derrick? Deral? Denki! The guy who became a complete idiot when he discharged a large amount of energy. The other was the well known Deku who seemed to gain a lightning-like green aura around him when he used his quirk. Whenever he did activate his quirk his speed and strength tremendously increased. Asta wanted to figure out how to increase his speed as Deku did. Those were the two heroes in training he wanted to learn from if that counted.

When he was done thinking Asta stood up to give a little piece about him. "I'm Asta Akuma, I think I look up to Denki and Deku as heroes in training like us. You could learn something from your peers. Also, my quirk is Lightning manipulation. Outside of school, I like to read."
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