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Open Super Smash Bros.: A War Against Darkness.

While hugging Amber and cobalt "what's wrong now Blue and inkling?" "Dash can you split them up please, they can be a little bit of a hassle sometimes." Mewtwo starts to chuckle.
"Um....I'm not sure, I don't want to be rough...." Dash mumbled, dodging a incoming Splat Bomb. " I'M ABOUT TO KILL YOU BLUE! GET YOUR BUTT READY!!! " Inkling screamed, while Blue shouted back. "LANGUAGE! A BABY SHOULDN'T TALK LIKE THAT!!!" Blue yelled giggling, while Inkling became more angry. "I'LL KICK YOUR SORRY **S BACK TO INKOPOLIS!" She continued yelling at him, while Blue continued laughing.
"Ok kids stop fighting now please." Mewtwo teleports and gets Amber spikey eared pichu teddy and got cobalt an shiny uxie teddy. "There you go you two, i have your teddy pichu Amber and got you (cobalt) an brand new uxie teddy. Hope you like it cobalt."
"Ga...Babula....ba....la....." Cobalt babbled, while Amber giggled and hugged her teddy. Blue and Inkling however didn't hear Mewtwo, and had ran off to who knows where.
"Gotta say sis, didn't think you even had these ideas...." Blue told Inkling, who was leading him somewhere. " Well, it's a secret spot that I only show too certain people, I haven't even shown Dad, but, I plan too. " Inkling said, stopping and pointing at something.
"That was fun!" Blue cheered as Inkling and him headed back. " we didn't even get caught, and my special spot is safe.... " Inkling said to her brother with a smile.
"Ok I'm in your heads you two, where are you right now because I'm getting worried"

As he's watching cobalt babble and Amber giggle "you both are so innocent and cute you both know that :)" mewtwo him self chuckles but is still worried for where blue and inkling were.
"We were at- OW! INKLING STOP!" Blue thought as Inkling pinned him down. "I'LL SHOW YOU LATER!" Inkling thought, helping Blue up. They both walked back, glaring at each other as Dash shrugged. " sibling rivalry, I guess. "
"I can show you now, if you want. But, it'll probably be hard with the little ones." She thought, referring to Cobalt and Amber. "Hey Inkling. Wanna go set off a explosion with whatever he buy stuff we can find?" Blue asked Inkling, who shoved him in response . "Woah! Explosions! Count me in! I know where we can find some stuff !" Dash exclaimed, grabbing Blues hand. " Ok, let's go! " Blue cheered, as Dash waved goodbye, then, the two ran off.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Incineroar yawned as he woke up from his nap. He looked around and shook his head, rolling his shoulders. "Incineroar?" ("Inkling?") He asked, looking in the tent and finding no one inside. He sighed then got up slowly.
"Wait, Dash! I want you to meet Incineroar!" Blue said, and Dash stopped at the tents, and Blue pulled him in. " Hey, Incineroar! Remember DarkSonic, the one that nearly killed Inkling, and kidnapped her, along with Cobalt while you were asleep? Well, here he is! " He exclaimed, while Dash facepalmed. "That must've sounded better in your head...."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Incineroar growled slowly then looked over at Blue. "Cineroar?" ("Can he be trusted?") He asked, unsure of their former enemy. Pichu ran up to Blue and tackled his leg, grinning.
Blue tumbled over when Pichu collided with him, and he turned to the Tiny Mouse Pokemon. "Heya Pichu." He picked him up. " and yeah, he's cool! He didn't even hurt us that much, well, he gave me a black eye, broke my nose, snapped Cobalts arm and- MMPHMMPH! "! Blue was cut off by Dash covering his mouth. "Y'know, maybe he'd trust me more if you would shut up."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Incineroar grinned then grabbed Dash's head. "Incineroar..." ("Let's see how strong you are....") He said, glaring at him but the grin still there.

Pichu grinned and then turned to see his clone. They both then began chasing each other like how Blue and Inkling chased each other, minus the insults.
"How would it be hard for them?"
He said to inkling through telekinesis, confused and then...
Mewtwo realises that he forgot to tell incineroar about dash. "Incineroar im in your head, we have a new friend, his name is dash, I removed the darkness from within him and he's normal, so if you do see him don't hurt him, I repeat don't hurt him he has done nothing wrong after I cured him so be nice ok."
Dash growled and pulled away from Incineroar, then Spin Dashed him. "C'mon Blue. Let's get outta here. We need to do something more fun anyway." Dash said, grabbing onto Blues and and running away at his top speed.
"Well, it's kinda dangerous there. It has different traps set there, and it has high up cliffs, and lots of water. It's not safe really, but if you know what your doing, you can easily get through." She explained through her thoughts.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Incineroar flinched then sighed. "Cineroar!" ("Get back here!") He roared. Unfair! I can't catch up with the faster fighter.....speaking of, what happened to the original Sonic? The Fire Cat thought.

Pichu looked at where Dash ran off then ran after them.
The two stopped, snickering and giving each other a high five. "Cool! Now nobody can bother us!" Dash cheered, but heard Incineroar. "Oh boy....here we go....." He sighed, grabbing Blue and running back. "What now? We're kinda busy." Dash mumbled, and Blue smiled. "Yeah! We are gonna go to the dangerous item place and blow stuff up!" Blue exclamied, while Dash growled. " Y'know, maybe you shouldn't talk around Incineroar when I'm here dude... "
"Well I cant just leave them here"

"Blue no, you will basically be inviting unwanted guests with the raw power and sound of the explosions, I'm sorry you cant go to that dangerous area"
"Come on! Inkling gets to go to her dangerous place! Fine..." Blue thought, getting an idea. He ran back and grabbed Amber and Cobalt. "I'll just babysit these two then." He brought them back to the tent. " Hey Dash! Wanna teach these two how to blow stuff up? " He asked. "Yeah!" The hedgehog said.
"Well, as long as they are with Incineroar, they should be fine. Can we go now?" Inkling said, grabbing Mewtwos hand . "Its really cool, I think you would like it."
"Ok just no blowing things up, Blue just show them how to defend themselves ok blue, just in case ok."

"Ok then let's go inkling" mewtwo follows inkling while she leads him to where they were going hand in length.
"Lets see....we just need to cross through a certain passage in the forest, and we'll be there. Just make sure you keep an eye out, this place has traps hidden everywhere that even I haven't found yet. And I come here every chance I get!" She pulled Mewtwo along faster, keeping her eyes on the path in front of them.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
after some walking, pit made a little fire to keep him warm and ate berries "why did i even leave camp anyways..?" he asked himself before going to sleep
Inking smiled and pulled Mewtwo further, stopping. "Well.....we're here....." Inkling had led them to a cliff with flowers everywhere, a waterfall infront of them, reflecting a rainbow from the Sun . "I....come here a lot. It's the only place those light things, didn't destroy. I built a small little hut over there, planted some seeds, and it ended up like this. It's one of the only places I feel safe anymore... " Inkling said softly. "I....only come here in emergencies, like when one time-....wait.....I....nevermind...." She mumbled, turning away.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Incineroar sighed then arrived in the forest and gripped a tree. "Cineroar....." ("I shouldn't have done that....") He said.
Inkling smiled up at Mewtwo, then sat down. "Well? Do you like the place? I only show people I trust, I'm planning to take Cobalt and Amber here once I make sure it's not too dangerous." She said, looking out at the waterfall. " Once, I saw something else here. It flew by me when I was relaxing, and dropped something. I keep it with me wherever I go, but something feels off about it.... "
"What is it and maybe I can help, also I can bring Amber and cobalt to here whenever you want as we can go to your hut and my 'ultra instincts(:D)' can detect danger." "And this place looke amazing as well this could be a good area for cobalt and Amber to stay out of danger as well, nobody else knows this place right?"
Inkling stayed quiet, pretending not to hear Mewtwo as she turned away from him. " ... " She eventually let out a small sniffle, wiping some tears from her eyes.
DarkVillager growled, crossing his arms. "Sheesh....when's reinforcements gonna come get me out...."
( I'm gonna add some characters, since I don't have any that aren't busy with something.)
Ness ran through the forest with Lucas, looking around. "Ness, I don't know if this place is entirely safe....." Lucas said to his friend, who shrugged. "Well, we gotta find out! I'll check deeper in, you keep following this way." Ness replied, running off as Lucas nodded.
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Ness continued walking, seeing a fire. He approached it, recognizing Pit. "Hey! You alright?" Ness asked, shaking Pit to wake him up.
Lucas looked around, hearing rushing water. "Hello? Somebody there?" He called, walking into a clearing, seeing a Pokemon and a kid. " Um...Hi? "
"Woah! How did you do that?" Lucas said, walking over to the puddle and putting his hand in it. " is this...ink? " Lucas asked, before grabbing Inkling by one of her tentacles and pulling her out. "Are you ok?"
Mewtwo Felt how inkling felt about this person

"Who are you to touch my daughter, say sorry for hurting her and I'll let you leave with skin on your bones."
Lucas stepped back a bit, then, realization hit him, from previous smash tournaments. "Wait, Mewtwo? Are you the same Mewtwo I fought along side with in previous battles? When did you have a kid? More importantly, how did you have a kid?" Lucas said, tilting his head. "Um, you might not remember me though, uh....I'm Lucas, the PSI user, Ness's friend?" He explained to Mewtwo.