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Ideal Career?

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^^topic. Basically, what you want to do for the rest of your life and why.

I want to be an actor. Not Broadway, but LA, you know? I'm talking TV shows, commercials, movies. I think I might even make it due to my pointless need to make everything dramatic and because I feel at home acting. I just really love the idea of becoming a completely different person for the entertainment of millions...and getting paid for it.

Also, getting paid to be an idiot isn't all that bad either. But what I really love about acting is the fans: people enjoying what you do, people looking at you like you're some kind of god or something, and people liking you, really liking you for who you are and what you are able to do. The prospect of parties-premiere and otherwise ;D - and meeting a crapload of people you've enjoyed seeing in movies and on TV is just awesome. The best part: getting paid to do what you love, but isn't that the point of an ideal job?

Sure, there's bad things, but it's really up to the person to decide whether or not to get addicted to drugs and alcohol and possibly looking like Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears. But, alas. Acting is my thing, pure and simple. And I just hope I make it :p
I want to be an architect and have a minor in writing. ;D

Ever since I was little I have always enjoyed building things out of anything. So in school right now I am in a drafting class thats helps with architectual(spelling?) stuff. I plan on going onto college to further this, and my goal is to someday design my own house.

I think that designing my own house would be pretty sweet :p Also, they do get paid a nice amount as well ;)
For me, herpetology (the study of reptiles and amphibians, not herpes!) wouldn't be bad, especially if I specialized in snakes, which have a fascinating biology.
Well, I've always liked the idea of being a vetenarian. I mean, medicating someone's beloved pet and stuff? But, my mom says that I should be a tatoo artist. Maybe it's from the eyes I keep drawing on my palms. :p

Btw Secad wins for loving snakes. :)
Cool Dani, I'm taking drafting too. But for an entirley different reason.

Any-who, I want to design video games and/or be an author. I love playing video games, and appreciate the time and effort put into video games. I wanna pay them back by doing the same for them.(That's why I'm taking drafting class.) On the other hand, I love English class, and All types of literature, and genres. (Except, Moby Dick is a crappy book.) If they have it next year, I'm planning on taking a Scriptwriting class...so, Shocari, you might be in a show written by me!

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
The only path for me is Marine Biology. Ever since I was a wee youngling I've wanted to go in the ocean and watch the mammals and the sharks and the turtles in their natural habbitats.

And I know for a fact this is real because I could live at the aquarium and midlessly stare at one animal all day. Maybe Secad and I will cross paths in the study of sea snakes, or I'll bring a sick dolphin to Chibi ;)
I set my hopes on becoming an actor. But pretty much everyone I know is trying to discourage me these days.

If that doesn't work out, then I might be stuck with the BP family buisiness or a science career. Although I might prefer to become a game designer.
All in all, it's actually a gamble for me


Former Moderator
Actor. No matter what, what I do in later life is gonna be acting. I love acting, it's the only lesson I go to school for. I want to work on the stage, because performing in front of an audience is amazing. Movies, eh. I'd prefer stage.

I'm willing to settle for Drama Teacher though.
I think my dream job was being a professional Beta tester for games. The idea of being paid to just sit down and play a game and maybe find a few bugs (but not necessarily the coding behind it) really appealed to me.

Now, my dream job has changed more to reflect the degree I am working towards and is in the field of study I want to be in. Being a Network Administrator for a small to mid sized corporate business environment (pretty lame right? ;D). I know I have a lot more I need to learn before I can even think of trying to apply for it, but it sounds really neat to me.
Currently, I'm at a mish-mash of loving Maths + Sciences + ICT.

So I'm not sure right now, anywhere from Physicist to Astronomer to Computer Engineer to Forensics Scientist. I'd be happy with any of them. :)


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I'm currently fulfilling one of mine, as a Graphic Designer. I always wanted to design adverts and stuff, so a did a National Diploma and a Degree in the subject.

My longest-standing dream is to be an author. I'm currently writing my book (I'm on chapter six), which is a fantasy novel called Settlements of Men.

My probably-never-going-to-happen dream is to be an Egyptologist
or I'll bring a sick dolphin to Chibi ;)

OMGSQUEE!!!ILUVDOLPHINS!!!! *coughs* Anyway, I probably also could be an actor, since I'm very dramatic....but I hate being the center of attention and the damned mob of fans/newspeople following you everywhere you go.

But I'm really conflicted with being a vet or an artist. I like both. But I do plan on being an author sometime in my life....Seeing as I can write very well.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
But I'm really conflicted with being a vet or an artist.

I went through a year of wanting to be a vet because I love animals, but I'd never be able to put them down. I just wouldn't have the heart to do it, even though I'd know a lot of the time it would be the kinder thing to do.

I would have also liked to be an RSPCA inspector, to prevent animal cruelty, but I'd never be able to leave cruel owners with a warning and come back later to check on them. I'd have to get the animal out of there right there and then, which would be illegal
A writer, I've already got a book in the works, and it's really fun to see my characters grow and all that jazz. And then I could be one of those mother/writers that have worldwide bestsellers, make a lot of money, but still be able to raise my kids. :D

Well. There are other things that have caught my eye, and as a lot of people have already said, actor. Though I have to say I would rather be on like Broadway, because plays are the best.

An Egyptologist or archeologist would be flippin' awesome, history is cool, Egypt is cool, I like all that stuff.

I can actually see myself as a teacher, I would be a weird one though.​
Well, I like acting and writing, so an actor/author would be really nice. I'd also like to be an architect or some other job that has to do with drawing, but I'm not sure. I have no set goal right now.
Well, yeah. All actors do is act stupid and get paid for it, look at Ben What's-his-name in Tropic Thunder.

Maybe this generation raised with Pokecharms can correct that.

For a year or so, I wanted to be an Egyptologist too, don't feel bad Magpie. Before that, it was paleontology.

However, since I am in college, I have settled on herpetology.
I submit. You are the master Yoshimitsu. I should not have said that. I apologize.

Please forgive me.

I do say some actors are good, like George Clooney, Michael J. Fox, and Dean Martin.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I don't know about actor, but if marine biology fails me despite my knowlege and strong desire, I could maybe pull off voice acting. I have a pretty interesting variety of wierd voices and can make even wierder sounds. I've actually held entire conversations in some of my voices.
Now that I've thought about it again, being a stand-up comedian would be fun. I like making fun of accents and junk so I think that might work. Or voice acting vs. normal acting, I like cartoons too much. :F


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
For a year or so, I wanted to be an Egyptologist too, don't feel bad Magpie. Before that, it was paleontology.

I very nearly went on a Uni course to be an Archaeologist. I suffered a bit of a 'mid-college course crisis' where I questioned whether it was really what I wanted to do. I got a leaflet through the post advertising the Sheffield Uni course for Archeology, which I took to be a sign, lol. After a week of almost applying though I recovered XD
Sometimes I still think to myself how cool it would be had I taken the opportunity...

I bet Reptile and amphibian study is fun! I love courses with a bit of Field research thrown in ^^


II could maybe pull off voice acting. I have a pretty interesting variety of wierd voices and can make even wierder sounds. I've actually held entire conversations in some of my voices.

ditto. I have no life and all of my friends are in Band. I used to have multiple personalites, but then I realized that I was talking for action figures. I was sad. But, my friends and I are going to do some Final Fantasy thingy that requires voice-acting, and they wanted me to do a majority of the voices, so that might be a future for me also.

(I can sound just like Darth Vader, Palpatine, Yoda(okay, basically everyone from Star Wars.) and I went to a convention and just walked up to random people dressed like certain characters and they thought I was the real deal.) no joke
I've thought about it, but tried not too that much. Anywho,

I think I want to go into writing, and photography. I've already got threads for both. (Shameless advertising ftw!) But, neither of those are pick you right off your feet, make you rich careers. So, I think I like the idea of teaching Middle School English (Language Arts where I am) I'd love to be able to come back to my home town, and teach here. I'd write when I wasn't being swarmed with papers, and take pictures and such over the weekend. I could share both with my students, and we'd have a grand time during class....the more I think about that, the more perfect it sounds. Seventh grade (last year) was made AMAZING for me by my L.A. I discovered then that I liked writing and *gasp* thinking! Now then... *scurries off to ponder this more*
Since I was 12, I've wanted to be a DJ at a radio station =) I can't imagine a job greater than listening to music and talking to new people and just having some public fun XD


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Can't say Pokemon Trainer, eh? xD

I'm not even sure anymore what my ideal job would be, but a few I'd love to do would be Animal Behavioral Psychology or working as a human Psychology Researcher (focused on subconscious desires, dreams, and emotional influences). Zoology-related field research focused on conservation would also be amazing, as would Marine Biology if I didn't get boat sick easily (wouldn't necessarily have to be out on boats all the time). Being an Astronomer focused on discovery and researching celestial objects is another lifelong dream, but I'm not sure I'd have the physics background to cut it. Finally... fictional writer. That would be awesome if I had a great editor and the effort to actually finish the stories I started XD

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Obviously Web Design is right there at the top - but because it's my nature, I'll probably never settle on just doing ONE thing. I want to be a writer for comics, TV, movies, I'd love to try directing - hell, I'd even give acting a shot if the opportunity ever came up (if I'd chased this up from an earlier age, who knows - I may even have been an actor by now. I didn't go for the auditions though, so meh.)
I would want to work for Nintendo, making Pokemon sprites and stuff, or have something to do with Graphic design. I'm ok at Photoshop (seeing I've only been on there like 5 times), but everyone says that I'm going to be an Artist and I tell them,

"No. I might to Art for fun and occasionly sell it, but being an Artist isn't the best way to go. You don't have a normal wage, money can come it as a tidal wave, but then never come back for years."

Besides, sometimes I don't feel like doing art, and if my life depends on it? I'd die a painful dead.


Or maybe I'd do something to do with computing... I dunno. I've got ages to decide,

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Hell if I know.

I had a long-running dream of being a world-builder/concept designer somewhere in the game industry. But I think that over the years I gave up that dream given the hectic nature of the industry - probably too hectic for my preferences.

Problem with me is that whileI have concepts from here to NECZ, bringing them to 'life' through other media... Yeah. I can has a loooooong way to go. I may have quite a few talents, but I'm not nearly good enough at any of the fields I dabble in to make a career out of them - for a various array of reasons that I don't want to get into right now as it'd be WAY off-topic.

So, that rather rules out anything artistic.

Nowadays I think I'm going in the general direction of research on SOME field of Biology, possibly Biotechnology, hell if I know. But yeah. It'll probably be something in the field of research.

Someone has to be the mad scientist in this forum. (Even though baratron probably counts as more mad-scientisty. XD)
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