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Ask to Join Explore the Bloka region! (Anime style)

Def couldn't help but smile at how Rory was cheering, these two pokemon became such good friends so fast.
"Clever boy," He said to Rory and started to head on after him, keeping Asura safe against his chest to be sure she still felt secure. He was relieved that she at least wasn't a nervous wreck around him. Sure, she was still clearly a bit nervous, but that was to be expected for such a young pokemon still learning to take on the world.
Marin as getting a bit anxious after Rory and Asura not returning after 15 minutes. "Guys come on! This isn't funny!" Marin said as he searched through bushes and behind everything he could see. "Rory! Asura! Where are you?" Marin yelled, getting nervous. He then noticed Rory cheering as he ran round the corner of the path. "Bun-Buneary!" He was happily singing as he jumped towards Marin. "Rory where have you been?! And where's Asura?!" Marin exclaimed since he was rather annoyed at Rory for not coming back straight away.

Rory turned around and pointed towards where he came from. "Eary," Rory said as he gestured behind him. Marin looked where Rory pointed and he saw Def walking round the corner with Asura in his arms. "Oh hey De- Wait, Asura are you okay? What happened?" Marin exclaimed confused and worried what occurred.
Def could hear Marin's worried tone as they were approaching, glad that he wasn't too far away.
"Hey," Def replied with a short wave. "They both spotted me, but soon as Asura saw Growlie she took off running in a panic. Didn't take too long to find her thankfully. Well, technically she found me," He explained. He stroked at her head a bit, "Hey, we're back with Marin, Asura," He said to try get her snapped out of her state of blocking out the world. Poor little Chiko.
Will looked at the Flygon, and saw that Team Rocket was attacking the people on it.
"Give me your Pokemon" the Rocket Grunt said to Ghost "Or I will be forced to attack you!"
(Edit: @Scarletghost? Are you here?)
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"Oh my Arceus, I had no idea. Thank you so much," Marin said relieved as he took Asura and held her. "Chikor," Asura whimpered as she let out a tear and tightly gripped Marin's chest. "I'm sure you're sick of tired of Asura being like this around Growlie," Marin chuckled as he stroked Asura's head. Asura slightly turned her head to Def and showed a little smile. "I thought she was overcoming her anxiety, but I guess that Growlie still scares her just like she was when we first arrived here on Bloka," Marin chuckled.

"So, how come you're making your way to Grioru then?" Marin asked.
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Alan finally caught up to Eevee when she decided to stop in front of a store. She looked up at Alan, smiling, and yelped happily. He glanced at the store and shook his head, chuckling slightly.

"All right, we'll pick up a few things before heading out."

The two of them walked into the store, grabbed a basket, and meandered the isles. Alan grabbed some supplies for their journey and a couple of treats for his companions. Eevee got to pick hers out, but Munchlax would have to be surprised with what he got. Alan was sure he would like it anyway. He headed to the checkout hand paid for the supplies, thanking the clerk.

Once back outside, Alan pulled out his Pokegear and accessed the map function. It took a few minutes, but the new region finished downloading. He looked over the region before zooming into the city he was currently in. There was only one other way out of the city if he wanted to keep moving forward: Route 2.

"All right, Ee, let's keep moving forward."

Eevee nodded in agreement and followed Alan out of the city and into Route 2. Hopefully, the would meet some new Pokemon or other trainers.
"Of course, no problem at all," Def said as he handed Asura over to him.
"Nah, I'm honestly fine with it. She's still young and suddenly running in to a pokemon as big as Growlie has to be daunting," He said, understanding that the young Chikorita was scared. "You'll get there, girl," He said and scratched under her chin gently when he saw her smile.

"No main reason to be honest... Thought maybe I should wander around and be on my guard since the Rockets are around," He explained.
"Ya know, not going to admit I'm babysitting you guys or anything," He joked with a playful smirk.

(Had this typed out for like 20 minutes before noticing I didn't actually post it, oop!)
"Huh, well since you're not up to much. How about you come with us to Grioru. It's still a few miles and it will be nice to have some company," Marin offered. Asura and Rory turned to see Def's reaction as they were intrigued to see what Def's response would be. Rory then walked up to Def and started to tug on his trousers. "Bun-Bun," Rory said as he gestured to come with them.
"Oh, yeah?" Def said in surprise to be invited along. He couldn't ignore the two pokemon looking at him as they awaited his response with such anticipation. As Rory tugged at his trouser leg he chuckled,
"Well, who can say no to those faces?" He said with a smile, "Sure, sounds good to me."
" Awesome, well I just prepared stew and I have plenty stew for us and more if you want some," Rory jumped towards the pot of stew and sat patiently, eagerly waiting for her lunch. Marin carried Asura over to the pot as well and placed her next to Rory. Marin got out some bowls and handed them out to Asura and Rory. Marin then picked up the pot, took off the lid and poured the stew, filling a decent amount of the bowls. Asura and Rory both cheered before stuffing their faces into the stew. Marin filled another bowl and handed it to Def. "Here you go, I can pour some for your Pokemon as well if you want," Marin said smiling.
Before Yolie actually stepped out of the city and into Route 2, she felt her Pokegear vibrate and ring. She scuffled through her satchel to find it. She was surprised that she didn't immediately have it on hand as her fingers touched upon the cold device. It shook in her hands twice before she finally answered it.

"Yolie Miranda speaking."

"Hahahah! Wow! So official, little trainer miss Miranda!" It was her father. She was sort of relieved to hear his laughter.

"Hello Father! What'dya want?"

" What, I can't call to see if my daughter survived her first night? I didn't want to call last night because I don't want to come off as over concerned. But you seem to be doing alright. I'll refill your debit every two days, OK?"

"Thanks Dad. But you gave Me more than enough money. How is Mother?"

"She is doing good hun! Listen, I won't be calling you as often as I hoped. But you're a big girl. You'll be extremely busy after your first few badges. If you need me or your Mother, simply call us. We will find time. OK?"

"OK Dad. Oh!"

Yolie gasped as she saw a trainer walking up with an Eevee.

"I gotta go Father! Really cute Eevee is coming up! Bye!"

"Okay. Just remember to buy campi-"

Yolie hung up before hearing her Father's goodbye note. She then began walking along with the trainer who had an Eevee into Route 2. She glanced at the male trainers pokegear, and hastily assumed he was from the Johto region.

"Now that is a cutie! What's its name? I'm Yolie." She smiled, and waved at the Eevee while speaking to the trainer.
Def certainly wasn't use to doing thing's like this, he was use to keeping a bit of a distance from people due to old habbits. Still, thing's are different now and he couldn't deny he enjoyed sending time with other trainers.

"Thank you," Def said as he took the bowl.
"Hmm, they all had a big meal before leaving the house... Besides one who wanted to stay sleeping." He took a Great Ball from his belt to let out the pokemon that was inside, which happened to be a little Growlithe.

Growlithe shook her mane a bit and then gave a happy bark while wagging her tail.
"Hello there miss lazybones, finally awake?" Def asked, chuckling when she just gave more happy barks in response.
It didn't take long for her to point her nose in the air and sniff at the scent of food, turning to see the stew which made her eyes light up.

"Grrrowl!" She barked and would sit down, waving a paw at the trainer's as if doing some sort of trick would get her a food reward.
Marin opened his mouth as Def sent out Growlithe. "Aaahh it sooo cute!" Marin exclaimed before catching himself and played it cool. Marin pured another bowl of stew, placed in front of Growlithe and stroked her hair. "There you guy," Marin smiled. Asura was alerted by the Growlithe, but she wasn't startled by it since the Growlithe wasn't as big and intimidating as Growlie. Asura just steadily watched Growlithe. Rory finished his bowl and let out a loud burp and put his hand on his bloated stomach, and looked up as he slowly went into his food coma.

"I'm thinking of challenging the Grioru gym since, Asura got some confidence with battling when training,"
Def laughed at Marin's reaction, especially when he tried to hide his outburst.
"Yeah, she's a cutie alright," He said, "This is how small Growlie use to be. He still thinks he can sit on my lap." Silly Growlie.

Growlithe sat up on her hind legs excitedly as she waited for her food and happily tuck in to it.

"This is really nice," Def said as he was wating his, "Can never go wrong with a stew." It reminded him of his own days as a new trainer.
"Wow, that was a lot better then I expected that to be," Marin said. Marin decided to put Rory in his Pokeball since he as on the verge of falling into his food coma. "It's probably best if you return Rory," Marin chuckled. Marin then picked up Asura and stroked her head. Asura remained sight with the Growlithe, curiously staring at her.

"Should we head off now?" Marin asked Def. "It shouldn't be too long, 'till we reach Grioru," Marin looked down the path and saw houses in the distance.
"Something tells me Rory enjoyed it too," Def joked sarcastically, nodding in agreement when he decided to return him to his pokeball.

"Ah yeah, it's not long at all," He said as he looked up ahead. "I'd say it'll only be like another... Twenty minutes or so of walking," He explained and finished the last bite of his meal and gave a sigh of appreciation. "Trying to remind myself why I don't make stew more often."

"So you mentioned challenging the gym there. Gyms can be tough so never underestimate the leaders," He explained.

Growlithe was currently licking her bowl clean, so much so she was actually pushing it around the ground as she did.

"...Growlithe I think it's empty," Def said and chuckled, "You'd think I never feed her, she's a botomless pit."
"Yeah well, it doesn't matter if they're hard or not. I just want to try it out and I'll undoubtedly learn something about battling," Marin looked around and started to appreciate the greenery that filled the area. "You know, I have only had one battle before, it was against Jackson and I won with Rory," Marin scratched the back of his head and chuckled still disbelieved that he managed to win his first battle. "I'm still yet to battle with Asura though," Marin looked down at Asura deep in thought. Asura looked back up to Marin and smiled, she then snuggled up in Marin's arms. "So... How did you get Growlie then?" Marin asked as he placed Asura on to his bag to get comfortable and started to clear all the cooking equipment.
Alan looked up from his device, a bit surprised by the sudden trainer next to him. Eevee stopped and looked up at the new person upon hearing the unfamiliar voice. The Evolution Pokémon chirped and walked over to the new person, interested in who this person was. Alan took a few moments to look at Yolie before responding.

"I'm Alan, and that is Ee," he responded to the girl's question.

At that moment, Alan's Munchlax popped out of its ball and appeared next to its trainer. Alan shook his head and sighed.

"Now you decide to come out." Munchlax just yawned and looked up at Alan with a blank expression. The trainer just chuckled before turning to Yolie. "So, Yolie, what brings you out here?"
"Yeah, that's true, just didn't want to not give you a little tip, ya know?" Def said with a smile.
"You know, I always heard that pokemon that are anxious have a lot of inner strength. Being so hyper-aware of their surroundings becomes an advantage once they get over their anxiety," He said, thinking of trainers he met in the past that had pokemon that were terrified and eventually grew to be very strong and confident.

"Ah, Growlie was one of my first pokemon I caught in Kanto, we've been through a lot together," He explained.

Growlithe trotted her way over to the bag Asura was on and sat down, waving her tail and gave a soft happy sort of yip at her as if to say hello. "Growlithe!" She barked.
"Well hope that's true," Marin said as he finished packing up the cooking equipment. asura looked at Growlithe as she approached her, the closer she got the more scrunched up she became. Asura stared at Growlithe and tensed up. Asura wasn't scared, she was just on high alert, since Growlithe was just a smaller version of the intimidating Growlie, but wasn't actually intimidating. Asura eyes slowly looked towards Marin. Marin wanted to laugh but held it back, since Asura's face looked so funny. "Haha, she's like what on earth do I do?" Marin thought to himself. Marin simply showed a reassuring smile and nodded, to gesture that it's all right. Asura's eyes slowly turned back to Growlithe. Growlithe was staring with a smile and was panting. Asura slowly and hesitantly raised her hand. "Chi," Asura said to Growlithe. "See, she just wants to say hi," Marin said. Asura had her mouth open in reaction to Marin as if she just realised something. She stood up and slowly walked towards Growlithe and awkwardly smiled. "Chikor..." She said with little confidence.

After a minute of Asura and Growlithe interacting, there was a rustling in the bushes beside them. Marin quickly turned his head towards the bush, curious as to what was making the bush move. A black and white Pokemon with a white lightning bolt on its head slowly walked out of the bush and looked up at Def with droopy eyes. As if it hasn't slept in weeks. Marin slowly pulled out a Pokedex and pointed towards the Pokemon, not wanting to startle it. "Blitzle, the Electrified Pokémon. Blitzle catches electricity and stores it in its mane, which glows when the electricity is discharged." The Pokedex said. "Hm..." Marin thought something was off with this Blitzle. The Blitzle then closed it's eyes and fell to the ground, fainting. "What the-" Marin exclaimed as he tried to process what just happened.
Def was also watching Growlithe approaching Asura, knowing how calm and friendly she is so hoped Asura would accept her.
Growlithe sat quite happily and gave a "Growl!" happily when Asura started chattering back at her, putting up her paw to put it against Asura's in a sort of high-five or something. Def was also trying not to laugh as he saw how confused Asura seemed, but it was better than how she would react with Growlie.

"Mm?" Def muttered as he heard the rustling sound and turned quickly to look, Growlithe also taking her attention from being playful with Asura to look at the pokemon, tilting her head curiously.

"Oh, well hey little guy... Are you hurt?" Def would say in concern as he looked at the Blitzle.
"Wha- Blitzle!" He exclaimed and immediately crouched down to it, putting a hand carefully near it's mouth and nose. "It's still breathing, there's a pokecenter in Grioru, they'll know what to do." He pulled off his shirt that he had on top of a long-sleeved one and wrapped it around the Blitzle as he picked it up, "Let's get going," He'd say and would take off running if Marin was ready to do so, Growlithe not being far behind.
Marin realised the urgency of the situation. He picked up Asura and his bags and ran after Def. Without realising, Marin had picked up Asura upside down and she was dangling upside down in Marin's arms. She was flailing around and chirping, "Chikor-Chikor!" To try and get Marin's attention. Marin however, was completely oblivious to the awkward position Asura was in as he was too busy trying to catch up to Def. Marin pondered in his thought as he followed Def. "I wonder what happened to the Blitzle... I did notice it having loads of cuts and scratches covering her legs," Marin tried to deduce from that clue, what could've possibly happened to Blitzle that brought it to be in that state.

Marin snapped out of his thought as he ran through the gateway for Grioru and was officially in Grioru. Marin started to manically search the area for the red roofed building, getting quite a few dodgy looks by the locals. Since they were witnessing a stressed trainer running around dangling a Chikorita upside down who was flailing and screaming. I would give dodgy looks at that as well, to be honest.
Yolie glanced back at Alan, attempting to pet Ee on the head.

"It's a pleasure Alan." Yolie acknowledged.

When Alan's Munchlax amused the scene, Yolie tried to hold back her snickering. She pointed at the Munchlax and then used that same hand to hid her mouth.

"What Pokémon is that? It's so pudgy!" Yolie gushed. She was surprised to see yet another Pokémon that did not come off as adorable or cool. Her heart warmed up inside.

She scuffled around in her satchel until she grabbed two warm like balls. She pressed down on both of them and released her Trubbish, Knope, and her Shipper, Eve.

Knope appeared with drool dripping down his mouth, and stared into space for a few seconds before coming to the realization that there was company. He smiled and waved his hands rapidly as if to exclaim hello.

When Eve came out, she rushed towards Ee, floating circles around her for some odd reason. She seemed to be surveying the new trainer and his group.

"These are my buddies. Knope and Eve. I guess they could use some fresh air as well. I came to Bloka to to..."

Yolie paused because for a second, she forgot why she even came to this new region. why did she decide to begin a Pokemon journey? Just a few days ago, becoming a trainer hadn't even touched her mind. she was more into guessing what her friends would be wearing the next day. then, the strange reality of it hit her. though, it felt more foreign to her.

"...Prove to my friends how easy it would be to become a trainer." She sputtered, answering Alan's question. She was to cover her confusion with another question.

"H-how about you? We should also keep walking, and get to the next town quicker."
Def was hoping Marin was managing to keep up but at the same time knew he would catch up soon enough if he wasn't, it was a straight path in to the city after all.

Thankfully the pokecenter wasn't too far from the city gate and he came to a stop once inside and at the reception,
"This Blitzle... Showed up in forest, not looking good, suddenly fainted. Please, you have to help," He'd say among pants from running fast as he could without stopped, Growlithe putting her paws up against the counter and giving a few barks and whines.

"Growlithe, go check Marin knows where to find us," He said, to which Growlithe gave a bark and ran on out the pokecenter. She quickly spotted Marin and Asura and barked in their direction to get their attention.
"Oh yes of course, pass the Blitzle here and I'll do what I can," Nurse Joy then took Blitzle into a room and placed Blitzle on a bed and attached cables to the Electric type, to measure the severity of Blitzle's condition. She examined the cuts that were covering Blitzle's legs. "Hm... I see,"

Marin then barged into the Pokemon Center, panting like Def's Growlithe. "Def?...Is...Is the Blitzle...okay?" Marin said, doing large inhales in between words since he sprinted like 2 miles. "Fitness was never my cup of tea," Marin said. Marin heard a screaming and so he looked down and he saw Asura dangling upside down, flailing around and screaming. "Chikor!" Asura squealed before getting out of Marin's grip and fumbling around dizzy due to being thrown around so much. "Oh no, Asura are you alright?" Marin exclaimed panicking not knowing what to say.

Nurse Joy then walked back out to reception with a worried face. "Hi, Blitzle seemed to have been poisoned, it was caused by it walking into poisonous thorns which are quite common on Route 2. However, we've run out Pecha Berries here and it doesn't grow anywhere nearby, our best bet is to get some from the market in Gronk City, but it's too far to walk on foot. By the time we get it, it will be too late," Nurse Joy then picked up her phone trying to make a phone call.

Marin stared at Nurse Joy with a concerned and worried face as she explained the situation. Marin walked around to look through the window of the room Blitzle's being taken care in. He saw a Chansey stressed and sweating, attempting her best to resolve the situation.
Def nodded and gladly passed the pokemon over to Joy, "Thank you, Joy," He said and anxiously waited as she did her job.

Growlithe ran along with Marin and sat herself back down next to Def's feet.
Def looked at Marin was he came in, still panting a bit himself but not half as much as him," So I see," He joked in response to him mentioning fitness, "I'm in an old habit of working out every day," He said as he caught his breath, leaning against the counter and rubbed a hand through his hair in worry. "I hope it's ok..." He muttered softly, thinking out loud.

Def looked at Joy as soon as she appeared again, listening to what she has to say. "Pecha Berries..." He parroted, not having to think much before he looked to Marin.
"We could take Growlie, you could recall Asura to save her any stress," He said and would await Marin's answer before he turned back to Joy. "Growlie can get there fast and back again, my Arcanine."
"I uh...sure," Marin looked at Asura after pulling out her Pokeball. Asura looked up at Marin and noticed her Pokeball. Her face showed a frightened look as she started to manically shake her head. "Chi-Chikor!" she started to squeal. Marin couldn't bare to have Asura return to her Pokeball when she starts to break down just at the sight of the Pokeball. Marin put her Pokeball away and picked up Asura. "Sh, it's okay... I won't do that to you," Marin said softly as he carried her to Nurse Joy. Asura flinched majorly as Marin picked her up, she had her eyes tightly shut as she was still bracing for returning to her Pokeball. "Nurse Joy, could you please check up on Asura whilst we go get that the Pecha Berries," Marin asked politely as he handed Asura over to Nurse Joy. "of course, whatever you need," Nurse Joy carefully took hold of Asura and tightly held her to her chest as she carried her to one of the rooms. Asura started to flail and fidget slightly but wasn't so violent so Nurse Joy kept a grip on Asura. Marin took a deep breath as he watched Asura get carried away, he felt weird watching Asura get taken away.

Marin snapped out and remembered about the urgent situation. "Sorry, let's go!"Marin said confidently as he exited the Pokemon Center and waited for def outside.
Def watched how Asura reacted when Marin took put the pokeball, now seeing why be seemed so hesitant in doing so. "Oh, I apologise, I didn't realise she isn't keen on the pokeball," He said, giving Asura a gentle stroke on the head when Marin picked her up.

"There you go, I bet Joy and Chansey will love getting to spend time with you," Def said to Asura as she was handed to Joy. He saw the concern on Marin's face as she was taken away, "Hey, she'll be alright, we'll be back before you know it," He said as he lead the way outside and would return Growlithe to her pokeball when they got there.

"Growlie's a lot smoother when riding him than he looks, so I hope you're not anxious about it," Def said and took out Growlie's pokeball to let him out.

"Arrr arc!" He barked happily at Def and Marin.

"Hey, big guy. We need to go get some berries for the sick pokemon, you up for getting us there fast?" Def asked, to which Growlie barked and crouched himself down for them both to climb on.

Def climbed up first and offered a hand to Marin to help him up, "You can hold on to me if you want on the way, I don't mind. I've given many people a lift on Growlie. When you're comfortable enough, we'll take off."

(Gotta get to sleep, shall post again tomorrow ♥)
Marin inhaled and exhaled. "Yeah sure, let's go it will be fun," Marin said as he climbed on a clung on to Def as he mounted Growlie. "This better be as smooth as you say it is," Marin said. "Let's go Growlie! We haven't got time to lose!" Marin shouted with determination.
"Yeah, let's keep moving."

Alan returned Munchlax to its ball as Eevee chased Eve, yelping happily. When she noticed that her trainer was ready to head off, Ee stopped running after the ghost Pokémon and walked next to her trainer.

"Well, for me, I'm just traveling the regions. I may challenge a few gyms here and there, see what they're like. And honestly, I don't believe it's easy to become a trainer. There's a lot of responsibility in being a trainer."
Before Growlie could speed off, Rory released himself from his Pokeball. "Come on Rory, not now. Return," Marin said as he lifted Rory's Pokeball. "Bun-Bun!" Rory yelled back at Marin telling him why he didn't want to be in his Pokeball. "You don't want to leave Asura...? I guess that's fair enough, she's in one of the back rooms of the Pokemon Center. Don't leave until I get back, okay," Marin said to Rory. Rory smiled and nodded his head. "Buneary!" Rory cheered as he jumped through the automatic doors of the Pokemon Center. "I certainly do have a handful," Marin sighed.

Rory jumped through the Pokemon Center and jumped on the counter. "Bun," Rory said with a big smile. A Chansey with a nurse's outfit was on the other side of the counter and got slightly startled as Rory revealed himself. "Cha! Chansey-Chan," Chansey said as she changed her scared look to a heartwarming smile. Rory then organized his ears to make it look like the leaf of a Chikorita, hinting at Asura. Chansey chuckled and gestured Rory to follow her. "Chansey," Chansey said as she walked towards the back rooms. Rory jumped down from the counter and trotted behind the Pink Pokemon. Chansey stopped beside a room. "Chan," Rory looked through the window and saw Asura sitting up with her teary eyes shut tight and tensed up on a table, as Nurse Joy does a normal check up on her. Rory yelled from the other side of the window, thinking that Asura would hear. "Bun-Bun!" Rory then jumped up to the door knob and pulled it down opening the door. Rory then ran in and jumped up on the table and cheered. "Buneary!"

Asura turned to Rory with her teary eyes, immediately hugged him tightly and started to cry. "Chi *sniffle* Chikor," She whimpered. Rory was caught off guard by the state Asura was in as the last time they were with each other they were eating stew, having fun. Rory hugged back as he felt sorry for Asura and wanted to cheer her up. "Oh hello, didn't see you walk in," Nurse Joy said as she noticed Rory. She then noticed Asura hugging him. "You should probably stay then since little Asura is a lot more comfortable with you," Nurse Joy said softly.
Def chuckled, "Don't worry," He said, smiling at how Rory was persistent on stayed here with Asura, "Can't keep those two apart, at least Asura will find comfort in him."

Growlie gave a bark when Marin said they were ready to go and would take off in a quick trot before building up to large leaping-strides, Def holding firmly but carefully on to his mane so not to hurt him. Thankfully, it didn't take very long as all to reach Route Two nor did it take long to spot the pecha berries that grew in abundance here. Growlie stopped and crouched down a bit to let the trainers get off.

"Good job, Growlie," Def said and rubbed at his head before hopping off.
"Arc!" Growlie barked, though suddenly his head raised up a pit and perked up his ears as he noticed two other trainers not too far ahead, one of them having an Eevee.
Marin kind of got into a daze as Growlie travelled through Route 2. As Growlie stopped and lowered his body, Marin leaned to the side and fell off Growlie. "Ow...I uh...I'm alright," Marin said as he stood up. Marin put his hand on Growlie's back as he regained his balance. He gazed over to Growlie's cute face and his tongue dangling out his tongue as he pants. Marin rubbed his head and then noticed Growlie spotting something as his ear twitched. "What is it?" Marin asked as he looked at the direction that Growlie looked. He also saw the trainers that had just left for Route 2. "Huh, some trainers..." Marin said to himself. He turned to Def. "Hey , have you seen any Pecha Berries?" Marin asked.
Def jumped a little when Marin fell off, trying not to laugh and turned to offer him some help back to his feet, "You ok there?" He asked.
"Guess it'll take some getting use to."

Growlie wagged his tail when Marin pet him and would give a soft bark, Def also looking in the direction Growlie was.
"I don't think I've met those two before," Def said curiously then looked to Marin. "There should be bushes of them along the route, let's head towards the trainers and start looking," He said, maybe they would help gather lots of them to help the Blitzle and any other sick pokemon at the center, wouldn't hurt to give them a good stock, right? If Marin was ready he'd start walking along, Growlie following next to him on the side opposite Marin.
"Yeah that's a good shout, getting plenty of berries," Marin said as he walked alongside Def. "We need to be careful no to step in any poison barbs as well, that would be...inconvenient I guess," Marin said as his eyes scanned around the bushes, looking out for the pink berries that would resolve their current situation. Marin then heard Def talk about the trainers. "if you haven't seen them before, maybe they're new trainers, or new to Bloka at least," Marin suggested.

Marin looked up and saw a large tree overhanging them, that had the pink berries dangling from its branches, but it was at least 6ft out of reach from them. "Hey Def, I found some Pecha Berries," Marin said in a somewhat calm tone instead of being excited, due to him not being pleased as to where they're located. Mari stopped walking and pointed upwards. "That couldn't be any more frustrating," Marin said in a slight spiteful tone.
"Yeah, just a bit inconvenient," Def responded in regards to the poison barbs.
"Must be new, there are probably a lot of new trainer's I've yet to meet," He said. After some searching he looked to Marin when he said he found some, "You did?" He said and looked up.

"Oh.." He said with a sigh, "Of course it couldn't be straightforward huh?" He grumbled, but he did get an idea.
"Wait, Ivysaur could reach those," He said and took a pokeball from his belt to let out Ivysaur.

"Saur Saur!" Ivysaur said as she appeared.

"Ivysaur, think you can get those berries down?" Def asked.

Ivysaur looked up at the berries and took out her vines to extend them up to the branches and plucked one off, bringing it back down and popping it in her mouth.

"Not to eat it," Def said and shook his head with a soft chuckle.

"Saur!" She chirped to try seem inoccent. This time she used her vines again to start detaching berries from the branches so they'd fall to the ground for them to collect.

"Great, good girl," Def said and started filling the pouches either sidr of his belt.
Marin opened and held his bag out in front of him and caught the falling Berries. "That's... one way of doing it I guess," Marin chuckled to himself. A couple dropped and burst as it hit the floor. "I never wanted to get that one anyway," Marin said as continued on catching the tree droppings. Marin could here multiple berries dropping by his feet, but he didn't want to look down since he'll miss a bunch of berries. Marin was forced to since he was curious as to why so many dropped. He looked at his bag and he noticed that the bag was overflowing with Pecha Berries. Marin stared at the pile of Pink balls. "Hey Def, think we got enough?" Marin said sarcastically.
When Eve noticed Ee stopped playing, she yawned and stuck her tongue out. Then she was returned to her pokeball. Knope continues walking next to Jolie's leg. He would take a short stop to pick up berries and colorful gifts from nature along the way.

Yolie found interest in how Alan decided to travel without a sole purpose. She assumed everyone was trying to become a champion or some other thing.
Yolie sulked to herself in response to Alan's remark about responsibilities. She refused to drop her illusion of the challenges behind being a proper trainer.

"Well, I just assume it must be easy. So many people choose to become trainers, rather than scholars or scientists. My friends glorify famous trainers, but they just seem like pop idols to me. I suppose I just haven't been at it long enough to see the difficulty yet."

As The two trainers continued walking, a Pokemon came twirling oddly from out of a bush. The creature was an odd mix of cream colored and red, bearing spots in erratic places. Just looking at it made Knope dizzy. The bright sky carried an uplifting wave with it, and Yolie was feeling like showing off.

"Watch how absurd it is. Becoming a trainer is all in the wrist!"

Yolie quickly grabbed a Pokeball from her satchel and threw it at the Pokémon. The ball smacked the Pokémon in the head, bringing it to a halt as the pokeball's light enveloped the Pokémon. The ball fell to the ground and began to shake. After one swivel, the pokeball broke open forcefully, and the Pokemon came back out. It held its head, then dizzily continued on its way, still within the vicinity.

Yolie felt outraged! The device was meant for catching, and she threw it quite fairly. She shrugged and frowned.

"What happened!?!? I suppose I failed. But It makes, like, no sense."
Marin noticed the trainer complaining about the Pokeball failing. Marin chuckled. "Yep definitely new trainers," Marin said under his breath. Marin closed his bag full of Pecha berries and put it on his back. Marin put his hands beside his mouth. "You need to weaken the Pokemon in with a chance of catching it!" Marin yelled at the troubled trainer.
Yolie turned around frantically to glance at the other trainers behind her. The one that spoke seemed familiar to her. Did she see these trainers yesterday? There was an abundance of trainers at Prof. Pine's lab. Then it hit her, Prof. Pine did say something about weakening the Pokemon, she thought.

"How do I do that? Throw a rock at it?"

She looked at the following Pokémon that acquainted the trainers. She really liked the large dog. She recalled seeing those-Acanine- around town sometimes. Knope made his way towards Marin, and offered a few Pecha berries. Though it appeared the trainer had a bag full of them. He smiled as he started to place the berries neatly near the trees they dropped from.