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Ask to Join Welcome Everyone, to Comet Trail High! (Superpower School)


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Bada bop boom

Asta dodged the arrow barely but with it's speed and force being shot it destroyed the ground he was previously at. Starting to think again about how to defeat Chris, Asta readied his bow again. While he did he realized he wasn't fighting the way he normally did or according to his head.
Finally he put the bow away and walked towards the greatsword. "Sorry to keep you waiting.The real fight...," he said as he picked up the sword. "Starts now!"
He dashed at Chris with 1/4 of his inhumanly speed creating after images from both sides (left and right), coming from infront, and behind him. In reality though the as soon all the after images hit Chris the real Asta would come down from sky directly above Chris for a extreme slash to the head.
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Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Well shit. Speedy boy here gonna make after images on me to fake me out. Not on my watch though. I'm not goin down.” Christian said to himself as he used Rough Skin to protect himself again and letting Asta’s after images hit him. The attack made some cracks around his body, but he didn’t mind it. Chris quickly rolled out of the way and formed a six-sided, and easily breakable cube around himself. Plan time. He thought to himself as he made a statue of himself out of some big rocks that were on the ground beside him. He placed his hat and jacket on the statue and made a hole inside the ground to hide in so he can’t be found. Chris then used his geokinesis power to walk under the arena and away from the cube, while still underground.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta came down at this fake ripping the hat and jacket in half. When he came down he also broke through the floor where Chris should been but he wasn't. Gaining knowledge that he has geokinesis was pretty useful cause now Asta was more cautious of his surroundings.
Soon he was moving quickly breaking the arena to lure him. Creating 3 after images in all corners of the arena while the real Asta tried to stay in the air as much as possible. 'I'll lure him out at 1 point...' He thought.
Maya looked up as she was prompted by Aclava, who had honestly shocked her. Maya seemed like a prime example of the type of person Aclava would probably want to avoid... but she’d asked a question. Asked who she thought would win, specifically.
“Hm.. I’m not sure, honestly.” She mused softly. While she didn’t know much about Asta, she knew that Christian was absurdly intelligent and also had a fair spectrum of abilities at his disposal.
“If I’m being honest, I can’t say I fully know what Asta’s power even is,” she admitted slowly. “Christian is super smart, and he’s good at strategizing. They both seem pretty offensive, but Christian has the upper hand with terrain and heal-up. So I gotta say I’m betting on him.”
She waved down Soul as she obviously looked around for her, smiling as he sat down.
“You did incredible.” She breathed, but her smile faltered as she looked at his tattered hands. “Please don’t hurt yourself too badly.”

She glanced back at the girl beside her, studying her expression. “What... what about you?” She asked, returning the question. She’d like to see how her thought process ran.
He looked down. “I’m fine, don’t worry. It’s only minor... I’ll be out of commission for around 30-45 minutes...” he said, sighing and sitting down next to her. “And Yeah, I’m betting on Christian for the same reason. He can self heal and he’s got... well... 2/4 elements. That’s not half bad.” He joked, but did release his opinion.

Unbeknownst to most of the people, Nero was sitting at the table. He coughed. “So. Ya’ told Soul, Maya? Ahh, whatever. I don’t place bets. Never have. Always thought they were dumb.” Nero said, running his fingers through his hair. Soul noticed Nero. He wanted to ask him something, but was weirded out by his first statement.
"Utility, meaning the usefulness of ability along with having several different. Christian has more utility. But he's arrogant." she saw how Christian let his armor have cracks in them. "Even though I gave up, he gave me ample opportunity to take him down and it seems like he hasn't learned his lesson. If Christian loses it's because he defeated himself." Aclava looked at Nero with cautious eyes, before ignoring his presence.

"You should have won, Maya. You abused his arrogance and gained the upper hand when you shouldn't have. You deserve to be in the arena." she let the statement hang in the air for a few seconds. She looked Maya dead in the eyes to try and read her face, she quickly backed off as Aclava became aware of how creepy it seemed.

"Let me be direct, I need to blow off some steam, I have two tickets to an upcoming concert and I want you to come with me, seeing how the only other girls Tara and ......" her lips tightened as she refused to say the demon girls name. "Anyways I only got the two free and I'm buying anymore so. Are you coming? "


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel stood confused about the whole Aclava thing but shrugged it off. Porco knew what was needed. "Look I can tell that some people who we predicted would win didn't so..how about some songs from my end aka the genre I listen to." Porco said with a smile on his face hoping to cheer everyone up. Marcel agreed with what Porco had said and knew that everyone was kind if all over the place in emotions. Alexis walked over to Aclava but not in a angry sort of tone. "Look....I know you probably hate me now....due to what Darkcel showed for his version of Yoku clones. But that is not what I am like! I am a kind person who would help anyone!" Alexis explained to her as she would need to know more about it.
Her face was still as the gentle plea arose from Alexis. "First impressions exist, that's the first thing I saw and anything past that is 'fluff' for all I care." he hands were clumped together and her whole body posture displayed a much more distancing aura. " I don't hate you. My HATE is reserved for someone else right now. but your right in that I don't like you. and that's not going to change for a while. So no matter how much you say your 'a kind person who would help anyone' then-"

Aclava paused. her face twisted and she covered mouth with one hand as she started to deeply contemplate something. "Alright. Lets put your money in your mouth." she thought she said the idiom wrong but shrugged it off. "if your such a 'kind person' then help me out." She held up two fingers. "One give me your phone number. And two, can you fly?"


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Alexis looked at her when she first raged. "I can do both of your tasks for you. I can fly and Here is my phone number." Alexis told Aclava as she did both of her requests right infront of her eyes. Porco was getting some tracks ready for them to listen to. Marcel got shook when he heard Aclava rage. 'Meh it'll buff.' Marcel told himself and Porco knew that as well. But both of them remained quiet as Alexis did her requests. "There you go." Alexis told Aclava not in a snippy tone but in a nice and calm tone with a smile on her face.
"Duly noted" Aclava spoke as if she simply told what the weather was today. lost of any impact or motivation. She sent a small text message that was just the plus symbol and sent it to Alexis's phone. "I'll text you when needed. thank you." she waved as though dismissing a servant. and returned her attention back to Maya. As looked back at Maya, her body posture changed to a much more open and relaxed pose. "So his name is Harry Costin" She spoke and acted as though Alexis didn't come up to her, or even exist. She also continued to pay little attention to Nero (though there were quick twitches in his general direction) and spoke as casual as possible to the desired girl.

"He's very popular with 'tweens' or whatever its called. Surprising since he makes very "heartthrob" songs and a lot of distant rock. He goes around the entire country, and concert tickets could cost up to one hundred dollars. I don't want to hunt him down, and seeing as I was a fan, why not bring someone along to meet him with me? I am pleading a bit as I do need someone with me."


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
It was complete silence in the arena, and Chris was thinking of some ideas while he was underground. “This is a tight spot. The after images are at each corner, but I’m guessing Asta is still in the air.........wait a minute. I got it.” Christian said to himself as he made four separate tunnels, each leading to one of the after images in each corner. Chris created four separate bubbles and sent them in each tunnel, to each after image. A minute later, the bubbles began to rise up from the ground and trapped each after image. Telling from the bubbles getting more weight added to them, Chris knew the images were inside them. Bingo. Now for the experiment. He thought to himself as he moved the bubbles to the walls of the arena. His experiment was to see if moving the after images to the walls was the same as moving Asta to the wall.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta's after images had faded, he was actually in the top right corner the whole time. Stunned by the fact the bubble caught he quickly popped it. Dropping out the bubble Asta fell into the exit the bubble came out. "Rock Boi, I'm to end this here and now!"
Asta spammed after image one last time but this was different he used half his speed. The 4 after images created looked as though they were solid, as though they were actual clones. These clones would take all 4 corners of which the bubbles exit and dig diagonally of their direction with the greatsword. Lead Asta would clear excess rocks to make it a clear underground so Chris had no where to go but up or stay put and take a barrage of attacks from Asta.
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Maya hummed in thought, doubt etched on her features.
“Alright...” she muttered slowly, casting a final glance to Soul’s hand. She nodded simply to confirm Nero’s thoughts. “Ah, yeah. I told him.”

Looking a bit stunned, she blinked as Aclava spoke directly to her. She seemed rather flustered as the other girl insisted that she deserved to be in the semifinals, with Maya ducking her head and scratching the back of her neck. Taken aback, the ginger-haired girl listened to her request; Aclava spoke of a concert of sorts, and was inviting her! Taking a quick look back at Soul with a puzzled expression, she turned to Aclava.
“I- are you sure..? I was kind of in the mindset that you didn’t like me...” she murmured breathlessly, letting out a tiny embarrassed chuckle. Aclava reiterated the fact that she won the tickets for free, and sort of needed to find someone to accompany her. Nodding quickly, Maya flashed her a little smile.
“I would love to!”
Soul made a sort of half smile, and then looked out the window. “Huh.” He simply said, watching the battle with intrigue. He also saw her glance at him, and made a more genuine smile. He didn’t say anything, but he radiated an aura of; ‘That’s cool!’ In response to Aclava’s inviting of Maya.

Nero made a small “Hm.” He didn’t really care that Aclava didn’t acknowledge his presence. In fact, he was used to that. He made a loud yawn, looking at Soul flexing his fingers. “I’d say that Aclava would be right, though I’m not betting. Anyone could win at this point.” He said plainly.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
.....Well shit. Time to abandon ship! Chris thought as he popped out of the middle of the arena. He ran over to one side of the arena and stopped, taking in some deep breaths. “So. You wanna play rough, eh? Well here ya go.” He took a deep breath and held it in. His heart rate was at a steady beat as he put his left hand out while holding his arm in place with his right. The heart rate was crucial for Chris now, because his left hand started to form a giant ball of water, 100 times the size of a bowling ball. All he had to do now is wait for Asta to hop out of the ground so he can fire.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Chris wasn't underground at all, meaning he was above. Arranging his four afterimages infront of him before to consult with them for his last move. This was recognizing that all was gonna end here and now. The final move the opponent and person could decide the outcome.
"So listen up you 4, I've decided that we've come this far so if we're gonna go out... We go out with a bang! WHO'S WITH ME?!" He said as he consulted with himself.

"Yes, SIR!" They said as they responded back acknowledging the combo chain that was about to be pulled off.

Leading Asta made more solid appearing afterimages (after this point I'm going to call them clones) himself. Fifty clones for each corner but 20 for the middle of the stage. Everyone lined up in their position waiting for the leaders. This was it the final, the best, ultimate action. "Everyone... On my call." He said as they all waited. For a final precaution he pulled a pistol, quickly all the other clones did the same thing. "Bottom left, top right you shoot while closing in for a sword attack. Top left, bottom right quickly go in for the offensive." They took in this significant point awaiting further demand. Each and every last one of them couldn't wait for the leader Asta to stop barking order but just let them out. "NOW GO!" Leader Asta said as the ground exploded.
They didn't know what Chris was planning, but they all went in guns blazing.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Oh god dammit. I need more power. Chris thought as he looked at the other clones of Asta. He moved his right hand next to his other hand to make the water ball grow in size. Chris had a furious look on his face like he was gonna kill someone. His body faintly glowed a ocean blue aura, “Well here we go.” He placed his right foot back and took another deep breath. “70% Power! HYDROOOOOOO CANNON!” He shouted as he let all of the water go in a sort of Kamehameha fashion (Moving his hands back and firing like a Hadouken). The Hydro Cannon somehow managed to get big and tough enough to get through Asta’s clones. But since it was too big, Chris wasn’t able to see in front of him, so he didn’t know if he got Asta as well.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
This was it, except it wasn't it at all. All his clones were wiped out due Chris's water, except for 1 group (This was the middle group). The rest of them were either hit by AoE, they weren't fast enough, or both. The last 5 did everything they could in a final attempt as they were falling towards this ocean kamehameha.
In a last last attempt to call in final attack, the clone were used the propel Asta towards Chris. The clones fell into the water while Asta was charging through the air towards Chris. Asta planned on grabbing Chris as soon as he was close enough then dragging him a long with him to the wall. "If Imma go down, your going down with me." Asta said in a final attempt.
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Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Chris smirked as he got dragged near the wall, “Y’know, Asta. You’ve been doing good so far. But I gotta tell you somethin. Remember your opponent’s moves. Cuz guess what? DRAW!” He gathered up more sand and shot Asta one more time in the stomach with a Sandblast, sending him to the wall first before Chris did. From the eye of a spectator, it looked like they both touched the wall at the same time.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"Owch that's alot of damage..." He said as he pulled out sword to deflect it. Even as he did that it wouldn't have slowed down the impact that pushed him back. For the last few seconds though he yanked Chris's shirt to try cause an effect even if it buy him a draw. "Got ur, NECK!" He said while pulling on Chris's shirt. Surely this effect would say it's a draw causing Soul to win the overall tournament right?
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Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
At this point, Chris had no other plan, until he had an idea that could risk the whole match. When Asta was yanking on Chris’s shirt, he could hear the shirt stretching out. He decided to rip off his shirt and kick Asta away. Chris quickly clapped his hands together, as he formed a really bouncy bubble that he went in so he can bounce off the wall. A bubble that was also bouncy enough to reflect attacks like melee weapons and projectiles. Modern problems require modern solutions.....I think. Chris thought to himself. 70% power can do some cool things.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
(Cue smash ultimate Mii fighters here xd)

'No, I don't want this tournament to last any longer or this fight, it's annoying.' Asta thought. He used his sword to slide down the wall without touching it. Walked to the center of the arena then said the words of only which the intellectuals know. "Hey Chris, Freezeflame. I quit. It's getting annoying and too stretched out." He walked away from the battle.
"All right! By default, Christian is the victor!!!!" Freezeflame yelled out. Soul frowned, because it was definitely not the end he expected.

"Well, what do you know. This time Asta dropped out instead of Aclava! What're the odds?" He joked, and Tara laughed. "I guess so!!" She smiled widely, and they seemed to be on friendlier terms, as with Spirit, who just chuckled from a few feet away. Maybe they were on friendlier terms because they weren't harassing Soul about his love life. Probably.

Maya hummed sadly, pursing her lip into a tiny frown. Had Asta really given up..?
That meant it was Soul and Christian.
Christian, who’d prevailed against her, versus Soul, fighting in her place.
That was what she’d expected, yet she still felt uncertain. She really had no idea how the match would go.
“Don’t hurt yourself too badly, please,” she whispered softly to Soul. Knowing him, he’d probably push himself to an extreme. Especially for her, even though she hated to admit it. Literally just the thought made her face redden a bit, and she drew her legs up to her chest, blushing.
Loudly clearing her throat to distract from her reddening face, she turned to Aclava, resting her face on her hand.
“So-! Aclava. When- when did you say that concert was?”
Of all response Aclava could think of for Asta giving up, she felt a bit of pride. she respected Asta's desire not to waste time, and with that, the tournament gets closer to its end. Her face slightly twitched into a smirk before returning her attention Maya. "Its..........soon" She did not want to tell her when yet, just a few more preparations were needed. "I promise I'll get to you before it comes up, but I'm glad you accepted. Also can you not talk about it much? I don't want people to ask me for concert tickets," That was the last thing she said before she went near the entrance and waited for Asta.
Soul pursed his lips, and nodded, a blush forming on his face. "I'll... try not to..." He flexed his bruised fingers, looking away from Maya. They didn't hurt quite as bad anymore. After all, breaking something once and then breaking the same thing again? Well, for one that's highly unlikely and two, your bones heal stronger than they were broken so... hey!

He got up. "Excuse me for a moment Maya, Tara, Nero. I'm gonna..." He pulled his arms back. "...stretch for the next fight. Gotta make sure I win..." he said, and began stretching out his legs. "Yeah. Make sure you don't loose, kid." Nero said, having looked into Soul's mind again. I mean... hard to resist doing it sometimes.

Tara watched him. "Hm... Maya, do you think he'll pull out that crazed strategy again? That switch and flip one-" "Tara, it's called the Strike-Swap-Shield Technique." "-whatever that one was." She asked Maya, being cut off by Soul, giving the actual name to his call to fame. Well, his battle one. His victory was still the thumbs-up.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Leaving the battle Asta had a lot of time to think about things. This included his grades, revealing his book, most importantly though his injuries. As much as anyone here he needed to be healed constantly. In his last fight with Chris pulling a stunt like this just to win was actually pretty stupid. Returning to the outcome of all this he went to the medics immediately to get healed.
After his quick recovery, he made his way towards the entrance, but to his surprise Aclava was standing right infront of it. Within this case of this happening he could only think up two things: She's mad or something even worse is happening. Ready to face whatever is going to happen he kept walking until he got near entrance. "Hey, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the stands watching the battle?"
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The past few hours Brigitte had been sitting at the "New Student Area"(or whatever it was called) and watched the Tournament from one of the many televisions in the room.

"Wow..These people seem really though.. And they have really cool powers too!" she thought to her self and looked around the room for a second. There were some people in the room besides her, but she didn't want to go up to anyone and start chatting, at least yet. She was unsure what kind of people were at this school, but hopefully they were better than people at her old school. Brigitte noticed that she had zoned out for a second, shook her head and returned to watch the ongoing battle. She saw that the boy with black and white hair had just touched the wall of the Arena, while his opponent was nowhere near the boy with the black and white hair, so Brigitte assumed that he gave up on the battle, which was something that she didn't really expect to happen.
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Considering Maya wasn’t necessarily the best at confrontation, she repressed a doubtful frown. While she may have been a bit dense, she certainly wasn’t stupid, and this vagueness simultaneously uneased her and piqued her curiosity. But, per Aclava’s request, she went no further, saying nothing more of the topic.
That makes sense, I guess. Events like this spread fast, I’m sure other people would like to go, too. Still... at least she’ll let me know.
Twisting around to grab a small notebook, she ripped a page out, neatly folding it and scribbling a series of numbers on it. Checking over it once more, she set it down on the arm rest of Aclava’s seat.
“Just text me,” she smiled, watching as the girl walked away.
Prompted by Tara about Soul’s potential strategy, she looked over at him, humming.
“Mm... maybe. Something tells me he has another secret trick he hasn’t let us on about.” She thought aloud, but also partially to Tara. “Regardless, remember to stay safe.” Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she realized that she was starting to sound repetitive. “I don’t like seeing you hurt.”
Within the 'New Student Area', Leonardo paid little to no attention to anyone around him, not even the television that showed the tournament going on. All he did was create a little yellow crystal in mid air above one hand whilst he also checked for something on his phone with his other hand, he noticed a text message that said it had been texted no more than one minute ago. "Best of luck in Comet Trail! It doesn't matter what mother and father say, you do your best and know that your big sister will always support you. xx ♥" It said which caused Leonardo so smile lightly at it before he put his phone back in the pocket of his smoke colored fur hoodie and looked around at anyone else within the room whilst he continued to fiddle with the floating crystal in his other hand, he caused it to 'grow' slightly and protrude a few little spikes from it.
Leo was amazed by the raw power that he witnessed as he waited in the 'New Student Area'. He shivered with excitement.

"Amazing.. Im starting to feel more pumped up!", he thought to himself as and looked around the room filled with new faces. He decided to listen to some music to kill some time. He plugged his headphone to his cell phone and started listening to his favorite tunes.
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"yeah should, whatever." she brushed off the nonrule and carefully eyed him. He wasn't to badly injured this time and considering he was casually talking showed Asta's fine. "Did you remember what I told you? you at least seemed to be more level headed this time." she slightly leaned back and closed her eyes with a heavy sigh "that's good. that's good" she nodded her head and then sighed once again "Anyways I just wanted to see if you were alright" she turned and the made two steps before she stopped.

"Oh, I almost forgot," she spoke as if she definitely didn't forget. "I'm throwing a surprise birthday party, for Maya. The day after Halloween. obviously, don't tell her but I was hoping you would like to help me set up some things? You don't need to answer now but later I'll ask again." And with that, she walked away and returned to a lonely seat.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
She walked away but she talked about a chance of making a social event. This wasn't gonna slide, he needed this. Quickly he chased after her for the purpose of responding. "Hey! I'd gladly help, I'm in need of human interactions anyways." Nervous excitement came out as each word passed by. This social event wasnt gonna slip by his watch.

Although he also noticed the sighs and questions she asked him. "First I dont remember off the top my head but I guess it was taking responsibility, remembering I do have power, and yeah... also why the heavy sighs?" While chasing after her he said one last thing. "Thanks for checking to if I'm ok, didn't know you had emotion of sympathy. Also sorry for offending you if I did."
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Soul bit his lip and continued to stretch, turning away. He did a few lunges, stretched out his arms, and rolled his ankles. He finally answered. “A-again... I’ll... try not to.” He said, and looked down, stretching out his legs.

Tara just watched, shaking her head. “Hhhhhh, the sweet release of romance. That sweet smell is more like rubber? Hm.” He sighed.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Porco put his hand on Tara's shoulder. "I guess. But those two will be together at somepoint." Porco told Tara and then looked at her. "Eventually." Porco finished as he got his playlist ready to show Tara. "So Tara you want to hear my playlist if songs? If so then my first song is called New game by Nitro Fun." Porco told her and Marcel looked over and eventually moved over to where Aclava was. "Look. I know you still probably have hatred against me....but! We can still be good friends and we can get along and stuff." Marcel told Aclava as he wanted to make peace with Aclava. Alexis walked over to Tara and Porco. "What are you lovebirds up to?" Alexis asked them.
“Now now Porco. Let’s give them time. I agree, but we must be subtle. At least to Maya, umm, Soul... bully him about it all you want.” Tara said, and giggled at Alexis’s comment.

“Lovebirds? You’re making a lot of assumptions here.” She said, a smirk appearing on her face. “Says the one who blushed when Porco hugged her.” Said Nero. What a bash!!

Soul clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and continued stretching, trying to ignore the constant snarky attitude coming from Tara. He sighed, wiped something off his cheek, and continued to stretch.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"Rip. Nero good call." Alexis said as she went off to find Marcel. "I guess.....Heh screw it." Porco said as he kissed Tara on the lips. Marcel was not all that impressed with what Porco did. "Good for you! You did a-" Marcel said cut off for when Alexis kissed Marcel on the cheek. "That solves our dispute." Marcel said as he had a storm of blush appear on his face. Porco smiled afterwards and the proceeded to hug her. "That answers your question Alexis. We are lovebirds and there is nothing wrong with that." Porco told Alexis as she watched everything that happened. "Touché."Alexis told Porco as she waited for the big finale of the tournament to unfold.
Tara blushed redder than she ever had. “Ooooooohhhhhhhhhh.” She covered her face. “Theeere we go.” She made a flustered noise, and Soul caught the urge to smile.

“Well, who’s the flustered one now?” He asked, smirking. She frowned at him. “At lease I’m not swooning over someone like you are. Maybe you should find the guts to ask her out~? Maybe then you’d be an actual man.” She said, and Soul clenched his fists, looked down, and grabbed her shoulder.

“May I speak to you in private, please?” He asked, his face obviously red if not covered by the hair over his face. He pulled her out of the room. A few minutes later, Tara came back in and looked like her brain had been hit by a truck. Soul came back in the way he’d left.

Quite pissed.
Maya watched the bickering with a solemn frown, brows creased in worry. It’s not like they were trying to be quiet, and she was obviously in earshot. What seemed to send Soul over the edge was a snarky comment about asking her out. She opened her mouth, hoping to interject, but he was quick to tug Tara away.

Sighing loudly, she rested her head against the wall, staring at the ceiling.
God, why can’t I just make a decision... everyone else has already chosen their partner from the start, how is it so easy for them? Do they not need time to think? Is it my fault? Ughhh. This sucks! What is up with me..? Do I like him? God, I dont know.. I could like him, I could like Asta, I could like Aclava. Hell, I could like Nero! I could like anyone! Feelings are stupid...

Groaning softly, she drew her knees up to her chest, resting her chin on them, her gaze flickering around the room. Even with all her friends and Soul crushing on her, she suddenly felt very, very lonely.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
The trio all had blank faces on when they returned. "Alright then." Marcel said trying to break the silence. Porco came over and told him the truth. "Look we all know that you like to keep your emotions hidden but going off on your cousin...That is where I step in. Ok we all know who you like...but mess with Tara and you have me to deal with ok? I just don't want anything bad to happen to her....I-I love her with a fire red." Porco spoke and after he said fire red he kissed her on the lips. "I agree. Where would we be without those we hold close to us? In my case......Nowhere.....I hold my friends, family, and relationships close to me. All I those are important to my life. Imagine if someone super close to you vanished Soul....Where would you be?" Marcel asked as both brothers finished their little speeches. Alexis stood up and began applauding to the two with some tears coming down.