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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

Well, I've got Vespers tonight at 7. I'm worried. Seriously, we only had two and a half hour's worth of practice spanned over 2 days. Oh well, if I go to the wrong seat, not my problem. It's thier fault for giving the seniors more time to practice. Anyway, I've gotta get this cough under control by tonight, as people think it's annoying, and I have to memorize a stupid passage that took up my weekend trying to memorize. I really don't see the point in all the formality, I mean, we're in SOUTH Mississippi, we don't have formality (we have turkey/duck/rabbit/skunk/deer/squirrel/fish/anything that moves season instead), at least these guys don't. And what's up with those stupid lines we have to say? They don't mean anything to us, or to anybody for that matter, because everybody knows that we've had to memorize it, they can tell it from the tone in our voices too. Oh well, I'm thinking of just lip synching, or just going along with Sam's idea and singing YMCA instead.

Also, I'm getting tired of southern accents. Complete irony, eh?


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Sometimes it's best to be at work when you're sick. It beats wasting the day at home in bed and not getting paid. Plus, when you're visually sick, people don't expect much out of you and avoid you like the plague. You could sleep at your desk and nobody would care out of pity. :'D
Man, I messed up. I didn't realize that I also signed up for something different this summer too. Great, my last summer and I'll have to spend it with old people and hospital volunteers. Ugh..... Oh well, I've gotta get it done somehow.

But anyway, I'm also technically a Senior now. Our candles were lit at Vespers (And our finger's were blistered from the candle wax Why does that sound familiar? :x), so after now I'm finally there. It's funny, I haven't even started the new year and someone has said they'll miss me. Brings a tear to your eye :')

Oh, and I'm starting to worry about flying cars in the future. We already have idiots in bullets, who REALLY wants to put morons in missiles!?


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Have I gone crazy, or did the latest Firefox browser update swap the ordering of the "open new tab" and "open new window" links? I keep opening new windows without thinking when all I want is a new tab. xp
Hands up if you ever...

Linkachu said:
Have I gone crazy, or did the latest Firefox browser update swap the ordering of the "open new tab" and "open new window" links? I keep opening new windows without thinking when all I want is a new tab. xp
No, it happened for me as well. XD I got used to it quite soon, but I thought it was EVIL before.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Linkachu said:
Have I gone crazy, or did the latest Firefox browser update swap the ordering of the "open new tab" and "open new window" links? I keep opening new windows without thinking when all I want is a new tab. xp

They changed it because, like most of Firefox 4, they copied Chrome verbatim - including its context-menu order. Personally, I was glad 'cos I was bouncing between Firefox and Chrome for a while and it was a very annoying discrepancy between the two - but it's obviously still a confusing change to begin with. You'll get used to it quickly, though.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Nick Fury said:
Linkachu said:
Have I gone crazy, or did the latest Firefox browser update swap the ordering of the "open new tab" and "open new window" links? I keep opening new windows without thinking when all I want is a new tab. xp

They changed it because, like most of Firefox 4, they copied Chrome verbatim - including its context-menu order. Personally, I was glad 'cos I was bouncing between Firefox and Chrome for a while and it was a very annoying discrepancy between the two - but it's obviously still a confusing change to begin with. You'll get used to it quickly, though.

Oh gods, thank you. Knowing this explains so much. XD
*Had the same problem as Katie* *Is over it now sorta*
Really bad if you like to take Wiki walks on wikis that don't open a new tab on click.

It's a lovely day in May, and I'm inside... Well, I'm just glad it's not freakishly cold like it was last year.
Daft Soul said:
Hands up if you ever...

*Raises hand*

Oh, and this week was my last full week in school for my Junior year. Only one week left, and we have exams. For the first time in my life I don't have to worry about failing....I'm so proud :D

I'm also going to watch graduation tonight for the Seniors. I usually don't do these kind of things, but I've got quite a catch of friends in there, and I actually gave Tee a doodle for a going away present, so I want to know what he plans to do with it.

Oh, and guess who finally became a Zelda fan? :p Yeah, I finally got curious, and it's rather interesting to say the least. At least now I get what my friends are always talking about.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I'm really, really loving this new Anime My Ordinary Life. This is randomness done right, and gods is it hilarious. XD

I'm back. I'm single. And I see there's still no Kera Patrol. Someone needs to commission that.

I should really update my spriting thread.

Again, I'm back. party tiem.
Exams ; A;

About two weeks of crammed orals, listenings and writtens of almost all our subjects. Right up until the last day. Brightside, next we'll have less subjects as we choose our subjects that we want to study. Spanish, German, Art and Latin ftw~
But Irish orals might be tomorrow, and I lack books in my bag. /silly doom/
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Komachi Onozuka said:
Exams ; A;

About two weeks of crammed orals, listenings and writtens of almost all our subjects. Right up until the last day. Brightside, next we'll have less subjects as we choose our subjects that we want to study. Spanish, German, Art and Latin ftw~
But Irish orals might be tomorrow, and I lack books in my bag. /silly doom/
You're learning Irish?

/is jealous
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Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I really need to find something to do that isn't sitting on Pokecharms and hitting refresh over and over. :p
Linkachu said:
I really need to find something to do that isn't sitting on Pokecharms and hitting refresh over and over.

May I suggest buying Minecraft, now that it's still not very expensive in Beta? Speaking as a fanboy, of course, but still.
Oooohhhh....just three more days until I'm semi-free for the summer!!! D: I don't wanna study for exams! Really, I should be exempt, but the principal is being....well.....to me, self destructive. I go to a private school, where tuition pays for everything lunch money doesn't, so I'm wondering why he wants so many kids there taking exams with nearly impossible to fufill conditions for exemtions. I mean really, it's just more work, and plus they'd be weeding out the smart guys from the dumba-butts if they did. Oh well.... Next year, when I get the flu, I'll just come to school and sit next to him at lunch all the time >:D

But anywho, I've got History tommorow. It will be loooooonnnggggg and arduous. Damn.....I have so much I want to do once I have free time: Play Zelda Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Spirit Tracks, test out a 3DS, play Okami, Okamiden, watch Thor, Pirates 4, Hang Over pt. 2, and sleeeeeeeep.

Ugh, maybe I should pretend to be stupid during my hospital interview so that way I'll only have to worry about hospace. I can get plenty of hours through that without having to sit in a room all June.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Daft Soul said:
Linkachu said:
I really need to find something to do that isn't sitting on Pokecharms and hitting refresh over and over.

May I suggest buying Minecraft, now that it's still not very expensive in Beta? Speaking as a fanboy, of course, but still.

I was at work when posting that, so I don't think Minecraft would be a good alternative. ;x

Edit: I just dreamed up two brand new characters, and I'm quite liking them both. :)
My thoughts of the moment? Crap... I didn't start the project thats due in two hours!!!! TIME TO DO SOME SERIOUS PROCRASTINATING!!! Once I've gotten out of bed, of course....

*The iFlare also finds it difficult to wake up this morning.
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*Holy Crap, Daft's gif is amazering.

Five-dollar Eric Clapton CD. Kind of wanted the CCR, but it was probably live... live performances only work when you're there.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
WORK TIME! Why am I still heeeeeeeeeere? =O


Ugh. The heat! These computer labs are too warm! I'm dyiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnggggggg...

[me=Linkachu]dies from the heat, and it isn't even June yet. R.I.P. Linkachu. ;-;[/me]
Well, I've passed all of my exams with A's, so I'm partially free :D Now to enjoy my freedom while I have it. Let's see... Recently, I've been in a Star Oceagot me in mood, and that into Tales, and that got me into games with character customization. Do you guys recomend any good Action RPG like games with character customization?

Also, nothing says summer like chicken ramen :3 I do wish I could get some Vegitable Fried noodles though like they serve at the Chinese resturaunt :p


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
TGIF long weekend yaaaaaaaaaaay.

But I'm honestly happier about the fact that work ends for the summer in 5 weeks. My job is basically guaranteed for the fall, so I don't need to worry about unemployment either. :'D
Well, the world was supposed to end yesterday. I was just lying on my bed while texting, and a cloud passed by the sun, and then things darkened, and I was like
"Noooooo" D':

Anyway, I'm feeling pretty icky. If I'm not better by Wednesday, I miss my Art exam, which is pretty relevant, considering I need to keep up Art next year.
I facepalmed twice last night, first when I understood that Harold Camping was wrong again... And then when my friend texted me like 2 hours later saying that: "The world i about to end soon. I'm so freaked out"
I think I'm going to steal the left over pasta and possibly start a war at school tomorrow... Only 'cause I think it'd be fun to do so... :3
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Well, my Day of Rapture was a wonderfully uneventful and sunny Saturday. Unless it happened while I slept and I'm typing this from heaven. (Jk, jk. Like I'd go to heaven.)