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Open Sinnoh journey

Alright Lynn..you can do it..
As Lynn faced Roark, there was 2 words she said, "Bring it."
"Go, Geodude!" Roark shouted as his first Pokemon clearly looked ready. "C'mon, Buneary!" Lynn threw her Poke Ball and Buneary appeared. "Eary..." Buneary said as she turned back to Lynn, looking nervous. "It's alright, Buneary. We can do it!" Lynn assured her. Buneary nodded and turned back to her opponent. "You move first. Geodude said he's ready." Roark told Lynn. "Alrighty then..Buneary, use Water Pulse!" Roark's Pokemon has fainted quite quickly. "I'm not done yet, go, Onix!" His next Pokemon looked quite intimidating. "Onix, use Rock Tomb!" he shouted. Buneary dodged. She then used Solar Beam. After it attacked Onix fainted. "Ohh, you are pretty good for a first Trainer!" Roark said. "Let's go, Cranidos!" he shouted. "Buneary, Dizzy Punch!" Lynn told her Pokemon. It used the move but it wasn't very effective. "Cranidos, Headbutt!" Buneary then had 30 HP left. "Buneary, Water Pulse!" Cranidos now was very close to fainting. "Craindos, use Headbutt once more!" Buneary fainted. "NOOOO!!" Lynn shouted. "Hmph. Welp, c'mon Chimchar! You're my only chance!"
"Chim.." Chimchar nervously looked at his Rock-type opponent. "Cranidos says he wants to see you attack first." Roark said, staring at the Chimchar. "Ok then.. Chimchar, Flame Wheel!" Instead of it not being very effective, it made Cranidos faint. "Wow, your a good Trainer! I expect good things from you, young lady." Roark told Lynn, surprised he got beat by a FIRE type. "Well, here's your Coal Badge." Roark handed young Lynn her first Gym Badge. "Yes! I passed Roark's Gym!~" Lynn shouted with happiness. "Oh, and here's a TM." Roark took a TM out of his pocket and handed that to Lynn also. "Ooooh! TM76, Rock Smash! Thanks, Roark!" Lynn said, running out of the Gym. "Well, I gotta catch some Pokemon!"
Name: Robby
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Pokémon: Sableye, Ampharos, Flygon

Flygon soared over countless trees, his trainer Robby riding on his back as the wind blew threw his long dark, brown, curly hair. As they soared threw the sky, Robby saw a few trainers down below at a standoff, almost as if ready to battle.

"Pyker, land down there! By those trainers!" He commanded. The Flygon took a quick and smooth U turn around and darted down towards the trainers where he slowly began to land, kicking up dust everywhere with his large wings. Robby hopped off the Pyker's back as the dust settled. "I can only assume you two are about to battle by the way you're standing off against each other. Sorry if I interrupted." , he apologized. "I'm Robby."


Previously 5DigitNeb
Jack turned around. "Huh? Oh you're Robby? Nice to meet you, I'm Jack. He is Max," Jack said pointing to Max."We were just about to battle."


Previously 5DigitNeb
"You may have blocked Power Whip last time, but you can't use Protect twice in a row! Power Whip again Vinelord!" Jack exclaimed. He knew in just a matter of seconds Max's Swampert would be destroyed by Power Whip. It was 4x super effective against Swampert and has a power of 132 including STAB bonus.
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OOC: when not using quotation marks, speak in past tense, or the rp will get shutdown

"Swampert switch out to Kricketune!" Max was ready for a tough fight, and knew how to handle a grass type pokemon. Max had a somewhat, useful strategy he had developed before he had came to Sinnoh.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Return Vinelord, go Inferno!" Jack had counters to all of Max's Pokemon. This should be easy he thought. "Inferno use flamethrower!" Jack ordered confidently. Suddenly, huge balls of flames were shot out of Houndoom's mouth, and they were all aimed at Kricketune!
OOC: this is like the anime, so think of absurd strategies like that episode where ashes Pikachu used a thunder shock on the horn of a Rhydon!

"time to cheat fainting, return kricketune, go Swampert!" Max had the strategy of switching out over and over "Swampert, quick! Freeze the flames with Ice beam, then hold onto them and make sure they don't disappear!" Max yelled.


Previously 5DigitNeb
OCC: Wow I'm trying to watch every episode of the anime (yes I know how absurd that sounds) and watched that episode today or yestarday!
BIC: Jack used a full restore and switched into Tangrowth! "You're not the only one that switches and attacks but please no revives ;-;. Now use Power Whip!"


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Counter it all and keep on using Power Whip until there's an opening then use Power Whip to faint it!" Jack told Tangrowth.
Swampert Blocks and runs till he's close enough to too deliver a point blank blow with the ice shard. "The ice block was chiseled by the Power Whip attacks! And even if you were to use protect, it wouldnt work as this attack isn't technically a pokemon move!"


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Hahaha, did you really thank I'd only have one Grass-Type Move? Now Tangrowth use the Sunny Day and Solar Beam Combo I taught you!" Jack said. It was a direct hit!
Swampert revealed his focus sash. "Not yet, now thrust the icicle shard and faint it!" Max knew that this move would faint as Grass is weak to ice.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Quick counter with Solar Beam!" Jack said. The Ice Shard and Solar Beam countered and Solar Beam won in the end!
"no, well, i still have one trick up my sleeve, now go Gengar! quickly use sludge bomb and defeat the tangrowth!" Gengar launched out of its pokeball at high speeds and quickly poisoned the Tangrowth, fainting it.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Go Houndoom use Crunch and quickly faint it!" Critical Hit. The Crunch fainted the Gengar. "Return! Send out your next Pokemon."
hmm... this strength, and fainting a Gengar on the first shot, well then, guess i cant take you lightly! Go Alakazam! use the teleport strategy, and the overly absurd Tm moves you have, like Dazzling Gleam!" Before Jack could even react, his houndoom had fainted with Alakazam standing behind it. "Now use teleport and hide from the opponent!"


Previously 5DigitNeb
"You're strong but I trained really hard too! Go Electivire use your Thunderpunch Thunder Wave Thunderpunch combo before he even sees what's happening!" Alakazam fainted. "Return!"

OCC:sorry he fainted mine so I thought it was OK
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(OOC: Sorry to put in my two sense, but to avoid this tread being shut down I'd highly suggest not to decide if his Pokemon faint or not..)


Robby leaned against Pyker, watching the battle from a safe distance as the two trainers battled it out, watching the tactics they used with each Pokemon.
"you've already won, so i give up. I need to get stronger, and stronger, i need to beat the gyms, so next time we meet, my team will have a pokemon of every type i can get. but first, i think im gonna battle Andrew." Max had developed underwhelming strategies, where normally he barely had to use them. This was the first time Max had lost to someone with the same strengths. Before, people had called him paranoid in battle, as he was able to tank anything, and even beat the elite four. He had decided to take his pokemon to the next level, as he hadn't used his Swampert's full power on the journey yet.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"You gave up? NOO! That was too easy! I didn't even use Empoleon! Cmon you beat the elite four! You weren't using your full strength cmon rematch! If I can't beat you for real I will never beat the sinnoh league! Besides you can easily counter my team! My tactics aren't that good!"
Lynn looked at the two guys who just finished up a battle. One day, I'll be strong enough to battle them! Wait, where's that kid with the Turtwig? I thought we promised a battle.. She started looking around and she didn't see him. She then walked up to a patch of tall grass. "Hello? Are you here? We promised a battle!" Lynn's voice trailed. "C'mon!"
"yeah, you send out your pokemon first," Max was ready to tank everything thrown at him, as he was confident he could win this battle
with strength"
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Robby glanced over at Lynn, who he hadn't seen til just now and wondered how long she was standing there, "I'll gladly battle you if you like." He proposed. "I would have to go to the Pokemon center real quick though to grab the other half of my team. They're in the PC."


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Hehe on second thought maybe I should go get some more gym badges. I only beat you because you didn't go full strength... I'm not your equal yet. Plus I only train with the people I battle when collecting badges, you're Pokemon have much more experience than mine. Oh and Robby how many badges do you have here? Cause if you're like Max maybe I should battle you later too. Sorry if I seem scared but Max's Pokemon overwhelmed me," Jack explained.
"well, i've gotta stay on top for the pokemon league, so catch ya later!" Max hopped on his Crowbat and flew ahead to the next gym leaving Jack and Robby together. Max and Jack would not meet again untill Victory road.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"I ain't letting him go past me anymore! Let's go Drakon (salamence) cya later Robbie!" Jack said before he hopped onto his Salamence and began flying to his next gym.
Quinn had watched the battle glad he finally caught back up to them only to have them leave again. "Man I was really hoping to use Sceptile" Quinn said while standing next to a fully evolved Fang. "They are so hard to catch up to. I guess I'll follow Jack, Blackhat come on" he said hopping on the Honchkrow and taking off returning Fang.


Previously 5DigitNeb
While on Drakon Jack saw a lot of bird Pokemon flying around. He finally reached Snowpoint City. It was so cold Jack had to buy a jacket. "Brr. Now I know it's called Snowpoint City," Jack said while looking at his breath in the snow. "Well considering it's freezing, I assume the gym is an ice-type gym. I wonder what Pokemon the Gym Leader has. I should ask the people that live here," Jack said.
OOC: We need to start typing paragraphs or else the RP might get shut down.
Quinn had landed outside the city because there was a pokemon he wanted to catch here. He looked around for awhile until he it, a Snover. He sent out Scorch and shouted "use flamethrower" knocking the pokemon back into a tree. "Now keep it down with a mach punchh" Quinn commanded swiftly. Quinn threw a pokeball capturing the ice and grass type pokemon. "Okay I'm gonna name you pine" Quinn whispered to himself while walking into the city and towards the gym.
Max stood outside the gym holding the icicle badge, when Jack walked up. "Hey, I've already beat the gym, and even with your pokemon, it'll be a challenge. I'm gonna head to Volkner, the last gym leader." Max had a hard time with the icicle gym, but quickly learned how to counter the ice type gym leader's pokemon. Max was also ready for a challenge, as he'd heard that Volkner was actually a bit depressed from how easily he beat everyone.
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Quinn had walked up to the gym already knowing which pokemon he was going to use. He noticed Jack and Max both in front of the gym. "Hey, how is it going?" Quinn said finally talking to them again.
"I just finished this gym. I heard the next gym leader is depressed from winning so much. He must be a real challenge if he wins that much," Max said. Max hadn't seen Quinn in a while and was glad to see him again. "So, what have you done so far? How many new pokemon did you catch? Any tough and challenging fights yet?"