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Open Sinnoh journey

My rules for the RP
1. No cursing please
2. No shinys
3. No double posts
How to make your character
Here's mine...
Name: Andrew
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Pokémon: Turtwig
Andrew walked out of the lab and went looking for Pokémon. He found a Burmy and got it. "Wow Turtwig we got a new friend." Andrew said to his Turtwig. Andrew walked around and then he saw a trainer. "Hello. I'm Andrew." he said.
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Name: Max
Gender: male
Age: 15
Pokémon: Swampert, Mawile, Zoroark, and Lucario.

"Swampert, we're finally in Sinnoh!" Max walked out of the plane he had rode to Sinnoh in, and immediately saw a trainer walking out of a Pokemon lab. "Hi I'm Andrew," the other trainer said. "My name is Max, and I was born in the Hoenn region," Max said.
"Wow." Andrew said "I've only been is Sinnoh. And this is partner, Turtwig." "Turtwig." it said. "Hey so since you just got here dose that mean you need to get a new starter." Andrew asked Max. "Oh and want to go on a adventure with me?" "Turt." Turtwig said.
"I'd be happy to go on an adventure with you. as for a starter, i think I'm okay with my Swampert for now." Max smiles to show that he's ready to go on an adventure. "I cant wait to meet new pokemon."
"Ok." Andrew said "Let's go." so they walked looking for Pokémon. There were some Burmy's some Starly's and some Budew's around so Andrew decided to get a Budew. "Turtwig I choose you!" Andrew said "Use razor leaf to weaken it!" "Bud!" it said about to attack Turtwig "Pokeball go!" Andrew said throwing a pokeball at it. One...Two...Three...Caught it. "Nice." he said.
suddenly a small zubat flies into Max making him fall down. "what the!" a Starly chases it deeper down the Route. "I have to follow it!" Max runs off without Andrew leaving him alone. Max spots the Zubat retreating into a cave, so he stops to take a brake
Andrew turned around and saw Max wasn't with him "Where did he go?" he thought "Let's go looking for him Turtwig." "Turt!" Turtwig said. So he went looking for Max but only found Pokémon like Starly and Bonsly. "Go Budew!" Andrew said "Absorb!" Andrew told his Budew but it used absorb on Bonsly not Starly like he wanted. "I meant on Starly but whatever. Pokeball go!" One...Two...Three...Caught it. "Go Starly!" Andrew said "Go look for Max." he said to Starly.
Name: Xander
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Pokémon: Shinx

At the airport sat Xander, he was waiting for his Cab that seemed to be late, "how irritating" he thought to himself, he had arrived back from the Unova region, his egg had just hatched from his Mothers and Fathers Luxray, the perfect Shinx was born with a Hasty Nature
Starly came back "Star." it said "So you didn't find him. Well return." Andrew said "We Turtwig let's just start training.". So they trained up and Budew evolved when they were training. "Well now since we are by a river let's go looking for water types." Andrew looked and saw a Magikarp, a super weak Pokémon. "Pokeball go!" Andrew said throwing a pokeball at it. One...Two...Three...Caught it!
Max finally decided to go into the cave and catch the zubat who had flew into him "alright Swampert, go!" Max sent Swampert out to help find the zubat, "there must be a reason why it went out of the cave at daytime." Max grabbed a quick ball from his belt, and turned to the sound of a zubat screeching. "not this time!" Max threw the quick ball ready to catch the pokemon it landed "please catch, please catch!" It moved one time, it moved two times, it moved three times, and..."bing!" it was a successful catch.
Andrew started to walk when he found a Buneary "Go Magikarp!" Andrew said "Tackle now!" "Karp!" it said. "Good. Pokeball go!" One...Two...Crack! It broke out "What!" Andrew said "Tackle again!" this time it got weaker "Pokeball go!" One...Two...Three...Caught it! Then Magikarp evolved!
"alright, go Zubat! use echo location to find Andrew" Zubat uses echo location and is able to find the location of Andrew, Zubat flew out the cave and towards Andrew, wall Max Followed behind
Andrew saw a Zubat approaching "Turtwig use razor leaf!" "Turt!" then Andrew saw Max behind it "Did you see that?" Andrew said. Then the Zubat got back up but went next to Max. "Wait is that your Zubat?" Andrew asked.
Name: Quinn
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Pokemon: Monferno, Shellos, Drifloon

Quinn was on his way to Eterna City after catching Balloon. He had battled plenty of trainers recently. Some of them he didn't even want to battle. He was really hoping to meet someone soon. He had gone through this whole journey by himself so far; He doesn't even have a rival. At least he had his pokemon with him.
"Yeah thats my Zubat! I chased it after it slammed into me, and i after it was caught it used echo location to help me get back to you and wait... how many pokemon did you catch while i was chasing it?" max forgets what he was saying because he noticed that his zubat had black and red markings on it. "huh? i didnt notice that before?"
"Oh." Andrew said "Well my Budew evolved, I got a Starly so it could try to find you, a Magikarp that evolved and a Buneary." Andrew told Max. "How many did you get?" he asked Max.
"I only got one Pokemon, and it was that Zubat, but I'm going to use it to battle a-whoa!" A wild Kricketot appeared! "This one is mine!" Max used his last max revive on Zubat. "Good thing i had that left over from the Hoenn region, now go Zubat, use supersonic and confuse the Kricketot!" The Kricketot became confused and its attack went straight back at it. "good job Zubat!" but the battle was far from over, and the Kricketot cleared his confusion.
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"Wow!" Andrew said seeing how good Max battled "Well I'm going to go train my Pokémon." so Andrew started looking for Pokémon to battle. He found a Burmy "Go Burmy!" "Burm!" Burmy said "Use bug bite!" then the other Burmy fainted and then his Burmy started to glow. It evolved into Wormadam!
The Kricketot used bug bite and brought zubat down to half health, "Zubat use wing attack!" It was super effective and brought the Kricketot down to low health "alright, go Great ball!" The Great ball landed... it moved once, it moved twice, it moved three times..... and it caught!
"whew, i didnt know if we could catch such a powerful pokemon," Max said. "Hey Andrew, want to trade?"
Quinn ended up not knowing where to go because he didn't have a map on him. He heard people training so he approached the sound. They both seemed tough. He wondered if any of them wanted to battle but, he wanted to get to the next city. "Hey do either of you know the way the the nearest city" he asked.
A stranger walked up to him and asked where the next city "huh? oh! yeah, its right up ahead. there's also a cave up ahead too. care to battle?" Max looked eager to have his first battle in the Sinnoh region.
Andrew walked back and saw that Max was about to battle someone. This looked like it was going to good so he sent out Turtwig, Starly and Buneary to watch the battle.
it badly scorches the Zubat leaving him at 30 hp "Zubat use air cutter!" Its super effective! "alright, i might have a chance to take out his Monferno. I just hope his entire team aren't evolved pokemon, because i've been trying to hold back Swampert.
"Oh no! Zubat fainted." Max shouted. "should i send out Kricketot? fire is super effective against bug, but i still need to hold back Swampert."
Max says, while thinking hard. Max decides to send it out. "Go Kricketot!" "use bide" Max says whispering just loud enough for only Kricketot to hear.
Kricketot loses a quarter of its health. "Hold on for a little longer buddy, you've got this." Kricketot looks back at him with bold and determined eyes, so Max returns the stare and nods his head.
Kricketot loses less than a quarter of health, leaving it at 60 hp. "Whew, i thought he was going to use another super effective move, but instead it was a fighting move, something that isn't very effective against bug type." Kricketot flashes Max a confident smile. "Just one more attack."
"no! it was going to faint but now of all times!" Kricketot released a blast that takes 35% of Scorch's health away. "alright, Kricketot return!" Max returns Kricketot and sends out Swampert. "Go Swampert! i was hoping i didnt have to use it, but i have no choice! use surf and faint Scorch!"
"Yeah, sorry about that. He was my first Pokemon so he's my most experienced Pokemon. I've been trying to hold back his power because he can almost destroy anything right now." Max frowned at the fact that his Swampert is overpowered. "but, if i didn't have him with me you wouldn't even have to switch pokemon."