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Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

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Previously Swirled
(Sure seeing as the RP maker is currently dead,, I'm guessing it will be open for a long time) It made Sythn a little uncomfortable that Kyra was going with them. He tried to shrug it off but it didn't work. He decided that he would let everything happen but not without showing he was uncomfortable.
Kyra was quick to notice the discomfort in the Ivysaur's eye, and she tilted her head faintly.
"Unless you don't want me to." she added quickly, arching a brow. She really had no problem staying behind, and she made it obvious. Still, her leafy ears had drooped just a centimeter, and her odd eyes dulled down a bit. This tended to happen when the Leafeon got confused, which wasn't too often. The little Pokemon was very sharp.
Still, though, it was hard to tell. Instead she just looked at him with the faintest hint of worry in her best feature- her eyes.
She was a little puzzled, in fact, that nobody had brought her eyes up. They were strange- very- and usually the first things others noticed and pointed out. The icy blue and warm brown suited her, though.


Previously Swirled
The ivysaur didn't know what he was feeling, but he just assumed it was discomfort at the time.Sythn then told himself it wasn't but what was it then. "No, it's fine you can come with us. I was just feeling weird, I think I need to lie down." Maybe he was sick, but he didn't feel ill, so what was it. He then whispered to Zak, "After we look up how close we are to evolution, can I talk to you?" He then took out his shades and cleaned them quickly.
Kyra shrugged rather nonchalantly, brushing a piece of dust from her shoulder with her tail.
"If you say so... but, really, if there's anything I can do, just tell me, alright?" she muttered. Her ears had perked back up but the droplet of concern remained in her eyes.
She yawned briefly, a reminder of how exhausted she was. Leafeons were usually very well rested, and they needed to be; a recommended 10 hours of sleep a night, but she'd refused herself sleep in sacrifice to studying lately. She hadn't slept in three days, and it was slowly becoming evident with each yawn that forced past her throat.
Beep was done. Just, done. He stood up, walked over to Sythn, and asked in a stern voice, "Can you deal with this one?". "I'm so tired of explaining it." He pleaded, tired from a long day of waiting on a vent grate. "Do it in-character." Beep said, with a sly look. "I think it'll scare them more."


Previously Swirled
"Alright, might as well," Sythn said, turning to @LunalightYT "Where do I begin, firstly you have to put a character bio, secondly you need to have a paragraph long post at least, and lastly put grammar and punctuation, I don' think it's that hard." Sythn honestly didn't want to break the fourth wall but he figured he must as that is the way it is sometimes.
Kyra seemed a bit taken aback that Synth had broken the fourth wall.
"Wow." she muttered sheepishly. "You really aren't feeling okay. That's obviously Beep's job. Beep, you good? I thought you enjoyed fourth wall breaking." she asked, shooting a glare at @LunalightYT. Perfect. This newcomer broke Beep.


Previously Swirled
"That's it I'm done!" Sythn shouted abruptly, "I'm going to my room to lay down and get my mind together anyone is welcome to join me." He was just fed up with the state of the world and know he needed some time to cool off. He put on his shades and stormed out of the classroom.
A bitter silence had fallen on the room, as Kyra stepped back, taken aback. She glanced at @Shinx_Shades and @Comet Blaster, her face slightly awkward.
"Now would be a good time to conveniently get on," she whispered, breaking the fourth wall a final time before disappearing after the apparently outraged Ivysaur, the only sound coming from her the slight pattering of her light paws bouncing off the floor. She always was light on her paws.


Previously Swirled
By the time Sythn got to his room, he was still steaming mad, he was tired of people breaking the fourth wall, and he was confused about why he felt uncomfortable when Kyra was going with them to get the book. He just needed some time to himself without anyone to bother him. When he cooled down, he wondered what made him feel awkward at that time, he wasn't sick nor uncomfortable so what was it. He then thought he should apologize for his outburst but he didn't know how, Sythn then decided to just lay down and be relaxed.
After a solid.. 10 minutes, maybe, the Leafeon poked her head into the room.
"Is it safe for me to ask if you're alright, or will you kill me?" she asked, her tone lifting lightly in a slightly joking manner. She still was a bit confused as to why he was so fed up- maybe the fourth wall breaking, but surely that couldn't have annoyed him this much. There had to be more to the story, right?


Previously Swirled
Sythn looked over at Kyra out of the corner of his eye, "I suppose I should apologize, seeing as you're here, I'm sorry for my outburst, I was just angry and confused." He felt bad for being angry and having his friends see that, "I have something to ask you though, for some reason when you said that you were coming, I felt a little weird, do you have any idea what that could be." He had a spark of genuine concern for himself in his eyes and he also had a spark of regret for outbursting in front of his friends.
She shrugged.
"You were probably just annoyed. I can be pretty annoying." she decided quickly, chuckling self-deprecatingly. "Or just a sense of urgency. Urgency to evolve, to get to the library, to get a girlfriend, et cetera. I've noticed that you're a pretty urgent group, you and your friends." she murmured, as though she wasn't a part of the group, which she had decided she wasn't. She was just tagging along.
"But it's fine, really. Whatever it was, you'll get over it. Plus, I overheard you saying to Zak that you wanted to talk. Maybe you should vent, get things off your chest. I'm sure it'll help." she finished, a slight grin on her face, her eyes glittering.


Previously Swirled
Sythn looked at Kyra's glittering eyes and this made him feel calm and secure, but it did cause him to blush a little, "Well now that the whole outrage thing is settled, let's see how close everyone is to evolving." He felt his face as he was blushing with his vines, it felt hot, he decided that he would talk about this with Zak once they were done. He did return Kyra's grin with one of his own, and then he went to meet up with the rest of the group.
Kyra grinned reassuringly, getting up and following.
"Actually, I'm gonna head to the library early. I'll meet you there," she said, turning and heading towards the library. Her trot was light, as she wandered there, her tail perked as her ears.
She walked in, taking a comfortable seat after opening her book on egg groups. She yawned, thoroughly exhausted.
And then the Leafeon fell asleep in the library.
She was leaned forward, relying on the table, her head resting on her paws, which lay atop the book. Her tail had curled around herself and frankly, it was almost cute. She hadn't meant to, but.. Leafeons, sleep, studying... It all caught up to her.


Previously Swirled
Sythn arrived at the library and gave a brief apology for his rage, "Sorry about that, I just was a little fed up with some of the fourth wall breaking and stuff like that." His attention was then turned to Kyra, who was sleeping, this caused him to blush a little but he tried hiding it with his vines, it didn't work however. He then focused on why they came there in the first place, "So where is the book on evolution anyway?" He looked over at Zak for an answer seeing as he was why they were there in the first place.
Beep was tired. Well, he always was. "I'm just tired, all the time." He said, trying to reassure the group. "When things that can essentially destroy your reality happen three times in a row, it can get pretty annoying." Beep said, as he glanced around. "Especially if you're the one who breaks the fourth wall."


Previously SunMaster
Name: Blaze
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Arcanine
Sisters or brothers: none

Blaze never thought of going highschool and his heart was beating so fast and he didn't see anyone he knew. Blaze's family was very strict and sent him here. He felt so dizzy that he thought he was going to pass out there he was laying on the ground thinking, "why... why did i come here" and knocked out.
"See?" Beep asked, pointing to the passed out Arcananine on the floor. "That. That's how you're supposed to do it." He said, eyelids halfway down in a tired, sorta annoyed look. He turned and looked at Kyra. "I think we should leave her here. Let her get some rest." Beep said, implying they should go check out the Arcaninine. "I ship it already."


Previously Swirled
"What do you mean?" Sythn never heard of a "ship" and he assumed he didn't mean the boat. He then tapped the arcanine lightly, "He's out cold" he then looked for the nearest exit so they could take the fire type Pokemon to the nurses.
"oh, nothing." He said, smirking. "The gods will get it." He said, looking around for another exit to go to the nurse again. The nurses sure are quite busy this time around. School years, i mean." Beep said, spotting one. "They probably don't get paid enough."


Previously Swirled
"No seriously, what is a ship, and I don't mean the boat." Sythn had no idea who these "gods" that Beep was referring to, but he looked over at his friends to see if they had any ideas, "Well, how do you care for a knocked out Pokemon, give them a revive or something?" The Ivysaur hoped that no one would avoid this question.
Beep took out his computer-thing, searched something up, an read it aloud. "Ship. Verb, to support or have a particular interest in a romantic pairing between two characters in a fictional series, often when this relationship is one portrayed by fans rather than depicted in the series itself." He put it back in his cloak, saying "There.". "Now you know one of the things fangirls do." He looked back over at the Arcanine. "We should...... probably get a revive or something."


Previously Swirled
"But, wouldn't that make you a fangirl, seeing as you also ship, and also who did you ship anyway?" Sythn hoped that what he said would be brought to Beep's attention as this would be somewhat hilarious to see how he reacts.
Beep squinted. "Do i l loo............" He trailed off. "Am I?" He shook his head, as if to clear his thoughts. "I don't think so. Also, do i look like a gorl to you?" He asked, before saying "I ship Kyra and this new addition." while tapping the Arcanine with his foot.
Kyra stirred in her sleep at the mention of her name, as though she'd been able to hear it, which was most definitely false. One, because they were down a hall, and two, because Kyra tended to shut down when she passed out. Usually she was a pretty light sleeper, but if she unintentionally fell asleep, she'd be out cold for a while.


Previously Swirled
"So... you ship Kyra and this completely random arcanine only because they both are sleeping and neither of them know each other, like a fangirl. I'm okay with that, and also from know on I'l call you Beep the fangurl." Sythn said all of this while looking like a derp and he was internally laughing at this, (So currently this is Sythn's face :p)
"..." Beep said(?). "yes." He started digging in his cloak for a revive or something. "They're both in the Field egg group, too." Beep said, still digging. "I might have one pretty deep in here, can you make sure the Arcanine doesn't wake up?" He asked, wrapping himself in his cloak, before dissapearing and leaving only the cloak on the floor.


Previously Swirled
"Sure" Sythn said and he picked him up using his vines and threw him out of the school library when he heard the impact he smirked, "Not only will that make sure that he stays knocked put, but that also felt pretty good." He didn't know why he found pleasure in throwing the knocked out Pokemon out of food, so he shrugged it off and turned his attention to Beep who was evidently looking for something.
As he said before, he was already in inside his cloak, leaving it limp on the floor. He walked among the piles of random crap, vaguely memorizing the way he organized it so long ago. "I think it's on the left." He said, looking to the left. "Here's one." Beep said, pulling a Electrium Z out of the pile. "Aw, crap." He tossed back, trying to figure out where the heck it could be.


Previously Swirled
"Oh my God, you have a lot of useless crap! I think you need to clean out your cloak." Sythn then picked up a book on short range and long range teleportation. He thought since he broke the fourth wall once, he should be able to teleport, he came to this conclusion about this seeing that Beep has been able to teleport and he broke the fourth wall many times. Then the Ivysaur felt his body decompose and then recompose in Beep's cloak, So that's what it feels like to teleport he thought to himself.
"Nah, i keep all this stuff here in case i need it. Anyway, it's a pocket dimension, so no one else is going to be here but me." Beep said, rummaging through things he stole from a pokemon center. "I don't teleport, i astrally project. Look it up." He said, going to another pile. "This is dumb." Beep added, thinking. "Maybe i should just get some."
"Sythn, you can come talk to me whenever, but this seems to be a library, a public library for that matter, and it seems that a good option would be a dorm, mine or yours." Zak totally out of whack. He seriously needed to be caught up and felt really sorry for not being on the thread for ages. Thankfully, Sythn could feel emotions.

I'm updating my moveset to:
Night Slash
Leaf Blade
Psycho Cut
Calm Mind
Trick Room
Close Combat
Stone Edge
Shadow Sneak
Destiny Bond
Ice Punch
Beep came out of his cloak, and jokingly glared at Zak. "What do you mean 'Thankfully, Sythn could feel emotions'?" He asked. "Are you implying we are all emotionless husks of our former selves, corrupted by everything around us?" Beep then went back to digging while keeping his ear up, to listen to Zak's response.
"What I mean is that he could feel what others are feeling" Zak said understanding his use of grammar was impeccably wrong. Zak was watching Sythn waiting for him to chose ether to chose his dorm or Zak's dorm. The wait was tedious.
"Oh. Empathy." Beep said, as he retreated back into his cloak. "I... have no idea where a revive could be." He said, looking around. "Oh, here's one." Beep exclaimed, picking one up. He crawled out of his cloak, holding it u high. "I found it!" Beep yelled, looking around. "Where... is the Arcanine that probably won't respond to this RP thread anyway?"
Shadow floated over to his dorm in the form of a haunter, he thought "Okay, today wasen't all that great." as he floated to his door and floated inside. He changed himself back to a Zoroak. "Mabye I should rest for a while before I go back outside?".He thought as he sat near his desk.
Zak walked out without Sythn assuming he would follow and walked towards his dorm. Zak heard talking from the dorm next to his and saw his friend, Shadow the Zoruark, sitting on his bed. "Hey Shadow, I saw the transformation. Still dealing with that transformation problem, eh?" Zak saw the kindness in the Zoruark was still there, so he knew it would be ok to talk to him.
Shadow lifted his head hearing his name being called, he looked outside to see Zak outside. "Come in". Shadow yelled. He was overflowed with joy, because he knew he could trust him.
"So how have you been doing how is life back at your home" Zak said, thinking of his father, mother, sisters and twin brother back at home. "I've been great" Zak said. "My sisters both recently had egg's, my brother qualified for a warlord, and I successfully got some friends, and I'm sure that they'll like you a lot!"

(BTW, I asked an admin and we are not allowed to mega evolve in this thread apparently).
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