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Ask to Join Naruto: One's Nindo


Previously Night's Shadow
Karui’s brows knitted together in silent frustration as she leaped several tree branches higher and away from the incoming flames. This is where learning water or earth style would have come in handy, had she had different affinities, but the thought did not remain in her mind for long. It couldn’t be terribly difficult to come up with a counterstrategy against an attack like this… or at least, it wouldn’t be, if she didn’t have to keep her eyes on the other shinobi who hadn’t made moves yet as well. There were at least three others that hadn’t attacked yet.

The smell of something burning from two different places broke Karui out of her thoughts, and she reached behind her head to extinguish the flame that had caught in her short hair with her bare hand. Her now-burned palm pulsed gold for a moment before the burnt flesh repaired itself. The scent wasn’t gone, though— Asahi had likely caught some of the fire. As flame began licking up the tree she was perched on, Karu leaped to another tree, now directly opposite Asahi, blood pumping steadily in the rhythm of a battle drum. Asahi can handle herself. She may be a bit of an airhead, but she’s not weak. If she needs help, I’ll do my best like I know she would for me, but we have other problems besides that one…


Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku moved his fireballs towards the chakram heading towards his right, the temperature of them combined melting the weapon and making it useless. However he could not do the same with the other one Asahi had sent to his left and had to rely on his Sharingan to react and moved his body so it grazed him, leaving a small trickle of blood. Raiku disregarded that however and instead started weaving handseals. He redirected the remaining fireballs to move around him and used the fire chakra to propel himself towards Asahi at high speeds, while at the same time covering his hands with the flames which he aimed a strike at Asahi with.
Asahi saw her opponent moving quickly towards her. She also noticed one of her chakrams going back towards her also, which meant if the attacking ninja wasn't careful he would get hit by it. She stopped dashing to the side and took a step back, positing herself at the perfect spot where if attacked directly, her enemy would get hit by her weapon. She raised her forearms and right knee to protect herself from the impact, besides, Karui wouldn't mind taking care of two burned limbs would she?

While waiting to receive the impact, Asahi checked for her opponent's chakra points on his arms, she might not be an expert in hitting them, but she could definitely damage them.
As the battle commenced, Shiho leap to the side just as Raiku unleashed his barrage of Fire. She jumped to a different branch a bit further down from the one she was initially standing on with Raiku and the rest of the people who showed up. "Now, what to do? The people on the other side other than the one fighting Raiku don't appear to be moving in, should we let this be a 1v1 or should we try to use numbers to our advantage?" She tried to search her memory for her brother's wisdom, but couldn't find anything useful for this situation.

"Dang I don't know what's best, I guess I'll just watch over Raiku in case he needs he-" Before she could finish her though, the young Hyuga noticed something interesting. The air blast techniques Raiku's opponent performed were eerily similar to the Hyuga clan's Vacuum Palm. However, this alone could have simply been a coincidence as there exist other techniques similar to the Vacuum Palm. Shiho was about brush it off as just that, but curiosity got to her. She wanted to verify her wild thought. "Well she is covering her face, but there's no way right? After all our clan is very protective of our eyes so realistically there can't be anyone outside the Leaf that has it." With that in mind, Shiho activated her Byakugan. The young girl zoomed in on the Hasa Shinobi's face. "Wait, my eyes are working correctly right?" Using her X-ray vision, Shiho was able to see through the weird jacket mask the girl had on her face. "Are those eyes really Byakugans?" She exclaimed out loud. "And more importantly, what is she wearing on her face?"
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Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku had been watching the chakram while propelling himself due to easily being able to keep it in his mind using the Sharingan's visual prowess. When he finally got up close to Asahi he noticed she had taken a step back, and realized that at this point the chakram might end up hitting him instead. At that moment he quickly moved his arm from heading towards Asahi and instead reached and grabbed the chakram, throwing it towards her right knee in hopes of doing serious damage to it. The chakram at this point had also been enflamed due to Raiku passing some of the fire chakra on his hands to it.
"Ah!" Asahi cried out as she moved her right leg just enough to avoid her own weapon being used against her, however she felt the warm blood going down under her knee, meaning she did take some damage, but it wasn't the moment to check how bad it was. The reflexes the boy was showing was something unlike Asahi had ever seen. It's like he knew exactly what movements to do and when. It was like he could see in the future, but that would be bs. Deciding it was better to get a hold of the situation, Asahi did a backflip, moving towards her chakram that had continued on until getting stuck on a tree. She quickly grabbed it and jumped backwards a few feet, just enough to get some air.

"Those are some really nice reflexes!" She called out to Raiku, "Is there a secret? Wait! Don't tell me, I like guessing... is someone secretly sending you information? Can you read minds? What color am I thinking off?"
The sounds of combat had only grown louder and more sporadic with time, indicating that more people had begun engaging in battle.

“That can’t be good. They’re getting pretty aggressive for it still being so early. Maybe I should move in towards the tower a bit more, and away from that…”


After planting his normal foot flat on the ground, he quickly cast a hand sign, causing his extra appendages to almost instantly sink back into his body, accompanied by a disturbingly ‘fleshy’ sliding sound.

“If the ones fighting are primarily located more towards the outer part of the forest, those who wanna avoid direct combat are probably further in. They might try and pull tricks on me…”

The inexperienced Suna Genin didn’t know what to expect ahead, but he knew getting snuck up on was probably just about the worst thing that could happen.
Thankfully for him, the Hokori Clan’s combat style primarily focused on fending off multiple enemies, so Niko wouldn’t need to wrack his brain very hard to find a decent solution.

“Hokori Clan Secret Jutsu- All Seeing Gaze…”

Upon casting his Jutsu, a second pair of eyes formed on the back of his head, perfectly parallel to the original.


He took a moment to ruffle his hair; relieving his new set of eyes from the multitude of tiny stabs they had immediately began receiving.
He was capable of clearly seeing behind himself now, and the eyes were hidden quite nicely in the confines of his hair.

“Damn…I gotta get a trim after these exams…”

Now, with a literal set of eyes in the back of his head, the Hokori boy ventured forth; heading in the direction of the tower, and deeper into the forest.
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Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku smiled a bit under his mask as Asahi called out to him asking him about his reflexes. However, it was not like he was going to reveal his advantage, though maybe Asahi would realize something was off about him if she looked a bit closer.

"Well, I can't read your mind, but you're right in that I have a bit of help..." he said, before returning his face back to its previous serious stage. Raiku then moved towards her again using the flames from his feet and prepared another attack by stretching out his arm facing towards Asahi.


Previously Swirled
The leaf-nin's once focused gaze was completely broken once the healer that he had been looking for made herself known of her own volition. Truthfully, he was just expecting more resistance with this sort of thing, but the ease at which his question was answered seemed troubling.

I doubt she would just show herself if she wasn't confident that she could beat me. This could be a trap...

…Or it could be yet another demonstration of these girls not understanding the importance of survival instinct. I mean between the whole "retreat is cowardice" mindset and now this, I'm a little surprised that these two haven't joined their ancestors on that mountain of corpses.

Ignoring the disturbing continuation of his line of reasoning, the fiery shinobi refocused his gaze and readjusted his fighting stance, which he had allowed to relax due to his confusion. Unsurprisingly, Raiku and "Smiley" broke into a fight that seemed to have both participants fighting on even ground. Additionally, Shiho appeared to take an interest in the healer that Taiyo wanted to be made aware of, making it seem that everyone who was an active combatant in this fight was accounted for. Despite this, he kept a watchful eye on the fight between the Uchiha and the chakram wielding kunoichi with the intent of jumping in if and when the fight went south.

Ya know those ring thingies actually look kinda cool, maybe I should get some of my own...
"Well that's not fair!" Asahi crossed her arms before noticing the boy attacking her once again.

The girl quickly used used her wind to blast herself off to the side and once again threw her chakram in a curved line towards Raiku, this time it was followed by two kunai, one after the other going in a straight line towards the boy.
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Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku transferred all his flames on his hands to his left hand and sent a beam of flames towards Asahi using that hand. He then used his other hand to throw a kunai at the incoming kunai to block them and watched the chakram once more head towards him in a curve. He propelled himself upwards using his flames on his feet in order to evade the chakram though it still ended up cutting his ankle before heading back towards Asahi.
Asahi abandoned the branch she was standing on and jumped to a tree to the side to avoid the burning flames coming towards her. She then used her wind pressure to lunge herself towards Raiku, deciding to try and make the fight a hand to hand combat. She used the momentum to twist her hips sideways and prepared a kick, aiming for the boy's head.
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The Hyūga stayed mum as the Mist ninja openly declared their intent to take her one at a time. A foolish decision, but she was more than happy to take advantage of it. Tightening her grip on her spear, Furījia began to run lightning nature chakra through her spear, increasing its penetrative ability. She advanced a step in Hisato's direction and thrust in his direction; she intended to use her longer reach to skewer the mist shinobi before his bone knives could reach her.


Sagisō's expression soured at Asahi's insinuations; if it weren't for the impending fight, Sagisō would've taken some time to show her sister why the flowers were red.

The virago drew the water beneath her into the form of another water clone—Suigisō. Her two sisters had put themselves into a precarious position amidst the enemy shinobi. For some strange reason, they had broken into one-on-ones while the bulk of the enemy shinobi hesitated.

'This could work...' Sagisō & Suigisō bounced across her pre-prepared path of water trampolines, taking a perch on the highest stable branch. She positioned herself between battlefields, isolating her sisters and their chosen opponents.
~Hisato Gato...~

As Hisato got closer and closer to the leaf ninja, she stuck her spear out, but this would not deter the eager mist ninja. Hisato swung his blade to deflect the spear. He ran his bone blade across the flat of the spear. With his left blade rubbing across the side of her spear, Hisato would aim for the leaf ninja's hand. With his right arm he was now aiming for her leg. He would follow this up with a headbutt regardless whether his two bone attacks hit.


Previously Sarah316
The fighting began fast and quick, as the kunoichi seemed to single out one of the Leaf ninja, who based on the eyes she guessed was from the famed Uchiha Clan as Yua's focus seemed to be to keep by Mori and move back away from the direct line of battle. For the moment, it seemed to be a rather spirited one vs. one, though Yua was not one if overly cautious, as her goal for now was to scout around the pair that battled to see if there were any other allies of this attacker who'd make their presence known.
So it seems the action already is kicking off on but the first day, only question is will we be needed to fight this early...
Yua glanced at Mori, almost a silent question to him on if they should step in this fight, or what action to take given he had led them there on his wild advance to this area.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku used the remaining flames and propelled himself to reach a tree branch. He weaved hand seals once more as he saw Asahi was coming at him and covered his hands in flames again. He saw where Asahi was aiming for due to his Sharingan and moved his head to avoid the incoming kick and sent his right arm to grab her lag while using his left to try and stab her with an enflamed kunai.


Previously Swirled
Although he came to help, Taiyo was mildly irritated that he had found himself in the same position as he was in before: waiting for someone to come along to fight him. Fortunately, his patience seemed to bear fruit, as another combatant made herself known. The fiery shinobi would've been happy with any fight, but the fact that he noticed her usage of water release made him eager to challenge this newcomer. Scaling the tree that he had once used to rest upon, he reached a similar level of altitude to the Hasa kunoichi, but on a slightly lower branch. Weaving five hand seals together, the Leaf nin spit out a fireball that quickly split into 5 smaller orbs of flame careening towards the trunk of the tree that Sagisō and her clone were perched onto. Once near the target, the orbs slammed into the tree trunk from 5 separate directions.

Hopefully this manages to get her attention. And if I happen to start a fire with this, then that's none of my business...
The Yuki nin grew a small grin on her face as she watched her ally confidently charge the Hyūga without a care in the world, all while she could observe the fight from the security of her tree branch. One of the observations she made was the electricity that began to crackle from the heiress's regal weapon, indicating the nature that Furījia preferred to use.

Lightning release...interesting. I should avoid using water techniques for that, lest I electrocute myself.

Another observation she had made note of were the bone protrusions that were jutting out from his wrists, a unique ability that she hadn't come across. Of course, that former observations in isolation paled in comparison to their interaction on the battlefield. While the Leaf kunoichi attempted to stab him cleanly, Hisato managed to sent the spear off course and aim two strikes on her body. Seeing her opportunity to strike, she wove three hand seals together before extending a whip made of water towards the diverted spear. Whilst travelling in the air, the whip froze and grew barbs, increasing its gropability. She intended to wrap her whip around the spear and pull the spear downward and towards the ground, hoping that Furījia would either allow herself to be disarmed or be tugged with the weapon, anticipating that her grip would be loosened by the interference from Hisato.
Asahi's eyes saw the chakra movement and feared another burn. Ugh those flames are annoying! She moved her wind element to her leg, using it to shift herself even more to the side and follow the head movement, she was willing to take injury to the leg if that meant she got a clean boosted kick to the Shinobi's head. The wind pressure blasted off from her heal as her foot switched directions, following the head movement.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku got struck by Asahi's wind boosted kick which caused him to grimace and began bleeding from the injury. Raiku was okay with this though, because this meant he was able to get the stab to puncture Asahi's thigh and arteries in there as well as fully engulf her leg with the flames. The flames then began spreading around Asahi's body from where Raiku had grabbed her.
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The mist shinobi proved more agile than she expected and Furījia swiftly removed her arm from her spear but wasn't able to avoid the subsequent bone knife penetrated her leg to her leg. Her lips twisted with pain that almost threw her off-tempo; as Hisato moved in for his headbutt, she expelled condensed chakra that would halt him an inch away.

It was at this moment that the Hyūga heiress struck back. Her fingers crackled with the arcs of electricity that had previously been running through her spear as she immediately struck out rapidly—eight trigrams: 32 shock palms! With one of his hands lodged in her leg and the other in no position to block, Furījia had a pretty clean shot at his undefended chakra points. She doubted he'd be able to recoup any form of defense fast enough to block her palms and even if he did the lightning would course through his muscles, numbing them to allow her following strikes to land easier.

While she pressed her assault the Hyūga heiress kept an eye on the mist kunoichi, who had the right idea but the wrong timing.

@ThAtGuY101 @sSoul
~Hisato Gato...~

"Hu-hahaahahaha!!!" Hisato laughed trying to ignore the feeling he got from the 32 palm attack. Hisato went to push the blade further into the wound, "I'm feeling awesome! Never been better! You sure you wanna continue fighting?" Hisato said trying to fill the silence. Hisato went to stomp down on the Kunoichi's foot, then strike her shoulder with his free arm. Hisato was curious what Tsuki was thinking or planning, but didn't wanna turn his head for a moment and risk getting hit by another palm strike.


'This guy...' The heiress' expression twisted with a mix of pain and annoyance as Hisato pushed his blade deeper and stomped down on her leg.

He could act as tough as he wanted, her byakugan could see his blocked chakra points. He was awfully gung-ho for a person that should've been in immense pain, but that was fine; she would just have to break him.

As the Mist ninja moved to strike her with his free arm, she deflected it with an arm of her own; but, she utilized her chakra to glue their arms together—much like a shinobi would glue themselves to a vertical surface. If she succeeded both Hisato's arms would be occupied, once stabbed into her leg and the other stuck to her own arm. This was a very ideal situation as Furījia herself would have one free arm remaining.

"Hey you," she called out to the mist kunoichi still hiding in the trees. "You've seen my lightning release, right? If you want your friend to leave here with all his limbs intact, I suggest you both surrender. Now."

She flexed her chakra to accentuate her threat, causing lightning to jump between herself and Hisato. The boy would, unfortunately, have to endure the torture of being physically connected to a human live wire. Her lightning chakra would keep him sufficiently numbed to prevent him from trying to pull a fast one on her and if he insisted on trying...well, he'd find out why this place was called the Forest of Death.

@sSoul @ThAtGuY101
To set herself free she once again boosted her leg, kicking herself away and heading towards the ground, where she landed rolling before using her hand to push herself on to her left leg and getting rid of the flames thanks to the dirt and rolling.

"Ouch!" She cried out as she pulled the kunai out of her new wound, she didn't feel pain but sometimes she liked to pretend she could. "Are you like obsessed with fire or something?" She looked up at Raiku and casually threw his weapon back at him. "I'm actually not allowed to play with fire..." She looked a bit sad as she walked over and pulled her chakram off a tree trunk.

Flashbacks of Asahi's mother scolding her for setting her own hand on fire came back to the girl. Once she stopped sensing pain, it become difficult to know when she got hurt and that seemed to make her mother worry more.

"Alright let's keep going!" Asahi grinned as she adjusted her face mask and goggles while once again taking her Mwai Tai fighting stance.
As the fight progressed between Raiku and Asahi progressed, Shiho had been quick too follow further behind them. The secret her eyes revealed to her has been on her mind ever since she saw it. "Hmm, what I saw with these eyes of mine can't be wrong, but just to be sure." Shiho said to herself as she jumped to the same level Raiku and Asahi were on. She waited until their fight slowed down before yelling towards her teammate. "Hey Raiku! Do you mind if I switch with you? There's something I want to check!"


Previously Night's Shadow
As the flames spread, the beginnings of an idea began to form in Karui’s head, an idea that she was sure at least Sagiso was also entertaining. Two fire users plus a forest full of kindling was the perfect equation for a forest fire, which meant everyone in the general area was basically screwed. But what if… Karu broke off her thoughts with a jolt as Asahi took a heavy hit to the leg. It wouldn’t weaken her at all at first, because she couldn’t feel it, but it was a bad wound—even from this distance, the medical nin could tell. She made three hand seals, then brought a hand to her face, palm-up.

Golden chakra began seeping from her palm, rising like steam in a cloud in the center of it. Karui’s eyes narrowed, focusing the shapeless mass of chakra, condensing it into the shape of a large wasp—a tarantula hawk to be specific. But this wasn’t an attack, far from it. “Long Distance Healing: Technique of the Stars,” she muttered to herself, too quiet to be heard over the crackling of the flames as they devoured the greenery in their path.

The wildly flickering light cast by the fire would help to conceal the chakra wasp on its path to land on Asahi’s leg and begin its healing process. This technique was far slower at healing than if Karu was at close range making physical contact, but it would steadily work to heal Asahi’s wound. This is all I can do right now. This fight is hers; unless she is in mortal danger, I won’t interfere more than this…
‘These girls are strange.’

Kiro just shook his head as he dismissed what Smiley said about mating partners. There were more pressing matters at hand. While the other began moving out one by one, Kiro quickly enacted the plan he had for his scroll before heading for the skirmish himself. His main target was Raiku, but by the time Kiro got close enough to get a visual on him, he could see that the boy was already engaged in a fight with Smiley. In fact, there were some other fights going on as well. However, Kiro was solely focused on Raiku. Especially because of what he saw in Raiku’s eyes.

“That fucking bastard... he’s a damn, dirty Uchiha!”

He nearly drew blood with how hard he was clenching his fist when he saw the red glow of the sharingan. It was no wonder Raiku used such scummy tactics. The boy was a filthy Uchiha. He must’ve thought his cursed bloodline allowed him to whatever he pleased. It pissed Kiro off just looking at the cowardly boy. Kiro didn’t care to watch the show anymore and moved into a position where he could ambush Raiku from. With the boy focused on Smiley, Kiro was able to get into a spot above and behind him before throwing a gunpowder bomb. Not so far behind it was a kunai that was had an explosive tag attached to it. Of course, Kiro would rotate from his position after throwing them. The gunpowder bomb would explode when it got close to Raiku, covering the boy in gunpowder. Then Kiro would activate the explosive tag, potentially blowing Raiku up.
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Previously 5DigitNeb
"I don't mind Shiho. Let me know if anything's up," Raiku told his teammate. The Uchiha then saw with his Sharingan a light of chakra heading over to heal Asahi who he had just injured.

This must be their healer... if Shiho is going to attack the person I was fighting just now I should fight this person then.

Raiku weaved a hand seal and performed the Body Flicker Jutsu to quickly advance towards Karui who he then proceeded to send a fist full of flames towards. Although Raiku didn't notice it, by doing so at the perfect timing he had avoided the explosion that Kiro had sent towards his previous location.
The young Hyuga was very pleased that Raiku accepted her proposal of switching with her. "Alright! Thanks for this Raiku." Shiho exclaimed. After the Uchiha dashed off towards another target, Shiho cracked her knuckles and did some stretches as her eyes fell on Asahi. "Alright lady, I have something I need to check so you better not run away now." Just as Shiho was about to dash towards the Hasa Shinobi, the smoke bomb and explosive tag thrown by Kiro blew up, causing a pause in Shiho's advance as the distracting explosions were right in her path. "Whoa what was that?"
Asahi blinked as she heard the conversation between the two ninjas. Raiku and Shiho? However the warm feeling of her leg being held felt nice, reminded her of the days she spent training with her sisters. Until the one named Raiku left the scene and seemed to be going after Karui. Asahi prepared to follow afterwards but the words from Shiho made her stop in her tracks, until the explosion made her jump backwards as a reflex. Fearing the worst for Karui, she jumped on to a tree and began using her air pressure to send herself forward after Raiku.

While moving through the trees she noticed the lollipop boy, but for now he was on her side so she took it as a good sign and continued moving towards her sister. Protect Karui! Protect Karui! Asahi's eyes locked on the fire wielding boy as she kicked the air and set two shots of pressured air towards his back.
Right as the smoke cleared, Shiho found Asahi run off towards Raiku. "Hey! I told you not to run away!" Shiho leap ran to the edge of the branch she was standing on and jumped, causing the branch to bend. The girl used the rebound of the branch to propel herself towards another branch further above and used the rebound force from that to launch herself at Asahi. She aimed a drop kick towards the back of her head while she was distracted with attacking Raiku.


Previously Night's Shadow
Suddenly everything seemed to speed up. Karui’s eyes widened a fraction as three people—including Asahi—shot towards her like they’d been fired out of a cannon, one after another. The fire user with the strange eyes who’d been fighting Asahi was attacking her, Asahi had chased him, and the other girl with eyes like Asahi’s came after her. Karui was operating on pure instinct as chakra roared out of her back just below the shoulder blades and vibrated with a low humming sound, four insectlike wings that propelled her with surprising speed using high-speed vibrations of wind chakra. She winced as trailing embers singed her face and shoulder, but didn’t change her course as her right hand grasped the handle of her khopesh.

Karui twisted her body just slightly to make it over Asahi, who was attacking the fire user, and drew her blade when her face was inches from the white-eyes girl’s foot. Another twist of her body and a flick of the wrist caught Shiho’s ankle with the hooked, blunt side of the sword as Karui attempted to redirect the attack away from her sister and toward the ground. She followed the direction of her sword’s hooked tip with the rest of her, completing a flip to regain her equilibrium and landing softly on the forest floor, wings evaporating into the air. “I am your opponent now,” Karui snarled, glaring the other girl down. “Smiley’s fight is no longer your concern. I am.”
As Shiho flew across the air, she was unable to stop the hook that had suddenly grabbed onto her and redirected her attack towards the ground. "What the-" Before she could even finish her thought, Shiho found herself falling towards the forest floor. Her mind began racing, trying to think about what she could do when suddenly, the look in her eyes changed. Shifting her body quickly, Shiho spun herself out of the grasp of the sword around her ankle. Holding both her arms in front of her, Shiho shot a set of weak air blasts to slow her momentum as well as push her towards the trunk of the tree which she then stuck herself to. "Phew." Shiho sighed.

Soon after stopping her fall, Shiho's attention turned towards the girl that had dragged her down in the first place. A moment of silence followed as Shiho contemplated her attacker's words. "No sorry, not interested." She spoke nonchalantly and offered a wave before starting to run back up the tree.


Previously Night's Shadow
If her opponent wanted to run away, that was none of Karui’s concern—but if she was going to help Asahi’s opponent, Karui wouldn’t allow it. She deftly pulled a kunai from a pouch and a paper bomb from another using her free hand, then let the kunai fly, aiming for the part of the tree directly in front of Shiho’s path. Her opponent likely sufficiently delayed, Karui followed the path of her kunai, switching her khopesh to a bristling negative grip, still in her right hand. Her left stiffened into a palm, thumb close to the closed fingers, and cloaked itself in a chakra scalpel. The medical nin positioned herself between Shiho and the fight between Asahi and Raiku. “If you wish to run, I won’t stop you. But you will not interfere unless you plan to fight me, Hyuga.”
Shiho's ascension was rudely interrupted when the explosive Kunai Karui threw in her path blew up. She was forced to stop before reaching the explosion and thus, Karui stood in her way once again. "Geez lady I told you I wasn't interested in fighting you. There's something I really need to check and there's no way anything is stopping me." Shiho reached into her back pouch and pulled out a set of shuriken which she launched towards Karui. Following that, the girl began circling around the tree trunk to get pass the shinobi in her way, shooting a few low powered Vacuum palms behind her to boost her speed.


Previously Night's Shadow
Karui deflected all the shuriken but one with deft movements of her khopesh. The one that made it past her defenses cut a slice out of the top of her left ear, and she winced. No time to heal it right now, though— if what the Hyuga girl wanted to “check” was what Karu thought it was, there was no way she could let her get to Asahi. She grit her teeth, not wanting to use her wings again which—unlike the antennae—used quite a bit of chakra, but seeing no other choice, made the single hand seal required to activate it. Chakra filled the air behind her, vibrating to sharpened edges, and she boosted herself into Shiho’s path once again with pressurized wind at her feet. As soon as she had a steady platform, be it sideways or perpendicular, the wings disappeared again. This time, she would make the first move.

Karui wanted to warn Asahi about what the Hyuga intended to check with her Byakugan, but had a feeling her sister already knew. Either way, there was no way to let her know without further raising the suspicions of Karu’s opponent. Unless she could keep the Hyuga girl away from Asahi… she didn’t finish the thought. Instead, she brandished her khopesh in one hand, chakra scalpel on the other, and headed on a collision course for the white-eyed girl, aiming with intent to kill. If she tried to dodge around, Karu’s blade was waiting. If she tried to continue moving forward, she’d be skewered no matter which side she tried for. Above and below were viable options, but there were several more kunai with paper bombs close at hand should it come to that. This time, she refused to repeat herself. That would be a waste.
Shiho eyed Karui as she continued to pursue her, insistent on stopping the girl from reaching her desired target. "What is up with her?" Assessing the situation at hand, Shiho deduced that she probably won't get to Asahi unless she does something to stop her pursuer first. "Well I guess I need to do something about her if I want to get to that other girl." Weaving the hand signs for her jutsu, Shiho turned her body towards the flying bug lady. "Water Release: Starch Syrup Capturing Field." The young Hyuga sprayed a wave of thick and sticky liquid at her attacker before turning back around to continue her climb, hoping that she'd at least get slowed down a bit by the sticky water.


Previously Schrift007
Mori had completely zoned out, so much was happening and he was unsure how to react. First of all he was caught off guard by the Hasa girl surprising them, that and the fact stuff was starting to be set on fire. He looked over to Yua, seems she was waiting to know what to do. Mori took a second to think before opening his mouth, "We help the ninjas that are attacking the leaf. The leaf were running from them, so it's safe to assume that they're pretty strong. If we can help them, we're gonna have a higher chance of winning. Plus, if I remember, there were more of them. Yet I count less. If we can even earn their trust maybe they'll help us out. Why don't we just help the attackers, I don't think the leaf will be fine", he said. Mori was thinking ahead, he saw the attackers as the stronger team so he thought that it couldn't hurt if they helped him out. "I'm going after the healer, make sure the one that was fighting the purple haired girl doesn't escape. Poison him if you must, it'll weaken him for later and we could probably pick him off. Just remember, if you need my help let out a girly scream", he teased before taking off.


Mori ran in the direction he last saw the healer, he was following them from bellow. He was following the healer, he had to catch up with them. Mori stabbed his staff into the ground as he went up into the trees, he was after the healer. If he could earn the trust of the healer, well it would come in handy. Mori ran up the side of the tree, Jesus what was going on up there? He could hear explosions, loud buzzing noises and other unholy sounds. As he went up, he stabbed his staff into the tree and hung from it as it bent downwards. After a moment, he swung his legs back then forwards before it launched him up in the air. Mori weaved a few hand signs, before he was then launched up faster. He literally just did a double jump. He went up into the sky, as he let out another weave of hand seals. This time iron sand came from his heels, making a wall of iron sand as it blocked the water release jutsu. Mori didn't stop his badassery there, weaving more signs he then kicked the wall as it launched at Shiho. Mori finally touched the ground before he took a deep breath as his eyes literally read 'holy shit I just did that, didn't I'. Mori purely did that out of reflex, he didn't know he was gonna be able to pull off such a stunt. "I- Oh wow", he rubbed his temples as he stomped on the tree and his staff shot up into his hand. "And I found the healer", he smiled, looking at Karui. "I hope I wasn't too late"

@=Nightshade= @Grand Master Koop


Previously Night's Shadow
Karui was not looking forward to depleting her chakra reserves further with a third use of her wings to dodge the water jutsu… but before she was halfway through making the hand seal, a wall cut her off from her opponent, effectively blocking the Hyuga girl’s attack. Karui turned to the newcomer, bristling for a two-on-one fight if need be, but his words made it seem as though his aim was to help her. Her eyes narrowed, not trusting him as far as she could— actually she could probably throw him pretty far, scratch that thought. “I do not believe I uttered a ‘girly scream’ as you so bluntly put it,” she said caustically, her voice acid. “I don’t recall making any move that would make it appear as though I need a savior, boy of sand.”

But she couldn’t bother too long with him. If he wanted to help, that was his business, so long as he didn’t get in Karui’s way. That stunt he had pulled off had blocked Shiho from Karu’s line of sight, which wasn’t exactly desirable. As long as Shiho was visible, the girl felt confident in her ability to separate the Hyuga from Asahi, but the moment she lost sight of her, anything may have happened. She made an impossibly high jump to land on the very end of the branch that Mori now stood on, as though making an effort to remain as far from the boy as possible, though it was purely instinctive. She barely spared him a glance when she said “Do as you wish, but don’t get in my way,” and launched off, Shiho in her sights again, ready to do whatever necessary to protect Asahi’s secret.


Previously Sarah316
Yua had prepared for two possible answers, in this case either help the Leaf or not get involved at all. In this case though Mori decided to do throw a wildcard in her face as her eyes widened a bit in response to the offer he suggested. Help this group that had been fighting the Leaf!? On what grounds was it wise to if anything turn on an "ally" to help ninja of a nation they knew little of? Well Mori seemed to respect this might makes right philosophy which Yua had a few problems with. "Hold it let's think here, the Leaf are more likely to trust us between these two and we have no way to know the motives of these guys. I think just deciding to strike in their favor would not only burn one loose bridge in this forest but offer no assurance..." Yua had began to say in protest, before Mori outlined his "plan" and moved ahead which Yua seemed stupefied by. Damn it think before you act you fool!

Yua sighed, half tempted to follow Mori to set him straight but an argument would likely only open them up to an opening if the Leaf managed to escape and Hasa decided to strike them.


Yua moved carefully as she tried to conceal herself, thankfully the Uchiha seemed busy with the Hasa girl. Now Yua herself would rather not burn a bridge with the Leaf, the Uchiha if nothing else seemed to think of her as not a threat and she wanted to try an minimize the damage of Mori's stupidity. However, if she rejected his "plan" he'd make a scene of things so she adopted a more "neutral" method. She would shift along the exterior of the battle, allowing bits of her poison to seep from her skin and produce this light scented airborn toxin to mix and hang at about head level as she sort of worked to set up a poison "barrier" around the area the Uchiha and his foe had been fighting. Something that seemed to favor neither side per say, and made it so she'd more subtly act without having to jump in to make a direct strike yet.

Yua course worked over what to do next, in this situation Mori had dragged herself into.

@Hecotoro @SageNeb


Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku turned around as he heard Asahi coming back and redirected another flame attack to absorb the incoming wind blasts. The Uchiha then saw the odds turning against his favor, although Shiho had been holding on all right against Karui there was now the two Suna-nin from earlier and they didn't appear as friendly.

The snakes... damn them.

"Shiho... I'm sorry. This isn't gonna work out for us," Raiku told his teammate. In an instant, a puff of smoke replaced the Leaf genin who had seemingly vanished.