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Previously 5DigitNeb
Not Gyro, can you make it so Ron finds us? We want some action in this thing. Also can you edit so Ron knows Ken's quirk? Cuz he already explained it.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Not Gyro, is Ron gonna be invisible all the time until he uses the tape? also how do you put the tape on the person again? is it like around the hand or something?


Previously Sarah316
One thing I loved is the fact that Bakugou never even considered using the capture tape, he just wanted to beat Midoriya LOL
@Not Gyro Zeppeli
You are currently god modding my character. That is against the rules, please stop before I have to make drastic measures, and no one wants that. Could kindly edit your post, so that you have less control of my character.
I know, and I thought of that. To be honest that is a big issue for me, but I mean action scenes in which we respond with each other for every action is hard to do, because one liners are against the rules as well. In a scenario like this, it's really like one or the other, so I just had to pick one.
Just declare you are trying to perform an action and allow I Never to respond. Detail your character seeing an opening and making the move to try and wrap her in capture tape, but don't actually do it and give her a chance to respond.
That isn't a good excuse.

I understand how you feel, however. I had to deal with the same problem myself, but I've learned to deal with it, and give other RPer's a chance to do their action. That's why for the majority of RP's I'm in, we always discuss how a fight is going to go, just so it'll be easier when we post.
All right then. I'll delete my last post on the rp and we can talk something over. What should we start this with? I guess we're still at the point where you're headed toward the bomb and ken's tentacles are headed toward you, so we can work something out from there.
What I was hoping for, was that as soon as Ken was going to attack Yana with his tentacle, Yana swiftly dodges and touches the tentacles. With this, Yana gains a new transformation (the power of octopus tentacles).

Yana then starts fighting Ken, giving Veno a chance to go for the bomb, and this was the part I was hoping for Ron to then ensue his attack, and go after Veno. So then it would be KenvYana and RonvVeno.
Ah, that's so sweet I Never.

In any event I thought Ken/Yana and Veno/Ron was always the plan, but I guess we didn't communicate that clearly enough. I apologize.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Also I can't use my computer for the day so you guys have to wait about a dozen hours for me to respond to the RP. Sorry. I can discuss the fight tho
I understand how you feel.

I'm currently using my family's laptop, and everything is in Spanish. Most of the time, I don't even know if I spelled a word right, as each one of my words has the red underline.