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Private/Closed MHA: The Heroes of Tomorrow Discussion


Previously Blake Star
And I’ll be coming home soon guys like 20 minutes and I’ll do out of here for today. Then I can do things I wanna do like make a villain and he last big 3 member and actually role play


Previously Blake Star
Alrighty I'll leave the final call up to you. But I'm home now so it's time to crack down on some more posts and these apps if anyone is willing and able


Previously Blake Star
Character Bio:
Name: Jason Bucanon (Villain Name: Ancient)
Age: 25
Gender: M
Height: 6' 2''
Occupation: Villain
Physical Appearance: Jason is a big man. He's got a heavy body type and is bald. He has dark brown eyes and a vertical scar through his left eye.
Casual Clothing: Jason has always been on the more classy side of things, despite the hero and villain disputes. He can usually be found wearing a suit and is probably carrying with him a book about dinosaurs.
Hero Clothing: As for his hero costume, Jason simply sheds his suit, leaving him with nothing but a pair of basketball shorts. It leaves him free for moving, fighting, and transforming.
Personality: Jason is, as mentioned before, a classy fellow. Extremely intelligent when it comes to prehistoric lifeforms. He's not a big fan of getting his clothes messed up which is why he fights with nothing but a pair of shorts on. He's very stern and short, tempered. When angered, he is someone that you don't want to be around.

Quirk: King of Dinosaurs- The user has the ability to transform different parts of his body into those of the dinosaurs. The amount of their body that can be transformed, and the weight class of the dinosaur that the user can transform that body part into is determined by the mastery of the quirk itself. However, in order to complete these transformations, the user has to have adept knowledge of the anatomy of the dinosaur that they are trying to transform their body parts into. Not knowing can result in the user disabling that part of their body for a certain amount of time

Backstory: Jason's father was a paleontologist, and a good one at that. Ever since he was little, his father kept him interested in Dinosaurs which was smart since the quirk that he was most likely to manifest was something that had to do with Dinosaurs thanks to his father's quirk. Jason's father was correct in doing so of course. By the time Jason was 4, his quirk had manifested, but it was unclear what the quirk did at the time. Without really knowing what he was doing, Jason would attempt dinosaur transformations on his hand which resulted in the loss of use in his hand due to him not knowing enough about dinosaur anatomy. Jason's father bought all the books he could for his son and encouraged him to read up and study all about the prehistoric creatures. Of course Jason didn't refuse since he loved the dinosaurs so much. Eventually, when he was 7 or 8, he was able to shift his arm into a Pterodactyl wing for a short period of time.

Jason grew up, mastering his quirk as he went along his way. He never had a desire to go to hero school. He didn't particularly want to be a hero since his father or mother never were. He just wanted to be like his father and learn about dinosaurs. However, one fateful day a villain named Toxic attacked the city. All of a sudden, air particles were cooled and heated in rapid succession which was most likely due to someone's quirk. It caused the concrete inside of Jason's father's museum to collapse and crumble. The structure fell to the ground, with Jason's father inside. By the time Jason found his father's body, it was too late. He gathered up as many of his father's books and information about dinosaurs as he could and continued his quest, studying all there was to know about the ancient creatures. Jason looked up to Toxic due to the fact that she was hunting the one who caused the museum to be destroyed. He was in full-on revenge mode, trying to dish out 'justice' as he saw fit.



Previously Blake Star
Yeah nah that's all good. She's at the lunch table right now with Nobu, Kenji and Ingo, and whoever else is there rn I'm not really sure XD


Previously Blake Star
Character Bio:
Name: Max Stormwell
Age: 16
Gender: M
Height: 5'10'
Occupation: Student (Big 3)
Physical Appearance: In human form, Max has golden blonde hair that's arranged kinda messily on top of his head. He has green eyes and always seems to be smiling (side effect from idolizing Deku).
Casual Clothing: Max is pretty plain and simple. Blue jeans, a t-shirt, and some sneakers usually do the trick for him. Now of course at school he has to wear his uniform. However, no matter where he goes, Max is always wearing a full body poncho in hopes that his quirk won't be activated unwillingly.
Hero Clothing: He doesn't really change much. If he's planning to fight then his poncho comes off, but that's about it.
Personality: Max is a goofball to say the least. He's extremely paranoid, but a really all over the place guy most of the time. He likes to spend time getting to know all the first-years seeing how he's their assistant which was part of his responsibility as one of UA's Big 3

Quirk: Akhult- Upon getting himself wet, Max transforms into an Akult. He gains some features of a wolf, and some of an orca. His head transforms into an Orca head, he also has a dorsal fin on his back and a tail with a razor sharp blade on it's end. His body gets scaly and his arms grow razor sharp fins as well. His hands and feet become furry like a wolf paw and he gains wolf claws. He also has razor sharp teeth just like Orcas and fangs like a wolf.
He gains a boost in power when he's in a cold environment and is extremely resistant to cold based attacks. He can also swim extremely fast and can hold his breath for an inhumane amount of time. He was the ability to shoot pressurized air from the blowhole that has adapted to be on his chest. He is also able to weaponize and manipulate the water that he's touching. On top of that, thanks to his wolf-like nature his nose is super accurate. He has the blood lust of a wolf and moves faster and more aggressively while in combat with a wounded or bleeding enemy.
Alternatively, arid environments stunt the users power. He's also very weak to fire attacks. If Mac loses his dorsal fin, his swimming speed returns back to that as if he was a normal human. If Max is completely dried out, his Akhult features go away and he isn't able to transform back for a certain amount of time.

Backstory: Max was what was known as a prodigy for his time. He had an insanely powerful quirk that granted him a multitude of abilities. Because of this he was able to get offers from hero agencies even before he was technically enrolled in UA. So of course when the boy got into the school he was fought over all the time by some of the bigger agencies, especially with events like the sports festival where he got to showcase his monster transformation. However, despite how much of a 'prodigy' people wanted to call the boy, he was always humbled by how much stronger Jack was than him. Growing up, Max never really had anyone to compete with based on the difference between his quirk's abilities and the other kids'. Yet, coming to UA is how he met Jack and saw him start to grow. Even as first years, the atmosphere boy wasn't much of a threat to him. However, by the time the sports festival came around, the two of them had the most intense fight that many of the spectators had seen the whole day, but it ended in a win for Jack. Ever since that day, Max considered Jack as his rival. Even though the two of them, along with Yuzuru were supposed to be UA's strongest team, he always liked the idea of his personal friendly rivalry with Jack. It's what spurred him on to keep improving, until the day came that he could beat him. Even today, Max was assigned to the first years in order to give them a helping hand as they learned to develop their quirks and abilities even further beyond PLUS ULTRA!!!




Previously AceTrainerGold
I mean what's weird about a guy wearing a mask and costume in a dining hall full of students wearing school uniforms