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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
For the record, we don't know ALL the people in said movie are dead. Tony's caused a crap ton of injuries, sure, but he's only killed a few people.
regardless, Tony Stark is definitely NOT a stranger to killing others. I mean, there's quite a few humans that he's quite clearly killed. the most obvious ones are those guys he killed in Iron Man 3 when infiltrating the Ten Rings, and the men he killed when attacking a few Ten Rings installations in Iron Man.
Alright, fair. But he did that because he kinda had to and would have been killed if he hadn't. Negan flat-out enjoys killing people. That's the major difference.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
oh yeah. no argument there. negan enjoys it. he hasn't killed quite as much as stark, but he's a psycho.
the only thing negan WON'T kill is women. well, maybe. it's confirmed he doesn't want to kill women or children, but i'm unsure if he actually has, though his attempt at killing Carl at the end of Season 7 means he does what he deems 'necessary', meaning he probably has killed women and children as well.
but he only enjoys killing men.
I'm not arguing he doesn't have blood on his hands, because he does - it technically was his fault Stane, Pietro and Killian died and that the Sokovia incident happened. I'm arguing he's not a wanton murderer like Negan, and will only kill if he has to.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
oh, i was never implying he was like negan.
i was just pointing out that tony has a higher kill count than negan, and probably ridley.
I do kind of agree with Godjacob on this one. Characters like Hughes and pretty much anyone without a power, powerful weapon, or major buff of some sort would probably have a pretty hard time doing anything that wasn't behind the scenes or something. That said, maybe we could have some sort of damper? Maybe something like the travel between universes weakens Stormbreaker a bit? Not saying that it would have to be like a non-superpowered hammer or anything, just down to a level where we can do something too. Idk, it's just an idea, and I don't even know if it'd work. I guess part of it also depends on how he's RPed, too.
I feel like to also not break the timeline, it would have to be Thor and Rocket from the PRECISE moment they were traveling through the Bifrost, just before arriving on Earth to battle Thanos.
Basically my worst case scenario in my head.

Characters traveling around, when some genetic grunts appear to attack them. Our cast gets ready, all excited cause they get to show their stuff and what not.

Thor, being the lover of fights he is, charges with Stormbreaker and in one swing takes out 90% of the grunts in one hit like in Infinity War. Suddenly our cast feels really uneeded for most of the plot, and there'd be no good reason Thor would have to sit that out or not do that either.

That is just my worry is all. Nothing more, nothing less.
Thor would probably fight the way he did at the beginning of Ragnarok instead of the way he did in Infinity War to make him less OP.

Currently waiting on anyone talking to Spider-Man so that i can post again. I will have him respond, and then add in Thor and Rocket after.
I have to get to school first, and I will make a Yang post for that.

But Thor not using Stormbreaker when he already has it feels like an incredibly silly in-universe restriction. Why Thor would do that makes no sense.
"For all you know, I'm your worst nightmare, now leave the kid alone or I'll have a corpse to chew on today," They growled, their jaw slightly splitting apart (Like in the show or whatever). They tried to grab their weapon, taking a sharp inhale due to the pain, They tugged on it, due to their enhanced strength they tugged harder than they meant, hard enough to throw somebody a few feet, they quickly let go after that, looking at their bleeding palm and licking it. (Note, if you can't tell, I may have accidentally thrown you depending on if you agree with that.)

This post confuses me, was this Ridley? And what did he do exactly? Sorry just need clarification.

Also I am surprised everyone seems cool that a young, blind girl like Toph is around and no one is asking questions/expressing concerns about her being around? Not exactly the most seemingly capable fighter on a glance but everyone just seems to already know she's a badass.
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Well, I mean, she did use a power that no one had ever seen before and was powerful enough to hold the Lions in place, sooooo...yeah, I don't think anyone's worried about her being unable to defend herself.

Also, how old is Toph, anyway? I want to know because I'm planning on Keith making some remark about Lance not flirting or smth and I want to make sure it's not weird. I know this was probably in your bio post, but I don't exactly feel like sifting through 12 pages of discussion XD
Well, I mean, she did use a power that no one had ever seen before and was powerful enough to hold the Lions in place, sooooo...yeah, I don't think anyone's worried about her being unable to defend herself.

Also, how old is Toph, anyway? I want to know because I'm planning on Keith making some remark about Lance not flirting or smth and I want to make sure it's not weird. I know this was probably in your bio post, but I don't exactly feel like sifting through 12 pages of discussion XD

Toph is 12 in Avatar the Last Airbender, she'd be a couple years older if I use the version of her from the Avatar comics (Which are considered canon) at around 15 but my initial aim was 12. How old is Lance? I like the idea and want to make it work, but it depends on things.
hah i added a tribal warrior

Oh BTW, does anyone here (aside from Godjacob because I already know the answer) like Dragon Ball? 'Cause I just started a new DBZ RP.
It'd be a bad idea to throw someone normal, like Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls, into this since they'd get their butt kicked by everyone.

And that's a tragedy. I want this story to be one where anyone can use favorites even if that favorite is a non-combat guy. I'd like to see non-combat guys help save the day and contribute in their own way. But that just seems impossible.
Here's my new character (Characters if you're counting the Digimon)

Name: Alec Jade
Gender: Male
Appearance: Alec has light brown skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. He wears a black short sleeved shirt under a dark blue jacket with three diamonds on the upper right, as well as dark pants and short black boots. He carries a IDPD Badge, as well as a Digivice that resembles a D-Scanner, but with a few more buttons and with multiple places to slide cards through on the side without the grip. His Digivice is dark blue with a dark green grip.
Alliance: IDPD
Digimon Partner: Volt (Blitzmon)
Universe: Digimon X4 (World where Digimon are kept in devices that resemble cards. Cards have Digimon’s species, level, and other information. There are also cards for Digivolution Levels, Digi-eggs, equipment, and other things.)
Team: Volt (Blitzmon), Raider (Gaogamon), Rapido (Rinkmon), Demon (Beelzemon Blast Mode), Soldier (Commandramon), Striker (Crossmon)
Other: N/A (This may change.)

Digimon (Main)
Gender: Male
Species: Blitzmon
Level: Rookie/Child
Appearance: A Digimon that resembles a German Shepherd in looks and in size.
Attacks: Blitz Bark: Shoots electricity from his mouth. Blitz Blow: Lashes out with paws surrounded by electricity.
Digivolutions/other levels: Blitzhundmon (Champion), Blitzkriegermon (Ultimate), Blitzschlagmon (Mega), Blitzfreundmon (Armor, using Digi-Egg of Friendship)

Oh, for anyone who was wondering, Digimon X4 isn't a canon universe. I came up with the concept.
I gave him a redesign since his first "appearance".

Name: Marron
Gender: Male
Species: Bat
Appearance: Marron is an anthropomorphic bat with brown fur, light brown skin, dark green eyes, and a slim physique.He has large pointy ears, small fangs, a bare muzzle with a small black nose, a short tail, and a pair of dark brown wings on his back.
Marron wears a form fitting outfit consisting of a short sleeved red top and green pants. He also wears black gloves and boots, as well as a “utility belt” of sorts that is also black in color.
Universe: Charity Cheetah (Original Universe)
Equipment: Small explosives, shurikens, glass cutters, etc.
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This post confuses me, was this Ridley? And what did he do exactly? Sorry just need clarification.

Also I am surprised everyone seems cool that a young, blind girl like Toph is around and no one is asking questions/expressing concerns about her being around? Not exactly the most seemingly capable fighter on a glance but everyone just seems to already know she's a badass.

Just in case this got lost in the shuffle.

Okay, edited a Hiro reaction. He is just watching, but cautious as he doesn't trust Ridley.

Who is...oddly nice all things considered. Guess I missed the context for that given I joined late.
Lmao I really suck at RPimg these guys, is it just me or are they incredibly out of character?

Also, I don't really know what rank to make Hughes. In the anime, he's a lieutenant colonel, but I want to make sure it's okay before I say it in the RP. @TheChildOfTheLettuceField?
Well, now that everyone's together... how about we split them up again? We were planning to head to the world of Project X, so why not do that now? It'll also force some of our group dynamics like Peter, Tony and Yang and Keda and the Yokai to work together in an action scenario.
Project X Groups
Group A- Peter, Tony and Yang and Keda and the Yokai
Group B-Toph & Hughes

Lucario is chilling with the villains in captivity, Hiro is with Excalibur's new character and Erza is with the bulk of the party. Guess we can decide who'd get sent with who to make the most interesting groups.
Oh whoops, I meant that I wanted Keda and Toramaru's characters on their own with maybe Variant Fox to uphold the psychic link. They'd be Group C.
And I'm not saying those are the only groups. For example, weren't we planning for Kiraru's gang to meet up with Nathan, X and Y?
Also if Vader or Negan steps up as a big villain, I could have them meet Z and start making evil plans.
Project X Groups
Group A- Peter, Tony and Yang
Group B-Toph & Hughes
Group C-Erza Scarlet, Keda & Variant Fox

Something like this? Decided to tag Erza with Variant (If okay with you) cause she has a good dynamic with Fox I feel.
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