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Private/Closed Fairy Tail RP Discussion

Wait, where is everyone else going too? I could have a mission that's in the same area, and I run into everyone else, while trying to accomplish mine.


Previously 5DigitNeb
@9012_dirt you should probably post your characters' introduction now. the rp link is on the top of page on if you need it. oh well aspen lucas and gale are going on a mission in an undiscovered ravine, nashi draxon and devin are on a mission in mt. hakabe, and gray jr. sophie and zack are on a mission to beat a minotaur

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Wait, where is everyone else going too? I could have a mission that's in the same area, and I run into everyone else, while trying to accomplish mine.
I have Lauren Dreyar (daughter of Mira and Laxus) and Lilac Strauss (daughter of Elfman and Evergreen) available if you want to rp with them
Coolio. Where are they, in the guild? Do you think you could have one of them come over and help Taylor a bit, as it looks like he's stuck on what mission to get, he mentioned he feels nervous on asking for help.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Coolio. Where are they, in the guild? Do you think you could have one of them come over and help Taylor a bit, as it looks like he's stuck on what mission to get, he mentioned he feels nervous on asking for help.
Both of them are currently in the guild right now

Any request for a specific OC you want to rp with?
Name: Meliai Fraxer
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: long, unkempt black hair, with somewhat of a pale complexion to her, she tends to hunch so people thinks shes shorter than she really is. she wears droopy brown robes and carries a wooden staff with her

Guild Mark: Green, Left eyelid
Personality: Meliai is a very self-interested person. Unless she finds a reason to help, she will always choose what is the most beneficial for her. She has a high interest in art and loves to talk about types of paintings and plant life. Her aunt runs a flower shop in which she occasionally helps with.
Sexuality: Asexual

Love Interest: N/A
Magic : Great Tree Ark

RP Example: Meliai tossed the last bouquet onto the wagon. "Careful with those, they are very delicate petunias" her aunt says, carrying a bag of food. "Our customers paid a high price for them". Meliai shrugs and grabs a bonsai tree from the wagon.
"Someone paid a high price for this?" she thought the tree looked cute, but not something you would wait a week to be delivered. Meliai hops onto the wagon while her aunt gets on top of the horse as they start their travel. As they enter through the forest path Meliai begins to dose off, thinking about her own private garden when she gets back home. At some point she felt the wagon comes to a halt and she woke up abruptly, only to try and doze off once again without checking why.
"Well hello there madam what do you have there" she heard some people talking to her aunt. Must be bandits she thought, but decided not to do anything in hopes they would just leave. "Come on. If you just give us a little a little something we will be on our way." this was another voice,but still Meliai tried to be willfully ignorant and not act. Then finally her aunt shouted loud enough for her to hear "Meliai, please, do something." This convinced Meliai to actually get out of the wagon while holding the bonsai with her. "Can you guys go away? It's just bunch of flowers so go and rob someone else." The remark seemed to anger the bandits as one pulls out a blade while the other prepared a lightning spell. Meliai holds up the bonsai tree.
"Auntie i don't think anyone will be mad if they didn't get this thing." As a bandit begins to attack she tosses the tree at him, immediately the tree grows to half the bandits's size, wrapping around him and rooting the bandit to the ground. The other bandit charges his lightning spell, but then trips over a root that begins to bind his legs together.
"I'm sure they wont miss it" Meliai says, as though the bandits never even existed. She walks over the fallen and trapped lightning mage and grabs a fully bloomed purple rose "I'm sure they will love roses more, roses look much prettier." Melial hops back onto the wagon and they continue their travel, leaving the bandits to whatever comes across them.

now for a new addition

Name: Lucas Fraxure

Age: somewhere around 50 to 60

Gender: Male....

Appearance: He looks to be around the around the age of 12. Lukas is a demon. In his human form he wears a big orange and white fur hoodie with blue shorts and very worn out jeans. He has black hair and many people would say his eyes are a little to big for his head. When in his demon form he sprouts four orange wings that look like petals. His eyes become giant bug eyes, his teeth sharpen, his claws grow into claws, and he sprouts too small antenna.
Guild Mark (color and location): Not a part of the guild but likes to visit once in a while to check on Meliai.

Personality: With all the knowledge he has in him, Lucas likes to act like a learning child instead, he tries to avoid being serious. He does not have sympathy for people he does not know and will kill without much hesitation. He does not like to talk to other demons and is deathly afraid of demon slayers.

Sexuality: Asexual
Love Interest: He loves Meliai like a big sister and acts as such.
Magic (I can change this if necessary): Nature magic-can summon flowers, His curse is the Curse of Pestilence- He can turn nearby flowers into bugs.

RP Example: The odd boy wandered into a bar. The entire room stared at a child so nonchalantly walking in. The boy waddled to the stool and made a pretty lousy jump trying to get on. " Bring me the best stuff you got!" he said with so much giddy he started to swivel in his wooden stool. "Kid your not supposed to be in here" one of the drinkers grabbed the boys head.

"But i'm huuunggryy" the boy was clearly exaggerating but did not turn to face the drinker. "I said OUT!" the drinker tried to lift the boy by his head into the door, but as soon as the kid's butt came off the stool the drink felt a ferocious bit on his forearm. He dropped the kid and looked at his arm. Insects. Hundreds of insects were now swarming on his arm biting every piece of skin they possibly could. "there hungry too. very very hungry" The boy responded with a toothy grin. The drinker screamed as more and more bugs seemed to just flow out from his arm. Then he stopped moving and silence replaced the bar. the others just looked on as if they didn't see anything. "Know" the kid continue his attention to the bartender. "What do you have to drink"

Questions: I probably should of asked if demons are allowed. Are they?
I've also made a second character who has been apart of the guild for about a year in a half now. I've also listed his spells and will edit Taylor's magic to include the weapons he uses when Requiping.

: Terrance "Fuego" Sanchez
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Fuego has fair skin with a faint tan, and red eyes. He has a faint scar across his forehead. His hair is spiky and uncontrollable, with a reddish brown color to it. he has a faint beard on his face. He stands at 6'1" and weighs around 172 lbs. He has a muscular physique. He wears a red t-shirt, that's tucked in to black pants. Over his t-shirt, he wears a black short sleeved jacket with white accents, open. His shoes are black combat boots. The clothes, he's specially made to be fire proof after one incident in town a year ago...
Guild Mark: Gold, Right Hand
Personality: Fuego is a fiery young man, who was a taste of adventure. he is reckless and loves a good fight. However a good amount of his fights end up in destruction, if he loses control. This is part of the reason, he tries to have missions that aren't in widely inhabited regions. He cares deeply for others, and does his best not to hurt people. But he is often described as a bull in a china closet. He admires Natsu Dragoneel, and wants to be overcome him one day. He has a deep seated fear of losing people after an incident when he was a young lad, with his parents. The scar on his forehead is his reminder of this. However, overall, Fuego is quite chipper and wild, deserving of his nickname, Fuego.
Love Interest: TBD
Magic: Fire Magic - Fuego uses his Fire magic primarily on offense, and little notice of defense. He primarily uses the fire from his hands or arms for battle. He uses both his feet and hands, for fast movements and jumps, by leaping high or rushing forward, like a jet. He makes his entire arms covered in fire, and uses his arms to fight, with a barrage of punches, jabs, and elbow slams. He also fire blasts of fire from his palms and elbows for quick long range damage. he is immune to his own flames.
  • Phoenix Rush - Fuego's body become engulfed in flames, and he fire jets of fire from his hands and feet to propel him forward. He rushed towards his opponent and tackles them in a full force tackle. The flames vaguely look like the shape of a Phoenix dive bombing forward.
  • Phoenix Inferno - Fuego claps his hands together to form a swirling ball of fire. He pulls it back, and then pushed it forward placing his palms out. The ball of fire expands and a pillar of fire spirals out of it and rushed towards his opponent.
  • Phoenix Typhoon - Fire swirls around his feet, in a small circle. Then it grows outward, emerging Fuego in a massive typhoon of raging flames.
  • Phoenix Wing Slash - Fuego's flaming arms become the min part of this spell The flames become much larger and almost look like a mixture of wings and scythes. He swings his arms at high speeds slashing at everything in sight.
  • Magma Storm - Fuego fires multiple small balls of fire into the sky, which explode. Then medium size bursts of fire, rain down across the battlefield. Good for massive damage, but there is a huge lack of control and tons of collateral damage.
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Previously 5DigitNeb
@Ry_Burst i actually see him as an s class now... he can be that if you want. Also are you sure its regular fire magic? It can be fire demon slayer or flame god slayer you know...
Could it be second generation Fire Dragon Slayer, as that makes the most sense out of the slayer options. Fuego's soul isn't on the line, and his fire burns rather than destroys.

Then again, Natsu is a First Generation, and I can't remember if there can be multiple of the same type of slayer, (I'm assuming that's a no-no.) As for S-Class I guess he could be one.
With second generation Fire Dragon Slayer, the person wasn't trained by a dragon, and they are considered artificial Dragon slayers, but have the same abilities. Again, if you don't think two Fire Dragon Slayers would work, I'm cool with that.


Previously 5DigitNeb
No I don't have a problem with the generation thing, I'm just saying we would basically have 3 fire dragon slayers except one has golden fire, one has multiple colored fire, and one is just plain fire. but if you're ok with that I don't mind.
What if, it's a new kind of variation of Fire Magic, called Phoenix Slayer Magic. And it is similar to the abilities of a Fire Dragon Slayer, but with not able to absorb fire, and can recharge power quickly. Just a thought, because we do have a good number of Dragon Slayers.


Previously 5DigitNeb
I mean, again, I don't have a problem with it, but you'd still have three fire based dragon slayer wizards. the main reason I'm saying this is (not because I wanna be controlling) because there's still the god and demon slayer magic options which are both better than dragon slayer or equal. well I know at least god slayer is better
Yeah, but at least it isn't four. Honestly Phoenix Slayer Magic probably isn't as strong as Dragon Slayer, and is Fire exclusive, but instead has more endurance and stamina to the user.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Yeah, but at least it isn't four. Honestly Phoenix Slayer Magic probably isn't as strong as Dragon Slayer, and is Fire exclusive, but instead has more endurance and stamina to the user.
OH i thought you meant pheonix dragon slayer magic. well yeah you can have that, you'll just have weaker magic than them


Previously 5DigitNeb
what's that? also isn't pheonix slayer canon in the dragon cry movie or something? WAIT IT'S THE GRAND MAGIC GAMES and you're having it be for another guild since other guilds compete. that's fine, but by the way there will still be another god slayer user left for fairy tail

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
The real question is who the chosen 6 members for Team Neo Fairy Tail are gonna be for this RP. That's gonna be tough to pick out.
Want to have 2 different GMG? Bc we already planned everything out for the Ender Eye one.
For this rp, we can have another GMG a couple years later, or a year later, or whatever, so then we can keep our own chosen characters for Ender Eye rp and pick new characters for this rp
Want to have 2 different GMG? Bc we already planned everything out for the Ender Eye one.
For this rp, we can have another GMG a couple years later, or a year later, or whatever, so then we can keep our own chosen characters for Ender Eye rp and pick new characters for this rp
Nashi and Grey Jr. are still contestants :3