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Private/Closed Dragon Ball Burst

Celacion nodded. "Alright, the empire has set their base in the central palace of this planet. Follow me, I know the way there." He said as he started walking towards the central city.
Ozen caught up with Celacion, hoping to get some answers, "So...the Tuffles and Saiyans are sworn enemies. I dont really know much about the saiyans, mind telling me why there's so much hate between the two?"
Icicure looked at the man in the robotic suit in confusment. "Why did he scan the area with that suit? Can he not sense ki?" she thought to herself. Icicure started hovering, and floated near Sasha, who was following Celacion. Ozen then joined the gang, and Icicure waved at him.
"The saiyans of Planet Vegeta wiped out most of the tuffle because they wanted their planet, you can see why they hate us saiyans." He explained." He explained. He sensed the ki of two approaching soldier not far off. "Get down. Not all Tuffle can sense Ki so they have visors. There's tow not far ahead." He said.
Damunga followed Celacion's instructions and crouched down to conceal himself, suppressing his ki in the process. This was not something Damunga took pride in.

We should storm the place and kill them all, this tactical nonsense is so boring...
"Oh, yeah. Just spotted them. Got an idea, let me handle this. The rest of you hide, and attack on my signal." Grabbing Ji's arm, Ken ran back into the ship, closing the loading bay.
(I assume @koopa000 will RP as the soldiers?)
The two tuffle soldiers walked around and saw the ship, They started to moved towards it. "They are coming this way." Celacion informed looking back.
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Ken slowly opened the bay door, having changed back into his casual clothes. "Why, hello there!" he said with a friendly tone. "I'm just your friendly salesman, flying around the galaxies in search of selling my wares. You wouldn't happen to be interested in buying some upgrades, would you? You seem to be entirely mechanical."
Just within the eyesight of the others - but not the truffle - Ji hopped out of a secret hole in the cockpit. Raising her finger to her lips to silence the others, she began to creep towards the truffle with two small, semi-sphere-like devices.
Icicure fell down, as instructed by Celacion. When the two Tuffle's arrived, Icicure was surprised. She kept staring at them in awe.
How!? Why are they here!?
Icicure didn't want to make a scene, so she just stayed quiet.
"Well, maybe there's something here you haven't seen before!" Ken said, a smile on his face. "Like this K1773D blaster, or this Data Preservation Chip. Or perhaps even this visor that allows you to see what's behind you? You guys could really use that right... NOW!"
Suddenly, Ji slapped the two semi-circles onto the backs of the Tuffle. Ken took out a detonator and pressed it, and the semi-circle created a force-field around itself and the Tuffle before exploding - trapping the Tuffle inside, helpless to the explosion. It destroyed them both.
"Yeah! Get Yamcha'd!" Ji said, fist-pumping. "Alright, guys! It's safe to come out!" Ken ran back inside to change to his battle gear.
Icicure got out, sort of disgusted about what had just happened, but she had to stay calm. Icicure decided to fly around the area of the explosion. She flew up to Ji, and ask, "What's a 'Yamcha'? Because it sounds disappointing."
"That's the point." Ji said, laughing to herself. "Ah, you wouldn't get the joke."
"So... what's our next move?" Ken asked, coming out in his gear. "And will we need anything from the Nighthawk?"
Celacion stood up. "Well next is to infiltrate the castle, it will be guarded by people much stronger and stranger than these two you killed." HE informed Ken. Celacion flew up towards Icicure. "Lets hurry before anyone notices the disappearances."
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"Stranger? I can handle strange." Ken said, smiling.
Suddenly, there was a voice in Celacion's head "No... don't go straight for the castle. It would be the death of you and all your traveling companions."
Icicure looked at the man, and said, "I don't need further technological enhancements. I can fight with my own skills, but fighting won't be just enough." Icicure then looked at Celacion, and said, "Alright, let's infiltrate the castle, but lets make a plan. We might all be powerful species from our races, but we're not going to be able to handle that many Tuffles at once." Icicure looked at everyone, and said, "Any ideas?"
"How bout we just blow up the castle from a distance? That would kill everyone weak enough to die in the blast and stun the ones who are strong enough to resist. Giving us time to rush them. I think it's a flawless idea." Damunga said, half joking and half being serious.
Icicure looked at Damunga, and said, "No, that's too risky. If there anything like....never-mind what I was going to say. They could have guards surrounding the whole city. Every single citizen could be highly advance soldiers, for what we know. But I still can't think of another plan. Hmm...." Icicure then looked at Ozen, and said, "Can't you teleport?"
Ozen turned to Icicure and grinned, "I can. But why dont you tell us why this whole time you've been so on edge? You seem like this whole scenario is bugging you." He crossed his arms waiting for an answer. Ozen wasn't a fan of being left in the dark and was stubborn till he got the answers he wanted.
Icicure started thinking of her plan again, and started ignoring Ozen, "Good. We can use your teleportation to teleport inside of the royal castle and infiltrate it, instead of having to go outside and have to fend off against all those soldiers." Icicure was then quiet again, trying to think further into the plan.
"If we're trying to storm the castle, then we'll need some powerful weapons." Ken replied, thinking.
"Oh, forget this." The voice said, leaving Celacion's head and going to Icicure's. "Hey, listen. Don't try to attack the castle straight-up. Your entire team will die."
Damunga let out a sigh. Great, more recon crap. This was such a chore. Damunga wanted to charge the city and fight.

This tactical crap is getting on my nerves...
Icicure said to Ken, "Thank you, but I don't need any technological advancements, unless you have any communication devices. Those can come in handy." Icicure then heard a voice in her head, but because she was so caught up in the plan, she thought it was someone from the group. "I'm not going to attack the castle 'straight-up', that's why I'm making up a plan. I know that I'm not the brightest, but I'm not an idiot," she said.
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"Uh... who are you talking to?" Ken asked, confused.
"I'm not with your group right now." the voice continued. "I'm a voice in your head at the moment, and I'm telling you - DON'T ATTACK THE CASTLE. You're not ready yet."
Icicure was shocked to hear that it's a voice coming from her head, but then she replied, I'm not planning on attacking the castle at all. I don't want to be a savage, like him! I'm only planning to fight if I must, but I want to resolve this peacefully. The reason the Tuffles attacked this planet was because the Saiyans destroyed their entire race, correct? Well I'm not going to have history repeat itself. Now get out of my head. Ken then asked who she was talking to, and she replied with, "Oh, I'm sorry, companion. I was still just coming up with a plan. But, you do have communication devices, right? Like scouters, or something similar."
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"Yeah, I got a ton in the back of the plane." Ken replied. "Ji, help me get some for the others."
"Sure!" Ji replied, running after him.
"No, listen. These Tuffles follow a man with a burning hatred, not for just the Saiyans but the entire world. And most of the Tuffles believe him right now. They're hostile, and will kill on sight." the voice continued. "Unless, of course, you're worth something to them. Like me, for example."
"Well, if you want a plan I have a suggestion." Damunga said with a grin as he watched Ken and Ji run off.

"You all go teleport inside the castle, and I attack the city. That way I get all the guards attention making your job much easier." Damunga offered .
Icicure looked at Ken, and said, "Thank you for your assistance."
Icicure replied to the voice, If that's true, then I'll have to settle the score right. No one deserves to die over something this stupid. Now get out of my head! I still have to think for what we're going to do as soon as we enter the castle.
Icicure looked at Damunga, and said, "That plan is too risky. If you go out there, whether you like it or not, you'll die. There are tons of soldiers, and yes you're most likely stronger than each individual one. But power doesn't matter there, what will matter will be quantity. I know this isn't the way of your people, and all that crap, but it's the only way. Unless you want to go back on your space-ship with Arcie over there, and leave." Icicure was too caught up at the moment, she didn't want the plan to go haywire.
Damunga gave a shrug.

"I was just offering a suggestion. I'll go along with your little plan." Damunga said. In spite of what he thought of himself, he knew Icicure was pretty much right, so he was willing to swallow his pride in this instance.
"Listen, I need your help." the voice continued, ignoring Icicure's request. "Their leader has me captured, imprisoned. It's taking most of my strength just to contact you. If you're really that stubborn, then I'll show you the best way to get to where I am. I'm currently under the main base. I'll- hold on." The voice then broke contact.
Icicure was now curious to who this person was, but now she felt like she had to meet up with this person.
Icicure looked at Damunga, and said, "I'm sorry, but because of the Tuffles, this mission has become a bit personal to me."
Icicure looked at Ozen, and said, "Ozen, when you teleport us to the castle, make sure to teleport us under the main-base of the castle."
Icicure then looked at Damunga again, and said, "I think I want to train a bit before entering the castle." This was surprising for Icicure to hear for herself, because for her whole life, she never had to train, she was born with this amount of power. "Does your little partner's ship have anything to train with?"
"Got those scouters you asked for." Ken said, returning with Ji. Together, they were holding a box. "They're custom-designed. Press the button on the side to change the view. It can go power levels, infrared, night viz, gamma, whatever."
On a hill Ryu was looking at stars wondering what should he do now. Maybe i should destroy a planet or two? Nah too boring.Training? Nah,never needed it... (OOC: i wanted to join in!)
Icicure looked at Ken, and said, "Thank you. Can you make sure everyone in the group gets one?" Icicure strapped on the scouter, and it felt a bit uncomfortable. She wasn't use to scouters, because she had always relied on her sense of sensing ki to measure an opponent. I'm not going to use this to scale opponents.
Celacion crossed his arms. "I don't need your scouter. Now if you are ready to go, lets start heading to the castle." He celacion said turning his head to look at the castle in the distance. "Soon." He though.
Icicure glared at Celacion, and said, "Don't go in there recklessly, Celacion. These scouters are only so we can communicate. If we go in there without a plan, we are sure to die. Unless....that's what you want?"
Icicure then looked at everyone, and said, "I think we should all train before we head to the castle, raise our power levels a bit higher." She then looked at Damunga, and said, "Are you willing to train with us, or do you just want to go solo?"
Sasha turned away from Ken after he offered the scouters. "I already have one," she said in her usual cold tone, "I don't need a new one." She then started walk towards the direction the castle.
Icicure flew in front of Sasha, and said, "I'm sorry, Sasha, but we shouldn't head into the castle, just yet. Like I said before, training would be beneficial to us. And besides, we're going to enter by using Ozen's teleportation technique."
Sasha is starting to get impatient as she wants to finish this quickly and get the job she was called. "Look the more we wait here, the more likely more soldiers will find us," she said.