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Ask to Join Comet Trail High School (Roleplay)


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel watched the ensuing match between Donald and Zack. “Geez. One of them is going to body the other.” Marcel whispered as he slowly extended his crimson wings. ‘Feels good to do that sometimes.’ Marcel told himself as he decided to get up. “I’ll see you all later. I’m probably gonna head back to the stands.” Marcel told the group as he walked of with his wings out. Marcel went back to the stands and noticed a Green haired girl by herself. ‘Sure. Why not make more friends.’ Marcel told himself as he retracted his wings. “Excuse me. But may I sit next to you?” Marcel asked the green haired girl.
(@Shadow_Pup )


Previously Shadow_Pup
Doku listened to what Clive told her about the group and when Clive mentioned that the listening slime had reported that one of them was walking this way she did what she did best, freaked out and accidentally made the listening slime expand and explode covering the remainders of the little group in slime (@wintersolstice @Cryronn the Mudkip @Gamingfan), she quickly looked away from the group embarrassed only to jump once more as Marcel spoke to her, not hearing exactly what he said she assumed he was going to tell her off about the slime and blurted out "I didn't mean to do it" she said before Clive informed her of his actual question "oh uh yeah I uh guess so" she said going red in the face from embarrassment. (@MarcelGalliard790)
Zoey of course seemed concerned by the Gravity Ball, though Zack had paid more attention to his foe as he seemed to cast a look to the Principal while he announced his declaration as he seemed to have a point to prove with this match. Zack only seemed to smirk as his stance seemed to shift from light & loose to firm and with a steady step to it. This guy seemed certain of his win already, and seemed to think others were more worth his time which only seemed to light his inner fire. "Stronger than me? I don't think that's been decided just yet, why don't we see for ourselves? Unless you are scared of course~"


Zack took a strong step forward and seemed to extend an open fist into the air forward, the ground in turn seemed to crack as this split rushed over to where Dolan had been standing; as the aim seemed to be to collapse the space just around where he stood and tried to knock break his footing as well as knock him back rumbling force behind his now Earth-based strike.



Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel was also surprised by her jump. “Hey. Look it’s fine.” Marcel told her has he sat next to her. “It was a simple miscommunication. To be honest I didn’t even know there was a slime over there. I was just hanging out with my past competitor. We are somewhat friends. Not rivals in anyway.” Marcel explained as he looked to her. “Anyways. Are you alright? I mean you did take a hefty hit from O.S. And Loufe.” Marcel asked her as he was curious if she was alright after that battle.
(@Shadow_Pup )

Gold The Dragonite

Previously Dratingonair
Oliver was humming to himself, sitting cross-legged with his hands free on the grass, also with his slime. Occasionally, he absent-mindedly glanced over to the group talking to each other. As a green substance had seem to explode on them, he had gotten up to investigate, walking over to them, with his slime accompanying him in the form of a puddle.

"Are you three okay, what happened?" Oliver asked, standing in front of them. Seeing the substance up close, it reminded him of something. He knelt down, touching some of the green essence that had exploded onto the grass with his finger. It seemed to be quite similar to Doku's slime, he recalled her to have said it was semi-sentient. Assuming it was her destructed slime, Oliver poked it into his slime puddle, and it seemed to add the dead slime into it. "If you don't mind," He said to them, as he made the slime puddle go around the area, vacuuming in all of the lifeless slime, before offering to clean the others if they wanted it to.

@Cryronn the Mudkip @Gamingfan @wintersolstice
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"O.S," the nymph echoed, testing the name out. Although she was shy by nature, she couldn't help but grow eager at the aspect of meeting such an ancient spirit. But her excitement was quickly dulled when Soul brought up the point that perhaps it wasn't the safest idea. Wilting microscopically, Maia offered a slow, defeated nod, puffing out her cheek.
"Ah, I... hadn't considered that," she admitted meekly, ducking her head. Of course the entity was a dangerous one, she'd just thought that since she was fae...
"Perhaps some other time, then." Was her decided response, her disappointment hardly evident on her otherwise expressionless face.
Before she was able to dwell on the thought, Soul nudged her slightly, making some teasing remark about her being small. Small! Hardly! By fae standards, she was actually quite tall, thank you very much...!
It was then that her attention was brought to a small, green cube. It looked gelatinous in nature, almost bouncy and shimmering with a particular shininess that intrigued her. Noticing that another student versus student battle was stirring on the field, Maia looked up to study it, waving as Marcel excused himself and left. Turning her attention back to the cube, she hesitantly reached forward with an extended finger, poking it.
...To which it immediately exploded.
Yelping in surprise, the girl tumbled backward, now splattered with the green, slightly sticky substance. It was surprisingly soft against her skin, and she felt some collect on her cheek before dripping to the ground.
Now with her jacket damp and slimy, Maia squirmed out of the coat, exposing her tiny frame to the cold. Shivering slightly, she used her coat to wipe some of the slime off of her face, frowning slightly as she felt some drip off of her hair. She looked up hesitantly as Oliver approached them, another droplet of slime dripping off of her face onto her leg.
"Just a bit stunned," she murmured, pulling her legs closer to her as the cool wind nipped at her skin. "It just exploded, I hope it wasn't because I touched it..."
Standing, the girl brushed some slime off of her dress and studied the group she had been sitting with.
"Excuse me, I'm off to go get cleaned up," she stated flatly. She cast a glance over to the field, surveying the fight with a curious eye. Two boys, both tall, one with tousled, blonde hair, and the other with cropped, dark hair. Studying the blonde-haired boy, Maia felt a strange spark, as if there were a connection tethering him to herself.
Surely not another fae?
Straightening slightly and draping her coat over her arm, she looked to her group of acquaintances, nodding. "I'll be back in a moment," she uttered quietly, just loud enough to be heard, before turning and wandering back towards the school building to wash off the remainders of the slime.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Doku looked at Marcel "yeah I'm fine, the nurse woman healed me up pretty good, I suppose it was probably my fault really I got distract and I wasn't able to defend myself in time" she said her voice unsteady as she watched the boy and glanced at the group watching the green haired boy absorb the remnants of her slime feeling a strange sensation as any last connection she had with the slime was severed, she shook herself and turned back to the boy "your Marcel right, I heard your name when you had your fight" she said watching as Clive hopped off her shoulder and began to examine Marcel "no Clive leave him be" she said nervously not wanting to reach out and grab Clive as she wasn't sure whether she wanted to get any closer to Marcel than she currently was.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
“Yep. That’s me. I don’t know how you thought of my form with my demon Zalthereon. Hope it didn’t my spook you to much.” Marcel looked at her with a small bit of a smile on his face. He noticed the small slime named Clive doing what he assumed to be an inspection of him. “I guess it should and you should be able to see something great at least.” Marcel told her as he got up and his crimson wings extended outward. “Tada!” Marcel told the green haired girl as he looked at her with a smile.
(@Shadow_Pup )


Previously mallard
Donald jumped to the side to avoid the attack, spinning through the air. He used his rotational speed to launch his Super Gravity Ball, which was his height at that point. He landed easily, and then jumped into the air, using his levitation for a follow-up. He lost control though, and fell to the ground. The blond student scrambled to his feet, and leaned backwards, two fist-sized Super Gravity Balls forming in his hands. He snapped forward and threw out his follow-up attacks. He grinned as he did so, a sort of sadistic grin that seemed to be the mask for his rage.

Bobby looked on. "So the fuck's Blondie's damage?" He said to no one in particular. His eyes widened in realization. "Oh, this sucker must be the one that got dropped by the principal. Nice."


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel snapped his attention to the battle and primarily the facial features of Donald. “This is bad.” Marcel told Doku as he looked at Donald who had a sadistic grin on his face. ‘Hey! That’s my calling card when I’m pissed!’ Marcel told himself as he looked to Doku. “His face just spells danger. If this gets out of hand the principle will step in. If not. Then I will.” Marcel told Doku with a serious tone and a serious look on his face. But he relaxed and looked back. He sighed. “Well. That’s only when it comes down to it of course. Say. Your name is Doku right? Just wanted to make sure so I didn’t accidentally butcher it later on.” Marcel asked her for confirmation just so he can be sure.
(@Shadow_Pup @Psymallard )
"Well, tall by fae standards still makes you a smol one by mine, I mean, you pretty much have to look up at everything... but uh... whatever I suppose." He shrugged and pat her on the shoulder. "Hey, don't worry about it, being short isn't a bad thing... I mean, when you turn 50 you probably won't have back problems, unlike me..." He muttered, as he'd secretly been hoping to stop growing... having back pain sounded... like... legitimately awful. However if he did get to be that tall, maybe one day he'd land himself a girlfriend... I mean, Tara had like, 4 male exes and 3 female ones, he at least needed to have... one current or previous partner... but hey, at least the situation was calm, and Marcel had departed, so it was all smooth sailing-

Ah. Slime explosion. He watched as Maia stood up and went to go wash up. He was... inside a little disappointed at her departure. He didn't really know why, after all he'd just met her... I mean, she was interesting for sure, but he felt very strongly about wanting to continue talking to her. Ah, whatever, he wasn't gonna die. He began to wipe himself off, and saw one of the sideliners, Oliver, ask to help him clean off. He shrugged and accepted, and Oliver helped clean him off. "Thanks a ton. I'm Soul by the way, nice to meet you, hehe!"

@wintersolstice @Gold The Dragonite @Gamingfan
Leo's nanobot land on his shoulder. He sighed. "Alright you can stay but will still need to check on your source code after.", he said as he shifted his attention back to the match. Leo realized something was not right with Donald. He see Donald want to actually harm Zack. He clenched his fist not at fear, but with anger. Leo had in mind if the principle does nothing about it, he will jump in to intervene.
Zack seemed undeterred even as his foe kept avoiding his blows, quickly he moved but he soon discovered he'd likely not be quick enough to avoid the various gravity spheres that had been shot his way. He had began to adopt that lighter step once more as he spun his arms in a windmill position and began to produce a strong current around him. This was not an attack, as his aim was to produce a strong current which would in turn "carry" the large gravity sphere as he aimed to twist it and redirect it on its new air path to intercept the smaller gravity spheres as his aim had been to knock the attacks aside.

A sweat drop rolled down the back of his neck from the effort, but his smile had only seemed to grow.

Zoey in turn had watched the match with concern, there seemed to be something off about this Donald guy, and as she glanced at Leo it seemed she had not been alone in that concern. "I-is something wrong, Leo?" Zoey asked him, and she hoped that the answer was no even as her eyes were glued to the action ahead of her.

"This guy wants to blood. He is the one that got humiliated by the principle. It seems he still hold a grudges.", he responded. He look at Zoey with a serious expression. "Listen if this get out of hand do not get involve. This can end up being serious". he said as he still has the conscious to jump in. "He would not like to see his sister get hurt" he added. He continue to keep an eyes everything break loose.
"The hell are they doing..." Jude saud as he noticed by expressions of people in the crowd that some noticed it goes out of hand, teachers included. Are they dumb? The moment when the Duck guy does something to the Windmil boy gonna be too late for one of them. They think they manage to get there? Maybe they can, but Jude didn't want to take that kind of bet with someone harm on the line. He slowly approached the arena, till he was close to it, but not on it yet. If interrupting the fight was forbidden he was going to take responsibility later.

"Oi, You two there, don't get carried away too much or someone gets hurt.. Espesially you, Donald guy, its just a mock battle so calm your goddamn horses. I don't care what happend between you two, but no one wanna end or see a serious injuries... Are we clear?" He asked loudly and looked at them. He disliked what he did at moment as he thought about it, but if this could make it a normal match and not the struggle against pissed duck then he would prefer that.



Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel relaxed a slight bit. ‘It would seem others are somewhat ready just in case if Donald goes on a blood lust.’ Marcel told himself as he was my hesitant to protect others over himself. ‘For Doku, For Soul and Maia, even for Zack. If this get’s out of hand. I will step in.’ Marcel told himself once again. “So. Um. What did you think of my battle? I felt like you did great even though Loufe and O.S. knocked you out of the arena.” Marcel asked Doku as he was curious about what she thought of his battle.
(@Shadow_Pup @Psymallard @Godjacob )


Previously mallard
Donald glanced to the side at the kid trying to interfere. He turned his body to face Jude. "I haven't even gotten started. Shut the hell up before I squish you too." With that, he turned back to Zack. Donald got down on all fours and muttered, "Damn ants," and then ran forward like a wild animal. He leapt up at Zack and formed Super Gravity Balls around his fists as he attempted a two-handed punch.
@Godjacob @Clite of Dragonbow
"Those are a bold words for a barking dog in a heat. If someone gives you a friendly advice to calm down then, Calm the hell down" Jude said unvazed by the Donald words and still tried him to stop peing so pissy around about everything.
"You definitly won't beat anyone just becouse you are angry enough and including me, no one will just sit down if you break something in your opponent on purpose."

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"B-blood?" Zoey asked as naturally that comparison rubbed Zoey the wrong way. First given her own nature and the other the idea her brother was paired up with a student who may have been a loose cannon that caused the big fight earlier. Now she looked on with concern even as Leo asked her not to step in if things had gotten intense, though of course how was she expected to just sit there if her brother was in actual danger!? This only became magnified when other students had made their own comments about this Donald as the situation seemed to grow tense which had not helped in providing comfort for Zoey.

Please be careful, Zack...

Zack in turn had been to a degree annoyed that those on the sideline seemed so concerned for him, sure this Donald seemed a touch extreme but...this was his fight, not theirs. And he was determined to prove he was not just some victim waiting in the wing as Donald seemed to charge at him.

Still in his free and lose wind stance, he would advance upon Donald as he seemed ready for a head to head collision, his own right fist began to gather with wind for what promised to be an enhanced strike as it seemed he would try to meet the gravity strike head on. Except in the last moment he would pivot his body to let the gravity fist pass by him while he aimed to move inside Donald's guard. His aim to deliver a wind-palm strike right to the gut of his foe.

Leo kept his focus on the match. Leo notice what Zack is trying to pull of. "heh, it seems like your brother is a mad lad and try to end this", he said to Zoey. "What Zack will try to dodge one of strike in go with a finishing blow, but this is a gamble at the same time", he added. Sweat was slowly forming in his forehead because this match was getting too intense on his first day. At the same time Leo was to tempted to jump in to intrevene.


Previously mallard
So the brat would be trying to challenge Donald's strength. What a stupid mistake. But that was just a feint. The kid smashed his palm into Donald's gut, knocking him backwards. He stumbled for a few steps, before stopping completely. He looked down, and then delivered a full-force slap to his own cheek, riling him back up with a fresh coat of rage on his face. The handprint already was showing up red on his cheek as he whipped his face around to face Jude. "SHUT THE HELL UP AND STAY OUT OF THIS!" A Super Gravity Ball formed in his hand, and he wound up like a baseball pitcher, before launching it at Jude. He turned back to face Zack. "So you're resorting to TRICKERY to fight me? That's not what heroes do, VILLAIN." He rushed Zack again, performing a spinning lariat starting with a wide swing of a backhanded fist.
@Godjacob @Clite of Dragonbow


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Ashes flew off of Marcel’s arm as an ash blade flew past Him and Doku and went next to Jude. “I’ll be back.” Marcel told Doku as he walked down to where Jude was and moved the ash blade to cut the gravity ball thrown at Jude. “You alright?” Marcel asked Jude with his cape wrapped around himself. “The only villain here so far is you mate.” Marcel told Donald with a somewhat gritty tone.
(@Clite of Dragonbow @Psymallard @Shadow_Pup )

Zack's eyes widened as Donald, almost without warning, fired a gravity attack not at him but one of the students in the crowd. Impulse took over as he prepared to shift to his Earth-stance to form a slab to protect the student, but someone else seemed to come in to cut the sphere for him. This moment of relief would be interrupted as the distraction allowed for Donald to close the distance on him as he spun a backhand and as Zack tried to gain distance it would catch his cheek as Zack was knocked down with a groan. Blood seemed to drip down his lip as he rubbed his cheek which caused Zoey to cover her mouth; both to fight the urge the blood produced but also in pure horror that her brother was bleeding in what was supposed to be a casual spar.


Zack worked his way to his feet, the blood wiped away as he glanced at Donald and struck a strong stance while one hand balled to a fist. "You can call me whatever you want, but for you to even pretend what you are doing is "heroic" is an insult to the word." Zack said, his tone defiant as he charged on Donald given he was within close-range distance and aimed to swing a fist hooking to his gut to deliver a hard punch in a stark contrast to his more evasive and quick wind-style martial arts a moment ago.

The principal looked upon the situation with an aggressive expression, and then... snapped his fingers. The entire stadium would suddenly be coated in a thick sheet of ice, the floor becoming a slip and slide. The stands were left pretty much unaffected, albeit colder, the ice sheet simply coating the floor and creating four walls that were just about 5 meters out on each side away from the ring-out line. The ice was see-through from the audience's perspective, but completely opaque from the perspective of Donald and Zack. His booming voice yelled through the mic. "DONALD. You are not in any way allowed to attack the crowd. Attempt to, even through this barrier, and there will be SEVERE punishment. I will allow this fight to continue, however, if one of you steps over the line, it's all over."

He crossed his arms... he just needed to let Donald vent, but he couldn't let the feral kid attack the AUDIENCE. Therefore, he would keep up a barrier to observe the fight through, and to protect the people watching. Stress was building though, and he was already preparing another snap to freeze the walled enclosure solid.

@Godjacob @Psymallard


Previously mallard
Donald smiled wide as he knocked down his opponent. He was about to taunt, when the principal froze over the arena. Good. Now the brats outside couldn't interfere. Donald blew off the principal's warning, the sucker was asking for it. He waited for the student got back up, thinking himself honorable. The student attempted another attack to the gut, to which Donald bent his body out of the way of, challenging the punch with his own. After their fists collided, he would follow up with a haymaker. "SHUT UP! WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT RIGHT AND WRONG, VILLAIN?! I AM A HERO! I AM SUPER-GRAVITYBALLMAN! AND I'LL TEACH YOU NOT TO MAKE A FOOL OF ME!"
Seth wrote on his whiteboard. "Ok, he calls himself 'Super Gravity Ball Man' and he expects people not to make fun of him. I could make like 20 puns on his name alone right now but I don't have space on here. Also Donald can't see it." Seth sat back and marveled at the ice barrier Principal Icy-Hot made. He even found out a way to make it one way which Seth couldn't fathom how he had such control over it. Well, he could if Seth's headache would just hurry up and dissipate, but whatever. "While agree that flinging one of his gravity balls, How the heck does he sound so serious one saying that at that guy was definitely crossing a line, to be fair everyone else was kind of egging him on." Seth erased his board. "To be even fairer, he's a dick" "Language." "English." Mira rolled her eyes and looked back at the fight. As much as Donald was very brash, she couldn't help but feel a tad sorry for him.
As the ice barrier seemed to form between the stands and "arena" Zoey only seemed to grow worried. The principal was still allowing this fight to go on, why!? This had already escalated past any point of reason and yet he seemed content to let them duke it out, her brother was in there! Before she could try to reason with him, Leo spoke up as he seemed to try to assure her that her brother could still win as she could only look with concern. She had never felt so powerless before, and that scared her to a degree. "I-I hope so...Leo..."

As their fists slammed into each other, Zack in no way was gonna back down. The martial artists was never shy of a fist fight and as Donald threw a wild haymaker Zack responded with a display of technique. Using his free arm, he'd knock aside the wrist of the flying fist in order to knock the blow harmlessly away from him. Then, as he used the fist he punched Donald's fist to shift to a grab he would aim to pull him close and raise a knee in synch with the goal to strike him with a stunning strike to the gut. "If you have to constantly say what a great "hero" you are, the only one being fooled is yourself!"

Zack spoke with a burning passion as he seemed more determined than ever. He merely hoped for a good spirited battle to show his skills, but now this was more than that. He had to win, if he allowed himself to lose to someone with this twisted idea of heroism he'd never be able to live with himself. No matter what it took, no matter what he'd have to endure...he would do everything in his power to be the one left standing.



Previously Shadow_Pup
Doku had been a little shocked but also quite fascinated by Marcel's wings and had kind of been a little lost for words, by the time she realised he had been asking her questions she shook herself and watched as he defended a student from an attack and she casual muttered "he's like a real life hero" and then laughed to herself "oh yeah that's why we are all here" she said laughing harder than was probably called for and then becoming immediately embarrassed by her outburst of goggles and going a little red as she tucked her body into itself and gentle stroked Clive as he comforted her, she decided she had been open enough today and reverted to her much more timid and shut in state.


Previously mallard
Donald took the knee to the gut, his grimace widening and hair falling over his face. This kid had no idea what he was talking about. Donald had watched every superhero movie, read every superhero comic, and went to every superhero museum in the nation. Surely he was doing it right. Surely.
Now in closer quarters than ever before, Donald reached around Zack, aiming to bearhug him with his enhanced strength. If the grab was a success, he would then lift him up, and squeeze.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel saw the one viewing side walls go up. “Eep!” Marcel exclaimed as he slipped back a slight bit. He caught himself from falling over. “I’m good.” Marcel told Jude as he got up back on his feet. “Well this is an issue. If anyone steps in they are flash frozen on the spot.” Marcel told Jude a bit upset but more analytical. “Donald is slowly becoming Comet Trail enemy number one to many.” Marcel continued as he looked over to Doku. “I’ll see ya later.” Marcel told Jude as he walked back to Doku. “Hello once again.” Marcel greeted her as he took a seat next to her.
(@Clite of Dragonbow @Shadow_Pup )
Jude reached his hand forward, but before ball reached him, Marcel stopped it. Jude simply chuckled "Marcel.. I would be just fine, still thanks for caring to step in though..."

After all tge effort principal did later as he slid away from arena, Jude decided to give Donald Duck a break. As Marcel left him, he just waved back and then looked when he was going and snickered with honest smile "He saved me to seem cool in front of the girl? Damn show off... Not that I don't understand him on that" He said half-joking. He turned back on arena... "Number one enemy? Give me a break... I am not much better... If you didn't step in.." He sighed "Here I am... Trying to act cool, I should just sit down, be quiet and get perfect score.. Like in previous schools..." he said, smile dissapired from his face. He approached the principal and made a bow "I am sorry... I just ended up going on an argument with one of the battle participants"

@MarcelGalliard790 @Cryronn the Mudkip
Zack winced as the hand he punched Donald's with seemed to have left a bruise. This guy was strong, which on trop of his gravity powers made him a tricky foe to fight as he had to avoid being hit best he could so when his foe reached for a bearhug he dropped down to avoid being pulled in and aimed to sweep at the feet of Donald the goal to knock his foe off his feet. All the while he shook out his bruised hand to get the blood flowing there.

Zoey course had watched with a nervous energy, the cold and sudden ice around her had been a distant second consideration as she simply focused her energy on hoping her brother made it out of this okay.



Previously mallard
Donald over-reached for the bear hug, losing his balance as Zack went underneath his grapple attempt. This balancelessness was aided by Zack's leg sweep, making his feet leave the ground. Before he could fall though, his levitation kicked in. Donald still rotated forward in the air as his head leaned back and his arms outstretched. Then, his arms recoiled and his head shot downwards, as he seeked to headbutt the living shit out of Zack.
Zack's eyes widened as he seemed to break his fall with a bit of levitation and seemed to swing with the intent to batter him with a stiff headbutt. On impulse Zack moved back light on his feet as he aimed to jump back as a gust of wind came from his palm which worked to try and push him back faster and aimed to blow away Donald to knock him to the ground. But his air palm had not created enough distance to completely avoid the hit, as the headbutt would graze Zack and while but a glancing blow with Donald's strength it was enough to make Zack cry out as he tumbled back along the ground as a small cut opened on his forehead.

Zack worked to shake it off, a ringing left in his ear and Zoey looked on horrified. The second time a bit of blood was dropped from her sibling as the masked cover held a gloved hand over mouth; that damned urge, this was getting out of hand for her taste but Zack still had a smile even as he scrambled to get to his feet and wipe away the blood from the cut while he attempted to shake the cobwebs out.



Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel could feel the chill from the cold walls and the effects the Principle did. “Hey. Are you cold at all?” Marcel asked Doku with a slight bit of hesitation in his voice at first. Marcel knew what was going to happen after the battle. ‘Everyone is going to be so noisy. They are going to yell at Donald, He’s gonna come over to me and try to brag about his battle. In which I’ll appropriately tell him to eff off.’ Marcel thought to himself partially zoning out while doing so. That was until he snapped back to reality and looked to the battle for a quick second to see Donald and the landed headbutt. Then looked to a girl who was covering her mouth and nose. ‘I think I have the full picture on this one.’ Marcel told himself as he looked back to Doku.
(@Shadow_Pup )


Previously Shadow_Pup
Doku glanced ever so slightly at Marcel as he sat down and muttered out "he..hey" she said her demeanour having fully reverted leaving none of her second mind, her earlier semi confidence had been due to a lingering remnant of confident Doku. But now she was her timid and shut in self. She glanced at Marcel and edged away ever so slightly, not wanting to be rude but she just preferred her space around someone she barely knew.
"He will be fine" a sudden voice would tell behind Zoey and Leo. They probably wouldn't recognize the guy that just had argument with a disney comic character, nor he knew of their any connection to Zack, but it wasn't hard to notice that girl was worried at what she was looking at.
"Have more trust in the one that fights his own fight... Or something someone would say" Jude says as he doesn't really follows up with his words.. His done it again.

"Umm... Sorry that I bother..."


Gold The Dragonite

Previously Dratingonair
"My name's Oliver, and no problem! This'll just take a second..." He introduced himself to Soul. "Oh, and try not to breathe," He warned him, as the slime crawled its way from Soul's feet onto his hair. It then seemed to go down in all directions, enveloping Soul in a thin slime layer all over. After a few seconds, it undid its previous action, returning up to Soul's head before making its way going back to the ground. "All done!" Oliver told Soul, leaving him slime-free, as Oliver's slime returned back to him.

@Cryronn the Mudkip

Ori was bored out of her mind, as she didn't pay attention to the two people mindlessly smacking each other around. Getting up from her seat, she had went over to a different row of seats, hoping to find people to talk to. Soon after, she had spotted three people sitting together, and she decided to walk over to them. "Got room for one more?" Ori had asked them, before taking a seat behind two of them, and sitting next to one of them.

@Crazytrainer33 @Godjacob @Clite of Dragonbow


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel noticed she scooted away a slight bit. Marcel assumed it’s because of her not knowing him as much. “I know that you don’t know me that much. But. I guess I should tell you a little bit about me. As you know my name is Marcel Cromwell. I have a demon inside me by the name of Zalthereon. When it comes to interests I enjoy art and music. I always want to protect others over myself sometimes. I’ve gotten myself hurt multiple times trying to protect others. That’s why you saw me go down there. I was willing to risk getting hit to protect my friend Jude.” Marcel told Doku more about himself then he did to any other person currently at Comet Trail. “But that’s more on me. How about you?” Marcel asked Doku with a slight smile on his face.
(@Shadow_Pup )