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Ask to Join Comet Trail High School (Roleplay)

"Me too, Alexis," Damon responded, "You're being really cute right now."

Damon honestly never felt happier, he knew he was safe. He had hoped to thank Max, since it was his challenge that got him to this. He kept close to her, due to his injuries. If he let go of his now girlfriend, he'd fall over like a bowling pin struck by a bowling ball.

"Also thank you for catching me." Damon whispered into her ear.



Cylia had bounced off near the Griffon, and flipped into the air, changing into a bear. She hoped this form's weight dropped the creature out of the sky. She noticed it had picked up a student.

'I'm not sure why it picked up this student, rather than a training dummy." Cylia thought, 'Maybe it thought this student was a dummy?'



Previously SlicertheGallade890
Alexis’ face was filled with blush. But what Damon said at first tipped her over the edge. Her face filled to the brim with red and she covered her face with her hands. “Y-You d-don’t mean that!” Alexis spoke flustered and peaked at Damon through her fingers. “I-I’m glad I helped.” Alexis spoke softly afterwards and her face was still flooded with blush.
(@Cmeriwether )
"I do mean it, Alexis" Damon responded to Alexis, "I really hope between you and me, that idiot doesn't show up to ruin things."

Damon was in a really good mood, better than when his day started. In a week, He went from lonely after his departure from Chicken, to having a few friends and even a Girlfriend.

"You know, these last few days have been great," Damon spoke, "Getting accepted, making friends, and most importantly, meeting and now dating you."

Damon had been keeping a slow pace due to his legs and such. He's been ignoring the pain as much as he can reasonably without worrying Alexis.

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"About you being cute, I am serious, Besides that, Who was the guy watching Max and I's battle?" Damon asked, his eyes turning Electric when he spoke, "I had caught some watchers out of the corner of my eye, and also, good cheering, I heard them all."

Damon blushed at that one, she looked really pretty at that moment, and even now. He had a hard time looking at her due to her unexpected cuteness, but kept his gaze in her eyes.

Griphon dissolve into a thin air as soon as ground was reached. Meanwhile the second monster made a Loud daunting roar, making a schockwave to push away any threat, and released, wanted to use those few second to tear the dummies apart.
"You can do it, Ori!" Hazel called out to her.

Meanwhile Bouncy ran around the room. Under everyones feets and seemed to do something.

@Gold The Dragonite @Cmeriwether @Crazytrainer33 @MarcelGalliard790

Gold The Dragonite

Previously Dratingonair
A lot had happened in the small amount of time Ori was getting rid of her stars. Another student had been kidnapped by the griffon, however was quickly rescued by Cylia. One of the monsters were triumphed, and two other students had also joined the fray. She quickly snapped to reality as the lion let out an intimidating roar. Ori anchored herself to the ground by increasing her gravity and then shifting it back to normal after the shockwave had passed. Hearing Hazel's words of encouragement, Ori focused for a second before a circle of frigidness had emerged beneath the lion's location. "My turn," She said to herself and after a brief delay, a large pillar of ice came crashing down from the ceiling. It fit the outside of the ice ring to envelop the monster in a shower of frost, hail and snow.

@Cmeriwether @Clite of Dragonbow @Crazytrainer33 @MarcelGalliard790
Cylia transformed into a person after landing, and looked at Leo.

"You okay, it seemed you were distracted." Cylia told the boy, as she realized There was a possibility of things going wrong.

Cylia's right arm had tattoos on them acting as a seal, they were gone. Her staff's crystal turned black. One eight foot tall creature made of darkness appeared, and rushed the monster.

@Crazytrainer33 @Gold The Dragonite (Ori) @Clite of Dragonbow (Hazel) @MarcelGalliard790 (Marcel and Lucien)


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Alexis stopped pouting and couldn’t really answer Damon’s question. “I don’t know who he was. He just came over, talked to me, and then left.” Alexis summarized to the best of her ability. “But. I mean. I’m not that cute. At least. I’ve never thought of myself as cute.” Alexis spoke softly and shyly to Damon.
(@Cmeriwether )

Marcel and Lucien looked to the other creature that had appeared. “Man I’m burning up to all this conflict!” Marcel spoke enthusiastically as he knew he had to work on something. A red energy encompassed Marcel and eventually cracking could be heard as the energy around him cracked and showed his True demon form. Black and fiery with clawed feet, clawed wings, and a sword tail. The horns appeared and were curved back and the points upward and another pair appeared not to far from the other horns and they were both similar in shape. Pure red eyes opened up and it was ready to go.
(@Clite of Dragonbow @Cmeriwether @Gold The Dragonite )
"You're a lot cuter than you think you are." Damon responded, "I think he's the one who helped the idiot who tried to challenge me to the nurse's office."

He was still rather red, and his eyes were Electric blue.

'Why are you so cute, Alexis,' Damon had thought.

He then spoke again, "So where do you think we'll end up during our exploration of campus, I was thinking meeting up at the dorms after our classes were done, if that's fine with you?"

@MarcelGalliard790 (Alexis)
"And you react well..." Zoey said, as she figured she needed to pass a compliment which seemed easy to do given how amazing Jude's abilities seemed to be. Something he seemed to display all the more, as he produced electricity and seemed to shoot a sphere of it here way as Zoey reacted quickly. She jumped over to the side, moving along the wall as she seemed to be able to scale it with ease as she for now tried to wall crawl and move to his rear as she aimed to position herself.

@Clite of Dragonbow
"Sorry but I wont let you" He said softly as he saw her attempts. He made more spheres of electricitt and began the attack barrage that went for the girl of course he was still careful not to harm her and wanted to cause her to be on constant movement.

He believed that as he performs now, Zoey should be able to defeat him with much less of a problem than he can defeat her.. Cuz He hold back even if he would not want to, Just had those short thoughts that Maybe he should stop attack ing completely and Just give up So he doesnt hit her.

Lion was not wanting to make it easier, he wasnt much afraid of transformation or another monster joining the place, but ice was annoying and he needed to get out, His feet was pierced and his tail as well as icicles kept falling, quite wounded and a bit cold the beast seemed to get completely mad.
"Be careful!" Hazel called out.
@Gold The Dragonite @Cmeriwether @MarcelGalliard790
Unknown to Jude Zoey had similar concerns. She had been stalled as she moved off the wall to avoid the electric spheres and was forced to keep her distance as she debated what to do. Jude had a much more varied skill set than she did, and any contact with these spheres threatened to damage her jacket and her layers of clothing, if she got close to him would a hard strike do too much damage? She began to wonder how much she needed to hold back vs. the respect she'd need to show Jude to not undermine him.

A crisis of conscience to be sure, for now she simply tried to avoid it as she darted quickly between the spheres as she tried to eye a pattern with them.

@Clite of Dragonbow
Damon blushed, "Who knows, and your welcome."

He tried to walk on his own, but his leg gave out, due to the stress from everything. He grabbed Alexis's shoulder in an attempt to stabilize himself. His mouth sparked though.

@MarcelGalliard790 (Alexis)


The Void Elemental had gotten near the snake end of the Monster, where it decided to try and counter the snake tail so it doesn't hurt anyone.

Cylia herself had noticed Leo speak up.

"I am Cylia Darksbane, The School's new druid." Cylia responded, "What were you doing that got you picked up by a Gryphon?"

Cylia kept her focus to prevent the Void Elemental from hurting an Ally.

@MarcelGalliard790 (Marcel and Lucien) @Clite of Dragonbow (Hazel) @Crazytrainer33 @Gold The Dragonite (Ori)


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Lucien was in shock of Marcel’s form. “So that’s your true demon form huh!” Lucien spoke surprised and then looked to the oncoming opponents. “I suppose you have got this.” Lucien spoke and The demon was silent. As if it were lost in thought, it just stood there. “Yes. Of course.” Marcel and Zalthereon spoke in unison. No mouth was present on the demon however. “But of course. Some assistance would be nice.” Marcel and Zalthereon spoke again as the two looked to the creatures to figure out who decimate first.
(@Cmeriwether @Clite of Dragonbow @Gold The Dragonite @Void_Nugget )

Alexis was in her own thoughts at the moment. Thinking about the monumental first day she’s had so far. ‘I got here and met Damon. Saw him fight and then now we’re dating.’ Alexis thought to herself as she snapped back whenever she noticed Damon’s mouth began to spark. “Are. You alright?” Alexis asked both concerned and confused.
(@Cmeriwether )
"Sorry about that," Damon responded to Alexis, "My breath weapon just recharged, and sorry if I seem on alert, I've been looking out for your sake, I don't want anyone to hurt you."

Damon had his own thoughts, his first week went from just him, occasionally getting a text from Omar (his friend from his old school), to having several friends, a possible rival, and was now dating Alexis.

"This has been the best week of my life, Alexis," Damon explained, "I went from loneliness to having several friends and now am dating you."

However there was a problem, Jude didnt show any pattern to be in case of his attacks as he simply avoided to hit her. But could he do it for long? No...
He was ready in case if she closed the distance and was ready to get a clean hit...but not demage her.

"How long can you go?" He taunted her a Little.

Sensing that he is attacked, beast tried to turn to Void monster and pin him down to destroy it later. Meanwhile Hazel glanced at incoming guys and then at Ori.. Both her and Cylia did great So far.. They were far better than him...
@Cmeriwether @Gold The Dragonite @MarcelGalliard790


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel decided it was his time to shine as well. Harnessing two red spheres into his hands, he clenched them to a tight close. “Brimsoul Burst!” Marcel spoke as he swung his arms outwards and hundreds of shots flew towards the beast. ‘The special move will be of last resort.’ Marcel thought to himself as he watched his shots fly out.
(@Clite of Dragonbow @Cmeriwether @Gold The Dragonite )

Alexis hugged him. “It’s ok. Just curious. That’s all.” Alexis spoke with a smile and blush all on her face. “I’ve never really said this to anyone. But.” Alexis spoke as she became flustered again and her stutter came back “I-I-I love y-y-you. Damon” Alexis spoke as her face filled with red.
(@Cmeriwether )
"I don't think I've said this either, but this time, I am sure of it," Damon responded, he was a bit red himself, "I love you, Alexis."

Damon hugged back as he looked closer to her. He then put his hand on her forehead as if he was checking her temperature. He felt no difference from his normal temperature. He felt his phone vibrate.

"What the?"

It was a text from Omar, asking if he was okay. He would answer later, for now he kept Alexis safe and happy.

@MarcelGalliard790 (Alexis)


Cylia had heard Leo speak.

"I am fine right now, but be ready, this is usually draining on me, I would've preferred not to summon the Void Elemental, but it left me no choice after I had to pull the Earth Elementals."

The Elemental fought against the Monster, making sure the monster can't pin it, like using its Elemental properties to make attacks go through it, like a ghost.

'I really wish we had that Dragon from earlier here.' Cylia thought in Concentration.

@MarcelGalliard790 (Marcel and Lucien) @Crazytrainer33 @Gold The Dragonite @Clite of Dragonbow
"D-depends if I trip up or not..." Zoey mused, as she was not one to be well versed in sparring quips like her sibling would've been as she continued to avoid the spheres but realized she was going nowhere fast. She had no idea how long he'd be able to keep this up for, so she needed a way to get to him that would cause minimal harm to herself or him.

So, Zoey had taken a moment to catch her breath, before she bent and jumped high as she aimed to move over the spheres and tried to land behind Jude. If successful, she'd try to grasp him with a full nelson and the obvious aim to secure him in a hold.

@Clite of Dragonbow
Jude saw something and sighed.. What he saw..

He didnt stop attacking and then an opening seemed to present itself as the male stumbled on his own feet.
"Damn..." He stutters.

The Beast was Hit by the attack and it stumbled as it was already fairly demaged by everyone, but it didnt give up yet and roared with a some sort of sonic wave towards Marcel and Lucien, but he lost Focus on Ori and Cylia!
@Gold The Dragonite @Cmeriwether @MarcelGalliard790

(Sorry it took So long ;m; )


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Lucien was flung back at a small speed. But Marcel stood his ground. “Heh. Cute.” Marcel and Zalthereon spoke in unison. “Think you can take the both of us on? There’s more to us than meets our bloody eyes.” The two spoke as the fiery demon stood its clawed feet in the ground. Marcel had done his own intensive training with the generals over the past couple of days. He learned more close combat moves, New moves with his powers, and primarily to keep his focus in his unstable true demon form to use more of it’s potential. Lucien was impressed about Marcel. ‘I need to do some of that training.’ Lucien thought to himself as he tried to get back up.
(@Clite of Dragonbow @Cmeriwether @Gold The Dragonite @Crazytrainer33 )

Alexis continued walking around with Damon. She had a small smile on her face as the two walked around. She had hoped to see something on their walk around.
(@Cmeriwether )
Cylia called out Leo.

"You're an idiot, charging like that." Cylia called out.

The void Elemental disappeared as Cylia prepared to charge. She called out to some nearby grass to provide Visual cover for the Monster as she wildshaped into a hawk, flew over the monster, then wildshaped into a bear, falling towards the monster.

@Clite of Dragonbow @MarcelGalliard790 (Marcel, Lucien)


Mr. Monaghan had been walking through the halls as this was his free period, his lesson plan was done as he went towards the bathroom and had passed Damon Felix and Alexis Vespertine.

"You guys okay, it seems like you're going to the nurse."

"She's fine, I fought someone in my Dragon form, argh."

Damon's right wing hurt again, his pained expression looked to Alexis, then back at Mr. Monaghan.

"Make a left turn at the next turn, end of the hall."

Mr. Monaghan went on his merry way at what seemed like speedster speeds as he needed to go to the bathroom.

@MarcelGalliard790 (Alexis)


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Alexis noted the staff member they saw. He had told them where to go to the nurses. She nodded and began to guide Damon in that direction. “Come on. We’re almost there.” Alexis spoke softly to him and slowly began to walk towards the nurses office.
(@Cmeriwether )

Marcel noted the void creature’s disappearance before a bear appeared. With quick instinct, Marcel flew back a little. Hoping that the bear would be enough. But if it wasn’t, he knew it would be time for his new move to come out. ‘Hopefully that’s enough.’ Marcel thought to himself as he charged some red orbs in his hands just in case.
(@Cmeriwether @Clite of Dragonbow @Gold The Dragonite )
Hazel sighed softly as he saw all the mess, It was supposed to be a training for Three and suddenly everyone banded against his monster.
"Thank you" He whispered as the beast slowly dissolve into thin air under bear Strike.

Bouncy seemed to collect everything they needed and came back to Hazel, who patted the bunny.
"Good work guys!"
@Gold The Dragonite @Cmeriwether @Crazytrainer33 @MarcelGalliard790

"I did... Tho this one may shock you" He said as she was close enough, she aimed for the armdrag and would easily do it.
"Sorry.. It was kind of a dirty trick from my side, but I didnt want to hurt you.. Yet still want to show off a Little"

Lightning surround then as she was within his manipulation distance "And now we are in a Cage"


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Slowly dissolving the fiery demon noded silently and eventually faded out. Marcel was back and took a quick exhale. “Yeah. Great job to the others as well.” Marcel spoke quickly re-adjusting his scarf, and then dusting off the ends of his boots with his hand. “So. I suppose some introductions are in order for us all.” Marcel spoke as to try and make a new topic for discussion.
(@Cmeriwether @Clite of Dragonbow @Gold The Dragonite @Crazytrainer33 )
"Cylia Darksbane," Cylia responded, "I was the one who summoned the Void Elemental."

She had wildshaped back into herself, and Thunder Quack the Wind Elemental cat returned, walking beside her as it walked up to Marcel, and sat attentively. There happened to be a bush nearby.

"Grow." Cylia told the Bush.

The Bush doubled in size in a matter of seconds, as the small feline Elemental waited. She then wildshaped several times, turning into every animal she can do currently one at a time, then back to her self.

"Don't be alarmed it you suddenly see an eagle taking notes or a tiger in the halls."

@MarcelGalliard790 (Marcel, Lucien)


Damon looked up and had seen the nurse's office.

"There it is!" Damon called out, "Let's move as fast as my current status lets us!"

Damon had looked ahead and saw two people, waiting as well.

@MarcelGalliard790 (Alexis) @Godjacob (Zach) @Shamaniac231 @Cryronn the Mudkip (Nurse)
Leo missed his attacked. He quickly recovered his balance and saw the beast disappear. Leo was in disbelief.
"I'm the idiot, Leo", he said jokingly as he look at Cylia then back to the boy. He scratch his head and chuckled. Leo looked at the boy carefully and realized he look like Porco. "Hey by any chance your related to Porco.", Leo ask.
@MarcelGalliard790 (marcel)
@Cmeriwether (cylia)


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel turned when Leo introduced himself. “Why yes. I am related to Porco. He and I are siblings. Even though we have our own differences. Externally and internally.” Marcel explained to Leo as he turned back to Cylia. “My name is Marcel Cromwell. A pleasure to meet you. Madam.” Marcel slightly bowed and introduced himself
(@Cmeriwether ) (Cylia)
(@Crazytrainer33 ) (Leo)

Alexis walked in to the nurses office. She knew that Damon needed immediate treatment because of his battle. “Excuse me if I may. But Damon is injured and we need some treatment for him.
(@Cmeriwether ) (Damon)
(@Cryronn the Mudkip )
A Nurse would seem to be stationed in another room, filing paperwork so it seemed. She looked to be a younger woman, barely in her early thirties, with a messy mat of deep blonde hair… and next to her was a man, with the same mat of hair, both looking to be nurses. The man pointed out the window, and the woman followed his finger to the outside of the side room, realizing a student was injured. The two quickly exited the room and went to whoever had been hurt.

@MarcelGalliard790 @Godjacob @Shamaniac231

Soul watched everything happen with a sense of palpable confusion on his face, as he had no idea what was really going on. The chaos of… people being extra for no reason… was starting to get to his head. He tried to shake himself out of a very familiar headache, one that felt unique compared to other times he had felt confused and sick. He staggered a bit, and then took a deep breath… gently gliding to a seated position, as his hands crackled like a defective detonator.

Tara, meanwhile, was just watching everything with the biggest grin on her face. Everyone was so quick to show off how cool they were that everyone seemed a little mediocre. She stood on an edge of the field, balancing on a rail with one foot…

Nero turned to the arguing duo of Seth and Mira, which seemed to be something that would be quite common as he spent more time with them. He stared down the two, and chuckled slightly. “You two argue like siblings… oh wait, of course. Hold on lemme just-“ he looked at Seth and focused, reading his mind in order to figure out what they had been talking about. “Pff- really? Gravity ball boy? I mean, to each their own, but that’s probably like, the most edgy person… actually… Marcus and Donald are kinda tied there… so you guys just have like… an edgy-sexual thing going on in your family… actually, that makes sense, I’m a little edgy myself…”

Seth merely sighed as Mira choked on her water and started coughing it up.
"Son of a biscuit Nerry!" she said trying to catch her breath. "What have I told you about asking me before reading my mind!?" she said trying to catch her breath. "Two things, one: I'm not in love with Donald. Two: he's not edgy. The dude is actually the most energetic, passionate person I've ever met." "Also please don't bring up Marcel. Wound's still fresh my guy...Hey wait a minute whaddaya mean 'makes sense'?" At that point Mira looked away whistling. "All right Nero! You know about our crushes." "Some of which without consent!" "So your turn. Who do you like?"