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Midnight started to paddle the both of them over to shore. He occasionally looked back to Moon to see if she was OK. "Why were you jumping over logs and climbing trees anyways? Is there something wrong?" Midnight asked with concern as they floated to shore.

Issac frowned, slowly kicking the air around him, tying to get Raven to stop, rolling around a bit.
Moon sighed. "Kinda. I used to be the leader of the Lunar Pack, but I lost in a battle against Twilight, therefore lost my position as leader. I keep training and training nonstop most of the time by jumping over logs to try to improve my speed and jumping skills so maybe I can beat Twilight in a battle and win back my position as leader. I tried to climb that tree because I can't climb trees very well." Moon said.
Midnight: Well climbing trees aren't going to help you... What type of Pokemon is Twilight?" Midnight asked, finally making it to shore, pulling himself up, and helping Moon up as well.

Issac groaned, continuing to ignore her, bunched up against Jewel, his ears drooped in annoyance.
"Twilight is an Umbreon. Yet another advantage she has over me when I battle, seeing as Espeons are psychic types and are weak to dark types, and she's an Umbreon, and Umbreons are dark types..." Moon said. Once she was on shore, she ran over to a tree stump and jumped onto it, laying down and wrapping her tail around herself, shivering.
Midnight frowned. "We'll maybe I can help you, but now I need to ask another question, What are each of your move sets? If all your moves are Psychic, I will cry, not literally, but that's bad, and you should know that by now..." Midnight frowned.
Raven sighed. "I shoulda just left her there.. but I couldn't..." She murmured, as tears filled her eyes. "I couldn't let her lay there, just like I did... when Father died... I was frozen in my tracks.... unable to help him... all I could do was lay down by his side... as he bled to death..." Tears flowed down her face. Raven had no idea that she was saying this out loud.
Moon let out a small growl, although it wasn't very noticeable. "Not all of my moves are psychic, I'm not that dumb. My moveset is Shadow Ball, Bite, Psychic, and Dazzling Gleam." Moon said, standing up and shaking her fur, sending water everywhere. Afterwards, Moon's fur was sticking up in almost every direction.
Issac felt a droplet of water hit his fur, he immediately looked up to see Raven in tears. He quickly rolled over and got up. "Raven, don't cry..." He frowned, wiping her tears with his paw. "Look, you may not of been able to save your father, but you know who you probably did save? Her... You could of just left her there, injured and easily could've been attacked y any other Umbreon or Dark type in this forest, but you didn't, wanna know why? Cause you're a good person. Stop looking back... Stop..." Issac frowned.

Midnight smiled. "Good, you're actually smart. Soo, you're gonna wanna forget Shadow Ball, and maybe learn a move that's more effective, maybe a Fairy or Fighting type move?" Midnight smiled.
"I could, but I already have Dazzling Gleam, which is a fairy type move, and I can't learn any fighting type moves." Moon said, trying to straigten her fur out, and managing to succeed. She hopped off the tree stump. "The only more effective move I know of that I can learn is Signal Beam." Moon said.
"Yeah, me and Twilight are both the same gender, so Attract wouldn't work. I don't think I'd want or need to learn Attract, though, since I focus entirely on attacks." Moon said, stretching. "The only hope I have to win against her is to train and learn new skills, such as climbing." Moon said.
Midnight turned to Moon. "Well I say you should keep training, and don't worry, I'll be watching just in case you, for say face plant, fall unconscious or fall into a lake again." Midnight teased her before shaking out all of the water in his fur.
Moon rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to fall unconscious, and I don't plan on training near the lake, so..." Moon mumbled, turning to a boulder. She hopped on top of it, then onto a tree branch, before jumping onto a log, doing a backflip while in the air, just to show off.
Midnight smirked. "Well just in case, you never know when you're distracted by me and you hit our head on a boulder, knocking you out cold." Midnight teased, watching Moon. "He clapped at her back flip, only to look over to see his scarf hanging from the tree branch they were on. "Hold on!"
Moon smirked. "I ain't gonna get distracted by you!" Moon said, sitting on the log. She noticed Midnight's scarf hanging from the tree branch, and started laughing. "How did your scarf end up up there?" Moon asked, laughing.
Midnight smirked. "Oh, so you're no going to get distracted by my beauty? Pffft, we'll see about that!" He teased, climbing up the tree. "Well if you don't remember, I was saving your life, and It probably got stuck up there when we fell, I dun't know.." He smiled, grabbing his scarf. "I still didn't get a thank you by the way!"
Moon rolled her eyes and smirked. "Nope, ain't gonna happen, Shiny!" Moon said playfully. "And thanks." Moon said. She watched him climb up the tree. "You know, I could've just used Psychic and levitated your scarf down here, right?" Moon said in amusement.
Midnight smirked. "We'll see." He smirked, jumping back down. "Bout time I got that Thank you, I only saved your life is all." Midnight smirked, sitting down on a stump. "And if you do know Psychic, you could've just used it to save yourself then!"
"I can't levitate myself or anything living, so I couldn't have saved myself using Psychic." Moon mumbled, slightly annoyed. She stretched out on the log she was on, laying there for a few moments before standing up and hopping off the log, before jumping over it.
Issac smiled. "Look, how bout you and me eat some berries,, and go to sleep to get this off your mind, yeah? And If Midnight asked=s, I'll take the blame, K?" Issac smiled
Midnight smirked. "Fine, Fine, you win this round then!" He smirked. He continued to watch Moon jump over logs. "Wait, what was your name again Sweet Cheeks?" Midnight asked Moon.

Issac smiled, watching her walk off. He smiled, collapsing next to Jewel. "I just want 5 minutes of sleep dang it..." He yawned.
After a bit of walking, Raven's ears twitched. "Hmm?" She looked around.
"Wait, what was your name again Sweet Cheeks?" She tilted her head. Midnight? Raven thought.
"My name is Moon." Moon answered. She then let out a small growl. "And don't call me sweet cheeks." Moon said, seeming annoyed. She jumped over another log, this time doing a backflip as she jumped over it.
Midnight smirked. "Well then It's nice to meet you, Moon. My name is Midnight." He smiled, stretching a bit. He smirked at Moon. "Fine, Fine, I'll you something else slightly annoying then~" He yawned.
"Midnight?" Raven walked out. "You called... a different pack member... 'Sweet Cheeks'..?" She sighed and turned around. "I'm going to find some prey, if I don't return before you get back, I'll probably be still hunting." She murmured, showing signs of recent sadness as she began to walk away.
"Midnight? Nice name." Moon said. She sat down on a log, seeming to be thinking. After awhile, she stood up, glancing at the lake. She watched a Magikarp jump out of the water, and then jump back in. She sighed.
Midnight didn't seem to notice Raven staring at the scarf around his neck. "Thank You. Moon isn't a bad name either." He smiled, turning to Moon, watching her sit down on the log next to him.
Raven growled. What is Midnight doing?! She thought, before, instead of hunting, running back to the Eclipse Pack camp. She walked into the den. "Okay. What the hell." She snarled.
"My name is actually Moonlight, though. I hate it since it sounds girly as heck to me, though... Not to mention people bullied me when I was younger because of my name, which is why I go by Moon." Moon said, wrapping her tail around herself.
Midnight yawned. "Well... I'm going, I don't know If I'll see you tomorrow or not, hopefully not, but maybe, anyways, bye." Midnight sighed, jumping down from the log, only to sto and turn around. "Well, I'm sorry to hear that... But Just to say, I think Moonlight is much better... Bye now." Midnight smiled before walking off.
Issac frowned. "I-I'm sorry, I crashed... That and this girl has incredibly soft fur, she's evil and we need to get rid of her before I get too attached!" Issac frowned. He stood up and sat next to Raven. "D-Did something happen?"
Moon nodded. "Bye." Moon said, watching Midnight walk off. She turned to a tree and stared at it for a few moments, before running at it and jumping at it, latching her claws into the bark, trying to climb it. She slid back down. "Really? That worked earlier!" Moon growled in annoyance.
Midnight soon made it to the den where he saw Issac and Raven. "Hello you two... Where is the Espeon?" Midnight asked, sitting down and eating a Pecha berry, starring at Raven and the asleep Issac.
"Next to Issac." She scoffed, narrowing her eyes at Midnight. "Midnight, why did you call that Lunar Pack member 'Sweet Cheeks'?" Raven asked.
Midnight frowned. "First of all, It was a meaningless joke, Raven, second of all we are Neutral, we're not trying to start wars, and third of all, we're you following me?" Midnight stared at Raven.