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Open All regions pokemon rp

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Previously Blake Star
Matthew walked down into the kitchen and boy was it huge. "This is amazing." he said. He took a look around and for what he assumed to be a pirate ship everything was really organized. The boy wanted to show his Pokemon the awesome kitchen as well but he quickly realized that they were all up on the deck still. "Oh man poor Croagunk I probably shouldn't have left him up there with the other two." he said, thinking about going back. "Nah I'm sure he's fine." he said, waving his hand.


Previously Sarah316
"Sounds like quite the character. In any event we shouldn't be too far from the trainer's school." Ashley said as the trio approached an all too failure building. Arriving at the entrance, Ashley turned to Dan and Rio and held her arms out presenting the building behind her.

"Welcome to the Route 1 Trainer's School." Ashley said with a smile.
"Excellent...although I thought a professor would be at a Pokemon Lab, not a school." Dan said having just had that thought run through his head. Rio meanwhile used his Aura detection sensing multiple subjects in that building. Probably a teacher, students and their Pokemon inside.
Dante followed Matthew down the stairs. "Like i told Emily, do not touch the kitchen supplies unless instructed to by my chef Clancy over there..... He's the one with the Castform." He said walking up to Clancy. "Why ahoy there old chap, I'd like to introduce one of the new mouths ye have to feed." He laughed slapping Clancy on the back.

Clancy stood up to shake Matthews hand. "Pleasure mate, my names Clancy and my job here is to stop your stomachs from growlin' and keep your mouths waterin' for more!" The husky man said with a large smile and grin. "This here is Celsius." He said pointing to the Castform. "You know, because its..... Nevermind." He said laughing once more.


Previously Sarah316
"Yeah, you'll find Kukui to be unlike your typical researcher." Ashley said with a smirk deciding to let the foreigner find out about Kukui himself. She then led Dan and Rio inside the building and arrived outside an all too familiar classroom.

"Wait out here, I'll talk to Professor Kukui to break the ice." Ashley said with a smile before entering the room. She saw Kukui, with his Rockruff on his desk giving a lecture to students. He paused the lecture as he noticed her before giving a big smile.

"Hey there Ashley what brings you back here so soon?" Kukui asked.

"Hi professor. Sorry for the interruption but I bumped into someone who is dying to meet you. Came all the way from Sinnoh." Ashley said which caused Kukui to break out a big grin.

"Wow that's pretty cool! Well what are you waiting for, bring this visitor in I'm sure the class wants to meet him to, right kids?" Kukui asked as his students answered with a roar of approval.

"Sure thing. Alright Dan you and Rio can come in!" Ashley yelled giving an all clear.
Emily continued to write. Wysteria latched herself to the leg of one of the crew members and started biting him. Emily nor Bandit noticed. "Hey where did Wysteria go?" Emily asked looking around. Bandit looked around too.
The man looked down at his wooden leg to see a cute little Vupix gnawing on it. "Awwww, and who are you cutie." The man said picking up the fire fox and looking it in the face.
Dan heard Ashley's call and walked into the classroom with Rio right behind him. When he saw Kukui, what he looked like was definitely a surprise. Young, tan, great body and practically shirtless. He was definitely a different kind of professor than Rowan.

"Can see why you like this guy." Dan said with a smirk to Ashley, unaware of the kids gawking at Rio who tried to pay them no mind.
Wysteria bit the guy on the nose before using ember. Bandit and Emily continued to look around from their seats. "Do you see her?" Emily asked. Bandit shook his head. He got up and started searching.
"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!" The man shouted as he ran around the deck trying to get the Vulpix off. "You rascal!" The other ship mates chased him around trying their best to help.


Previously Sarah316
"W-what's that supposed to me? Kukui's way too old!" Ashley said, a visible blush showing despite her denials. Kukui couldn't help but laugh at the scene before him.

"Don't worry Ashley, it's all friendly banter and in good spirit. In any event it's good to meet you Dan, welcome to Alola!" Kukui said with a smile. The students couldn't help but be amazed at seeing Dan's Lucario.

"Wow, a real Lucario." A boy said.

"It's so cool." A girl said.

"I WANT ONE!" Another boy yelled.
"Never mind I found her." Emily said getting up. Bandit tackled the guy knocking Wysteria off. She growled at him and bounced around. Emily picked up Wysteria holding her back.
Dante couldn't help but hear all the thumps and shouts coming from the upper deck. "What has the lass done now." He said putting his hand on his face. When he got there he saw the tackled man scrambling to get up. "That little rapscallion done bit me!" He whined. "Then it spit an Ember in my face and the dog tackled me!" He said throwing a fit. Dante looked at the man. "Oh man up you pansy...." He then glanced at Emily. "Wait......... did i hear you correct........... you said........ an............ Ember....." He began slowly looking around the ship and spotted a bit of charred wood by the port side of the ship. "Y-you're lucky that this whole thing didn't go down in flames. Two things is all i asked for, stay out of my quarters and don't use special fire type attacks. I'm being lenient with one of them and then you go and disobey the other." He said tapping his foot.
"I didn't tell her to do anything." Emily said. "She did it in her own." Bandit nodded agreeing with his trainer. Wysteria swatted the air trying to attack the crew member again. "Let's get one thing straight. I'm not one of your crew members or goons. I don't take orders I only listen to rules."
"Nice to meet you to, Professor Kukui." Dan said with a smile, then chuckled at the attention Rio was getting.

"How's it feel to be popular?" Dan said with a smirk to Rio, who glared back at him embarrassed by the attention.
"Now when did i give you and order to do something?" He asked. "It doesn't matter either way because now i am ordering you to out the Vulpix in its ball, its to unpredictable and dangerous." Dante was about to go back to the kitchen with Matthew and Clancy but turned around to say one last thing. "Oh, and as long as im your ferry service you are a part of my crew thank you very much. Also, do not ever call my crew 'goons' i consider my crew family, so don't push your luck or i might make one exception to that." He said before going down.


Previously Sarah316
"Anyway professor, Dan came here to ask you some VERY important questions." Ashley said with a fake cough to get everyone to focus back on why Dan had her take him here. Getting everyone to forget about Dan's earlier comment NOT a factor; not at all.

"Oh, and what does our visitor want to ask me? I'm all ears." Kukui answered curious and what reason Dan came to see him.
"Ashley's right professor. The reason I'm here is I want to know more about these Island Trials. I was told about them from a friend." Dan said.

One of the kids had gotten up to take a close look at Rio, who tried to avoid eye contact.
Name: Max
Personality: Calm, Quiet, Likes to Battle.
Appearance: (Trainer Card)
Pokémon: (Trainer Card)
Goal: To win the world Tournament Championships.
Backstory: Max got his first Pokémon Lucario when he was attacked by a Pokémon, he traveled Sinnoh obtaining all the badges and managing to get to the Sinnoh Champ. He did not win, though. After he lost Max felt he had lost a lot. Shortly after Max was invited to Alola, he now battles at the Battle tree and travels Alola battling trainers.


Previously Sarah316
"Ah the Island Challenge! I see, a young trainer like yourself is bound to be attracted to the Alola custom. The Island Challenge involves traveling to all the islands here in Alola and taking part in trials. Trials that are run by Island Kahunas and their Island Captains. All you need is to travel to each island and show the Island Captains and Kahunas this." Kukui explained as he picked up an Island Challenge amulet.

"How it works is once you show Island Captains this amulet, you must take part in a task they assign to you and then battle a Totem Pokemon." Kukui said.
"Come on Wysteria let's go." She said walking away. "Don't expect me to be any help." She put Wysteria back in her ball. Bandit walked away with Emily. She sat back down and started writing again.
"What's a Totem Pokemon?" Dan asked having never heard the term before. During this more kids got up to examine Rio up close, the Lucario almost blushing and unsure of what to do.
*Max was walking around Hau oli city* "This place sure is different from Sinnoh, that's for sure." *Max would continue walking down the Hau Oli streets, eventually making his way to the Shopping district*


Previously Sarah316
"A Totem Pokemon is a wild Pokemon that a Trial Captain has trained specifically for the Island Trial Challenge, right professor." Ashley said with a smirk deciding to interject.

"Correct. Once a trainer passes the Trial Captain's trial, defeats their Totem Pokemon and then defeats the Island Kahuna, they pass that island's trial and can move on to the next island." Kukui said finishing the explanation.
*It seems as if max was looking for Someone* "He isn't here either? Where could he be?" *Max was getting a little frustrated trying to find the person he was looking for* "Ugh, I hope this doesn't take too long, I hate wasting time."
*Max Couldn't fully remember the mans name, all he knew was that he said Woo! a lot* "Maybe he's on the Outskirts, well its worth a try."
*Walk walked to outskirts looking around spotting a house with any damages on a little beach* "Is that his House?"
"So, that's the Island Challenge? Fine, then Professor Kukui I would like to partake in the Island Challenge." Dan said as Rio, who got the kids to leave him alone, nodded in agreement.

"Do I have to register for it, like a Pokemon League?" Dan asked wondering how the process worked.


Previously Sarah316
"Ah, just that spirit is all one needs to compete in the trials! Also this amulet helps to." Kukui said handing the amulet to Dan.

"Well you're an official island challenger now, mind if I tag along?" I want to see what all the islands have to offer and your trials go hand in hand with that goal. So willing to stick with me a little longer?" Ashley asked her dream of traveling the islands being a perfect tag along with Dan's Island Trials.
"Thank you professor. And Ashley of course you can come with me, I wouldn't have gotten here without you." Dan answered as he warped the amulet around his right hand. Then a knock was heard in the classroom door getting everyone's attention.

"Ah another visitor. Students get back in your seats. Come in!" Kukui said to the unknown individual at the door.
*Max walked in* "Hi. I'm Max, if you don't know who I am, you may know me from the battle tree. It is a pleasure to meet you Kukui." *Max looked at the Students* "Oh you have students?"


Previously Sarah316
Ashley saw a young man walk into Kukui's classroom. She didn't know him personally, must have been a new addition, but she had heard of the Battle Tree and was surprised to see someone from it here. Dan and his Lucario Rio, along with Kukui students, were staring with confusion at the newcomer.

"Oh, your the young foreigner who recently was invited to the Battle Tree, if I'm not mistaken." Kukui said with a smile.
"Spot on Kukui. And I thought I could make a visit to Alola's Professor." *Max Lightly grinned* "And it is nice to see new trainer's embrace on a new journey. It reminds me of my first adventure in Sinnoh."
"Sinnoh, what are the odds? There's where I'm from!" Dan said with a smile excited to see another Sinnoh trainer here in Alola. Rio looked at the newcomer, the Lucario greeting him with indifferent stare.

"Uh, what's the Battle Tree?" Dan asked as he was curious. Kukui smiled.

"Why don't we let our new friend explain. I'm sure the Battle Tree's newest addition could give a better explanation than I could." Kukui said.


Previously Sarah316
"Yeah, I haven't heard the details either so I'm curious." Ashley said with a smile as all eyes seemed directed at the newcomer. Even Kukui's Rockruff had hopped off the desk and walked next to Kukui eyes locked on the Battle Tree representative.


Previously Sarah316
"Good outline. Any other details anyone in the class would like to fill in?" Kukui asked with a sudden quiz to his class. One female student in the back raised her hand.

"Yes Destiny?" Kukui asked.

"I heard that elite trainers from all around the world compete against each other. Like Red from Kanto."

"Is that true?" Ashley asked the newcomer shocked that such a legend would be here in Alola.
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