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Ask to Join Welcome Everyone, to Comet Trail High! (Superpower School)

He grinned wildly, and burst out of the way, shooting lasers in every direction so to stop the rocks and to make sure Ollie couldn’t dodge. He shot one big laser down the middle from both his hands, his hair being blown back by the energy.
"And....shoot." Ollie thought as he was hit by the laser, knocking him against a wall. " Ow.....ok, this means war! " Ollie thought, the blue aura that was surrounding him turning purple as he began to make Soul float, then started throwing him into the walls over and over.
( @Lillipup07 if you hit a wall that means you’d have to have gone off-stage, meaning you’re out. If you edit your post to fix that I’ll edit this one, but until then...)
“Oliver has hit the stadium wall! He is thereby out of bounds and now disqualified! With that, the winner is Soul!!” Freezeflame Yelled, and Soul pumped his fist. “Easy money!!!” He yelled.

Spirit clapped and and continued to watch with Tara behind him.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"Finally time huh?" Marcel said confidently in his actions as he was ready to fight. Porco nodded at his brother's response. "It is time for you to fight...unfortunately." Porco said as he was disappointed that it had to be a rematch between Tara. Alexis was ready to truely see the 4 tails in action. "You have got this Marcel!" Alexis told him with excitement in her voice. Porco nodded and knew that he would be rooting for Tara because Y'know relationships and stuff. Marcel prepared himself for his fight.
( I knew that, I was just having him go crazy again.)

Ollie grumbled, walking out of the arena. "That was hard....how was I supposed to beat him....?" He thought to himself, sitting to watch silently.
Soul walked back into the room to see Tara leaving to go to the arena and Spirit giving him a smirk. “What did you- no.” His face became crimson. “No you didn’t.” He said, getting impossibly red. Soul laughed and shrugged. “I hand nobody to stop me... and she’s the one that asked...” he said, smiling. Soul’s eyes widened and he walked out of the room, pulsing with embarrassment. “I’ll... I’ll... be in the... the bathroom...” he stuttered, and walked into the bathroom.
“Took it better than I expected!” Spirit said with a grin, shrugging.

Tara entered the hall into the arena. Another rematch...


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel also entered the hall to the Arena. Porco sensed that something was going to be different this time around. "Porco what's wrong?" Jean asked him as they were curious as to why Porco was silent after he did his New game performance. "I sense that this battle is going to be one of the most destructive battles in the bracket. Marcel...he............ten tails." Porco said as he drifted off after he said ten tails. Alexis was worried for one about Marcel's well being and as well for Tara's. "I feel like the ground would change." Porco continued as he knew how the battle would go halfway through but not the full fight. Because Y'know spoilers and stuff. Marcel was ready for his fight and knew that the crowd would be cheering his name for sure. As well as Tara's
(I was thinking that a quarter of the Audience says "Fox boy" and another quarter after one quarter says fox boy the other one could say directly after that "Marcel"
Tara would step foreward, hopping on one foot, then the other, stretching out before the match. “Here we go. Here we go.” She repeated to herself as she jumped and her ponytail bounced with it. Spirit went to the window. “GO TARA!!” He yelled out, pumping his fist three times as he yelled out to the stadium.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Well...that was short. Time for next match to start. Christian said as he started to spectate again. “So, Spirit. You said you’re were a Pokémon fan, right? Who would you think will be your starter in Sword and Shield? I’m obviously goin with Sobble for....reasons. Don’t take that the wrong way. I usually choose the water starter because of my power.” He looked over at Spirit and smiled.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel walked out and immediately people started to go. "FOX BOY! MARCEL!" Over and over. "So it begins." Marcel said as he was ready to fight. Porco got and shouted. "YOU HAVE GOT THIS TARA!!" However Alexis did the same thing but instead replaced Tara with Marcel. Immediately Marcel brushed away the side covering his white and soulless left eye. He looked at her directly and he was ready. "I hope you don't expect the same results you got last time. This time I will be the winner." Marcel told her confidently.
“Sorry, I don’t feel like loosing to a fox.” She said with a grin, and her legs lit up in orange and she used them to move at a barely comprehendible speed. “100 Percent... FOCUSED!!” Her arm lit up in red energy, the full extent of her power, and she threw her fist foreward.

“Oh, Sobble all the way!” Said Spirit with a massive grin. “The thing is adorable, and I need to protect it at all costs! Besides, it might become an electric type!!” He said with a grin.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"Heh." Marcel said as he dodged the punch and his chakra began to flow. Two long fox ears and two long tails I merged. "Two from the start? Not in the plan but it is whatever." Marcel said as he lunged at Tara grabbing her then throwing her up into the air and knocked her back into the arena. "Learn your place." Marcel said trying to sound like the black knight from Fire Emblem. But something was different in his forms....like he had secretly planned this. He began to charge two energy spheres. "Ten tails: Spheres of destruction!" Marcel said as he released his attack toward Tara. "Ten tails: rain of vengeance!" Marcel said afterward as a storm of hands came down and tried to attack Tara.
Her eyes turned blood red and her entire body crimson. “BERSERK!!!” She Yelled, And stomped the ground. A wave of energy shot out, and blew everything back. Her eyes, now seething with rage, looked at him. She burst at a speed that couldn’t be calculated with basic measures and punched once, sending a wave of energy, and another, hopefully to actually hit and do massive damage.

Spirit looked down upon the crowd. “Yeah! That’s how ya’ fight lil’ cuz!!” He yelled, pumping his fists more and more.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"Grr..." Marcel said as careful stopped himself. 'Looks like you will have to make me actually fight seriously now.' Marcel thought to himself. Porco's senses became shot and he knew what was going to happen. "4 tails inbound." Porco said as he knew what to expect from his brother. Alexis knew it was time as well and she kept shouting. "COME ON MARCEL I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!" She kept cheering for him. 'I know the only one who won't judge me for what I am about to do is Alexis.' Marcel thought to himself as he knew it was 4 tailception. Two more tails grew and it was time for his transformation.
Tara glared. So this was the transformation of 4 tails. “You look ugly in that form.” She said, her voice full of anger as... you know... Berserk. “Time to wreck you, bastard.” She added, and began dashing between randomized spots to avoid his attacks. She could land a 110% punch if she just got the timing right.

“Oh. That’s not kid-friendly.” Said Spirit, looking over the two’s combat. “Errrrr...” he looked down, hoping Tara’s plan would work due to Marcel being very rash at the moment.

Soul was crouched in the corner of the bathroom, his face massively red. “Damn it... why are all the bathrooms in this wing multi-gender...” he grimaced.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
4 tails looked at her with anguish in it's eyes. It had already calculated her movements and was ready for anything. It stood up preparing for a powerful attack. Porco looked over at Spirit. "Oy don't worry he does this all the time when he transforms unless he has to be quick about it then he'll do a quicker version of it." Porco explained to Spirit all about the Ten tails. 4 tails was ready to unleash a special attack. But it faked Tara out an instead 4 tails raised his arms and struck the ground. A powerful blast wave emerged for. It knocking anything that came toward it back. "ROOOAAARRGHH!" The 4 tails roared as he was ready for anything and if need it's secret technique.
(Also lol #luckystrike post 777 Lucky!! Me!!!)
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Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
It’s been a while since the fight started, ans Christian started to worry about Soul. “Hey, Spirit. I’m gonna be right back. Gonna check on Soul to see if he’s okay.” He said to Spirit as he started walking away and to the bathroom where Soul was hiding out. Christian opened the door, “Hey, Soul? Don’t worry it’s just me, Chris. You aight in there?”
She was knocked back, but wasn’t going down without a fight. “110 PERCENT!!” Her arm tuned Crimson, and she rushed at him with full speed and force, cutting through the wave. She was stopped by the energy that surrounded Marcel, and she pushed against it with all her might, her entire body surging with crimson energy and blue fire.

Spirit nodded. “He’s powerful. In many ways... He’s like Soul. He has power, but no control, and has unstable emotions. They’re both like cannons that choose when to shoot when they feel like it.” He said, looking at the battle.

Soul made a sort of “Pppppppbbbbbbtttttt” sound with his tongue. “Hey Chris’. I’d rather... not talk right now.” He said, looking down so his face couldn’t be seen.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"You fools!" A mysterious deep voice said telepathically. "Do you think that my host right here will be defeated by a girl with no control? Well....YOU ARE WRONG!!!" The voice began to say as lightning covered the area of 4 tails and a massive raindrop of darkness splashed on the 4 tails making it grow in power. Two of his tails turned to bone. As all of a sudden a skeleton of a fox began to attach to the body. A skull with sharp teeth covered the face of 4 tails. Bone feet planted on the ground. His tails went from 2 to 6 instantly. The skull opened it's jaw and it showed the face of 4 tails growling out pure hatred. "This is not all of it though." The voice commented afterwards. As all of a sudden pure chakra wings like angels grew out of it's back. "Finish this Marcel." Porco said as he was ready to move on to the next fight. "Now it is time of Judgement." Marcel said telepathically as he was ready to finish this.
She growled. If this didn’t finish him off, nothing would. Her eyes glowed with heat, and she reverted to 50% (or orange mode). She then looked up. “See ya.” She immediately bumped up to 150%, a massive explosion of energy occurring as she attempted an ultimate punch straight to the face. “TAKE THIS, MARCEL GALLIARD!!!!!!!” She Yelled, and shot her fist forward. This was Tara’s first true showing of her full power.

Spirit smiled. “Strike and swap technique. Slipping in and out of more intense berserk stages to make wind and strategize moves. Very clever Tara.” He said with a grin.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel was ready for this. Well 6 tails was ready a fully charged punch that would decide his fate in the bracket. "Ten tails finishing Blow!! ALMIGHTY BEAM!!!!" Marcel said telepathically at first releasing a skinny piercing beam but after that came the most devastating part. A massive laser shot out and did devastating damage. 6 tails let out a low demonic growl. "This is it!" Porco said as he stood up ready for anything. "Prepare yourself!" Alexis said as both were ready for anything. 6 tails was getting a charge punch ready. It was finally ready after 1 minute. "The true Final blow!!! Ten tails all in one.....STRIKE!!!" Marcel said telepathically as a swarm of hands followed him as well. They all came together and delivered a powerful punch after the beam had done it's part.
Tara was slammed back into the wall. “Damn... it...” She’s fainted, and the medics came and picked her up, taking her to the healing chamber.

“THE WINNER IS MARCEL, USING THE FULL POWER OF HIS ABILITIES!!” Freezeflame yelled, and the entire crowd cheered. “MARCEL! MARCEL!! MARCEL!!!” They all chanted.

Spirit snapped. “There we go.” He said, annoyed that Tara he’d gotten beat. “To have some much power... who the hell is that guy... I mean... he’s Jean’s brother but... something’s off.” He said, looking down at the 6-tailed Beast.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
6 tails jumped off the arena and before going back to normal Marcel to conserve power he let out one more roar for victory. He proceeded to stand and do the Goku black thing with his fingers as he turned back into normal Marcel. Then a sharp pain went through his left arm. "Grrr." Marcel said as he held his left arm and went back to sit with Porco and the others. "Hey is your arm alright?" Porco asked as he was worried about his brother. "Yeah...this always happens after I use that much power in one fight." Marcel said as Alexis ran over and basically tackled him and hugged him. "YOU. WERE. AWESOME!!!!! 6 TAILS MASTER RIGHT HERE!!!" Alexis screamed making a big deal about Marcel's victory. The same medic girl from he met on the first day came to check his arm but he kept shrugging it off as if it was nothing. "Believe me if it was truly broken I would be going with you but this always occurs after I use 6 tails." Marcel explained to her
Tara appeared I the doorway. “Soooooo, how's everyone doing? Where’s my favorite younger older cousin?” She said, and Spirit laughed. “In the bathroom, probably blushing like heck.” Spirit said, and Tara grinned. “No you did not!” She said with a grin.
“Oh yes I diddly did.”


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Look, Soul. It’s fine if you get embarrassed sometimes. Just let it all go and calm down. I think it’s my turn now, I don’t know. I’ll see you in a bit.” Christian said to Soul as he walked away. Before he went over to Spirit and the others, he walked over to a vending machine and bought four bottles of water for himself. He walked back to his friends, “So, who won?” He started chugging down one bottle at a time and made sure he drank all of them before his fight.
Maya shrugged.
“Don’t be sorry. It’s your power,” she murmured, a bit tentatively. “Just-“
She cut herself off, looking away from Nero as the screams of the crowd directed her attention elsewhere. Damn it, had she missed the whole fight..?
She stood up as Soul entered, standing up to congratulate him, but quickly falling short as the two brothers made eye contact. Spirit wore a victorious smirk, and Soul’s face fell in dismay. Her stomach twisted with guilt as she watched him flee to the nearest restroom to hide in shame. Realizing that she was up next, she turned around to take initiative.

A little note slipped underneath the crack of the door, sliding gracefully next to Soul’s foot.

She gulped nervously, twiddling her thumbs. Five guys, three girls. Everyone’s bets were on the guys, not that she could blame them. Naturally, they were stronger, faster.
i know you’re hiding because you’re embarrassed. trust me, i probably would be, too. but for now, im up next.
Christian specifically had an amazing control over his power, as well as a wide range of abilities.

i’d really like to have your support here, cause. lets be honest. he’s probably gonna wipe the floor with me. but i’ll put up a fight, i promise!
Muscles tense with nerves, she bounced between her feet, taking deep breaths.
we should talk afterwards, too. about, y’know. this.
Could she win against Christian..?
so please watch me.
She’d have to try.
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Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta watched the whole fight between Tara and Marcel, from a far of course. The fight showed 1 thing definitely: 'I know why I call him beast kid now'. On the other hand you had Tara who looked like she forced the limits on her body to break and unleash a gift of tremendous strength and speed. Besides not having a power Asta was in some much joy of seeing their powers at work and hoped to see more soon.
Tara grinned. “Well, I think it’s Maya and Chrissy up next... Erm...” she looked around. “Where is he by the way?” She asked, and Spirit shrugged. “Dunno, Maybe behind you coming in the door.” He said, and Tara just shrugged. “Oh, hey! Marcel and I were at an even match before he pulled that ultimate out of his a-.” She said, but cut herself off and grinned. “So I lost.”

Soul ran his fingers through his hair. “I...” he sat in there alone until a note was slid under the door. He read it, and sighed. “Just suck it up, Soul.” He said to himself, and went back into the room. He looked out the window, and watched the people in the crowd.

Nero gave a simple thumbs-up before she left. Then, he heard Freezeflame.
“MAYA! CHRISTIAN! Your match begins in 8 minutes. Please head to the arena!”


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Oh. Well I guess it’s my turn now. See ya.” Christian said as he started walking towards the arena. But before he did that, he went over to Maya to say something. “Hey, Maya? I just want to say...good luck out there. Okay?” He mumbled to her as he walked away and into the arena. As Christian walked in, he was bombarded with continuous cheering from the crowd as he walked over to his side of the arena. “There's my boy! You got this in the bag, Chrissy!” Jesie cheered and cheered until he got tired. Alright. I gotta strategize a plan here.....got it Christian thought to himself as he looked at the ground.
All too predictable. Aclava thought, she could figure the powerhouses would sweep their competition. Even the fireworks of flames and beams didn't catch her by surprise. Ironically Aclava thought the first two matches were boring. She hasn't however seen that much of a Christian or Maya's full capabilities. She assumed Christian would win but would be pleasantly surprised if it turned out differently. With some spare time, Aclava thought about refilling her bag. At the entrance of the waiting room, an unseeable trickle of tiny gnats slowly started to fill into her duffel bag and revert to seeds and grass clippings.
Prompted by Christian’s quick wish of good luck to her, Maya returned the comment with a gentle, somewhat worried smile.
“Same to you,” she murmured breathlessly, stepping onto the arena. She was met with wild cheering for both sides, and she wiped her palms, damp with nerves, on her shorts, still doing that nervous little bounce between her feet.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Maya! Thanks for joining me!” Christian said to her as she entered the arena. He added on, “I know you’re a girl and I was raised to learn not to hit a girl. So just forgive me if I hit you.” He straightened his hat and smiled. “How about this. Let’s play a game! If your HP drops to zero.....” He started to form Razor Bubbles in between his fingers on both of his hands. Christian had a very serious look on his face like he’s about to kill someone, “....YOU LOSE.” He then proceeded to JoJo pose to signal he’s ready to fight. As always. Typical typical Christian.
(Oof lemme Just repeat that)
Soul perked up. “Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. JEVIL QUOTES ARE MY THING!!! MAYA, KICK HIS BUTT FOR ME!!” Soul Yelled, pumping his fist out. Tara looked at him oddly. “Well... seems he’s back in business.” She said.

“Well, he does recover rather quickly.” He sighed, and saw he was clutching a piece of paper. “Soul, What’s on that?” He asked, but Soul just ignored him.
She brought a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. Even before a fight, Christian still joked, but also somehow made it seem intimidating...? That in itself was a talent on its own. Her knees were bent slightly, her eyes watching him warily.
She really didn’t want to initiate the fight; Maya played incredibly defensively, as everyone who’d ever seen her fight would know. Meanwhile her brain, already scattered with nerves, made a lousy excuse for a plan.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Oh? Playing defensively. I see. Well, that just makes my plan even better!” Christian shouted to Maya as he threw the Razor Bubbles. He then immediately stomped his foot on the ground. Suddenly, multiple stone pillars came out of the ground. He ran and jumped on top of them as they were sprouting out of the ground. “See if you can fight me now.” He sounded very intimidating.
Ducking and rolling onto the ground to dodge the bubbles, Maya quickly stood, the dust subsiding. She watched as he sprouted several massive stone pillars from the ground, smirking at the sight.
“You boys and your flashy powers,” she chuckled, shaking her head. The emerging of the pillars loosened up several stones, and she didn’t leave this unnoticed. Quickly bounding up the pillars, she followed him in hot pursuit, quickly bringing up a stone in front of him to stop him from continuing.
“Yeah! Show em’ your spirit, Maya!!” Soul Yelled out, hoping she would hear him among the massive amount of cheering and yelling. “YOU GOT THIS!!!” He yelled extra loud after that, determination in his eyes.

Spirit looked at Soul. “Jesus Christ he’s hyped.” He said, and Tara nodded. “I think he’s just got post-embarrasent adrenaline.” She said, and Spirit nodded. “I dunno if that’s a thing, but sure.” He said.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Christian stopped dead in his tracks as he turned around to Maya. “Good play, lass. Good play.” He said to her, squatting down on one of the pillars. He scratched the back of his head and jumped off the pillars, “But I guess it’s my time to go. See ya!” His fists were formed into bedrock as he smashed the pillars and reformed them into a big cube that surrounded Maya on all six sides.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
(800 prides bois!!)
Marcel went to to sit with soul and the others. "Hey soul. Our match I feel will be the most destructive match in the whole tournament." Marcel told him with excitement in his eyes. Porco knew that this wouldn't be a good thing at all. Alexis however was with Marcel and agreed that it would be the most destructive out of any other match. Marcel was ready for his match already and was so excited. "Look we both know we would root for Eachother to in in our round. However I see us as equals in strength." Marcel told him with a shine in his eyes. Porco knew that those two were in a league of their own in powers an strength. "I have no say in this conversation." Porco told Alexis as they both knew that they were in their own league.