• Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.

Open The Voscow region

The Voscow Region is a typically cold region. It's largest city is the city of Kuskow. Some of the other communities are; the town of Astragrad (Ast-rah-grad), the town of Kennin (Ken-in),Peskgrad Port (Pesk-grad), Daiahmeti (Di-ah-mi-ti), and Horg (horge).

Give a description of your character including the following;

Physical description:
Pokemon (Species, nickname if any, gender, ability, nature, and level)
Then you may begin with the rp.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
The first thing you should do is read the RP forum rules. You'll notice that as a thread starter, it falls to you to set the scene and establish the story and region for the rest of the RPers. This is PARTICULARLY relevant in an RP that takes place in a fan region that exists nowhere outside your head. What are other RPers meant to go on?

Second, you'll notice that posts in the RP forum MUST CONTAIN IN-CHARACTER RP CONTENT. This is not an acceptable way to start an RP thread - This is an interest generation thread, if anything. I've taken the liberty of moving this to the RP discussion board, where this sort of nonsense belongs. When you actually have something to start the thread with, that's when you start it. Not before that.