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Open The Run In

Kayla ran quickly with the Mimikyu wrapped tightly in her arms, "Jeez Rockruff! Please slow down!" She said as she chased her Rockruff which always refused to stay in the Poke ball. She wasn't watching where she was going and ran into another trainer with a loud huff she fell, but protected the mimikyu with her life still holding it. It making a small squeal noise jumping to the side of her making sure she was okay, she smiled over at it and sighed happily "I'm okay mimi." she says softly to the small Pokemon, after rubbing her head she looked up at the stranger. "Im so sorry, My Rockruff- you see- well- he started running and- " she stuttered looking up at the other for the first time.
All that Daniel had to say about the small dog pokemon ramming into his wheelchair was, "So that's what a rockruff is."

Daniel's lopunny had fortunately kept him from rolling off to the side, by holding his wheelchair in place. She was about to cry indignantly at the strange trainer and pokemon for hitting her master, but Daniel held his hand up, to keep her quiet.

"It's fine. It's like that with my mum's cinccino back home," he assured her.
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Kayla slowly stood with a grateful bow "He's really a pain in my but sometimes." she says softly and smiles at him then met eyes with the lopunny and she gasped "She's so beautiful ! " she says smiling happily then looked back at the trainer holding out her hand "Oh yes, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm kayla." she says happily (sorry if my replies are bad I just started, like literally about half an hour ago so I'm getting used to this new set up )
Lopunny chirruped contentedly, reaching over and placing one of her paws on Daniel's shoulder.

"The name's Daniel, the boy replied, "I'm a coordinator from the Unova region. You might have heard of my uncle, Alexander Diaz."

Alexander Diaz was a famous top coordinator, as well as Daniel's uncle, and idol. His houndoom was widely commended--And feared--For its ability to dazzle the audiences in the performanxe rounds, as well as smack the opposition into submission in battle. Despite not owning a y fire types like gis uncle, Daniel too longed to be top coordinator, and he'd come to Alola to do just that.
"Alexander Diaz... Oh Yes! Oh my gosh that's wonderful, you must have so much skill you take after!" She says, The Rockfuff planting a seat next to her legs, and she picked up the mimikyu "Well." she flashed him a look with a smirk, "I'm a coordinator also but, I've also only been in the Alola region, so I might not have the same experience as you but I'm sure we'll be competing against each other." she smiled widely, the mimikyu making a small noise as did the Ruffrock with the swishing of its tail.
"I look forward to seeing what you've got in the performance stage," Daniel replied with a smile, "I'm always looking to study new techniques. Though I've learned a lot from my uncle, I'm trying to develop my own battle style, and ways to perform."
"Well I'm sure the techniques you already created yourself are magnificent." she says with a giggly and smiles "Well, have you seen the town already? I could show you around ? " she says with a polite smile
Daniel gave her a sheepish grin. "I was actually trying to find my way into town before I met you, but I couldn't make heads or tails of the map, and Lopunny didn't know which way to push me in the end," he sighed, "So yeah, we'll go with you," he agreed, to which Lopunny cried out, placing her paws back on the handlebars of her master's wheelchair.
Kayla nodded with a wide smile "A few days before each competion starts I like to explore each new town I come into." she said with a smile looking at Lopunny "It's okay." she says softly to the Poker on who seemed to cry out , Kayla held up a poke ball and smiled at Rock ruff who was beamed inside "it's not that far away." she says happily and slowly begins to lead the way makin sire she took every step correctly "When you go into a competing do you focus more on skill or beauty?" she asks him softly creating conversation
"It depends what I'm trying to show off when I'm performing," he answered, "In my last contest, I used my Lopunny and Machoke, to show the contrast between fighting and normal type pokemon. Before that, I used my Honchkrow and Mightyena, simply because I thought that two dark type pokemon would look good together. You?"
"Well, I try to show a little both, but I guess mostly skill so the judges know that I know what I'm doing, but then you also want to add that beauty aspect in there also so it's eyecatching so most of the time I'll use my Sylveon and Pyroar since seeing those two you wouldn't think that anything fluent would become of them." she says softly with a smile glancing back at him and thought for a moment just staring at him what she did often when she thought . then a laugh came to her lips. "you do look a lot like your uncle." he mumbles out of no where and laughs a bit beginning to walk again soon coming out to a road right outside of town
Caught completely off-guard by that comment, Daniel's eyes widened, and his cheeks reddened a little. "It's my eyes, right? Mum always said that I had the exact same look in my eyes as him," the boy chuckled, casting his gaze to the road ahead.

Hau'oli City seemed rather out of place, in somewhere as quaint and as peaceful as Melemele Island. As the two approached the city, Daniel and Lopunny were both taken by surprise at the city's enormous skyscrapers, bustling shops, and the chatter and roars of the passing cars, which, when mingled with the crash of the waves on the beach, and the salty sea breeze, made for a very strange setting indeed...

"I was thinking of trying to find a place that serves... What are those things again? Saladas? Maladas?"
"malasadas!" she says happily and her eyes grew bright "my pokemon, well, and I both love them. theyre delicious!" she says happily "you can even take out your pokemon In the store and they can eat in there if theyd like." she says and giggles a bit, and begins to walk towards a little Shop walking in, the woman at the cash register offered a grateful smIle "Kay! it's been ages!" she said softly, and the elder woman walked over "oh is this a friend?" she asks softly with a smile at him and she nodded "We just met because rockruff ran into him, but I would consider us friends." she says softly with a smile and glanced back at him, The elder woman nodded "You two go into the other room I'll be right in with two batchest of malasadas! On the house!" she says and walks into the kitchen, she smiles brightly and walk's into the back room which was a large room, "that was my mom..." she says and chuckles just a bit letting mimikyu down to grab all of her poke balls
(This RP takes place in Alola)

"First day here, and I get free malasadas," Daniel remarked, "Not bad, I'd say."

The boy rummaged around in his bag as Lopunny parked him opposite his new companion, pulling out five more pokeballs. "Everyone, come on out! Malasadas on the house for everyone!"

Out came a Serperior, a Mightyena, a Plusle, a Machoke, and a shiny Honchkrow, whose wings sparkled a little as he perched on the edge of the small table. Plusle sat in her master's lap, nuzzling Daniel's stomach as the sweet scent of the fried treats hit her, taking the baby pokemon by surprise.
Kayla listened to him and smiled before she said "Come on out guys!"she said happily and the poem on all came out, a Sylveon who delicately landed on her feet, a cinccino, a pyroar, a Brionne, and finally the rockruff who barked happily at the sight of the human it seen before, and it ran over sniffing his hands and she sighed "Rock ruff, when will you start to listen." she said and she called it's name showing it one of the treats and it came running over running into her knocking her down and she smiled a bit rubbing her head before she fed the rest of her pokemon before she had gotten any, and she looked over and her eyes skimmed over all his poker on "Wow, they're really healthy! and so cute!" she adds smiling and her eyes came to the pulse smiling happy with a sigh
"I do my best to keep 'em fit," Daniel said cordially, as Lopunny pulled up a seat beside her master.

While all of his pokemon perched on the table, or sat on one of the malasada shop's chairs, Daniel decided to stay in his wheelchair, seeing as he didn't think there was any point in transitioning from a mobile chair to a stationary one.

He bit into a malasada in time with his Mightyena, and was pleasantly surprised by how fluffy the fried confection was on the inside. The sugar was already starting to stick to his lips, forcing him to lick it off between bites.

"These are pretty good," he chirruped, swallowing his bite, "They're kind of like doughnuts, but slightly crispier on the outside."
Kayla nodded in agreement and smiled "They are, I usually come here before a show because it calms the pokemon." she says softly to him, and looks back at the mimkyu, which had a dark hand reach under the cloth and pull the malasada in and began to eat and she giggled a bit. looking back at Daniel, "so where did you come from, it's unusual meeting a stranger I'm a forest." she says with a smile taking a seat but turned to face him while eating the malasada curiously
"I'm from Accumula Town, in the Unova region," the boy informed her, "Lived there for most of my life with my uncle, his boyfriend, and my mum."

He decided to spare this stranger the excruciating details of exactly why he and his mother lived with his uncle and his boyfriend instead of his father, and turned his focus back to what remained of his malasada. His mum didn't want any more children, and his dad wanted a big family, so he left her and had three replacement kids with another woman when the boy turned five.

"What about you?" He finally said, shoving the last bite into his mouth.
"Well this is my home." she pauses for a moment glancing back at her pokemon "I mean I've always wanted to travel, go region to region, competing against new people, I mean I do love it here but it can get tiresome, I don't know what's keeping me here honestly... but oh well.." she shrugs finishing up her treat and the mimikyu jumped in her lap and she held it close and sighed and looked at him with her thoughtful face once again "Oh hey do you have any where to stay tonight, back at my house there's an extra guest room." she says with a bright smile
"You should go to Kalos sometime," he offered, "Gorgeous place. I'm missing the pokepuffs you could buy there pretty bad."

He chuckled slightly as Plusle jumped up to his shoulders, nuzzling his cheek, "And well, I don't have much of a plan as to where I'm going to stay, so sure, I'll go with you."
She smiled and nodded happily "great." she says softly "so the competing are in two days, what do you plan to do here until then?" she asks softly watching her pokemon play with each other
"Well probably practice, and relax." she shrugs smiling "hey if you want we can start going over its getting late ." she says softly to him
Lopunny chirruped at the offer of retiring for the night, immediately standing to attention behind her master.

"I think Lopunny likes the sound of that," he said sheepishly, beaming his other pokemon back inside their pokeballs, "She doesn't like it when I stay up late. It's her job to look after me, and make sure I don't over-exert myself when I'm away from home, but she can be over protective at times."

The rabbit pokemon reversed Daniel, and then pushed him in the direction of the door, "You lead the way!"
Kayla walked through the door and smiled "Well she seems to be very loyal." she smiles happily and begins to walk, the moonlight hitting them and her eyes widened "Woah! it got pretty dark whIle we were in there." she says softly
Alola's night sky was quite the beautiful sight, in comparison to the one in Unova, which Daniel was used to seeing. It was remarkably clear, and each and every star shone with a bright white glow. Even the moon seemed brighter here; it was a sharp, fragile crescent, which looked as though it might break if anyone touched it.

"Looks like it did," Daniel agreed, as Lopunny pushed him to his companion's side, "I've never seen a more beautiful night sky before."
"No?" she asks softly glancing up and smiles glancing over athe him "I guess it is quite beautiful tonight, not a cloud in the sky."she says and looks down at him with a wiDE smile
"It's a welcome change from the cloudy one in my home region. You can't even see the stars most nights," Daniel said wistfully, leaning back in his chair.

"Lopunny..." His pokemon cried sternly, shunting the boy forward. If Daniel didn't get his medication, as well as some rest soon, he would probably have a flare-up. The journey to Alola had been tough enough on him...

Surprised by his Lopunny's jolt, Daniel craned his neck around to face Kayla. "I think Lopunny wants us to hurry up," he informed her, "She's starting to get restless!"
Kayla watched Daniel and his pokemon communicate with each other and she heard him speak before she nodded quickly "oh yes, I apologize." she says and begis to walk faster, coming up to a home where she opened the door, walking in and she showed him the guest room "If you need me I'll be in the room right next to yours just call or come and get me." she says with a bright smile opening the door for him
Lopunny wheeled him into the small room quickly, parking him right by the bed. Next, she took Daniel's bag from his lap, and rummaged through it until she had found a small bottle of powdery white pills, which she immediately passed to her master.

"Thanks for letting me stay with you tonight," he beamed, undoing the seatbelt from his wheelchair, "I really appreciate it, since I didn't have anywhere to go tonight."

And with that, he pushed himself upright and stepped out of the chair, before taking shaky steps over to the bed.
Kayla watched him and bowed softly "Of course, have a goodnight, maybe tomorrow we could even help each other train." she says with a small smile "Goodnight Daniel." she says softly to the other
"Same to you," he replied quietly, carefully sitting back down on the bed.

Lopunny gave him his bag back, and he got out all of his pokeballs, releasing the rest of his team as he pulled the covers up over himself. Serperior settled beneath his head, acting as the boy's pillow. Mightyena draped herself over his stomach, where she was met with a scratch on the head. Honchkrow nested at Daniel's feet, while Plusle lay in the crook of her master's arm, chirruping contentedly as Lopunny and Machoke snuggled up with her.

Daniel popped two pills out of the packet, and swallowed them quickly, stashing them back in his bag before he went to sleep...

When morning came, Daniel dressed himself in a hurry, before getting Lopunny to wheel him into the living room, so he could wait for Kayla.
Kayla woke up early the next morning,he heard someone go into the living room and she walked in from the kitchen still in her pj's of long baggy pants and an old long shirt and she yawned "Oh hey, I'm making breakfast."she says with a bright smile "you better be hungry." she hisse's in a playful tone, the mimikyu looked at him and walked over and stared up at him with a craned neck and made a noise
As if on cue, Daniel's stomach began to growl, as did the rest of his team's.

"I sure am," he chuckled, "And I think my team are too!"

Excited at the mere mention of food, Daniel's Honchkrow's eyes lit up, and he flew right over to Kayla, landing in front of her as he crowed, like a starving baby fletchling begging its mother for food.

"You might want to watch my Honchkrow around the food. He can be terribly," Daniel warned, shortly before noticing the mimikyu stood by him.

He observed the tiny creature curiously, somewhat caught off guard by its appearance. He'd heard the tale of mimikyu once before, but seeing it now in the flesh, he had to wonder if the old Alolan fairytale was really true; it was a pokemon whose true form was but an eldritch horror who cursed all who saw its true form, so it made itself a pikachu costume in the hopes that it would be loved.
Kayla smiled widely at the pokemon below her and smiled "Don't worry Honchkrow it's almost dome." she says softly and sighs a bit looking over at mimikyu "if you'd like me to, I'll move mimi, I know some guest don't like her very much." she says softly to the other
"Oh, n-no, it's fine," he assured her, "That whole mimikyu story is just an old wives' tale, isn't it?"

And with that, Daniel's attention turned towards the stove, as he decided to focus on his companion's cooking. Breakfast smelled pretty good, and after last night's malasadas, the boy was pretty eager to taste more Alolan foods, and he could be that Honchkrow was too. The big bird had already developed a taste for pokebeans...