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Open Star wars: the lost tale

He nodded and smiled "hey, you know, I can be a ally, just gimme some scrap from battles, I can make stuff from it, supply some stuff, I'll basically work for you" he said simply, looking around, still weary
"Hmm. I don't trust you well enough. Mind if i'd have you under suveillance?" Trevor said. He hoped the leader would understand. He was in a tough spot, leading a clone army. Some of them have had some trouble with pirates and bounty hunters. Trevor didn't know if these people fit in either of those categories. They seemed more like scavengers. But he still needed to consider his troops
"Hey sure, don't worry though, as long as I have scrap I can make stuff and sell it, it all works out my crews happy, your happy, I'm happy we're all happy!" He said with a chuckle "but in all seriousness, right now, you should get a better security and should have checked us imidiately, I would have been able to have one of my guys drop these soilders, just advice for next time you go up to a group of random people" he said with a bit of a smart ass tone in his voice
"If you'd kill us then you'd be hunted down by the rest of the clone army and be executed by law for murdering three clones and a jedi. If you somehow managed to escape the planet the republic would still know what your ships look like. And getting rid of them isn't very easy without being detected. So i'd advice strongly against that. I think my security is perfect" Trevor replied and motioned for them to follow him
The sounds of battle began to fade into the distance, and Cham stumbled into the clearing, carrying El'ia. However, it wasn't a clearing. The forest looked destroyed, with flaming droid parts and corpses of clones everywhere. There were a few small fires, and squads of clones were rushing towards the distant battle. Not far away, Cham could see what he assumed was a Jedi General talking to a humanoid wrapped in cloth and armor, most likely the leader of the group of pirates that had flown overhead. Grimacing, Cham began to carry El'ia towards the pair.
Trevor noticed the two Mirialans approaching. He assumed these were survivors from the crashed ship. He didn't see the clones that went to retrieve them before so he was quick to assume they were hostile. Then again, why would they come this way if they were hostile? He didn't know but decided to follow the saying "rather safe than sorry" and was on his guard. He waited for the pair to arrive
As Cham made his way to the Jedi General, he noticed that the Jedi was just watching him, not moving or anything. Couldn't he see that El'ia was wounded. Cham closed half the distance when he finally called out the Jedi.
"Well, are ya just gonna stand there, or help me?! My friend's been shot, for kark's sake!" Cham yelled, still walking towards the Jedi.
"If you wanted her to be healed you should've gone directly to the base. Why did you approach me first? Now, where's the troops that came to retrieve you?" Trevor said and raised one of his eyebrows, looking at Cham suspiciosly
"How would I know where the kriffing base is, my friend-" Cham closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then lay El'ia on the ground and dropped the blaster rifle. The blaster wound on her stomach was clearly visible. His arms were burning from carrying El'ia for so long. "Please. My friend needs medical assistance. After we crashed, your troopers came. But we were ambushed by a squad of battle droids. One of the clones didn't make it. I never learned his name. You have to help my friend!"
Trevor looked at the female. He couldn't ignore this cry for help.
"You help them get to the base. And send back Main with some more clones to watch over them" he said and pointed towards the scavengers
"Yes sir!" The clone who was assigned the duty as escort said and helped Cham carry El'ia towards the base
"Thank you, thank you so much." Cham said as a clone trooper helped carry El'ia to the base. Cham picked up El'ia's blaster rifle. "I should... Probably introduce myself. The name's Cham. Cham Entuwa. I'm a freelance blockade runner, under contract by your Republic to smuggle in supplies to planets under Separatist ruling. We were on our way to Dantooine, but we must've put in the wrong coordinates. The nav computer got knocked out too, so we didn't realize we weren't at Dantooine until it was too late. Where are is here, anyway?"
"Just doing my duty sir! This is Malastere. We've been trapped here for months. This was the first reinforcements the republic had been able to send us, sir!" The clone said.

Meanwhile, Trevor watched over the scavengers to make sure they didn't try something.

Fry and C-loo back at the battle were now pushing the enemy backwards. They did a great job leading the army
Later, at the Medical Wing of the Republic's base...

El'ia groaned and opened her eyes. She was lying on a bed, in a white room. The Mirialan tried to get up, but her stomach erupted in pain, and she lay back down. Where was she? A medical droid rolled up to her.
"Please, do not do that. Your wounds could reopen." The droid commented. El'ia let out another soft groan and looked back up at the ceiling. Then, looking to her left, El'ia noticed a clone trooper also lying in a bed, with a blaster wound.
"Um... Hello." El'ia said to the clone captain.
Jay looked over to the El'ia.
"Hi" he said and positioned himself back as he was. He was not in a mood for conversation. He hated being inside this dump. He was a fighter not some lazy sack of potatoes. But he was ordered to stay put until the medical droids told him it was safe to leave. And he couldn't ignore a direct order. That wasn't him. No, he followed every order he got and finished it. Some of his own troops critisiced him for it, saying he couldn't think for himself. They're wrong. If that were the case, then he wouldn't be a captain. He had found a balance between following every order and thinking for himself. That balance was a jedi knight named Trevor. With him, you didn't need to disobey some orders as they're all good. They're not perfect but they sufficed. And he could still think for himself. On the battlefield he always backed up the weak points without being ordered too. He can think for himself