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Which is cuter is cuter meowth or Persian

  • Meowth

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Persian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Now I have a poll here talking about which one is better Meowth or persian I think Persian is cuter or maybe Meowth well I can't deside so Can you Deside for me!?!?!?!?!

I'd have to say the majority of the publics opinions must be pretty skewed about Meowth because of that one darned rocket one. It's hard to picture a Meowth without an annoying accent now.

Despite that I still vote for meowth because of that "Go west young Meowth" episode and that cute "meow meow" talking.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I'm going to say Persian. As a Pokemon I love its design, it's a very nimble Pokemon to Role Play with, and in-game it can be a deadly opponent by times. Like Meangreen said, Meowth is probably the more popular of the two, but not counting the anime I like Persian a lot more.
well if u ask me id say skitty cuz well they always chase stuff and stuff

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So far meow!!!

Persian tied with meowth

Neither 1 vote

Meow!! Anouncement!!!

The polls aren't closing at all but have all votes in by....

August 10th!!!!!

And the winner will be declared!!!
That is all thank you!!!!

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
I, too, cast my vote for Persian.

Anime aside, Meowth has a WIIIIIIIIERD head design. Kinda disproportionate, if you ask me. Persian looks a lot more complete and less like a half-baked balloon-headed kitty. I like pantherlike creatures. ^^;

As for Skitty and Delcatty... I have issues with their lack of paws. But I don't compare them to Meowth and Persian. Persian has that wildcat look to it while Delcatty looks more like an elegant housecat, or a sphynx which hides its many mysteries behind its seemingly innocent face...

Now, if you bring'em together this is where it all comes apart. Trust me. I've drawn a Persian/Delcatty hybrid once. The result was freaky. xD

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member

How many times will I tell you people. When you vote for a poll, you DON'T have to state that you've voted for X or Y. We can see that. The question is WHY did you vote for X or Y.

Besides, this thread is dead and buried. Should stay that way if you ask me.

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