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Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

OOC: I just decided to try out a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rp, everyone is able to join in if they want to.


Sora was half unconscious in the middle of a forest, "Ow, my head, where am I?" Sora said, falling back into her fainted state.

Meanwhile in a town square there was a determined Shuppet floating to a designated area, while the Shuppet was floating by he heard other pokemon whispering as he passed by.

"Hey, isn't that Marcus's youngest brother, you know the one who keeps bragging that he's going to build a rescue team." a Ekans whispered to a Lombre

"Yeah, and yet he can't find one pokemon to join him, Marcus was right when he told us that he was a failure." the Lombre replied.

'Great they're talking about me again, I just wish that Marcus would stop spreading rumors about me, just because he evolved into a Banette first doesn't mean he can boss me around. Then again he is apart of a great rescue team, but I'm not going to let that get to me, I'm going to make a rescue team and outrank my brother!' The Shuppet thought, ignoring the comments and headed to the Rescue Team Registration Office to create a rescue team.

Once the Shuppet was there, he was greeted by the administrator of the Registration Office who was a Chatot, after being greeted by the admin, she had given him one look and gave him a disappointed look.

"Sorry, but you can's build a team with just one pokemon, come back when you've found someone who will make a team with you." Chatot told Eli, who looked like he was a defeated pokemon in battle.
"Fine, I will!" Shuppet yelled at the admin in frustration, going through the wall to exit the building and into the forest.

While the Shuppet was zooming through the forest, he had no idea where he was going and then all of a sudden he rammed into a tree and landed on a pokemon who happened to be knocked out under it.

"Hey! You okay, wake up, say something!" he yelled, shaking the other pokemon to wake her up.

"Huh? What's going on here, why are you...." Sora said, pausing realizing that she was talking to a Shuppet

'Wait a second pokemon can't talk, I must have hit my head harder than I thought.' Sora thought, rubbing her head until she noticed that she had paws for hands and feet.

"Holy crap, I'm a pokemon! How can that be I'm a human!" Sora exclaimed.

"You're no human, you just look like an ordinary Eevee." Shuppet told the freaked out Eevee. "Maybe you can find out what happened to you if you maybe I don't know join a rescue team with me?"

"Sure, I'll do anything to find out how I ended up being an Eevee, by the way the name's Sora what's your name?" Sora asked the Shuppet

"I'm..." the Shuppet was about to replied to Sora, until a group of Yanma flying towards him and stole an item from his bag and disappeared in the deeper part of the woods.

"Hey give me back my Gabite Scale!!" he yelled. "We have to go and get my Gabite Scale back, so what do you say Sora, teammates?"

"uhh, sure. Teammates." replied Sora.

OOC: if you join this rp, I'll need someone to play the Shuppet or you can be what ever pokemon you choose to be.
(Mr. Savem makes his appearance in the mystery dungeon world)

"Keep it up Chimmy, you just need to improve your accuracy" A tall pokémon in cloaked in robes of some sort commented, he could have passed for a human, but pointy ears were a massive giveaway.

"Ember!" Chimmy shouted, the Chimchar leapt in the air and sent out a collection of small flames that flew for a dead tree. However, it missed and set fire to a patch of grass. An Aipom that was sitting in a tree quickly threw some water from a crudely made clay bowl.

"Man, by the time one of your flames even touches that log, we would have emptied the oceans with this thing." the Aipom complained, he had a Texan accent that alone, could show that he was mocking the Chimchar.

"Leave him Tails. You weren't much better yourself with your swift attack four weeks ago." The hooded pokémon spoke in defense of Chimmy. His voice was rather raspy and gave away that he was a rather old pokémon

"Look you old dog, I know you're an expert rescuer. But according to your old teammates from Team Aura, you didn't set much of an example of yourself." Tails replied. The hooded pokémon sighed.

"I grew older, time can take its toll on personality," He explained, "You might be agreeing to the same things I say when you get older."

"Meh! I'm not interested in getting older and becoming a teacher, I'm just going to keep going and set an example of a rescue team member that way" Tails continued, and then began to extinguish some fire that Chimmy had just made.

"That maybe so, but I'm just giving an opinion. And let's not forget that Chimmy started training only last week." the pokémon said

"But I was making a whole lot more progress than him when I-" Tails started, then stopped. A buzzing could be heard in the Northern area of the forest, close by to the village. The hooded pokémon's ears twitched under his hood, he too had heard it. Chimmy stopped sending flames in random directions and stopped to try to hear what was happening. Tails broke the silence that descended upon the three, "Sounds like those little dragon-critters are on the move."

"That's odd, the Yanma usually remain by the ponds to the West" The hooded pokémon commented.

"Well we all know what happens next." Tails said, then used his tail to swing on the branch he was sitting on and flung himself towards the edge of the clearing the three were training in, "It's investigation time!" He concluded, and then ran off into the woods.

"Wait for me!" Chimmy squeaked, and then ran off after the purple monkey.

"Youngsters these days..." The hooded pokémon spoke, then ran off after the two primates, his blue pawed, feet barely touched the dirt as he caught up with the two in no time at all. The elderly Lucario believed that this would be a good opportunity to aid in Tails and Chimmy's training.

(P.S. Making Tails into an Aipom was not a request by Cody. It was my own decision and the anime was what inspired me. Well, maybe Cody gave me some inspiration...)
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(Thanks for joining the rp Brendan Savem)

When Sora and the Shuppet she soon found out that his name was Eli stopped at a clearing where the three other pokemon had been, Sora was using her Eevee nose to sniff out where the Yanma went to. Once she picked up the scent she and Eli ran forward, it took them an awfully long time to catch up with the three pokemon that had headed in the same direction as them, by the time Sora and Eli found the Yanma, they were flying over a small pond and saw three pokemon which was a Chimchar, Aipom, and a elderly Lucario wearing a robe of some sort. Eli obviously didn't notice the three pokemon, flew past them and yelled at the Yanma to give back his Gabite Scale.

"No way, this scale is ours now, you should've been gaurding your stuff more carefully." one of the Yanma told the ghost pokemon.

"Then we'll have to battle for the scale, Sora you with me?" Eli asked, determined to get his item back from the Yanma gang.

"Yeah!" Sora replied.

"Shadow Ball." Eli called out, aimed towards the Yanma and fires a small ball of dark energy but overshot the attack. "No! Not again."

The Shadow Ball ended up hitting the water behind the Yanma who were now laughing at Eli for overshooting his attack like that. Sora tried to remember what attacks Eevee can use and remembered that it can use Swift but didn't know if she could use it but decided to give it a try.

"Swift!" Sora shouted, but nothing happened.

"Supersonic attack!" the second Yanma shouted, sending supersonic towards Eli who now got confused.

"Eli!!" Sora exclaimed, and now starting to feel helpless.

'What do I do, I don't know what attack to use, I've never even faced a Yanma before. Someone, anyone I don't care please help me!!' Sora fearfully thought, forgetting about the three pokemon and began cowering in fear as the Yanma gang was about to send a Sonicboom attack towards Sora.


Former Moderator
OOC- Sora, nothing major, but give the grammar topic a quick read-through. No glaringly obvious faults, but bits and pieces irk me.

Otherwise, good start to RPing!
As the three ran, the buzzing grew louder and louder. Soon enough, they burst from the trees into a clearing with a small pond in the center, a dozen or so Yanma were swarming it. As soon as they reached the pond, a Shuppet and an Eevee came through the trees on the other side and began to demand a Gabite Scale from them.

"No way! This scale is ours now; you should have been guarding your stuff more carefully!" One of them boasted to the Shuppet.

"Then we'll just have to battle for it!" the Shuppet said, then whispered something to the Eevee. The Lucario knew that this Shuppet was Eli, the little brother of Marcus whom he had trained in the past. However, he did not know who the Eevee was.

"Shadow ball!" Eli called, starting an uneven battle. The shadow ball missed however, and only started up some laughs among the thieves.

"Swift!" Eevee called, but nothing happened. The Yanma then started to use their own attacks. Just before one attacked the Eevee with a sonicboom attack, Tails interrupted him.

"You know, if you want the scale so bad," Tails called from the furthest branch on the tree above his teammates, "You should try getting a doctor." Tails then leapt into the air directly above the pond, "Swift!" he called. He swung his tail heavily and released dozens of star shaped rays that went through most of the Yanma then dissipated in the waters below.

"Scratch attack!" Chimmy called, he ran to the pond and jumped, scratching at the closest Yanma to him. The Lucario stood back for a second and smiled, his students were getting some good battling in to use their skills to a better extent. However, there was still someone that needed assistance. He ran around the pond and stopped next to the Eevee.

"I see you haven't battled before, haven't you?" he commented, ready to teach the Eevee whatever he could in that one battle.
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OOC: Brendan just to let you know Eli is a boy not a girl

Sora looked at the human like pokemon known as Lucario, all Sora could do to reply to him was nod no, the Eevee was in a state of mental confusion because of the rapidly passing events that happened today. She tried to recollect her thoughts but no avail, Sora tried to figure out what to do but so many thoughts had flooded her mind and the one that kept appearing in her head was "If she was human, how did she become an Eevee". Sora wasn't paying attention to the Lucario anymore and had watched the Aipom and Chimchar battle the Yanma, she knew that Eevees can use Swift but she wondered why it didn't work for her, she tried to watch the Aipom to see if she could learn anything from him. By the time most of the Yanma were defeated Eli had snapped out of confusion and realized that he had caused himself some serious damage from being under the effects of the Supersonic attack and saw a Lucario next to Sora and almost attacked him until he recognized the Lucario.

'That Lucario, Marcus mentioned him to me one day, he said that before he started his rescue team he trained with Lucario, but why is Lucario talking to Sora, he doesn't seem to know her at all.' Eli realized, wondering why Marcus' teacher was talking to Sora.
(Thanks! *edits the previous post*)

When the Eevee shook her head, the Lucario tried to instruct her on how using moves like swift was done, "You don't just say it, you have to imagine the star rays to appear, and instinct will do the rest. And don't forget to use other moves like bite and- LOOK OUT!" he started to say, then quickly grabbed Eevee and dodged several large rocks that were flying towards them. The Lucario knew what had thrown the rocks, a Yanma must have successfully used ancientpower; and that would bring on the change. The two looked up in time to see a Yanma glow white then begin to grow, it sprouted a second pair of wings and its once flexible body grew hard and plated: the Yanma evolved into Yanmega.

Tails who was doing much of the battling against the Yanma stopped on a branch in front of the Yanmega. "Well look who has been over eating, were you eating your own kind?" Tails commented.

"There is no need to, you might prove to be a tasty snack," the Yanmega mocked,

"Nobody calls me a snack without becoming monkey food!" he shouted, and then leapt into the Yanmega, "Fury swipes!" he called; he rapidly began scratching at the Yanmega's body. However, the Yanmega felt nothing due to its hard exoskeleton.

"Bug buzz!" it spoke, then its four wings began to beat so fast, the sound blasted Tails back and he hit a tree next to the Lucario and Eevee.

"Man, I can't do very much when he's wearing that suit of armor!" Tails complained as he struggled to his feet. The Lucario saw Yanmega approach Chimmy on the other side of the pond.

"Try to take out the rest of the Yanma as soon as possible, leave Yanmega to me" the Lucario ordered Tails,

"Finally we're gonna see the old man in action!" Tails cheered, and then ran around the lake to assist Chimmy.

"I suggest you help Eli recover from his confusion then help Tails and Chimmy out. Don't get too close to Yanmega; the power of his wings beating is extremely unpredictable" Lucario told the Eevee. Then without waiting for a reply, he broke off a chain around his neck that held his robes in place, they fell to the floor and exposed his full body, ready to fight the new threat.

He put his palms together then focused his aura, "Bone rush!" he shouted, he separated his hands and a thin strip of aura appeared between them. When he brought his hands to be about half of his arm-span wide, he grabbed the aura strip and the ends took the shape of a long bone. He leapt high into the air so he was above Yanmega, "Peek-a-boo!" he announced, and then slammed Yanmega in the small of the back with the side of the bone. Lucario may have many years worth of experience in this sort of thing; there was still the chance that old age would get the better of him.

(hope you don't mind me making this twist in the battle)
Harmony the Espeon and Curious the Umbreon walked into Pokemon Square (?). They were the legendary Team Eclipse. They'd been almost everywhere and seen almost every pokemon. "Hey! What's going on over there?" Curious asked, nudging Harmony. "Huh?" The Espeon asked, looking over at the battle to her left. "Let's go watch. We don't have any missions to do today." The dark-type pokemon said, padding towards them. "Okay." Espeon followed Umbreon.
(Just so you know, we're in the woods. But welcome aboard! :))

As soon as he slammed the bone into Yanmega, he jumped off and landed on the side of the pond ready to strike again.

"Well, well. You seem quite active for an old man Aurax" the Yanmega commented,

"An old man has to have a hobby. This is better than collecting scales. Isn't that what you're up to right now?" Aurax asked, a little bit glad that he was called by his name every now and then

"These scales have been quite pricey these days, it's much easier to steal them from kids rather than negotiate with Gabite" Yanmega answered, then attacked "Steel wing!" Yanmega's four wings began to glow as he hurled himself at the blue dog. Aurax responded by jumping to the side then sticking his bone in the way. It did some damage, but the bone faded away from the impact.

"You can't possibly think that a single bone could break my bones so easily," Yanmega mocked, indicating his exoskeleton

"That may be true, but let's not forget you only had it for two minutes. Most of these moves I have are probably older than you are. Metal Claw!" Aurax countered, he curled his fists up and three claws on each hand appeared and glowed as Yanmega's wings did before. He began to scratch at Yanmega with them, Yanmega tried to counter by using his tail to block. Suddenly, Aurax's aura senses began to tingle, someone else was approaching. This provided Yanmega with an opening to hit Aurax with a sonicboom. Aurax flew into a tree and got up a second later. He looked around and saw an Espeon and an Umbreon approach. Aurax recognized them as Harmony and Curious of Team Eclipse; the main rescue team on the block. Aurax knew that this meant that the Yanma mob should be turning tails and running if they knew what was good for them. He ran over to them to explain what was happening.

"It's been a while. How have the Crystal Caves rescues played out?" he asked the two eons when he approached. "Anyway, it seems that these Yanma have been trying to steal a Gabite Scale, you don't happen to have the time to help out, eh?
(Lol Didn't notice. Thanks!)

Curious smiled. "Hi Aurax. The crystal caves mission worked out fine, we were able to stop Grovyle, thank goodness. We're not doing anything at the moment, and I've been itching for a good battle. What do you think Harmony?" He asked, turning to the Espeon.

Harmony nodded. "We'd love to help."

The two walked over to the Yanmega. They looked at each other and nodded. Curious and Harmony touched their tails together and pink-and-black energy began to form where the tail tips met. Suddenly, the two split and the bursts of energy flew towards the Yanmega. "Psychic!" Harmony yelled. "Dark pulse." Curious said.
Yanmega just stayed where he was at thinking that his hard exosceleton would take the impact and leave him unharmed but he was wrong right when he got hit and injured by the eon's combined attacks.

'This isn't possible, I just evolved, my armor shouldn't be this weak!' Yanmega angrily thought, using Bug Buzz once more.

While Aurax, Harmony, and Curious were fighting off Yanmega, Sora wanted to help them out but she remembered that Aurax wanted her to help Tails and Chimmy so she called Eli to help her out too. Since Eli snapped out of his confusion he quickly ate a Oran Berry to replenish his strength, then used Shadow Sneak on the Yanmega, Tails used Swift, and Chimmy used Ember on Yanmega. Sora wanted to use Agility and then use bite but she wasn't sure how exactly to use them, but she remembered what Aurax had told her about imagining the attacks and instinct would do the rest. Sora then imagined herself going really fast and biting her opponent and with that Sora sprung into action and let her Eevee instincts guide her.

"Agility!" Sora called out, running towards Yanmega and jumped off the edge of the pond towards Yanmega. "Bite!" Sora once again called out her attack and then bit at one of Yanmega's wings and held on tight.

"Hey you let go of my wing!!!" Yanmega shouted, vigorously flapping his wings to shake Sora off but no luck and then resorted to ramming his body into trees.

While Sora was hanging onto Yanmega's wing, taking all the hits that he put on Sora, Eli tried to help but he was afraid to hit Sora if he attacked Yanmega, Chimmy tried to use one of his fire attacks but when the attack almost got Yanmega, he dodged at last second and grazed Sora's fur. Sora whimpered in pain, but that didn't stop her from hanging on to Yanmega, Sora then tried to use Bite again when she got the chance and when she did, she had bit Yanmega's other wing. Tails and Chimmy were thinking that Sora was insane for trying a stunt like that and they seen that Sora was taking quite the beating from Yanmega and knew that a few more hits like that Sora would be finished.

'I don't know how much more I can take of this, I have to let go now! Sora thought, letting go of Yanmega's wing and fell in the water.

"Sora!" Eli rapidly flew over to Sora and tried to get her out of the water but was hit by Yanmega's Sonicboom.

"This little pest isn't going to make a fool out of me. Night Slash!" Yanmega called out, sending dark rays towards Sora, but the attack didn't hit the intended target because of Curious' Dark Pulse.
Aurax stood back and watched the Eevee take on Yanmega. It was a bold move for an Eevee, but Aurax felt that the Eevee could take it. There was still something familiar about the Eevee, sort of. Nevertheless, when Yanmega began to use night slash, he knew that he would have to act fast to prevent serious harm. He instinctively jumped in the way only a meter from Yanmega and launched his signature move,

"Aura sphere!" he called, charging up a blue orb between his hands. He threw the orb at the oncoming rays and it collided, it pushed the rays back towards Yanmega for a second, and then exploded. Yanmega and Aurax were engulfed in the explosion and both flew out a second later. Aurax rolled a bit then stopped on his feet, Yanmega on the other hand landed on his back. Aurax looked around and saw that the Yanma have fled and left Yanmega behind. Aurax now had the opportunity to focus on the point of the battle; retrieving the Gabite scale. Knowing that a part of a creature would still emit an aura, he closed his eyes and let his aura senses direct him the scale. He was then able to spot the scale at the bottom of the pond. He then opened his eyes to see if Yanmega was to try anything that might complicate things.

(and happy b-day Sora)
Curious and Harmony quickly dodged the Bug Buzz and sprung back into action. Curious began storing power, and the rings around his ears, tail, and paws began to glow. Harmony stepped infront of Curious and began puppy gaurding, no one could attack Curious or his move would fail. 3, 2, 1 Harmony counted down in her head. Right at the last moment, She leaped out of the way and Curious unleashed a huge Hyper Beam aimed straight at Yanmega. Hanmony joined in with Psybeam. The swirling beam of blinding energy sped at Yanmega, picking up power every inch it went.

Curious stood, watching, panting. Harmony rummaged through the tool box and found an Oran berry and fed it to him. The Dark type Eeveelution (sp?) gulped it down in one bite.
Since the Yanmega didn't move an inch after the explosion of the collision of their attacks Aurax assumed that Yanmega had fainted, Sora managed to swim back to the shore with her remaining strength she had left from being pounded into trees by the evolved dragonfly pokemon. By the time she got onto the shore Eli shoved an Oran Berry in the Eevee's mouth, as Sora chewed the berry she felt her strength being replenished and right when Sora swallowed the berry Eli yelled at Sora for making such a reckless and life-threatening move like that. Sora only ignored the first part of Eli's lecture about recklessness, and her attention adverted to Aurax who had jumped in the lake for a few minutes and came back out with Eli's Gabite Scale.

"Eli, I believe this is your Gabite Scale." the Lucario said, giving the ghost pokemon his scale back.

"Thanks Aurax," Eli thanked the Lucario, and then floated to Sora and started heading out of the forest.

Right when Sora and Eli were just about to get out of sight, Sora remembered that she had forgotten to thank Aurax for teaching her how to use her attacks properly.

"Aurax, thank you for teaching me how to battle, it was great...except the parts where I kept getting hurt, even though it was my own fault. But either way thanks." Sora gratefully said to Aurax, and began to catch up with Eli to head back to the Pokemon Town Square.
"Anytime" Aurax answered, then walked over to where he left his robes and put them back on, attaching the chain around his neck that held them in place.

"YEAH! Now that's what I'm talking about gramps! I feel reminded on why I still listen to ya!" Tails called from a nearby tree. He jumped down and began to run up to his teacher, Chimmy who was in the same tree as Tails appeared in view.

"Most of the Yanma got away from us thanks to Yanmega. However, excluding him, we managed to keep two others" the Chimchar explained, hauling down two Yanma who were fainted in the tree, then began to drag them over to Yanmega. Aurax took out a rescue badge and flipped it over to show a switch, he pressed it then pocketed the badge in his robe.

"The magnet police should be here in a few minutes, these three dragonflies shouldn't be able to do anything until then" Aurax explained.

"I bet these guys are gonna be begging to be sent to jail after what we did to them!" Tails exclaimed, and then paused, as if expecting something to happen.
"Master, shouldn't you be shooting down my comment with your 'wisdom' by now?" Tails asked, there was another pause "It's that Eevee isn't it?"

"She doesn't seem to be from around this area, she might be one of the tribal pokémon in the Eastern lands. But males from that place hardly ever come over here, let alone females." Chimmy suggested, then sighed, indicating that he didn't really know.

"There's something that concerns me," Aurax finally said, then paused. "But it would be wise to leave it alone for the time being... for everyone's sake," Aurax said nothing more.
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Team Eclipse padded over to Aurax. "Thanks for letting us help." Harmony said. "It was a real... Blast!" Curious laughed. Harmony turned around and began scolding the Dark eon, and Curious was bowing his head. Harmony turned back to the Lucario. "Sorry about him. He gets all of the strong moves and is so full of himself!" Curious smiled than went back to being serious. "If you need help Training that Eevee, just call us. We were both Eevees at one time. She seems like a fighter."
"Should Master teach Eli and the Eevee further, then you would be the first we would call" Chimmy answered for Aurax. A minute later, three Magnemite appeared from the forest, one of them had a magnet symbol painted on its forehead.

"Sounds like the youngsters are getting better for you to be calling in an arrest Aurax," it said, it appeared to be the elite officer of the three.

"We just happened to be passing by and decided to help; Team Eclipse also came by and helped out a great deal. And the 'clients' still had some decent battling skill and used it to great effect." Aurax explained, overcoming the silence that befell him a minute before.

"Great, so what have we got here?" the Magnemite asked as his partners took up positions around the three dragonfly-pokémon.

"Three Yanma: one of them evolved in battle. All three were part of a hit-and-run on a Gabite Scale. The rest of them got away but the scale was recovered" Aurax explained

"Then we should be able to take care of the rest, you lot are free to return to town, it's getting late anyway. The Sherriff might fix you up with a reward later" the Magnemite said, Aurax looked in the sky and saw that the Magemite was right. The sky was no longer occupied by the sun, but by an orange color. Aurax then looked down to see the Magnemite in action.

"Reflect" all three of them droned, they then formed a prism around Yanmega and the Yanma just when they were waking up. All three of them knew exactly what was going on when they saw the bluish barriers enclosing them. The Magnemite then began to move sideways, taking the 'prism' and its captives with them to the town. They got through the tree line by taking the trees in the barrier when they had to. The captives however had to dodge the trees, quite a struggle for Yanmega.

Aurax then turned to his students, "We should be heading back to town, the two of you deserve a well earned rest" Aurax told them, he then turned to Harmony and Curious, "Like Chimmy said, you would be the first to know if I am to start teaching the Eevee and Eli at some point." Aurax told them. He then turned around and began to follow his two monkey students back towards the town, slightly indicating that the two eons should also be coming back to the town.
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Team Eclipse nodded and went back to the base. It was half purple half black, with the team's seal on it-- A Crescent moon with a small sun sitting in its bend. There wasn't much to do, except check out the job listings. (I'm going off of Blue and Red Rescue too, if that's okay...)
OOC: It's okay Shroomish-chan and Saluno, since Sora has nowhere to go she's going to stay with Eli at his second home that he is making to become his team base when he and Sora become a rescue team


When Sora and Eli made it back to the town they noticed that some of the pokemon were looking at Sora strange because no Eevees were hardly ever seen in the Town Square before, then all of a sudden both pokemon noticed a group of dark/ghost pokemon heading their way. The group was known as Team Darkness, it's members were Dan the Mismagius, Julia the Honchkrow and last was Eli's older brother Marcus the Banette. When Eli saw his brother's rescue team he tried to get Sora to move elsewhere but Marcus had already spotted his youngest brother.

"Eli, is that you," Marcus said, vanished and re-appeared closer to Eli, "It really is you, so have you started a rescue team like you said you would?" Marcus asked, already knowing the answer to his own question.

"No, but I'm applying for a rescue team today!" Eli told off his brother.

"And I'm guessing that this little pipsqueak is going to be your partner?" Marcus asked once more, and noticed the Eevee staring wide-eyed at him. "What are you looking at?"

Sora remained quiet not knowing what to say to the pokemon, she was still having a difficult time getting the fact that she's in a world where pokemon talk, she noticed that Marcus and his friends were becoming irritated that Sora won't reply. Eli had rapidly told them that Sora is new to the area and had never seen a Banette before, Marcus was first suspicious but his thoughts changed when the Eevee was circling him and the rest of his team.

"So Eli, you should get to the Registry Office before nightfall if you want to make your team." Julia told Eli, not knowing that his brother had something in mind.

"You're thinking of something aren't you Marcus?" Dan whispered to Marcus who had a sinister look in his eyes.

'Uh oh, I know that look anywhere, Marcus is going to make it a challenge for me and Sora to get to the office before nightfall.' Eli was thinking, noticed the look in his brother's eye.

Then right when Eli and Sora were going to head off to the Registery Office, Marcus had used Shadow Ball infront of the two pokemon's path. At that time Eli had yelled run to Sora and dashed off straight ahead, Marcus and Dan were throwing random attacks at the Shuppet and Eevee while Julia was perched on the room of the Office awaiting for the two pokemon. Just when the sun was about to disappear from sight Eli and Sora had to dive into the building thinking that Julia was going to stop them and when they dove in they had tackled Chatot the Admin on the way in.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Chatot exclaimed, trying to get up off the ground but had Sora and Eli on him.

"Brother...chasing...ran...all...the way here." Eli and Sora panted and was completely out of breath.

"Ohh Marcus again, well you've made it just in time Eli, I see you have a partner who is willing to be part of a rescue team with you, so now if you'll come with me I'll give you some forms that you and your partnew have to fill out." Chatot said, going into his office and coming back out with many papers.

'Forms!? Marcus failed to mention that I have to fill out forms to apply as a rescue team. Oh well that's a typical Marcus for ya.' Eli was thinking, as he took the forms and set them down on a desk and began to fill some information out.

As Eli kept filling out the forms he became stumped on what the team name should be, Sora looked at the question Eli was stuck on and suggested that their team name could be Team Shadow, the Shuppet thought for a few seconds and decided that would be their team name since the name Darkness was taken by his brother. When Sora had to fill out information on herself, she had an extremely hard time because she was a human but had no memories of being one so she had to have Eli's help. After all the forms were completed, Chatot was looking over them and told the two that since the name Shadow wasn't taken by anyone it was theirs to have and said that their badges would come in the mail tomorrow. Eli was excited that he had finally made his own rescue team, Sora on the other hand was wondering why it was such a big deal but thought what the hey at least it makes Eli happy but a problem struck Sora's thought. That peticular thought was where was she going to stay, she obviously didn't have a home in the Pokemon Town Square, Sora was about to ask Eli where she was going to stay until he somehow grabbed her and flew off to a base that was in good condition, it was dark purple with light tints of navy blue, Eli told Sora that they were going to stay here from now on.

"Well Sora hope you like it here, this is my second home, I've already had this base prepared if I had started a rescue team, and since we are one now, this base is all ours. It may not be as fancy as Marcus' base but it's better than nothing, anyway let's get to sleep we have a big day tomorrow." Eli yawned, floating upstairs to a room which he had prepared to sleep in.

"Night Eli." Sora said to the ghost pokemon before she looked for a place to sleep, then found a pile of leaves and slept on them, waiting for the new day to arrive.
OOC: Saluno. Please read every post before replying to a RP. This avoids confusion and unnecessary OOC tags.

Shroomish-chan, posting more that a couple of lines is nice. Very nice, actually. It's preferred that you have a decent sized post every time. Say about 10 lines or so at least. If you go into any other RP here, their post size is always more than a couple of lines (Unless the server move ate them).
Aurax followed Chimmy and Tails all the way back to the 'rescue base'. It was actually more of a training school however, as the extra large base was occupied by two other 'education' rescue teams. One of them was made of a Caterpie and a Turtwig taught by a Togetic, and the other was made up of a Ralts and a Duskull taught by a Manetric. The base itself was in the shape of a rescue badge with a pokéball emblem on the arch that made up the door; this was the symbol of a training school.

"Well you two, you might as well get some shut-eye, I have something to discuss with the others." Aurax told his students.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite, although they would probably think you're too crunchy" Tails commented, then went upstairs to the room the students occupied as a bedroom. Aurax went over to a table where the other two teachers were discussing the latest developments, both in training and generally.

"I heard that Team Eclipse successfully caught Grovyle in Crystal Caves," Togetic said,

"That is quite surprising; Grovyle has evaded capture in several regions for the last month." Manetric commented. Apart from the candle on the table, his fur provided light for the room

"Well it happened, I ran into Team Eclipse today and found out that the mission was a success" Aurax told Manetric as he took a seat around the large table.

"Really? I haven't even seen Team Eclipse since they took off after Grovyle," Manetric asked in surprise.

"Well, I was training Tails and Chimmy in the forest when..." Aurax told them the whole story of the day. (I'm not putting it in, as it would take too long)

"Interesting story. And it sounds like Eli found a partner to form a rescue team with" Togetic commented,

"But I don't understand why it happens to be an Eevee, they usually evolve by the time they arrive in town" Manetric said, reminding Aurax of what he was concerned about earlier that day,

"Is something wrong, Aurax?" Togetic asked, bringing out her care-for-everyone personality.

"The event has given me a sense of déjà vu" Aurax explained, "It very much reminds me of how my rescue days started,"

"You told us that story, the one where you met a pokémon in the forest and formed a rescue team?" Togetic said, Aurax nodded,

"But Spencer was a..." Manetric started to say, and then the truth dawned on him, "You're not saying that-"

"I fear that is the case" Aurax spoke,

"You're not saying that we're going to have a repeat of what happened. That was pure chaos!" Togetic exclaimed, suddenly seeing the point Aurax was trying to make.

"That might be the case." Aurax informed, "And if our suspicions are correct, then nobody else can find out, no matter what. If that does happen, then..." there was a long pause. "Then Eli and his new friend will be in grave danger. A danger that one of them might never make it out of alive." The candle then extinguished in a puff of light smoke.
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As the morning sun rose Sora was starting to wake up and when she had fully awoken she saw Eli carrying a package in from outside, the Eevee saw a excited expression on the Shuppet's face and seeing that told her that something from the Rescue Team Registry Office sent something. Sora got up, stretched out, and walked over to Eli who had already opened the package, pulling out two pokeball shaped badges with wings, a bag with items in it, and a letter of acceptance. While Eli was reading the letter, Sora took her badge and just examined it, then while Sora was busy examining her badge Eli took his and attached it onto a black bandana which he tied around his neck, he then took Sora's and doing the same thing with her badge. The Eevee didn't know how to react so she didn't say a word until she wanted to know what a rescue team does.

"Well Sora, a rescue team basically helps other pokemon in need of help, there's also jobs of capturing outlaws, escorting others to another pokemon in a mystery dungeon, and deliver items for rewards." Eli named off the basics to Sora. "Also if we successfully complete missions we may get higher ranks for our rescue team."

"Wow I didn't know there was that much for a rescue team to do, what would happen if one of us were to be beat in a battle with another pokemon?" Sora asked.

"We would get sent back here, losing half or all of our items and all of our money." Eli said to Sora, rummaging through the bag to see what was there.

Sora peeked over Eli's shoulder to see what was in the bag and saw a few Oran Berries, one Reviver Seed, a Joy Ribbon, a Power Band, one Pecha Berry, three apples and a couple of various Wonder Orbs. Sora only knew what the Oran and the Pecha berry did but the other items to her was a mystery, then all of a sudden Eli snatched the ribbon Sora was wearing and replaced it with the Joy Ribbon and placed it back on her neck.

"You'll be needing that Sora, that Joy Ribbon lets you gain five experience points for every time you get it in battle, this Power Band increased attack power, a Reviver Seed restores all health if either one of us faints in battle, and lastly these Wonder Orbs have numerous abilities like this Escape Orb, it allows us to escape a dungeon if it gets too tough for us. This orb is a Hurl Orb, it's ability is that it can be tossed at an enemy and cause damage unless the pokemon catches it, and lastly my all time favorite is the Radar orb which displays the enemy's location on the floor, and like all orbs they can only be used once." Eli explained, putting all the items back in the Treasure Bag.

"Where can you get those orbs, seeds and all those other items?" Sora asked, wanting to know that kind of information.

"They're able to be found in the dungeons we go into for rescue missions, they can be bought from the Kecleon Market, or recieved as rewards. I've already got a few items stashed in Kangaskan Storage that I got from Marcus when he came home to boast about his recent successful mission, also if you want to store money away for safe keeping no one keeps money safe like Duskull Bank." Eli informed Sora once more, recalling all the information he knew from his brother Marcus.

'Thank goodness I remembered everything Marcus had told me about being a rescue team, the consequences of failing a mission, and the best places to go to store and buy items.' Eli thought, then suddered at the fact that he was thanking his brother because they sometimes don't see eye to eye.

Tired of being in the base Sora walked outside to get some fresh air and noticed a lot of Wingull and Pelipper flying in the sky above, she was some-what happy to see a view like this but she still wondered how she became a pokemon, before Sora was going to walk elsewhere Eli came out and said that they needed to check out the post boards in town for a starter mission. Sora agreed with Eli knowing nothing about what he was talking about and began walking into the Town Square, right when they got to the post boards the Shuppet was looking for a good mission to start out with on the Job Bulletin Board while Sora was unknowingly looking at the Outlaw Notice Board. Once Eli found a mission he saw Sora looking closely at a particular notice, Eli seen that the notice was a arrest for a theif Skorupi.

"Uhh.. Sora why don't we not do that mission just yet," Eli said nervously to Sora.

"Ohh I wasn't thinking about doing this mission, I was just browsing, besides if we did do this mission we would get three-hundred pokedollars and something else as a reward. But I'll take it just incase you change your mind about doing it." Sora replied, taking the notice off the board.

"Now that we've got our first mission we should head off to Drenched Bluff." Eli said, and started to lead the way to Drenched Bluff to start their mission.
"Give me back my seed Tails!" A voice shouted, awakening Aurax

"Make me! Make me! Make me!" Another voice chanted, Aurax sat up to see what was going on. He had fallen asleep in a bed of long grasses the night before and was awoken to Tails taunting Turtwig with his lucky seed.

"That would be enough for one morning" Aurax sighed as he went over and yanked the seed from the Aipom's hand and gave it back to its owner. He looked out the hole in the wall they called a window and saw that he had overslept. He faintly remembered having a dream, although no details could be picked out. Aurax stepped outside to get some air, maybe that would clear his-

"MOOOOORRRNNINNG AURAX!" A voice suddenly boomed in his ears. He jumped backwards in surprise and almost launched an attack until he saw the voice was just the Pelliper Postman.

"You have to stop startling me like that. These ears are going to wear down eventually, don't want to speed up the progress, eh?" Aurax commented

"Sorry, you were like you had seen a ghost; I just had to do it!" Pelliper told him between giggles.

"Well now that you had your fun, why don't you tell us what we have today?" Aurax asked him, referring to the mail

"Righties! We have a search mission requested here. And, oh! A message from Treex" Pelliper told him, shaking the letters from his mouth, expertly leaving all the others where they were. "I bet I'll see you tomorrow!" He then flew off. Aurax came inside, put the search mission on the table then opened the message. Treex was once part of Team Aura before it broke up, so the message was already something interesting.

"Dear Aurax" The message said, "It has been a long time since I last written to you, but something dreadful has happened in Taxter town. A thunderstorm has ripped apart most of the rescue bases, repairs may be running smoothly, but we have not had an incident like that in a long time. I feel something familiar about it; do you think we know what it is? Treex"

Aurax thought about what Treex said. It was a disaster all right, but the suddenness of it was alarming. Could there really be a repeat of what happened. It seemed more and more likely every time his mind came back to it. Aurax took out a sheet of leaf and began to write another message.
at that moment, Eli and Sora had already arrived at the entrance of Drenched Bluff. Sora felt a little nervous for their first real mission, and when she looked aside she saw that Eli felt the same. ''shall we? she said. Eli nodded. slowly, they began to walk. when they passed the port, which mostly existed out off just ground, a sudden darkness fell over them. they still walked on, the light reappearing with every step. Sora heard the soft sound of water hitting rock, and altough they were safe in this cave, Sora felt even more anxious. they walked on, past a bend. suddenly from the bend, a Rattata came running at them. Sora shocked, but quickly found her wits again and attacked with a well-aimed Quick Attack. the Rattata was'nt beaten yet, but he was shocked. yanking, he ran away. Eli had noticed the fight, but had been shocked by this sudden attack too. ''wow, i didn't think we would been attacked so fast! must be a lot of enemies around here!'' he said. he tried to say it as calm as possible, but still Sora heard the anxious undertone. ''if every enemy around here is this weak, it won't be a big problem.'' she said. it sounded like boasting, but it was a real thought that had come up. maybe there was no reason, to be anxious, or nervous. maybe this wouldn't be such a problem... or would it?
"Rise and shine!" Harmony yelled to Curious, who was so startled that he fell off of the bed. "I just checked the mailbox! We have a mission on our hands!!" Curious smiled. "Finally!" Team Eclipse set off for The Howl Forest. "What's our mission?" Asked the Umbreon, tilting his head. "We have to rescue a Linoone and Ryhorn. Appearently they were attacked by a rescue team doing another rescue mission. The team might still be in the forest, so we'll have to be careful. The team consists of a Seviper, Tropius, and Dusclops. They call themselves Team Viper." Harmony repeated what the note had said. Curious shivered. "Team Viper. Sounds like a mean team." Harmony nodded and the two entered Howl Cave.

"Harmony! Watch out!" Harmony whipped around just in time to respond to Curious's call. There was a Raticate, about ready to sink his fangs into her tail, behind her. "Psychic!" Harmony called, unleashing a huge wave of Pink and purple energy. The Raticate fainted. Harmony swished her tail and turned to Curious. "Thanks." She smiled. "That would've been a nasty bite."


Former Moderator
No, Saluno. No no no. We do not do 'autoing' here, you may not control other peoples' characters. Also, BLOCK OF TEXTS are not well liked. Sorry, kid, but you're being n00b'd.
(I wanted to get this up earlier, but something went wrong with the internet. Here it is anyway!)

Aurax finished his reply to Treex in about five minutes; he held it up to the light to check that it was what he was supposed to write:

"Treex, I have not felt anything out of the ordinary in recent times, yet I too share the same fear as you do about the situation. I have met this Eevee who vaguely resembles Spencer. If this plays out the same way as it did before, then I fear for this Eevee's life. However, it would be wise to not do anything as of yet. Just be ready for anything and help to the best you can do. I will keep investigating the case further and inform you whenever I find something of interest. Aurax. P.S. Get this message to Tank and anyone else we can trust"

Aurax was satisfied with the letter; he folded it up and put it inside the mailbox for Pelliper to pick up in the evening. Aurax returned to find that everyone else has woken up.

"Well, looks like we have a request today, who wants to take it?" Togetic asked as she picked up the request on the table and waved it in front of the students, a nod from each of them was the answer. "What do you say, Manetric? Aurax?"

"I really don't mind. However, since Aurax took his students a step further in their training yesterday, he should keep them on that step." Manetric replied,

Aurax was quiet for a moment, and then replied, "I actually think I'll take the day off to visit the hot springs for a bit."

"Uh oh! It's phase two; cancelling something awesome to do the most boring of things for no reason whatsoever! He's becoming an old man!" Tails shouted. Aurax was somewhat familiar with what Tails meant by this, but he didn't want to know what phase three might be.

"Don't worry Tails. You can always train at the dojo for the day. I hear they're doing a little tournament there some time soon." Aurax assured the monkey, although he knew that Tails was joking. "I actually need to see Torkoal about something."

"Well, okay then. It would be good to talk with someone familiar to you every now and then. Who else knows your experiences more than you do?" Togetic advised.

"I'll be on my way now; I should be back before you two return with your students from training." Aurax said as he attached his robes. He then left the building and approached the square. Maybe he might run into Eli and the Eevee there.
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"Harmony, I'm tired!" Curious whined. "Oh, shush. We should be near the 13th floor by now." Harmony said irritably, swishing her tail. She sped up a bit and jumped onto a cliff that would be their destination floor. Curious followed, and collapsed once he had gotten up.

"I'd call you a Snorelax, but that'd be an insult to Snorelaxes!" Harmony giggled, and walked away.

Curious followed, muttering something about Munchlaxes.

"Hey, you!" A voice rang out from the darkness. A Seviper slid out of a foggy path, his tounge flicking in and out, his red eyes gleaming dangerously. "Well, well, what do we have here?"

A Dusclops follwed the Seviper. "Team Eclipse. We've been waiting to see you. I'm sure that note told you everything." The pokemon's voice was unusually high and squeaky, so Curious guessed that the Dusclops was a girl.

Finally, a Tropius clomped out, shaking the ground with every step he took. "Looking for these?" He dragged out a Linoone, and also a Ryhorn. (Which he had trouble dragging)

"Team Eclipse..." The Linoone called out in a faint voice. "Help."
"Ready?" Harmony asked Curious. He nodded. The went in for their signature Psychic-and-dark pulse-enemy-goes-boomy-boomy- move.

"Oh, no, no, no!" The Dusclops cried in her annoyingly high voice. "We can't have any of that!" The pokemon sent a cascading (sp?) beam of energy at Harmony. When it hit, Harmony's eyes went blank, and she fell to the ground. "Hypnosis!" The Dusclops squealed.

The Seviper narrowed his eyes. It looked like he wasn't too enthusiastic about the Dusclops's high voice either.

Curious smiled inwardly. This was the time. "Team Eclipse, come!" He yelled. The call echoed through the dungeon. Slowly but shurely, pokemon started moving out from behind walls.

Lightning, the Jolteon. Volcano, The Flareon. Leafy, The Leafeon. Surf, the Vaporeon. Here they were, almost all of the Eeveelutions. And they were mad. Team Eclipse was short a Glaceon. They'd searched everywhere for that final Eevee that would complete them, but, sadly, there were no more Eevees, it had seemed. Until Sora had came along. But, if she didn't want to be a Glaceon, that was fine. Hopefully they could find another Eevee.

"Team Eclipse," Curious said, taking a dramatic pause, "Attack."
Before Eli and Sora went to Drenched Bluff to start their mission Eli suggested that they go to the square to prepare, the first place Eli and Sora went to was Duskull's Bank to withdraw some money to buy stuff with. Eli knew that he would have around 200 pokedollars in the bank from doing chores around his home and helping his second older brother and Marcus with things they needed help with so he knew he'd have enough money to buy neccessary items. As soon as Eli got his money out of the bank the two headed to the Kecleon Market to see what they had in stock for today.

"Welcome Eli, congrats on finally building your rescue team, so what do you need today?" the Kecleon brothers greeted.

"Do you have any Oran Berries and Pecha Berries in stock today?" Eli asked, hoping that they do.

"Of course we have some, how many of each berry?"

"Just three of each please." Eli said, before reacting to someone yelling "Attack" from someplace nearby.

"What was that?!" Sora exclaimed, was just about to run where the yelling was coming from but she waited for Eli.

"That sounded like that Umbreon we met in the forest Sora, let's get going." Eli replied and was about to leave until he remembered his purchases which were handed to him by the Kecleon brothers.

"The cost is 150 pokedollars." the green Kecleon said, holding his hand out for the money.

"Here you go, see ya, bye" Eli said, putting 150 pokedollars in the Kecleon's hand and flew along side Sora to where the Umbreon was.

When Team Shadow manage to find the Umbreon from Team Eclipse, they saw that the Espeon who they remembered as Harmony was asleep and there were four other Eevee-evolutions attacking the Dusclops, Seviper, and Tropius. The two didn't understand what was going on but it obviously had something to do with the injured Linoone and Rhyhorn, before Eli could suggest something Sora just ran right into battle against the three pokemon. The Seviper had thought that the Eevee was another member of Team Eclipse so he used his Poison Tail attack on Sora not expecting her to dodge the attack and use Swift in mid-air. Instead of Seviper getting hit by the ray of stars they ended up being blown back at her because Tropius used it's wings to stir up the wind to get strong enough to blow back the Swift attack, Sora ended up partially beat up from her own attack. Eli saw that Sora was getting hurt and sprang into action to help his partner but he ended up falling victim to one of Dusknoir's attacks, Sora tried to use a attack on Dusknoir but it had little effect on her because she was a ghost type and Sora was a normal pokemon.
Curious was helping Lightning quick-attack the Dusknoir when he saw Sora and Eli walk in. He turned his head to call a greeting, but the Dusknoir saw her chance and threw a shadow ball at the dark typed pokemon. It his Curious in the leg. He limped a bit but then turned back to quick attack Dusknoir.

Harmony blinked and yawned. She feebly lifted her head and looked around. When she saw team other members of Team Eclipse, she smiled. Curious must've called them. She knew she was right to have them tag along. She sighed before falling asleep again.

Leafy bounded over to Sora. "Hey, look, an Eevee! Hey, would'ja like to be a Glaceon? We need one!"

Volcano walked over to Leafy and hit her with a weak ember. She walked away holding Leafy's tail in her mouth.
"Uhh...I don't know, for me it would probably be too soon to evolve into a Glaceon. Plus I don't know where I could possibly find an icy rock to help me evolve." Sora said, and that was all she could think of on such short notice and not expected to be asked such a question out of the blue.

"Leafy... Sora's not going to join Team Eclipse and evolve into the last pokemon you need on your team to have the complete set of Eevee evolutions. She's currently apart of my rescue team, Team Shadow." Eli said to Leafy, wanting him to know that Sora was in another team.

'Wow Eli sure doesn't want me to join them and be a Glaceon. Then again if I leave then Eli may be forced to give up his rescue team dream and be better than his brother.' Sora thought and then turned to the Dusknoir, ran at her and used Bite knowing it would be effective since it was a dark type move.
Leafy called over her shoulder, "Oh, well, sorry!" Volcano mumbled something about "dating."

Curious left Lightning and Sora to finish off the Dusnoir, and ran over to Harmony. He took out a whistle and blew it hard.

Harmony screamed and sat up. "Oh, it's you. Curious, how many times have I told you just to get Surf to dump some water on me?"

Curious smiled. "But blowing this whistle is fun!"

The Espeon shrugged and looke at Curious. He nodded. "Team Eclipse! Final stage!" She yelled. All of the Eeveelutions joined together. With their tail-tips touching, they went in for the move.

Psychic. Dark Pulse. Thunderbolt. Flamethrower. Razor leaf. Hydro Cannon. All of the attacks twisted together. "Sora, Eli! OUT OF THE WAY!" Lightning called. "3, 2, 1!" Harmony yelled. "GO!"

The swirling beam of attacks went at Team Viper. When it hit, and explosion went up and the evil team was blasted into the sky. All that was left was the Dusknoir's voice echoing through the caverns. "We'll be back!"
Sora looked at Team Eclipse with an amazed look seeing such power from the six of the Eevee evolutions, Eli tried to snap Sora out of her amazement but nothing worked so he took the whistle Curious used and blew it loud causing Sora to immediately cover her ears.

"You didn't have to use that whistle Eli!!!" Sora screamed at her partner, still hearing her ears ringing from the whistle.

"Sorry, I wouldn't have to use it if you had snapped out of your amazement towards Team Eclipse's attack!" Eli yelled back and quickly returning the whistle to Curious, "besides we gotta get going anyway, we have our first mission at Drenched Bluff."

"Fine," was all the Eevee said and began to leave with Eli to the Drenched Bluff.

'What's with Eli, I've never seen him like this, I'm guessing that he doesn't want me to join Team Eclipse and he's trying to keep me on his team the best way he can.' Sora thought, looking back at Team Eclipse and turned her attention back to the path to Drenched Bluff.
"Hey! My whistle!" Curious cried, snatching the whistle from Eli.

Surf snickered. Curious had lost his professional air.

Leafy smiled. "Bye guys! See you later!" She could tell that Eli wasn't so fond of Team Eclipse. Sora could go anywhere she wanted, afterall.

"Okay, guys! Let's go! Team Eclipse, up and out!" Curious called, taking out the team badge. It shone with the power of the stars. The team dissappeared from the dungeon.


"Thanks for your help guys!" Harmony called after the rest of the Eeveelutions. She got a couple of mixed replies.

"Well, it think that it was a good day. How about you?" Curious asked, while they were walking back to the team base.

"Yeah, I do." Harmony replied. Then, they both settled down on their beds for a well-earned rest.
Once Team Shadow was in the Drenched Bluff Eli re-read the rescue request to see what the mission objective was and what it said was that Marill needs rescued on the sixth floor, Eli knew that it would be awhile but it would be the best thing to get his mind off of Team Eclipse. On the first few floors was pretty easy for the two but it started to become a challenge when Sora and Eli kept running into monster houses. Sora was getting angry because this was the third or fouth monster house they ran into and at one point Sora unleashed a room wide Swift attack on all the pokemon in the room except Eli, the Shuppet was surprised that the power Sora unleashed from all that anger she had. As soon as the pokemon in the room fainted Team Shadow had made a full dash to the staircase to the next floor and right when they made it to the sixth floor they immediately found Marill being surrounded by Anorith, Lileep, and Chingling. Eli knew he had an disadvantage against Chingling because he was a ghost pokemon and Chingling was a psychic type, so Eli went after the Anorith and Lileep leaving Sora with the Chingling.

"Bite!" Sora called out her attack and successfully did direct damage to the Chingling.

"Shadow Sneak!" the Shuppet shouted, suddenly disappearing and attacked the Lileep and Anorith from behind.

Right when the three pokemon were defeated the Marill immediately ran over to Eli and Sora and thanked them for coming to her rescue, then said that she'll be waiting at the Post Boards for them to get their reward. Eli used his rescue badge which was shining and it sent the three of them back to the Post Boards.

"Thanks for coming to my rescue, here's your reward of 250 pokedollars and I would also like you to have this Icy Rock." Marill said, handing the items to Eli but he was reluctant to take the Icy Rock. "What's wrong don't you want the Icy Rock."

"Uhh sure, we'll take it." Eli nervously chuckled, taking the Icy Rock and wrapping it up in a bandana and stuffed it in his bag.

After they got their reward from Marill, she had left to go back to her home, while Eli and Sora decided to go to the Duskull Bank to deposit their money and store the Icy Rock in Kangaskan's Storage along with other items they don't need for now. As soon as they were done the team decided to go back to their base to get some well deserved sleep, during the middle of the night Eli was fast asleep but Sora on the other hand was tossing and turning in her sleep looking as if she was having a nightmare.

Sora's Dream

"What's going on here, where am I, whose voice am I hearing..." Sora asked herself in her own dream, hearing an inaudible voice saying something and then saw a faint figure appear. "Hey who are you, what are you saying, please tell me!" Sora begged, seeing the figure fading away and Sora beginning to wake up but before she did she heard the faint figure say something.

"Your existence....causing...disasters..."

That was all Sora heard from the figure before it completely disappreared and Sora awoken.

Out of Sora's Dream

Sora immediately awoken from her dream, seeing that it was still dark out, she left the base to go for a brief walk thinking that it would help her figure out what her dream meant.
A silent pair of red eyes watched Sora from behind a bush.

Harmony woke up in the middle of the night, and couldn't get back to sleep. She walked out of the base, careful not to wake Curious, and went out to the Whiscash pond. Wishcash was appearently asleep, so she sat down and stared out into the pond.

"Harmony?" A voice came from behind her. Harmony jumped up and turned around.A Ziggzaggoon was standing behind her.

"Oh, Hey ZaggyWaggy. You scared me." Harmony sighed, and sat down. "What's up?"

"I was just wondering why you were out so late." ZaggyWaggy said.

Harmony smiled. "Just going for a walk."

ZaggyWaggy Nodded. "Well, bye!"
After while of looking in the sky Sora had felt that someone was watching her closeby, she ignored it for quite sometime but when it became irritating to her, she quickly turned around to a random bush and unknowingly had her fur standing up because of her annoyance. She kept turning her attention elsewhere but her attention had always ended up back to the bush she was looking at the first time.

"Who are you! Show yourself now!" Sora demanded, hoping someone would come out and reveal themselves but a few minutes passed and nothing came out so she turned back around and was looking out at the night scenery.

'That was really strange, why did I feel like someone was watching me and how come I reacted so angrily towards it...ohh well no use thinking about it, I might as well go somewhere else.' Sora thought, leaving her current spot and unknowingly went to Whiscash Pond and saw Harmony and a Zigzagoon.

"Harmony! What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Sora asked, wondering why Harmony was out of her team base at night.
(Don't leave without me!! :'()

It had already night as Aurax returned to the town. He had spent the day with Torkoal and some of the other elders that lived there. He was mainly recapping on some of the ancient legends that had been passed down from generations ago; including one that had created half of his past; and possibly the next chapter of his future. He passed by Whiscash pond and found that Whiscash was surfaced. This could be quite unusual these days as Whiscash usually spend most of his time at the bottom of the pond. He then noticed the Eevee and Harmony by the lake. Remembering what he had promised Treex, he decided that to open a little conversation would be a wise idea.

"Now what might bring you two up at this time?" Aurax asked, he was quite loud about it, but suddenly realized that Whiscash was asleep. Thankfully, the giant fish did not stir yet.