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Ask to Join Naruto: One's Nindo

Asahi's mood seemed to lighten up as she rushed to her sister and began feeding her the candy she had been saving. Her mind however was still troubled as she began to hear a voice telling her she needed to go find Karui. But she knew better and told herself and that voice that she need to trust her older sisters, since they were way smarter and stronger than she was. Mostly the smarter part. Like always, the voice faded away, not willing to argue at all. This made the young start wonder what it would be like if she gave in one day...

A brilliant idea came to Asahi's head as she raised her hand. "Can I help? I'm tired of playing cards, I want to do something besides hiding! There must be SOMETHING I can do here, besides sitting around."

Outside the Hidden Leaf — Day of the Exams

“And what are you going to do?” Ying waved dismissively, flipping the cards through her fingers just as Chang-Chang was putting the finishing touches on Sagisō’s stitches. “I mean—besides jeopardize all of us by proving, without a shadow of a doubt, that the ‘Asahi’ we sent was a fake and we have something to hide?”

Village Hidden in the Leaf, Location Unknown – Day of the Exams


Hinagiku entered the room with quiet steps, bowing deeply to the Hokage and then offering smaller, courtesy bows to the elders.


With a small smile she passed a note to the Yondaime Hokage, it contained a summary of all the information she’d gathered such far; the confirmed, such as Kiro’s sharingan as well as the unconfirmed, such as the speculated web of alliances that seemed to exist between the Stone and the Mist or possibly between the Stone and the rogue group, or even, dreadfully, between all three.

It seemed clear to her that something foul was afoot, and it was up to the people within this room to determine what that was. Perhaps the other Clan heads would soon join her in attendance.
Asahi scratched the back of her head as she tried to come up with a good answer regarding the discussion taking place. "Well..." she put on her smart face, nodding gently like smart people do when they have something smart to say, "Very simple really. I could scout the area for potential spies. What if they sent a group to follow and they're watching us now? I can beat them all up and then we can read their minds or whatever you do to get information." She couldn't help but let out a proud grin.

Outside the Hidden Leaf — Day of the Exams

"Isn't that how you managed to expose your Byakugan in the first place?" Ying was unimpressed, a flash of wind left the card between her fingers in halves. "Besides, we already have that covered."

She waved her hand towards the forest, "It watches for us, nothing goes in or out without us knowing."

She paused thoughtfully, "And if something could get here without us noticing, then it's out of our league."

Ying — Rank 107 Thief Star | Titled Name: Shi Xiu Ying
Last edited:
Asahi groaned and gave Ying an annoyed look. Slowly, Asahi's eyes softened up and her frown turned upside down. She burst into laughter, the thought of something defeating them was something she considered silly.

"There's no way something like that even exists! Besides if IT did, it would have to be special, like me." She looked around at the forest however, hoping to see something to do. "Can I at least get some training? or maybe..." She seemed excited as she raised her hand as if asking for permission to speak, "teach me a new jutsu! I want to be able to do more stuff than just depend on my eyes, which I can't use freely."

Outside the Hidden Leaf — Day of the Exams
Titled Name: Yan Xia Roulan
True Name: Sagisō Ajisai​
Rank 36 — Heavenly Skillful Star | Yan Qing

"You know how it is Asahi," Sagisō grunted as Chang-Chang helped her to an upright position. The latter had been the one who spoke. "Every Star has to discover and develop their own techniques. The sisterhood will always support you, but you also need to be self-reliant."

These words sent Sagisō into thought. The Skillful Star's own special techniques were likewise no closer to realization than Asahi's. The Stars had a strict and uncompromising system of development, each Star would only receive the name of their technique and it would be up to them to discern from that name the underlying concept and then create a full technique. The first of Sagisō's techniques was called Swallow Flash Samsara, the concept was easy enough; Samsara referred to the cycle of life and death, an otherwordly concept that was just as perplexing as it was profound. So far, nothing she'd thought of was actually feasible.

"Weren't the first two of your techniques..." Sagisō searched her memory, "Demon Slaying & Wild Dance of Demons and Gods?"

"Battle Techniques are difficult to comprehend, and their power is directly liked to how well-crafted they are. They aren't something that can be rushed." Having just returned, Quiyue cut in. "But...if you want to see mine, I can show you after we're done here."

A hint of smugness appeared in the usually aloof Hero's Star's voice and she gave her sisters a triumphant wink.

"For something more general...I hear the Land of Wind has the most wind release users, perhaps you should take a trip there? See if you can pick up a few tricks."

Quiyue — Rank 9 Hero Star | Titled Name: Hua Quiyue
Asahi let herself fall on her back, risking a head injury, but she didn't care because of the lack of pain. She began kicking the air, as if trying to walk while laying down.

"I know I know, I just need inspiration." She replied to her sister.

Asahi jumped to her feet at the offer to see one of her older sisters show off her skills. She gave Sagiso a quick smile, showing her excitement before nodding multiple times as a reply to Quiyue.

"Yes show me some awesome stuff and then we can go to the windy city! I'll learn so many killer moves and take out those stupid Hyuga!" She began to jump on her toes and threw punches at the air activating her Byakugan by accident, but she didn't care, she wanted to see the performance with her best eyes.


Previously Swirled
Often it has been said that pride precedes a fall, and this proverb was rather applicable towards Taiyo's position. His confidence was riding at an all time high, given that he had managed to activate the technique that he had been working on for the better part of 3 months. Unfortunately, this activation seemed to only be a proof of concept, the rainbow flames exhausting their fuel around the same time that Smiley had thrown out a pair of smoke bombs. Sato's disappointment was evident on his face, but while he kept his emotions under wraps, Suisei vocally complained about the disappearance of the pretty fire that her brother made.

Are you fucking kidding me?!

Groaning outwardly, Taiyo swiftly but carefully stepped backwards to avoid the smoke's spread, though he was not able to avoid the irritation caused by the presence of the fumes. Even through squinted eyes, he was able to see a trio of kunai that was headed towards him, allowing him to dodge accordingly. However, what he couldn't dodge was the high speed punch that followed the last kunai. The fiery shinobi managed to hastily block the blow, but this came at the cost of fracturing some of the arms in his bones. Additionally, there was also the force that was put into the attack that caused Taiyo to stagger. Once the punch was halted, the fiery shinobi leaned away from his opponent, pretending to clench his arm in pain. Kurina's motherly instinct took over as she watched the collision, though she was prevented from acting by a tight grip on her wrist from the fiery shinobi's sensei.

"That was a mistake..." The Leaf-shinobi quietly growled before attempting to retaliate with a flaming uppercut that would be followed by a fiery straight punch and kick if the uppercut were to land. Sato nodded when he saw his student's tactic unfold, though he was confused by the initial stage.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku's parents, Senshu and Akari sat down in the stadium with everyone else to watch their son's performance in the exams. Next to them was Shisui, a renowned shinobi who was a friend of the family, and also Raiku's mentor.

"Oh, I hope Raiku doesn't get too hurt during the fights," Araki muttered to her husband.

"Hmph. No need to worry dear, I'm sure Shisui has toughened the boy up during the past month. Isn't that right kid?"

"Hahahaha, yea Raiku will be just fine. Besides, if anything, Ramer will be there to protect him. Those two have such a strong bond..."

Senshu thought about that last statement, worrying a small amount of his son's best friend being a bird, but shook it off by acknowledging the fact that most people with regular pets are very close to them as well. Though, Ramer would definitely be offended over being called a 'pet.'


Raiku had been a bit late to the tournament compared to anyone else, but he made up for it by quickly appearing in a puff of smoke in the battle field. The boy had used his mentor's signature Body Flicker technique which Raiku had quite a bit of experience with as well due to being his student. Ignoring the massive applause from the audience which had been excited for the fight between two dojutsu users finally starting, Raiku bowed to Shiho in a show of respect.

"Nice to see you again Shiho. Sorry for making you wait. Regardless, I think it's time to begin our final exams to become Chunin. Best of luck to you!" he told his opponent, while getting in a fighting stance.

Is she going to say anything about the previous exams during our fight...? I hope not... I'd rather discuss that after this is all over...
"Ah you're finally here." Quickly turning her head towards the sudden puff of smoke, the young Hyuga was surprised yet impressed by Raiku's flashy entry. "Its good to see you again too, let's show everyone here a good fight." Shiho said as she lowered herself into a battle stance. "Don't think I'll be holding back just because this is the first match, we have to show off what we can do if we hope to become Chunnins." She warned. "Also I haven't forgotten how you left me alone during the second stage of the exam, that was really mean of you." The young Hyuga added, pouting slightly.
~Hisato Gato...~

Hisato leaned to the side to avoid getting directly hit by the attack, angling himself and holding his gauntlets to try deflect the attack, getting hit in the left arm. Hisato grinned as he felt the pain of the attack. His smile did very little to mask the fact that the last attack had indeed hurt. Hisato would swing a haymaker at the kunoichi. Whether his haymaker hit, he would strike with his elbow immediately after, using the momentum to swing a quick elbow strike immediately afterwards.


Previously Night's Shadow
Karui kept a firm grip on her khopesh’s hilt, still locked onto one of Hisato’s right arm bones, and ducked on instinct as the haymaker swung by, not an inch from the top of her head. She closed the gap further, following opposite to Hisato’s momentum and slipping under his arm to take his back, guiding his arm on its originally intended path with a strong hand on his shoulder. A hand that became cloaked in a chakra scalpel, aiming to sever the nerves in his unprotected shoulder and render his free arm immobile. She continued into an attempted takedown, left leg at his ankles while her right knee drove into his lower back. She moved her right hand to his hair to hold his head, as if he fell, he would do so on her live blade, and killing wasn’t allowed. If the takedown succeeded, one arm would be unable to move, the other hooked between the khopesh and the ground, blade less than an inch from Hisato’s neck.
Using his hooked arm, Hisato rotating his hips and swinging his arm in a punch to pull the kunoichi and throw her off him to avoid her striking his other arm and the attempted takedown. Hisato would shoot another round of carpel bullets at the kunoichi. This time aiming mostly for the arms. Hisato still standing took up a defensive stance. Assuming the carpel bullets weren't enough, he'd need to think fast. Through gritted teeth, Hisato forced a grin. Despite the pain from the ongoing fight, Hisato was rather enjoying himself.


Previously Swirled
The Yuki-nin had come to terms with her failure at the exams, though it helped that she had no one to disappoint, unlike her peers. Just as she was about to enter the ranks of the spectators, someone approached her from behind. Tsuki moved in to strike with a kunai in response to being tapped on the back of the shoulder only to disarm herself upon realizing that the person was naught but a harmless civilian.

“Although I offer my sincerest apologies for my impulses, you should know that it’s unwise to approach a shinobi from behind,” Tsuki sighed before giving a respectful bow, “I presume you have something important to bring to my attention, would that be correct?”

The now frightened young man nodded, “I have a message addressed to someone named ‘Tsuki Yuki’ and you were the first person that matched the description. I apologize for sneaking up on you, I just didn’t want to draw any unnecessary attention.” This justification prompted the kunoichi to dart her eyes around her immediate vicinity, taking notice of a few nosy passersby. She allowed herself a concealed chuckle before inviting the young man to speak as intended.

I’ll give him credit for his noble intentions…

Taking notice of the nonverbal invitation, the representative proceeded without further hesitation, “‘If you were fortunate enough to receive this message from the Chunin Exams Committee, then I wish to congratulate you. Through unforeseen circumstances, one of the competitors that passed the Forest of Death has been rendered unable to compete. In these situations, we consult our overseers of each stage to see which among those that have failed would be the most deserving to receive a second chance at promotion. Within that category, you were deemed as the most eligible for promotion. We extend the offer for you to join the next phase of this exam by participating in the tournament. If you are to accept this offer, then you are to report to Battlefield Seven in the next five minutes. We appreciate your time and we look forward to watching your progression.’” After reading off the message, the representative bowed respectfully before departing, a motion that Tsuki repeated.

There were a couple rounds of applause from those who were within earshot during the announcement causing Tsuki to smile and give a few curtsies as if she were a dancer after their performance. Of course she still had to enter the Battlefield, but that wasn’t a difficult task. She was already on her way to spectate Kiro’s match, which happened to be located in Battlefield 8, so a short journey led the icy kunoichi to her destination.

Fate has smiled upon me by gifting me this second chance, I won’t waste it.


Previously Night's Shadow
Karui flipped and landed on her feet facing Hisato, arms crossed in an X in front of her. The metal arm guards on her forearms deflected the majority of the bone bullets, though one cut a shallow path across her cheek and another embedded itself in her left bicep. The girl winced and grabbed where the bullet had entered. When she removed her hand a moment later, she flicked the bullet away, a thin trickle of dried blood all that remained of the hole that it had made.

The medical nin’s eyes narrowed again as a twinge of pain from her cracked rib whined at her. She’d used up more chakra than she had anticipated in this fight; it was becoming clear that she probably shouldn’t hold back if she wanted to win. Do I really want to win, though? My sisters are probably waiting for me, and the longer we stay the longer we are all in jeopardy… logically, it would be more prudent to surrender now so we can leave. But… it would certainly be a waste of a good fight if I gave up now. Besides, what ever happened to never surrendering….? No. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us if I quit now. I’m sure the others can wait a little longer.

Internal dilemma settled, Karui allowed a rare grin to grace her features. She was enjoying the bout immensely despite herself, and was determined to let it end satisfactorily. The girl pulled two more kunai, explosive tags attached, and threw them, aiming for Hisato’s feet. Whether he dodged or not, the explosions would throw up clouds of dust and debris, and when that happened, Karui would activate a basic clone jutsu, creating around twelve illusory copies of her. The fact that basic clones cast no shadows would not give her away within the dust cloud, which she stirred up with wind chakra coming off of her wings. Inside the swirling dust cloud, Karui would fly past Hisato, striking at him with her khopesh under the cover of the smoke, back and forth. Her clones would do the same, occasionally accompanied by wind bullets to confuse the boy as to where the real Karui was.
Hit after hit Smiley took directly, as if she was not prepared for the incoming attacks. The young ninja couldn't help but to land hard on her back, trying to catch the air that had just left her lungs. It wasn't the proper moment to stop and try to recover though, she quickly jumped back on to her feet and decided to continue her attack.

Smiley took advantage of how close she was and once again help her hand up to her mouth, shooting the strong wind. It wasn't meant to blow her opponent away, although that would be a plus, but she let herself be sent flying backwards with it. She landed with a soft groan, placing her hands over her stomach and stumbling a bit as the effects of the hits from before were still on. The girl was out of ideas and she was in no condition to keep attacking, so she decided to play defense, holding up her fist and getting ready for whatever came next.
Hisato Gato cracked his whip, no longer coiled up like a shield. Hisato smacked down the kunai with his whip. Hisato shielded his eyes and his wounds from the debris.

Hisato wasn't sure if the many Karui were real or not, but one thing was certain, the one swinging a sword at him was real. Hisato would try focus on fighting one at a time. Taking one out at a time.

Hisato parried the strike with his whip. It was tricky seeing in the dust, but he managed to spot the kunoichi. Keeping an eye on her was tricky. He clenched his fists because the pain in his wounds wasn't going away. Hisato made a large 360 degree whip swing at the first karui that attacked, and hopefully hitting any other Karui that might be standing too close to him at the moment. Hisato's next move would be to strike her with his fists and elbows. Hisato threw a punch followed by an elbow strike with his left arm, then repeated with his right arm. Performing two punches and two elbow strikes.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku was a bit sad at the last thing Shiho said, though he tried to hide it on the outside.

"Sorry... we can talk about that after the fight though." The Uchiha turned his attention back into the matter at hand and began doing hand seals.

"Water Style: Black Rain Jutsu..." A small cloud began forming above the battlefield, however as stated by the name of the technique, the rain was not normal but instead flammable and black. Puddles began forming on the ground made up of this black rain as Raiku watched to see what his opponent would do.


Previously Swirled
With each hit that Taiyo delivered, the more concerned that Kurina got. She was sure that her son could handle himself and while it pained her to see him act this violently, she knew that it was part of the life that he subscribed to. Her concern was more focused on Suisei, who seemed to be enjoying the match a little too much for the mother's liking. There was a voice in the back of her head telling her that that this match was becoming increasingly unsuited for her daughter, so allowing her motherly instincts to take over, she covered the young girl's eyes, preventing her from seeing what would happen next. Sato observed this display, but chose not to interfere. He was much more interested in his student's form decreasing in stability as he performed his counterattack. He could tell that Taiyo was only focused on offense without keeping any regard for any form of defense. Thus, it came as no surprise to him when Smiley's blast of wind knocked the fiery shinobi off his balance and onto the ground. Taiyo recovered as quickly as his opponent and took a moment to survey the situation.

I'm feeling a little out of it but I know that she's taken a bigger beating than I have. Normally, I've played at a close range, so she's expecting that I continue to fight there. Fortunately, close range isn't the only range I can work with.

The situation seemed to be identical to the previous state of neutrality: Taiyo looking to release a jutsu and Smiley waiting for a counterattack. The key difference was lie within the jutsu that the Leaf-nin was preparing. Instead of a new experimental technique, Taiyo was going for the old reliable: Great Fireball. After weaving the hand seals, Taiyo took a deep breath and exhaled a large stream of fire. The fire coned horizontally and the further it traveled from it's source. Ideally, this would make avoidance a near impossible task.
Smiley saw the incoming fireball, quickly looking for a wait out. It seemed the best way to do so, would be up. Not wanting to die, she aimed her palms downwards, ready to blast herself into the air. Unfortunately, she flinched. The damaged caused by Taiyo's blows caused the girl to lose focus. Instead of one strong wind blast, she created a windy sphere, that unfortunately, collided with the incoming fireball. The wind around Smiley soon ignited, covering a big part of the arena in flames and creating swirling vortex around the young shinobi. A horrifying scream could be heard as Smiley was covered in flames, but the scream soon died out as the remaining paper bombs in her pouch went off, creating several explosion that could even burn the people too close to the field.

After everything settled, there would be no remains of the one who had been known as Smiley.
"Hmph." Shiho let out after hearing Raiku put off the subject where he left her to fend for herself till after their fight concluded. Honestly speaking, Shiho didn't really care that much about what had happened in the past and wasn't one to hold a grudge. However, that doesn't mean she'll simply forgive someone who's wronged her. The young Hyuga intended to take this match as a way to pay the Uchiha back for leaving her behind during the exam's second stage.

Shiho observed Raiku as he pulled his first move, soon after the young man weaved his hand signs, black rain began falling from the sky from the dark clouds that were forming. Shiho quickly leaped backward before the black rain reached her. "I better stop him before this spread to the entire arena." Following her retreat, the young girl raised her palms up. "Eight Trigrams: Vacuum Palm!" She shouted before launching two chakra waves at Raiku by thrusting her palms out one after the other.
“So like I said, we’ll deal with the Mist and their Uchiha later to avoid interrupting the exams and potentially starting an international dispute. As for Hasa, I have some ideas, but I’ll leave the matter up to Lady Hinagiku if she wants to pursue this now or at a later time. For now, we’ll just have a team sent to tail them.”

With a light nod, two ANBU took that as their queue to exit the room and communicate the orders to their peers. First, there would be a group of ANBU, that also consisted of a Hyūga, Aburame, and Yamanaka alongside them, to try and tail the group of women who had left on board the hawk summon a little while earlier. Their mission was to essentially determine if the women indeed had someone wielding the byakugan among them. Should they get their answers, it would be up to them to choose to engage or disengage.

The next course of action would be much more complicated. There were still two more Kunoichi from Hasa currently competing in the exams. It didn’t much too suspect that there were also some other lurking among the crowd of spectators in this stands. However, security records indicated no trace of Hasa had passed through the Leaf’s barrier. It was quite the troublesome find and had managed to stir some panic among the barrier team. Minato couldn’t help but remember that there was also no trace of the man behind the mask all those years ago.
He couldn’t let an atrocity such as that happen in the village again.

Fortunately, the barrier team can taken the precaution of saving the chakra signatures of the women who left the village. By cross-referencing the signature of the woman who had made use of arrows with ones that had come in earlier, they were able to discern who else had come in at round the same time. With one of the members of the Interception Division being a Hyūga, they should be able locate those signatures in the arena. Of course, that was only one part to rooting the remaining Hasa members out. This next step would be a bit more risky.

“An Uchiha and Hyūga potentially in the hands of our enemies? I can’t say I’m surprised by the Uchiha, but this is quite the unusual blunder for a clan such as the Hyūga. I do hope this matter is resolved soon for the sake of your clans.”

With that final remark directed towards two of many clan heads that were now in the room, Danzo turned his attention towards Minato. His icy blue eyes glanced towards Hinagiku first. He never doubted the woman once and knew even she had been caught unaware. On the other hand, Fugaku just seemed to stare in the opposite direction. Forward.

An Uchiha in the Mist. He had tried his best to hide the truth from seeing the light, but even a lie could not stay hidden forever in the dark. Yet, Fugaku had maintained the same stance as Hinagiku. Danzo had been right and he cursed that thought. This matter needed to be resolved for the sake of their clans. Whatever it takes.

Dismissing the clan heads and elders, Minato transported himself back into the spectator room where the rest of the Kage were seated. The battles going on seemed to have their current attention. Now looking down towards one of the battlefield exits. There was a presence he could sense down there. To him, it felt calm and focused. Almost as if it were a part of nature itself. Glancing towards the battlefield, he found the match between Hisato and Karui. It was a strange coincidence to see Mist vs Hasa again. Preferably, it would be beneficial if Yagura were not to get in their way this time. Raising his voice only slightly, Minato made his reappearance known.

“Lord Mizukage, there is a matter I’d like to speak with you about later. Until then, please continue to just keep watching.”

Though his voice spoke out those words in a very calm manner, Yagura couldn’t help but tense up. The Hokage knew. That must’ve been what his disappearance was about. Cursing that witch, Yagura glanced across the arena to see if Kiro hadn’t returned yet. He hadn’t. Could they have already captured him? Killed him even?

The Hasa nin that was suspected to have the byakugan had just perished in her fight against Taiyo Akugami. Burned to death. It was a horrifying way to go. However, it had already been confirmed this girl was not a Hyūga. That should be enough to end all suspicion. The girl who supposedly had their byakugan was dead now, so there should no longer be any reason to pursue this...



That basic question was directed to a volunteer assistant nurse who couldn’t seem to stop examining him with her brown eyes. Kiro didn’t what the hell was wrong with her and why her face was red. The only times she wasn’t trying to take a discreet look at him as he sat on the hospital bed was when she was going over the notes with the nurse or watching one of the fights on the television in the room. Coincidentally, or perhaps not, the only fight the girl around his age seemed to be interested in was the one between Raiku and Shiho. Kiro could only guess why.

“Um... are you related to Raiku by any chance? You guys have the same looks. Like your eyes are both black and yeah...

Her eyes made eye contact with his as she asked that but the girl quickly diverted them away for some reason. She wasn’t wrong. He did remember Raiku having black eyes. They also shared black hair. But like many other people also had black hair and eyes. Was that all the similarities between them?

“Is that it?” Throwing a question back at her, he wondered what else she saw that connected them. The girl brushed one of her locks to the side after pondering on her thoughts for a second. “I mean... he’s cute too.” Unfortunately, that answer just confirmed Kiro was in the wrong timeline. She didn’t seem to be joking about Raiku, or rather she just realized the thoughts that had slipped out her mouth. Fortunately, Kiro had time to waste on amusement.

“Yeah, you definitely like him.” Running a hand through his hair, Kiro casually stated what he believed to be the obvious without a care. As expected, the girl’s face immediately drained of all color before she attempted to quickly shut down his assumptions. “What? No!” She shot back very quickly, but it didn’t really help her case as far as Kiro was concerned.

“You like literally just said it.” Continuing this growing back-and-forth, Kiro would rather not pollute his mouth with what she had called Raiku. “No, I just said he was cute. That doesn’t mean I like him!” Unsurprisingly, she was quick to respond to his insinuations once again. She was quite confident in that response, which was displayed by her standing up. To her credit, that was a reasonable point.

“Yeah, okay...” Those words of acceptance were contrasted the doubtful tone they were spoken with and seemed to purposely insinuate he didn’t completely believe it. Of course, she was able to realize that just as fast as her confidence dwindled. “You don’t believe me.” She assumed was she took her seat again. Kiro didn’t even know why he was still debating this. The girl said she didn’t like Raiku, but her embarrassed expressions said otherwise. Talk about confusing. It was a bit amusing to watch.

“I don’t know. Tell me more about him.” Kiro said, slightly interested in learning more about the foolish Uchiha from the perspective of this equally as foolish girl. The assistant seemed to get a bit excited at the opportunity to talk about Raiku, but quickly calmed herself before speaking.

“Well, he’s pretty quiet and is usually always alone. I don’t see him around other people much. I think he’s always training by himself. He seems like a nice guy though...”

From her description, it seemed like Raiku preferred being on his own. From his few interactions with the Uchiha scum, he always seemed to be with someone though. Then again, he did abandon Shiho. That meant his bonds weren’t exactly that strong in the first place if he could ditch her so quickly. Kiro wondered if this girl even knew how Raiku treated his supposed comrades.

“Why don’t you talk to him then?” If she thought he was lonely, it shouldn’t be too hard for her to go up to him. Especially if she thought he was a nice guy. What was the worst that could happen?

“It’s not that simple!”

Of course, for some unknown reason to Kiro, talking to him was apparently not simple. He didn’t really understand how talking to someone could be complex. Then again, his opportunities for social interactions had been limited to taking a life or being on the violent end of a beat down for a long time, so just talking casually to anyone was like a breath of fresh air at times.

“Why not?”

He asked a simple question this time, one that questioned the complexity of walking up to someone to talk. Yet, the girl only gave him a quizzical expression alongside her response.

“I can’t just walk up to him. He might not even like me.” For some reason, she thought Raiku wouldn’t ignore her if he didn’t like her. “I mean, I’m still talking to you.” Kiro remarked in response to her doubts.

“Huh? What’s that supposed to mean?” She responded, indicating his remark had gone right over head as she stood up. It was probably about time for her to go at this point. Letting out a sigh, Kiro was just about done with this meaningless conversation anyways.

“Don’t worry about it. Look, I don’t really care about this Raiku guy. He’s a fucking coward.”

Finally, Kiro let out some of his true feelings on Raiku. Calling Raiku a coward out of no where, of course, did surprise the girl. An innocent boy like Raiku probably didn’t deserve to be suddenly insulted like that. However, she didn’t give Kiro a chance to explain before she took offense to that and attacked him.

“What the fuck?! Don’t say that!”

Inadvertently, the girl smacked one of his legs with the notepad in her hands, causing Kiro to grimace slightly. Of course, she pulled back immediately and quickly apologized.

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry about that!”

As far as Kiro was concerned, he had just gotten assaulted by some angry Raiku fan girl. No wonder she was a volunteer and not an actual nurse. Reluctantly, Kiro held back from retaliating against this annoyance and accepted her apology instead.

“Whatever. It’s alright. I just don’t think you know him that well if that’s all you know.”

The girl would have to find out on her own what type of guy Raiku was. To be honest, what Raiku did in this village wasn’t really his business. This fan girl probably wouldn’t even believe him anyways if he explained the pathetic actions Raiku had taken in the forest. It wasn’t his place to take down the reputation of the Leaf genin anyways. Raiku’s actions would do that for him. Whether the consequences of those actions painted him in a good or bad light, Kiro didn’t care. However, what the girl said next caused his gaze to darken.

“Well, he is an Uchiha. You know them, right? Like Shisui is like the crush of every girl my age. He’s so hot! Plus I think Raiku trains with him too. Uchiha are just so cool and you seemed to give off a similar vibe to them somehow. But yeah, I need to go now. Nice meeting you, Kiro! We should, um, talk again! Bye!”

Flashing a smile, the volunteer nurse scurried out the room, shutting the door behind her. Having just finished receiving top of the line treatment for his legs, Kiro had been told to wait there for awhile longer. He wondered him much more longer was necessary at this point. Now that the silence had returned, Kiro could only think back to what she said.

‘An Uchiha. Why is that always the answer?’

No matter where he was, it seemed like that answer was always the explanation to anything good or bad. What did being an Uchiha have to do with who someone was? Was it blood that determined fate or was it the person themself that had the freedom to choose their path? Kiro had hope the latter could be true as the former was the reason why he currently lived in a cage.


Somewhere on the branch of a tree deep in a forest near the Hidden Leaf Village sat a lone body. One of his arms rested on a bent up knee as the cloaked figure laid back on the trunk of the tree. His spiky black hair blew to the left only slightly as a gust of wind passed by. As the man looked onwards towards the village, a leaf slowly floated downwards, towards the open palm of his left hand. There was an unseen grin hidden as the leaf failed to land on any part of him.

“So many moving pieces now. It’s been awhile since things were so... entertaining. What will you do now, Minato Sensei?”
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Outside the Hidden Leaf – Day of the Exams

Quiyue rolled her eyes.

“If you want inspiration then you’ll have to go find it. After we settle down some, a lot of the sisters will be leaving on their own journeys. Maybe you should consider a journey of your own.”

The Hero star returned to her hawk. “You all should get ready, we need to watch for Lixue’s signal, in case we need to extract them.”

With that she ascended into the sky, gaining a vantage point from which she could scout with her hawk's excellent vision.

Hero Star (9th) – Hua Quiyue
Asahi' let out a loud sigh of disappointment, turning off her Byakugan and letting herself fall on the grass again. She covered her eyes with her forearm and began to hum a random tune. She felt like she was useless, which made her upset. She understood the situation they were in, but she wanted to be able to do more. Her moment to prove her worth was taken by a cheap clone

She could already imagine it, Asahi destroys the Hyuga clan. She would land in the middle of the Leaf, wearing a super cool cape and one of those long straw hats. The famous yellow flash would be so surprised he would leave the village Sagiso would say how cool Asahi looked. Then 100,000 ninjas would surround her, but she would take them all out with a pair of chop sticks. Finally the evil Hyuga clan would try to stop her, but she would use the powers of the Biju to take them all out and defeat the best Hyuga in a one on one combat using her Byakugan and showing her eyes were stronger. Then more ninjas could arrive at the scene, Asahi explodes, transforming into the beast everyone fears, destroying every single person that got in her way. The buildings collapse while she storms the Leaf and when the dust settles, there would be nothing left. Except the fire guy she fought before, who would be too scared to move and had peed his pants. Karui and Sagiso would then show up with delicious food and let her know she had just been named leader of Hasa.

Asahi wiggled in joy at her own imagination, before sitting up. "When I become leader you can be my assistant." She told Sagiso with a big grin on her face.

Outside the Hidden Leaf — Day of the Exams
Titled Name: Yan Xia Roulan
True Name: Sagisō Ajisai​
Rank 36 — Heavenly Skillful Star | Yan Qing

If she could’ve, the Skillful Star would’ve spat in disdain; unfortunately, her injuries disliked exaggerated movements from the muscles in her torso.

“Keep dreaming, we’re not even in the same division.”

Among the 108 Stars were numerous sub-divisions based on blood-relations, fighting styles, skill sets and others. One such grouping was the Ennead, 36 stars—technically 35—divided into 9 groups.

“Besides, how are you gonna be the leader when you can’t even beat me?”
Asahi groaned loudly, she just had to rub it in her face. "Not now, obviously, but I will later. But now that I think about it, being in charge of Hasa sounds like too much work. Maybe just be their secret weapon, you know, the one who can save everyone if needed."

Asahi scratch the back of her ear while looking up at the sky, trying to find something else to do while they waited. "Let's just get Karui and leave already. We have better things to do."


Previously Night's Shadow
Karui parried Hisato’s first two strikes with her sword in her left hand while her right reached into one of her pouches. She caught his next punch with her right hand, sticking a paper bomb to it before flying backwards and away, sinking back into the dust cloud. His strikes to her clones went right through them, as they were not shadow clones, but illusions.

While hovering just outside the blast radius of the inevitable explosion, Karui sent three more wind scythes down, taking a moment after each one to change her position relative to Hisato. She sent one from behind, one from his left, and one at a diagonal to the front of his right shoulder.
~Hisato Gato...~

Hisato yanked off tha paper bomb, throwing it, and fired a carpel round at it. It was Hisato's intention to catch Karui within the blast radius. Hisato leaped back to minimize his own distance from the paper bomb. Hisato managed to roll at an angle to avoid the first wind scythe, lunge forward to avoid the second and attempt to sidestep and charge straight for Karui on the third, but was grazed across his torso. The pain from the wind scythe reminded him of the pain from the sword strike which caused him to wince.

He came at Karui with shot another carpel round at Karui delivering two whip blows. One diagonally downwards starting from the right shoulder, and the second one diagonally upwards starting from the left ankle.
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Azumi merely had an eyebrow raised at the bit of humor Keito used to attempt to lighten the mood, which while Azumi had been mixed on his delivery she had no room to judge given her awkward topic opener. Even in his condition even after the less than encouraging words of his presumed father she had to almost envy his ability to keep a smile throughout all of it. Though Azumi then heard his congrats to her which seemed another effort to soften the wound he opened up with her mind, but none the less tried to show a maturity about it as she softly nodded.

"Y-yeah, believe me I am aware..." Azumi mused, and as she thought to this Genin's father's reaction, she wondered if her status as a no name from a "minor" village had helped to open up the "shame" of defeat. If she had been of a more respectable nation like Konoha or Kiri she wondered if he'd hold such a stink over Keito's failing. But she had no way to know what their relationship was like beyond this one tense bit of post-fight chatter.

Azumi still had a few bitter feelings over Keito, the pain he had caused her to relieve and just the uneasy air of someone she had not known in this situation, but the way his own family seemed to belittle him caused Azumi for reasons even she had not been sure of to say something.

"...I suppose we'll see just what these guys are looking for once the exams are over, for what it is worth I felt you showed promise. Though if that man's critique was all that was seen, then Iwa's review system might need adjustment." Azumi said, in her own way she had given Keito some props for his performance as even in defeat he had shown more than enough least in her eyes to warrant a serious discussion about.

"Well if nothing else he is full of surprises..." Kenji mused, though just as he had gotten comfortable in his seat a Kumo delegate seemed to enter by his and Taji's seating area as the ninja glanced down the Kumo-Genin with what seemed to be a notice in her hand.

"Kenji, Kenji Satoru?" The figure asked as both Sky and Thundra looked up curious and Kenji himself had an eyebrow raised. What possible could he be needed for?

"Uh yeah, that is me." Kenji mused, as the notice was slipped onto his lap and he scanned it over...to which the contents caused his eyes to widen slightly. All the while the delegate looked on with a lack of expression as she already turned to leave.

"You have 5 minutes, I suggest you arrive beforehand." The delegate informed before she vanished as Kenji blinked stupefied before he sighed. Well, guess you never could know what life will throw at your feet, he soon stood up and glanced back at Taji while Sky & Thundra looked on confused.

"Well, guess it seems I was drafted. Enjoy the show Taji." Kenji said, as he passed her a notice which seemed to explain that, due to complications with a couple of finalists who had to pull, he being one of the ones who finished just behind the finalists had been asked to fill a slot in the finals. Soon enough, Kenji moved with Sky and Thundra as they tried to quickly make their way to their stadium.

Needless to say the direction that Keito's battle had gone had left the Iwa-Genin horrified. She cared less that he lost the fight, and seemed more concerned that the rain girl seemed to drive a blade through his gut as she felt she needed to check if she was okay. But she'd worry it would look bad on her if she left Mori and had not cheered him on like she had Keito, and thus had found herself stuck between a rock and a hard place.

But Tomiko quickly realized she could be in two places at once. And worked to summon an Earth clone as she passed it her large and decorative signs as the clone blinked before it was fed instructions.

"All right, all I need you to do is show support for Mori for his fight. Understand?" Tomiko asked as Tomiclone quickly nodded and waved her signs in the air...upside down, before it quickly realized its mistake and flipped them around as Tomiko felt a sweat drop and sighed.

"Will have to do, I'll be back soon!" Tomiko called out before she quickly dashed as she aimed to pay a visit to the medical area and hoped that Keito was okay.


Previously Swirled
To say nothing else, the conclusion of the match came as a complete surprise. The size of the blast concealed Smiley's lackluster defensive efforts. As far as Taiyo knew, some freak accident must've happened to cause the fiery vortex. On that topic, all the spectators with front row seats would soon come to regret that decision, as some got burnt while others barely managed to avoid that fate. Kurina shifted from covering Suisei's eyes to covering the rest of her head and lifting her up as she retreated out of range from the fire. Sato, lacking a child of his own to protect, was able to simply run away. Up to this point, moving in and out of the arena was difficult, but it was nothing compared to the stampede that ensued in the panic of escaping the flaming maelstrom. Kurina's grip on her daughter tightened as she attempted to shove past the crowd hoping that her daughter wouldn't be plagued by the screams of that poor girl in the arena. The desire to escape only heightened as the paper bombs exploded, eating a chunk out of the spectator stands. By the time he saw the flames swirling around his opponent, he had stopped shooting the fire, but of course, it was too late.

Oh my god...

When the dust settled, Taiyo raced over to where his opponent once stood, much to the confusion of everyone in the crowd. Predictably, there wasn't even a body to check on, all that remained was ash. Tears began to well in the young man's eyes as the realization kicked in. Taiyo looked up at the crowd, his eyes racing to find his family and mentor. Unsurprisingly, Sato made his sorrow clear, but remained composed, whereas his mother looked like she was going to cry before him. But what got to him was his sisters reaction: a glance over her shoulder before wincing away in fear. At that moment, the tears began to leak from his eyes, unrestrained by any effort to save face. Immediately after the fact, he took off his jacket to reveal the bottles of alcohol and kitchen grease that he kept in case he needed to fuel his fire against a water release user. Opening the bottles and pouring the liquids out away from the ashen area, Taiyo gingerly cupped the ashes of his opponent and transferred them to the bottles, one by one until there was no bottles left.

"I'm sorry..." The boy barely managed to choke out an apology between the tears. Afterwards, he got on his knees, placed his arms out in front of him and ducked his head towards the ground. Many people had begun to leave after Taiyo ran to observe what he'd done, leaving behind Kurina, Suisei, and Sato. Eventually, the trio had left the spectator stands of the battlefield to wait for the distraught shinobi.

"Hey, you gotta get out of here, we've gotta prepare the arena for the next match." A distant voice called out to Taiyo, reminding him that he still had fights ahead of him. Wiping the tears from his eyes, putting his jacket back on, and gathering the bottles of ash, the leaf shinobi exited the arena in shame.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku committed to his jutsu and extended the range of the cloud to reach Shiho once more. In addition, with a few short hand seals water began extending from his water, though the act was so subtle one would need dojutsu to notice it. With Shiho starting a counterattack, Raiku put his plan into motion.

"Water Style: Hiding in Water Jutsu."

Suddenly, Raiku disappeared, his body being turned into black water. Simply put, what had happened was the Uchiha connected the rain around the arena with himself using the water that had been extending from his hand. This allowed him to dodge his opponents attack, while at the same time moving at high speeds.

However, Raiku knew his opponent would quickly activate their Byakugan to detect him, so he sprung out from above Shiho with his Sharingan activated and sent out kunai at his opponent. To prevent them from simply being blocked however, he used his Sharingan to cast a genjutsu on the reflection off them. Athough its effects would be weak, the purpose of the genjutsu was simply to paralyze Shiho for a split moment in order for the kunai to actually reach her.
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Ugokasenai Keito, Iwa Genin
"...I suppose we'll see just what these guys are looking for once the exams are over, for what it is worth I felt you showed promise. Though if that man's critique was all that was seen, then Iwa's review system might need adjustment." Azumi said, her demeanor seeming to soften a bit, maybe as she realized the boy who'd just recently been a foe might not always remain as such.

"Thank you," Keito replied, nervously trying to dance around the Ame-girl's faint praise as he recalled his father's words moments prior. "No matter how we do, though, they're always looking for more. They expect us to absolve them of their past sins, but all their lessons are too prideful, too demanding."

Looking away from Azumi then to gaze out a window placed between their cots on opposite sides of the room, Keito's eyes tried to focus on a bored trio of kids. Climbing and swinging around a lone, old oak, the kids made their own, more innocent fun away from the bloodsport both genin had just been put through for worldly entertainment.

Always uncertain of what the image on his headband represented - even from an early age - Keito thought about the droves of Stone shinobi he saw descend upon Amegakure like mindless zombies in Azumi's dream; exaggerated nightmare in a way, but that's how reality warped the minds of helpless kids. How many parents had his dad killed in the Second Shinobi War? Or in the Third? Could Keito rebuild the Ugokasenai clan on the mounted corpses of a hundred other clans?

"It's time to forget what they're looking for, and find what I'm looking for." He resolved, still speaking out loud for Azumi to hear.
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Outside the Hidden Leaf — Day of the Exams

Titled Name: Yan Xia Roulan
True Name: Sagisō Ajisai
Rank 36 — Heavenly Skillful Star | Yan Qing

After several minutes, Roulan’s condition was stable. Thankfully, she hadn’t punctured a lung; what internal bleeding she had was held with stitches while her body had been coaxed into patching the wound. The procedure itself was relatively simple and quick. It was like a scratch, just internally. Since no major internal organs had been affected, there were no complications. The Skillful Star toughed out the procedure with no more than a few grunts of discomfort—a real trouper.

Of greater concern, however, were her burn; internal bleeding sounded horrific, but it had been the least of her worries. Second-degree burns meant that the top two layers of Roulan’s skin had been thoroughly scorched. It was both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, the second layer of skin contained nerves and nerve-endings, meaning they were too scorched to properly relay signals of pain to the girl’s brain; on the other hand, from that one could infer how serious her condition was.

This extensiveness and severity meant the burns could become life-threatening if mishandled, and while it was simply a matter of replacing skin cells it really wasn’t that simple.

Since even her nerves had been destroyed, her sweat glands, hair follicles, capillaries, and all would’ve fared no better. Her body would need to replace not just layers of skin but all these ancillary glands and vessels that inhabited the skin.

To accomplish all that would take both time and chakra, both resources that needed to be spent carefully considering the situation they were in. Ultimately, the decision was made to mostly heal Roulan. She needed to be in fighting shape but didn’t need to be at peak performance.

Gathering a few of the weaker Stars, the genin who wouldn’t be much use in the conflict to come, a simple formation had been erected. Five of them, excluding the Efficacious Star herself, sat in a circle around Roulan, each holding a ‘child’ needle which connected to—by chakra thread—the ‘mother’ needles held by Chang-Chang.

The Efficacious Star’s weapons were called the ‘Mother & Child heart-linked. Needles’, and their purpose was precisely as the core of medical formations such as this one. This was the simplest of medical formations, one that simply transferred chakra to the operating medical ninja allowing them to work with what was effectively the total chakra of several shinobi.

With the formation created, Chang-Chang beckoned Asahi over. “Come hold her down, I can’t have her thrashing later on.”

Once her nerve endings regenerate... These were words the Efficacious Star left unsaid; instead, she began to meditate in preparation for the operation.

Roulan herself scoffed, the resolve in her eyes speaking volumes. However, as the operation began that resolve was soon reduced to the haunting wails of a girl in excruciating agony.

Rank 56 Efficacious Star - An Chang-Chang
Asahi sat up quickly, finally she was needed to do something. She was gonna do her best, prove she was the best at holding people down. Would it be too much to just paralyze her sister using her chakra points? That way they wouldn't need to hold her down, but that wasn't what they asked her to do, she needed to focus. Sagiso was about to meet the world champion in holding people down.

"Bear hug attack!" Asahi cried out as she wrapped her arms around Sagiso's upper body, laying on top of her sister to make sure she didn't move.

Asahi locked hands, making sure no matter how much her sister squirmed, she wouldn't get free. As the process began, the purple haired ninja began to feel bad for her sister, beginning to tear up, there was only one thing she could do to help her sister and herself calm down. Asahi took a deep breath and cleared her throat:

You say if you could fly
You'd never want to come back down
That you'd only have eyes
For that, for that, blue, blue sky

She began singing at the top of her lungs, to try and sound louder than Sagiso's screams. It was a song her mother had always sang to her and it always made Asahi feel safer and relaxed, hopefully it would do the same.


Previously Night's Shadow
Karui managed to skirt the paper bomb’s blast, though she took a moment to put out the small fire that had started on the ends of her hair. The carpel bullets punched holes through the smoke, revealing their location, but not fast enough for the girl to completely dodge them; three furrows formed in her upper left arm, blood leaking from them. The spine whip strikes, on the other hand, were quite telegraphed, probably a a side effect of the fact that it was just a little thicker than a typical whip. The first strike sheered noisily off the flat of her blade, then she leapt back out of range of the second.

Karui’s free hand began rapidly weaving hand seals, this time in a new pattern. She kept herself mobile while doing so, but her speed was slightly reduced, as her focus was on the jutsu she was about to release. “Lightning Style: Hornet’s Nest!”

For a second, it appeared that the girl had exploded in a shower of sparks. Then the sparks took shape, and it became clearer that dozens, maybe hundreds of chakra wasps had shot out of her body all at once. The wasps held the same venomous chakra as her stinger form, but in a far less potent form. Rather than paralyze with a scratch, it would merely give a temporary jolt. But as many as the jutsu released in one body would wreak havoc on one’s nervous system… and they would give her the opening Karui needed to move in. The semi-conductive nature of bones would only lessen the jolt Hisato would feel on contact, not nullify it. The wasps only remained in existence for about twenty seconds, but Karui hoped it would be enough. She’d keep moving just in case, though.

Outside the Hidden Leaf — Day of the Exams

Titled Name: Yan Xia Roulan
True Name: Sagisō Ajisai​
Rank 36 — Heavenly Skillful Star | Yan Qing

Shrieking, gasping, wailing—that had been all Roulan could do. And she continued until her throat had shredded by screeches and Chang-Chang had needed to heal that too. However, that too passed and Roulan spent the last few minutes crying, whimpering, sniveling—exhaustion had taken its toll and she suffered in silence to the tune of Asahi’s voice.

In spite of her ordeal, rest was not in store for the Skillful Star. To prevent her remaining injuries—surface level burns that were painful but not much else—from relapsing, she would need to keep them submerged.

It would prove rather difficult to keep all her burns submerged without turning the girl into a medically gauzed mummy. But here the Skillful Star showed her ingenuity.

Weakly, she wove the seals for the water-clone jutsu. The clone took longer to form than it usually would’ve, but soon enough Suigiso had taken shape. Roualn’s next step was to put her newly practiced chakra control to good use. The water clone slowly super-imposed itself on top of Roulan, its identical proportions being displaced until it formed a perfect case around her.

The water encasing wobbled around her, but as it cooled the agitations of her burns, her control grew stronger and the casing more stable.

After that had been done, Roulan pried open her tired, weary eyes, finding Asahi’s. “Thanks…”

Outside the Hidden Leaf – Day of the Exams

Not trying to alert the entire forest with Roulan’s screaming, four Stars—all with an affinity for water release—had been tasked with setting up a perimeter. A bubble that surrounded Hasa’s camp and would dampen the sounds coming from within. The bubble was nearly invisible due to its small width and the light from the sun, but it served its purpose well.
For a second, it appeared that the girl had exploded in a shower of sparks. Then the sparks took shape, and it became clearer that dozens, maybe hundreds of chakra wasps had shot out of her body all at once. The wasps held the same venomous chakra as her stinger form, but in a far less potent form. Rather than paralyze with a scratch, it would merely give a temporary jolt. But as many as the jutsu released in one body would wreak havoc on one’s nervous system… and they would give her the opening Karui needed to move in. The semi-conductive nature of bones would only lessen the jolt Hisato would feel on contact, not nullify it. The wasps only remained in existence for about twenty seconds, but Karui hoped it would be enough. She’d keep moving just in case, though.

Hisato saw her making hand signs, and began making his own hand signs.

"Wind style! Armor of wind!" Hisato said using his jutsu. Wind formed around him. His bones helped armor the parts of his body they covered, and the wind jutsu added some added protection over those parts as well as his unprotected areas.

Hisato began swinging his whip around him. to try swat away wasps. Hisato would use his free arm to squish/crush/punch any wasp that managed to get past his whip. His whip though effective, failed to get all the wasps resulting in Hisato needing to use his free hand more often than he had hoped he would. He could only crush so many wasps with one hand. Naturally he took a few stings along the way which caused a few jolts. Though Hisato managed to protect his most vital targets. amidst his whip swinging, Hisato shot another carpel round at Karui in between his whip swinging, believing this to potentially catch her off guard.
Azumi kept silent as Keito offered his reply, he seemed to thank her words as Azumi wonder why she had said what she did, as Keito went on to then mention the pressure of the next generation to sort of wash away "past sins" which seemed to be a deliberate choice of words though Azumi seemed to scoff on it.

"Wouldn't be out of character for those to dump their trash for someone else to clean up..." Azumi mused, perhaps the flames of bitterness over how the Rain had largely been treated by the larger nations around her borders shinned through the years on top of the generational expectations. While Keito's gaze seemed to shift to some kids playing out a window, Azumi's gaze had lingered above that. The sun that shinned over the clouds of the Leaf; infamously, the Land of Rain was not known for its sunny skies so this visual had been a rare sight for the Ame Genin.

It painted this, almost angelic picture of the Leaf. This land where the sun shinned bright and it seemed to have perfect weather, a calm serenity to things that clashed with the endless storm that hung over her own nation. And that only had her more annoyed if anything, for sure knew what such an image of the Leaf had been...nothing but a façade. And it had only angered here these people had failed to realize what they already had and seemed to only want more like the other gluttons of the ninja world.

"It's time to forget what they're looking for, and find what I'm looking for."
Keito's closing comments seemed to snap Azumi's attention his way, as there seemed to be a firm resolve on the young man and his desire to find his own path in this world. Azumi got the impression this had not just been him talking himself up in the wake of their battle, but how much those words meant to Azumi seemed hard to tell as she sat in thought over those words.

It was easy to talk up such a thing, but to do it? To be more than just a verbal promise was where the real meat was.


Knock knock knock!

Before Azumi could form her own response, a new face entered the medical area after a trio of frantic knocks. Judging by the head band, it seemed to be another Iwa ninja this one a kunoichi. Tomiko had arrived and just as a nurse asked if she could help her she made her way over to Keito and had a look of expected concern on her face.

"Hey Keito are you okay!? Just it looked like a bit of a nasty blow she gave you and was concerned..." Tomiko had began to say, before she realized the one who had given "that nasty blow" had been in the same room with Keito as the awkward energy had been felt immediately.

"Oh uh, h-hey there." Tomiko said sheepishly with a sweat drop, as Azumi greeted the kunoichi with a raised eyebrow and a more somber expression.


So, it seemed that the Mist had some secrets? It was not hard to discern the focus of Minato's little status update to the other nations, seemed this little Hasa matter had snowballed into something more. Boldly, Minato seemed to be a bit direct with the information as it seemed that this matter concerned a Kekkei Genkai that may have fallen into Hasa's hands from the Leaf. Though as Yagura's reactions seemed to show, this story likely had not been something so simple. He had no way to know greater details, but had tasked an aid to keep an eye out in case anything curious had developed.

"You are the leader of this nation are you not? I do not expect you to need permission to make a decision, so long as this does not interfere with these matters it is of no consequence."

Ay had made his stance clear, though Onoki worked to throw in a subtle threat far as Minato's actions were concerned as Ay had to admit he figured the old fossil lacked any nerve left as Ay figured these exams had gotten a lot more interesting.

"Well, this is...unfortunate."
Within the top of one stadium had been a curious onlooker, a man who had but one visible eye exposed as he quite casually read along what seemed to be a piece in the "award" winning series Icha Icha Paradise. The man who seemed so unassuming to a casual glance, had actually been one of the most infamous names within Konohagakure; the son of the legendary White Fang, the Man of a Thousand Jutsu...Kakashi Hatake.

The Jonin had hoped to enjoy the spectacle of the events without much issue, granted anytime the leaders of the world's superpowers got together the expected chippiness had been an inevitability but there seemed to be no cause for concern beyond the usual old men yell at cloud arguments.

Then this whole thing with Hasa seemed to cause some murmurs, and with a sigh Kakashi sensed that this matter was something that couldn't be disregarded; especially when he noted Minato seemed to tend to it himself out of the corner of his eye. With a sigh, he closed his book at he glanced up in the sky with the expected resigned annoyance.

Seems it can never be that simple, eh sensei?
Ugokasenai Keito, Iwa Genin
A quick, worried knocking sounded on the medroom door, followed by the barging in by Tomiko, one of Keito's Stone squadmates; surely she was worried about his condition — at least he had someone like that in his life. Even as the hopeful, future-Tsuchikage entered seeking good news on his status, Keito wondered where his brother had gone...

"Hey Keito are you okay!? Just it looked like a bit of a nasty blow she gave you and was concerned..." Tomiko had began to say, just as she noticed Azumi in the room along with him. "Oh uh, h-hey there."

"...hey." The Ame genin replied, shutting down as quickly as she'd been opening up. Keito sighed. He felt like, in the girl's own way, she'd begun warming up to him a little.

"Tomiko, hi, hi, yes I'm — ok, I'm not fine but I'll make it," The Iwa boy said, his eyes lingering on Azumi for a moment even as he extended his arms out toward Tomiko like she'd been the one person he'd been waiting on. Then he extended one arm toward Azumi, hoping to address the sudden, rising tension through the air. "Tomiko, this is Azumi. Azumi, this is Tomiko, a genin peer of mine. No need to tense up, Tomi; she fought a clean match and bested me as the better ninja would. If not me, it'd have been her. I begrudge her no more than I do the sun as it rises each morning."

With his extended arms, Keito turned his out-reached fists into a pair of approving, thumbs-up.


Previously Night's Shadow
Karui grit her teeth in frustration as she skirted her opponent’s somewhere-around-fifth bullet round. With the wild whip swinging, she couldn’t get close to take advantage of the openings her wasps were creating, but at least it gave her some time to heal. Her teeth clenched harder together, annoyed. While the boy’s defense was nothing to be sneezed at, his attacks were rather lacking in the creativity department. Meanwhile, her defense was practically nonexistent, but her speed made it unnecessary. It was an even match, and that meant… it was taking too long.

Karui was acutely aware of the fact that every passing moment, her sisters were in more danger. And if this battle was going to continue repetitively until one or both of them completely depleted their chakra supplies, then it would cost them precious time the Hasa nin could not afford. It was with this in mind she made her decision.

The medical nin watched her opponent’s swinging carefully, then when the timing seemed right, and the wasps were about to disappear, she dove into the thick of it. Her wings vanished as she caught a vertebrate on her hooked blade, barely six inches from her head. Her other hand rose into the air, palm open as she finally made eye contact with the boy. “I surrender,” she said, loud and clear, as the wasps dissipated into golden dust. “It was a good fight.” I have finished, and am on my way back to you. Wait for me, sisters… just a little longer.