• A reminder: If you want to ask an RP thread creator if you can join their RP, do so in private - via conversation or profile messages - or via the thread's discussion thread, if one exists. Do NOT ask if you can join an RP on the RP thread itself! This leads to a lot of unnecessary OOC chatter and that's not what the RP boards are for.

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Look to Improve (Need help Roleplaying? Step into my office c: )

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[size=8pt]ooc| o:
-revives characters-

Snapping out of his daze, more as a reaction to the falling door than to Alexis' calls, Oak felt himself frowning as he surveyed the damage.
"....Oh.. Well, not to worry, that door didn't really need to be there anyway."
It may have been a reassuring joke, had his tone been more accomodating.
Regardless, he managed a smile and put a hand on the table behind him, using his other hand to wave invitingly at the gleaming pokeballs waiting to be received.
"Not to worry, it's no fault of your own, so why don't you two come and get your starter pokemon? We have plenty of pokemon, so you can have whichever you like. Chimchar included."
As he added the last comment with Dwayna in mind, he plucked a single red ball from the table and offered it to the girl, his wry smile back in place.[/size]
Kim blushed,"Well..I'm Kim...I'm not quite sure what Pokemon I want..." She walked towards the Prof. and let out a sigh. She was finally starting to relax. It's not my fault the door fell...it's not my fault the door fell... Her eyes scanned the twelve Pokeballs that were placed on the table. But she picked up the one that the Prof. was holding and flung it into the air. It opened and let out a bright light. A tiny blue turtle appeared. "Squirtle squirtle?" The Pokemon looked at Kim questionably. Kim reached for the falling Pokeball but missed. It landed on top of the squirtle's head. The squirtle payed no attention to it. All its focus was on Kim. Kim sheepishly picked up the pokeball and plopped it into her bag. hmmm.....what should I name her...
"Are you going to name her?" Alexis asked.
"Yeah...I'll name her Dew!" Kim gave a big smile to the still confused Dew. Dew looked at Kim, cocked her head, and then smiled. Kim bent down picked her up. Kim held her like a baby. She felt smooth and squishy. Then Dew spit a few bubbles out of her mouth. They flew around the room. One of them popped on Kim's nose. Kim simply laughed.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Dwayna smiled pleasantly and gently took the Pokeball from the Professor.

"Thank-you very much, Professor Oak."

She opened the Pokeball warily and the sigh of the small, orange monkey greeted her eyes. She smiled at it and thought for a few seconds before speaking.

"Hey, little guy. You are a boy, right?"

The small monkey nodded once at Dwayna, and she smiled.

"Well then, I'm going to name you Ferny, because I know you're going to grow up to be an Infernape one day."

The small monkey smiled along with Dwayna. It was obvious that they were going to get along just fine.
Charlotte felt so sympathetic towards poor Kim that it tugged at her strings. She seemed vary much like her with her shy and awkward demenor, and she knew that if that had happened to her, she would have run away from the mere shame, and would then have had to wait for a year till she could try starting again.

All that Lukas could do was chuckle through his teeth at the child, before Charlotte 'accidently' bumped Lukas in the head with her messenger bag, which gave Lukas another opportunity to stick his tongue out at his trainer, and this time she had seen. "Quit that!" she muttered to him, after which Lukas only folded his arms and gave a confident look of victory, before Charlotte hit him in the back of the head with her bag 'accidently' again.

"H-Hello Kim." she spoke up awkwardly, though she intended to sound confident to the equally timid person, in her own attempt to not be the shyest person within the immediate area.
"Hi." Kim glanced at Charlotte before meeting Dew's gaze again. Dew's eyes seemed to show confidence. Dew climbed onto Kim's shoulder and then onto her head. Although it took Kim by surprise she managed to not mess up. She suddenly felt more confident than ever. The sun was shining, she got her first Pokemon, and she, sort of, made new friends. Kim smiled and turned her attention to Prof. Oak.
"So...can I get my Pokedex and such? I really can't wait to get started on my journey." She smiled. Although she wasn't sure if she was going to be a trainer or a coordinator yet she figured that she would figure that out later. She just wanted to hit the road, catch some Pokemon, train some, and maybe meet her cousin, Jeki. He had started in Hoenn with a mudkip. Kim snapped back to reality and looked at the Prof.. But soon she noticed that the things she, and everyone else, needed were on the table. She scooped up the things she needed and looked around the room.
[size=8pt]ooc| ... ... ... ...
Okay, I'm going to make a general comment here in response to Secad's intro.

If you didn't read the rules before, please do so now.
I've seen a couple examples of powerplaying already, and so I'm going to try and make it clear here-
Powerplaying, which means taking control of another person's character (i.e Professor Oak) is bad.
And kind of annoying.
I'll let it slide this time because Oak is kind of mandatory for getting the pokemon and gear, but you probably won't get many responses if you do your business at the lab and scoot out of there before anyone else has time to respond.
If you see someone's characters well-integrated in their conversation in the lab, your best bet would be to get involved and introduce your character.

And if you're going to make a comment before you roleplay, be sure to put it in brackets or but an out of character (ooc:) tag in front of it.[/size]

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Actually, unless if someone in this RP is ACTIVELY using Professor Oak as their character, using him does not constitute as an 'Auto' as he's somewhat more of a plot-forwarding NPC than a character.

But yes, I have no idea if anyone is RPing as him on a usual basis in this thread and I really don't feel inclined to wade through this marsh of slowly evolving n00bery to find out. ^^;
Anthony ran into the lab still combing his hair. His shirt was half unbuttoned and he was missing a shoe. "Ugh......I'm late.....My dad had a Torchic so I would like one...but I see Its been taken...Is there any way I can get a Torchic Professor? I don't care how...


Former Moderator
Ant2011, you have offended me on three counts.

The first, your intelligence could be compared with that of a table, and you would have the unfavourable result.

The second, your gravedigging skills are so good, I suspect you are a necrophilliac.

The third, you are using my sprite in your trainer card. Based of the first two, this is a major insult.

Prepare to be punted.
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