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Cresselia for third game mascot?

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Thinking about it, out of all the options available (and there are quite a few), Cresselia's the one I see least of all being bandied about. Now, I'm not saying this is conclusive evidence of anything - or even that it indicates much more than a possibility - but it should spark up a discussion, non?

Basically, The Dojo updated this morning with the Spear Pillar Level.

Now, I've kept fairly up-to-date with information on stages and characters from the few updated sources for it online - but the news on Uxie, Azelf, Mespirit - and now Cresselia are all... well, news to me.

So, being placed alongside Diagla and Palkia - especially on a level HEAVILY themed on the actual games - any indication of a possible future role for Cresselia?

I mean, otherwise, surely Giratina would have been a wiser choice? Not only is it most suggested to star in the third Sinnoh game, it's even starring in the 11th movie this year - while Cresselia could, without much trouble, not appear in any movie for at least another 2 years.

So... what do people think?
Deffinatly a possibility. However, its could also be that Girtina, being the third -and most powerful?- out of Palkia and Dialga, would follow the same route as Ruby, Saphire and Emerald; Emerald being the main point, as Rayquaza is the third out of Kyogre and Groudon. Although in Gold, Silver and Crystal, Crystal suprisingly put Suicune as the main pokemon.

So its pretty unpredictable @.@

But meh, thats my oppinion.

It would seem highly unlikely, but it is possible I suppose. Cresselia just seems so different from all the other legendaries, particularly Dialga and Palkia. It doesn't possess any sort of power that can warp reality, it actually dabbles in the opposite, the Dream world.

She just seems odd. Other than Heatran, she's the only other legendary with a gender in Gen 4. And unlike him/her, she has a definite gender. This wouldn't be so strange a case, after all, there have been a lot of Pokemon in Gen 4 that just popped up and came about as 'being random'.

While legendary Pokemon Latios and Latias have a definite gender and an excuse for such, Cresselia doesn't. She's a female for no particular reason. We also have what we see as highly feminine Pokemon, and they can be both male and female (Lopunny and Gardevoir for example) and Pokemon with reason enough to be female (Miltank being directly based on a milk-producing Cow.)

I do believe there has to be a reason why Cresselia is what she is, not just a counterpart to the genderless Darkrai, but perhaps something even more. As a third game mascot though, I'm not so sure. Still, she doesn't necessarily have to have something in common as a Pokemon to be the next game mascot. If she ever does become one, I would believe it would involve some sort of storyline in which she is the main Pokemon, possibly helping to quell Dialga and Palkia. After all, in the current game, Giratina apparently has nothing to do with the Gods of Time and Space, and neither does Cresselia and the rest of the bonus legendaries. In short, she has about as much chance as the rest of the lot, though Giratina has the advantage of having physical and type similarities with the current mascots.
I was always thinking it was going to be giratina but you bring up A good point here or maybe everyones wrong and a heatran or The cover could be the 3 lake thing mehh who knows


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Don't forget that until gen 3, we never had a trio of supercharged legendaries for game mascots. 1st Gen had Pikachu for Yellow, and 2nd Gen had Suicune for Crystal. As for Rayquaza, due to its ability (and design) we always figured from the get-go that it was the off-balance Pokemon between Groudon/Kyorge, making it a perfect choice for that particular plot line in-game.

There are many similarities between Giratina and Dialga/Palkia (type, being from a parallel world to our own, etc.), but I could still see this going either way. Until we know for sure, and the 3rd game does end up being based on Giratina, I wouldn't call what happened with Gen 3 a pattern. Gen 4 seems obsessed with legendaries to begin with and kinda went a bit insane on that front, leaving one to wonder what value they all hold. In that way, I could see Cresselia as the 3rd mascot just as much as I could see Giratina being it.

Still... Heatran, Cresselia, and Darkrai appear on the cover of this new Ranger game. Could that possibly be signaling their purpose game-wise for the Pokemon series? I always wondered originally if the inclusion of so many legendaries wasn't just for Diamond/Pearl's own purposes, but for spin-off games as well, and that might be the case after all. If that's true... Cresselia will already have its game, leaving the space open for Giratina once more...

The Dojo thing is intriguing, but like us drawing connections in gen 4 with Giratina from gen 3 with Rayquaza, I can't help but be skeptic about it. I guess in the end... I have no idea either way enough to place bets, so I'll just wait it out. In the end... who knows? Maybe they'll go ahead and make Arceus the 3rd game mascot regardless of the fact that it's an event Pokemon XD
I always saw Darkrai for the third game, since it was in the movie and could fit with Opal I guess. But Cresselia just doesn't settle it for me. She's a runner, psychic type and is specifically female. I don't like it but I guess it isn't too bad. Just wait and see.
Its quite possible that cresselia was just an example and in rare occurrances other diamond and pearl legendaries will appear. Unless they released an update for the level after the 3rd game was revealed I don't think they'd really have a major spoiler like that on the internet before it was revealed. That and the second form of Giratina appearing recently, I don't think they'd release info about that without it actually leading somewhere, short of them doing a download event/update for the games, which would be badass.

Personally I don't like that the games have version exclusive legendaries now, the GTS is filled with people asking for Dialgas and Palkias
This is just a thought because not many would ever really consider them legendaries, let alone worthy of a game, but what if Lucario, or even Rotom ended up as the mascot for the 3rd Game? Lucario does have legends told about it, and in a sense, so does Rotom, if you'll remember what Gardenia said.

Again, not really a suggestion or anything, just wondering if anybody else was thinking anything along the lines of this.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Remember that we've only had Legendaries since Gold and Silver - it's been made into a pattern, but it's a pattern that has 4 pretty big exceptions in the games that came before them...

So... who knows. The chances of a Legendary leading a game though are generally more likely down to the fact that the game's plot normally centers not only around their story but the eventual capture of them. I doubt that the same effect would come from a Pokemon you could quite easily catch in the wild legitimately.
I notice the Dojo mentions Cresselia, but not that it actually does anything. Meanwhile, Dialga and Palkia cause chaos when they appear. Also, when you play Spear Pillar, you'll either get Dialga or Palkia - if one appears the other won't until the next time you play. I assume Cresselia makes what they said was a "casual guest appearance," like Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit. If that's the case, then maybe all four Legendaries are replaced in the third version. Maybe you have to rescue Cresselia, Giratina, and Shaymin from Team Galactic, who seek to control Darkrai? I don't know if those four are already available in Diamond or Pearl, so maybe that's not as clever as I think it sounds.
Not that I'm totally against the idea, but... Wouldn't a Cresselia-focused game need somewhat of a feminine focus? Cresselia is an only-female Pokemon, plus it's pink and "girly" as hell, so it wouldn't really reach out to males much...

...Wait, maybe that's their point? Maybe Pokemon is now targeting a more widely female audience. I mean, do you see all of those Barbie/Dora/other little girl b.s. commercials during airings of Pokemon? Seriously. Plus, in some areas (unfortunately mine as well) it's become somewhat of a fad for girls my age to enjoy things targeted for younger kids, maybe Pokemon realizes this, and is going for what they can?

Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what to think. But, we'll see, as clearly just an appearance on a side-game probably isn't enough to go on... Then again, it did appear with frickin' Dialga and Palkia, and is even rarer than them. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Cresselia does attack, it uses something like Razor Wind, Gardevoir_Master. I've seen it a couple times on YouTube, and even (I think) Bulbapedia mentions it.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Not that I'm totally against the idea, but... Wouldn't a Cresselia-focused game need somewhat of a feminine focus? Cresselia is an only-female Pokemon, plus it's pink and "girly" as hell, so it wouldn't really reach out to males much...

I'm not sure I'd agree. Just because Cresselia is female and feminine in design doesn't mean it'd reflect on the game plot... I mean, why would it? ^^; It's still a Pokemon like the rest of them, and would have a dynamic plot surrounding it void of gender references.

The most girly thing that people would see is the game box color, but personally? Pink is stereotypically feminine, and Pearl/Palkia is pink, so that technically already happened. And it didn't affect sales because if it, eh? XD
The most girly thing that people would see is the game box color, but personally? Pink is stereotypically feminine, and Pearl/Palkia is pink, so that technically already happened. And it didn't affect sales because if it, eh? XD

I don't know if it hurt sales, per se, but I'm pretty sure Diamond outsold Pearl.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
One version always outsells the other, though. It is curious as to why... I smell a new topic idea :3

But, yeah. There are various reasons why Diamond outsold Pearl, and personally? I don't think it's solely due to the color differences.
I think one usually outsells the other purley because some people like one colour more than they like the other! But, yeah, Pearl does look more femine than other games usually do.



Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Maybe, but to get this back on topic... My original point still stands. Just because the central Pokemon was female wouldn't necessarily mean the plot-line would be feminine. I find most Pokemon games story-wise fairly unisex in nature (not counting the early games only having a playable male trainer - but even that was outside of the plot), so I can't see why that'd suddenly change now. Cresselia's inclusion would be all about the plot, not the gender... as in, her being a she wouldn't equal a "girly game", it would still be an "everyone game" like the rest of 'em.

Still... I can see now why Yami could make that connection (even just the fact that something is female/feminine tends to draw some females to it). Plus, as RX said, there's no obvious reason why Cresselia is female 100% when Darkrai - its counterpart - is still genderless... unless the game creators are trying hard to rectify the "feminine" and "masculine" looks of some Pokemon by forcing gender upon them. Maybe Gardie isn't 100% female, but the fact that Gallade is 100% male kinda points at them wishing it was. Pal Park kinda screwed it up for 'em. And yet, Lopunny is completely fan service but still 50-50 gender-wise...

Maybe Cresselia's gender IS completely plot-related because Cresselia is seen as a mother of sorts? It is intriguing. That Pokemon, amoung others, could clearly use its own plot-line because it definitely has enough mystery to form one. Giratina does too, though, which I guess is why the next movie surrounds it...

Meh. All this rambling still has me as clueless as before :p
A recent thought came to me on the matter of a possible purpose for Cresselia in the future.

Warning! A fan theory has been detected! Hide your Babies now...

Okay, so we all take it that Darkrai is Cresselia's counterpart for several reasons, such as the case of their typing as well as the Pokedex entries that explain what they do. But what I was thinking about was Cresselia as a creature.

She resembles a swan, and has many features that make her symbolize the moon itself...

Still don't see where I'm going? Well...

In finding another counterpart for Cresselia, I basically brought up these two facts. She's bird-like, and she represents the moon. The counterpart I'd be looking for would be an opposite but still has some relation to her; a case of same difference, in other words, I looked up the old Pokedex for a Pokemon, possibly bird-like, and closely related to the Sun.


If you didn't bother to hide your babies by now, then I am to assume you plan to continue reading...

So let's say that we do get a G/S remake (and we know we should) I think that would be a perfect game for Cresselia to be in. We've had new gen legendary tie-ins before after all, so why not in G/S? Plot-wise, I think Cresselia's story would fit well with the mysterious events surrounding the legends of Ho-Oh and Lugia. And the three do make a better match than Suicune. Of course, that doesn't mean that she'll replace the beast as Crystal's new Mascot[Not saying there's gonna be a Crystal remake (although it goes pretty well together, cresselia, crystal...)] However, I do believe that if Cresselia were to star in a Pokemon game, she could get her first break in the GS remakes.
I always saw Darkrai for the third game, since it was in the movie and could fit with Opal I guess. But Cresselia just doesn't settle it for me. She's a runner, psychic type and is specifically female. I don't like it but I guess it isn't too bad. Just wait and see.

I agree I think Darkrai would be a good pokemon for Opal... however if it is still not directly obtainable in-game (need to hack or event to get) then i wouldn't like it as the cover character.
all of these points are very interesting. but i have a few things to point out myself. firstly. if you read pay attention to what the purpose of those 3 mesprit ect, was to create balance or something. that could end up being similar to the whole suicune thing in crystal. but unlikely.

i did think darkrai would be good. but its a bit like the movie.

i think the most likely bet would be giratina, i say this becuase out of all the legeondarys u find in d/p there are 3 that have dragon type, they are dialga, palkia, and giratina. it seems logical that it fits in a trio. especially kuz it exists in an alternate dimension. and team galactic in d/p end up searchn sinnohs great lakes for the pokemon they need. giratina is in a 4th forgotten lake. maybe in the next game team galactic realise there is another lake. and some story involves giratina there. who knows. but it to me seems to be the most likely mascot for a third game for its compatibility with everything. also. like dialga and palkia, giratina also has a signature move, like spacial rend and roar of time. it has shadow force. another point is that giratina is the most similar looking to dialga and palkia, but it looks like its inverted. opposite colours. also. having giratina existing in another dimension may have something to interest team galactic, kuz theyre intending on creating a new universe. when u stack it all up like that. giratina to me seems likely.

if this is the case. the title of the next game wud probably be some sort of dark stone or red stone. or even the next game may have the new sprite for giratina. who knows. what do you think?
If darkrai is the third game pokemon for the 4th gen, that would make it easier for people to obtain darkrai without hacking or cheating, or attending an event. It might make a few people rejoice, while others will through a hissyfit because they worked hard for it, when others can just buy the game to obtain it. Marketing wise, its a good Idea. Storywise, I dunno. Giratina seems the most obvious choice, since its the third part of the Diagla/Palkia triangle.

I think suicune became the third game for johto because its one of the more popular dogs, so if this thing is based on popularity, darkrai will definetly win.

well, thats my penny for my thoughts (because they really are worth a penny).