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Ask to Join Blades, Wings and Fire (discussion)

Schrift hasn't given me much more info on the mountain. However, maybe there are some hatchlings already out.

Eh, sorry. I mainly focus on the biology and history of dragons and work on the culture of Faragal and help with future plots.
I figured none of us had proper training in either fighting dragons or reason with them. Realistically, only playful's OC would've had the option to train to fight dragons wouldn't she? Atleast before she was shipwrecked. The rest of us would have more training to fight with our dragons. Not against them. And that sort of training is hard to do when you don't even have a dragon.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it
Not exactly. My character was trained in the art of trade and self defense with a European-style shortsword. She knows of a few weaknesses, but doesn't know much else. Dragon fighting is usually left to the army. Sure, normal villagers get into fights with dragons, but usually because the dragon is attacking the village in question. And these villagers tend to die to the dragon ex: Farmer Joe down the road and someone that was important to Elwisia.