• Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.

IMPORTANT: Trainer Card Maker, News, Guides and PokéDex to go offline on 30th January

Doctor Oak

Staff member
As a result of one of our hosts ending support for the technology used by our Trainer Card Maker, News and Guides frontends on the 31st of January, we will be temporarily suspending all parts of the website other than these forums on Thursday the 30th of January for an indefinite amount of time.

Alongside this forced downtime, as part of a need to immediately reduce server costs, the PokéDex will be deactivated for the meantime and over the next few weeks, we will be removing any saved Trainer Cards stored on our server to bring down storage and bandwidth costs. We encourage you to download any you wish to keep safe ASAP.

The Trainer Card Maker will return in the future. However, we will no longer be offering hosting services for the generated cards, so it will become necessary to download them to your device and re-upload them elsewhere to share them. Future development and new assets for the Trainer Card Maker are also likely to remain significantly reduced, or not happen at all, going forward.

Development on the Creative Corner and the next version of the site around it has also been cancelled, with my apologies for failing to deliver on that promise.

Last year, personal reasons forced me to take a break from working on the website, and at this point, with my life no longer what it was just two years ago, there simply isn't the time, energy or money left to invest in moving the site forward any further at this time.

At the same time, the Internet itself is no longer what it once was. Social Media as a whole is, by now, largely a write-off. Meanwhile, creative platforms have to manage not only the impact of Generative AI diluting the User Generated Content but also being ethically responsible in trying to protect genuine users and their hard work from unethical, non-consensual scraping for use in copyright-infringing datasets being used to train the next wave of commercial models. Thanks both to a complete failure of Governments around the world to keep up with legislating this technology and to the regulatory capture and growing tech-based oligarchies threatening Western Democracy as a whole.

The Creative Corner, unfortunately, is a project that has been outpaced by the rest of the world. The scope of building, maintaining and managing it as a platform is no longer feasible, even if my circumstances hadn't also changed in the meantime.

It's been important to me to try to avoid letting everyone down as much as possible, even when it's become clear that the site cannot continue as it currently is, and that there won't be a place - at least any time soon - for future growth. That is why I've been working on a new version of the Trainer Card Maker that can run in a low-cost manner and can remain online, even if functionality and updates to it are reduced. Unfortunately, my hand has been forced by both the imminent lack of support for the current version's software and an increasing need to eliminate the significant financial losses I have been personally covering for years.

It will not be possible to release that version ahead of any necessary downtime or changes, so for now, we will redirect the other parts of the site to this announcement, and I will continue to work, when I can, on the new TCM to get it ready as quickly as possible. I'd like to hope that a soft deadline of the 17th March can be achievable, but I can't make that a promise.

Once again, my apologies for the bad news. Thank you all for your support throughout the years so far. Hopefully, we will return to grow again and be better than ever, but in the meantime, we'll always be here in some way or another.
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Thank you for this update! please take all the time you need ♥ the trainer card maker is hugely loved, and your contribution of it makes the internet a friendlier, warmer, more creative space, especially among pokemon fans new and old. Take time for your mental health, well being and financial stability. edit: first time account owner, long time site enjoyer found out by trying to use the site
Was a real shock to go to the card maker and see it down, but I understand your reasoning. I had no idea the site hosted as much as it did, the card maker was all I had ever used since around... I think middle school. I hope the months to come are easier for you without the financial weight of it. I look forward to seeing the new card maker in the future. Are the assets the old maker used public anywhere? i may just download them to make them in photoshop.
Just read this yesterday, I make Trainer Cards when I'm bored, so this came as a real shock. I hope the new card maker will be awesome though, and good luck on everything.
Sucks to hear, but completely understandable. I have spent so many hours creating trainer cards for fun, of fictional characters, real people, my own teams, friends' teams, characters' teams, etc. Take your time man, I (and surely many others) appreciate all the work you've done for this community.
(Also, March 17th is actually my birthday! If it goes live then, I will definitely celebrate lol)
Is there a good alternative? I’m trying to make a trainer card, and all I can find is this website, but surely there can be more right?
It feels like ive been waiting for years jyst get it done with

It feels like this happened years ago im going insane and I was already insane

When will this be done I havent used the toilet ever since this happened

Day 3 of me saying stuff im gonna cry

When will this be doneeeee
I know about pokecharms seen in 2021. I use it a bit here and there, but I have used it in 2023. sad that I can't make Pokemon trainer cards right now, but I can wait. I hope you're doing well, and I can't wait to see it return.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Just to keep you all updated, I've unfortunately been too busy the last few weeks to be able to hit today's hoped-for return of the TCM, but there isn't a huge amount more left to do. Hopefully it'll be back online before the end of the month, but I'll let you know as soon as I do when we have a confirmed date.
Just to keep you all updated, I've unfortunately been too busy the last few weeks to be able to hit today's hoped-for return of the TCM, but there isn't a huge amount more left to do. Hopefully it'll be back online before the end of the month, but I'll let you know as soon as I do when we have a confirmed date.
This is amazing news! I hope all these messages don't make you feel rushed, this website has such a passionate community behind it that all appreciate your work immensely! I was only worried it would never come back so this update is greatly appreciated! Hope you're having a great day/week! :)

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