• Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.

Ask the Staff

No. Said people have zero name, even on posts.

I hid my online status for a little bit, and it just said I was offline. I still saw my name on posts.

This was the only example I found
Are two people allowed to share an art thread? More specifically, would it be against the rules if Fishyface and I created a thread for our fan region in which we both posted art in? Or would be each have to have a seperate thread?


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Considering it's a thread for a project you're both involved in, I say go ahead.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
To all staff:

I'm pretty sure most, if not all of the staff members have already celebrated their birthday this year. So I was wondering what ya'll got as a b-day prezzy. Anyone wanna share?

Also, how'd some of ya'll come along to Pokecharms, besides you people who've been here since forever.
Me, a Crimson DS Light. It was amazing. And a birthday dinner.

As for how I joined. You can blame the TCM for that. Followed said link and stumbled my way in. And the rest is history since then.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
To all staff:

I'm pretty sure most, if not all of the staff members have already celebrated their birthday this year.

I haven't XD
But a friend of mine let me open my gift early which included the three Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and a random graphic novel she's been desperate for me to read :p

And I guess I count as one of the "people who've been here since forever". This incarnation of Pokecharms hadn't been invented yet. Instead Alex was running a website called "Nintendo Gamer", and I'd followed Stel to its forums from another forum community we were all part of (The PokeTavern/The Turquoise Tavern - a now dead forum community. It was always a small place, but it was pretty awesome while it lasted).


Former Moderator
I got my provisional driving liscence. I can't spell that word either.

Then I spent the night at my friends house so I wouldn't be crying non-stop.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Like Linkachu, my genesis within this generation of PokeCharms rests in the Turquoise Tavern and its then host-site, Turquoise City. At some point, TC became affiliated with a website by the name of RPGCCG - which was one of Alex's earlier forays into web designs.

It was a b0rked little place which featured an RP tournament that never quite took off the ground, and not due to lack of trying. And through some convincing from a friend of mine (who is no longer a member of 'charms, and hasn't been for a long while - but she used to go by Keleri) I found myself joining said RP tournament, and becoming somewhat more involved in its community.

When RPGCCG collapsed into its own navel and died, Alex started his next web project, Nintendo-Gamer.tk. I followed the proverbial white rabbit, and when NG-TK itself exploded, I did the same for PokeCharms.

... And here I've been ever since. And I'll probably be here until the universe collapses into its own navel and implodes. Yay for you, eh? >>;


Former Moderator
I think I was banned from chat again.
What did I do THIS time? >_<

Actually, that's because of me.

You were banned because you were being irritating beyond what I thought were impossible limits. And you continued being irritating despite me asking you, then telling you, then threatening you to stop.
I was reading through some of the threads in the Realm Of Noobs Who Went To Far and, well, something came up. Does Yoshimitsu27 really bake phallic cookies?

I don't mean to be rude, I'm just a tad peckish.

I can honestly say I haven't, though I have been tempted to.

Also, peckish for phallic cookies? What? o.O

"Moderately hungry", ehe. Gingerbread bits sounds fun anyway, imagine what you could do with the icing and smarties.

Oh, that's a point, do any of the staff here have a favourite childhood sweet?


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Rice Krispies squares, hands down, no contest. For me, at least XP

I love the things. No additional toppings or chocolate needed. They're just great in their own right.

And store bought ones generally suck. Those boxed kinds? Only one brand so far has done them justice. The rest taste kinda stale. They must be burned.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Mine would be black licorice (or rather, true licorice, as red licorice isn't bloody licorice. LICORICE IS A FLAVOR. NOT A FORM. DEAL WITH IT.)

I could live off the stuff, I swear.

White chocolate and mint chocolate are also high up on the list.
I'd have to say Nestle Favourite Chocolate. (Kit-Kat, Aero, ect.)

Personally, I eat most sweets (not often), but I'm more of a chip person.

Christmas is the time I eat most kinds sweets/chocolate anyways.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
You can't preview it before you change it, but you can see it in your profile instead of having to go hunting down one of your posts.
You can't preview it before you change it, but you can see it in your profile instead of having to go hunting down one of your posts.
I always find its better to actually find one of your posts, because I find (on my PC anyway) that the area in your profile that previews your signature is actually narrower than in a post so it won't look as it would in a post.

Plus, all you have to do is go to your profile summary, then at the bottom "See all posts" or similar, then pick out one and click its url.
Hey, I got a question or two. So here they are!

What's your favorite anime/manga? And what is your dream job to do in the world, like being an actor or a teacher?
Naruto manga is awesome. Anime I don't have a favourite preference though. Naruto Shippuuden may take that spot, whenever it comes out in the Americas (I mean dubbed, not the Japanese with Subtitles).

As for a job, probably something in Medical. Optomitrist, Pharmacist. Y'know, the medical jobs that take ages of schooling.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
The Slayers series (everything about it), and fantasy/science fiction genre writer. That or Astronomer. Either would be awesome if I could do the job properly and live off it.
Heh, nice. I got another question to keep ya guys busy. ^^

I'm currently planning a fan fiction and what I thought would be cool if I could get some of the mods to throw in a bio(Kinda like a cameo) towards me so that they can fight the main character at the Indigo League Tournament, which would kinda be like the anime verison and we each fight against one other with 3on3. So does anyone wanna send a bio to me through PM? Just like the RP format please?

And if you guys don't count that as a question, here's another one, what's your favorite song and why is it?


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Heh, nice. I got another question to keep ya guys busy. ^^

I'm currently planning a fan fiction and what I thought would be cool if I could get some of the mods to throw in a bio(Kinda like a cameo) towards me so that they can fight the main character at the Indigo League Tournament, which would kinda be like the anime verison and we each fight against one other with 3on3. So does anyone wanna send a bio to me through PM? Just like the RP format please?

And if you guys don't count that as a question, here's another one, what's your favorite song and why is it?

I don't think I have a single favourite song (and after going through my current playlist and giving it some thought I still couldn't come up with anything). There's a number that I love, though, and most of them are due to nostalgia or just the way listening to them hits me emotionally. A few choice examples: the Legend of Zelda theme, the Final Fantasy theme; "Ready Go! and "Battle Frontier" from the Japanese Pokemon Anime series (MANY more where those came from); "Radical Dreamers" from Chrono Cross... and I'll toss in the 20+ minute long song from the end of Final Fantasy VI. I'm not doing all my of favorites justice, but I'll save you from a novel.

And yeah, that fanfic idea sounds like fun, although I think I'll actually use one of my own fanfic characters instead of any of my persona characters. That way, if you write her wrong, won't irk me as much XD

I'll see about sending you a PM later today with her team details. Since I'll be giving you her entire team, you can pick which three Pokemon of hers to use.
Ya I know that but he said it use to say, you are banned or something like that when he logged in. But now when he does it say that his account has not be activated. So he wants to know whats up.
Yes, I could check through our records. If you do find his name, just PM it to me. No need to post more here when it could be kept to some PMs.
Oh, um, I've been wondering if I have been banned for the chat or if my computer's messed up, as when I try to go to it it leads me to the front forum page index thing. If I have been banned, I certainly realize as to why, but I would like to know for sure. Thank you very much, and I'm sorry if I wasted your time.

...I think it was due to me being annoying. or rude. Or a combination of the both. Or being spammy.

Edit: Oh, I believe I've been gravedigging or whatever it's called, but I'm not sure if that can happen for the stickied topics.