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Private/Closed Unova? Is that where I am? (P)


Pit pat pit pat. Footsteps sounded across the quiet route. "Hey, I think we took the wrong boat. This certainly don't look like Sinnoh." Someone said in a heavy southern accent. it was a trainer named Zuri. Her frizzy red hair and southern accent set her apart from most other people. "Inx" that was Tux, her shinx. He was nodding his head in agreement to her statement. Wherever they were, it certainly wasn't Sinnoh. "Hey, anyone round?" Zuri called out, hoping someone could tell her where in arceus' name she was.
Zuri jumped, practically scared out of her skin by the boy who jumped out of the tree. "Err, yeah. Would ya min telling me what region we're in?" She asked, returning Tux to his pokeball.
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"Unova huh? Is that really how far we strayed?" She whispered to herself. Zuri smiled at the familiar electric type Pokémon. It was a plusle. She had seen many of those while she traveled in sinnoh, as they were quite popular.
Zuri frowned "I was heading for tha sinnoh region." She said with a sigh. She had no idea how she boarded the wrong boat. The last time she messed up that badly was when she climbed a tree looking for Pokemon in Jhoto and fell on a passing trainer. Man she felt stupid.