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the arrow game ^ < v

< Lady Secad you have a trade. Oh and Zezzy, thanks for entering the C-4 drawing.
VThe drawing closes tomorrow at 5pm. Don't miss you're chance for 100 pounds of C-4! We now also carry fighter planes! Only 200 credits! ammo included
^ Oh Please! *heavy sacsam*
< *is wondering if she gives a damn about Australia or not*
V Will know the answer
^ Everything except Ireland, Canada, France, England, U.S.A., India, and all Africa
< *captures Germany* And now Germany
V Will get Poland if they give me 8 tons of thermite and a lighter
^ That's my job. * gives thermite and lighter in exchange for Poland*
< Loves the benifits of owning a domination supply store.
V Would you get me Nepal? You can rule the big half.
^ I don't need half of Nepal, I've got the world!
< Unleashes the 700 Trillion Porygon-Zs I've been hording, sending the first to eliminate all fighting types, then destroying all electronics, the finally enslaving every living creature. The only ones who are spare are Lady Secad and the almighty gerbil Lady Fi because she is my leader, Brendan Savem because I'm in is RPG, and Psycho Monkey because I want to see how his story ends.
V Shall be my official baker
^ But I can't cook! (I'm alive because I serve Ladies Secad and Fi, so HAH!)
< *uses power over Germany, Ireland, France, and India to capture Italy*
V Will recieve a fighter jet with thermite bombs if they help me conquer Switzerland
^ Sure. But I get Neptune, too!

WHAT?! What were you thinking, pokemongod? Why did you destroy the entire world? You will be punished.

< *Burns pokemongod to death* Now we have to restore Earth, except it must be ruled by me.

V Will be given great magics to restore Earth, but with one catch. The use must be approved by me to work. I approve that you may restore the Earth to have world peace, eco-friendly societies, and good living for all.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Yes you Highness!
< Begings restoration emediately while only reviving the humans I judge to be kind hard working people.
V Be quiet, I know that sounded like Yagami Light.
^ Gets his evil space monkeys eaten by a mysterious portal from the netherworld.
< Get revived at a powerful demon with the power to control fire, ice....... and turn things into magically delicious cupcakes!
V Shall turn into a magically delicious cupcake
^ Okay, but I change myself back
< *conquers Mars and builds a Martian army*
V Will help me and my martian army rebuild Earth and kill pokemongod!
^ Yo, you don't know my power fool!
< Turns mars and everything on it, including zezzyman, into magically delicious cupcakes, which are then devoured by the Lollipop Guild who which traveled through a trans-dimensional rift that connects our two world in order to eat said magically delicious cupcakes.
V Shall be initiated into the Lollipop Guild!

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Yet another foolish little n00b -.-
< As punishment for attacking my monkeys, brining harm to Mars, and defying Lady Secad, I crusify pokemongod
V Know your place!
^ I do know my place, and it's on your head, turning you into a magically delicious cupcake, because I turned the cross into a cupcake, then ate it!
< Is gnawing on the now magically delicious Psycho Monkeys cupcake equivalent of a head.
V Shall read Psycho Monkeys Fanfic... or else!
^ Ok... Oh! That's where my turn-absolutely-anything-into-a-delicious-magical-cupcake-er. *snatches out of pokgod's pocket*
< Is finally united with T.A.A.I.A.D.M.C.-er
V Do you wanna turn something into a magically delicious cupcake? How about a deliciously magical one?
^ Hey give that back! *snatches Turn-absolutely-anything-into-a-delicious-magical-cupcake-er out of jertyuiop's hands, eats it, then get hits by a bolt of space radiation, which cause him to mutate into a giant, inedible, radioactive cupcake monster*
< Is painfully mutating.
V Shall read MY fanfic!
^ No.
< Is going to help Brendan... for some reason...
V Will probably murder me for the above statement
^ Will be murdered for forgeting about the last arrow.
< *isn't special*
V Probably is special for having an event egg...

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ I have no eggs!
< Is awake at an ungoddly time on a Saturday morning.
V What the hell is wrong with me?

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ How'd you know?
< No longer bored
V Care to do a little world domination while Lady Secad isn't looking?
< Is ready to do some serious taking over the world
V Will also be ready
^ Of course
< *moves onto Singapore* You shall soon be mine...
V Will take over another country/continent

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ I've already got my sights set on Area 11... er Japan
< Conqueres Japan peacefully as they have no millitary and I don't want to jeoperdize anime and videogame production
V Take Russia while it's summer. Russian winters are a bitch.
^ Agreed. But I like the cold sooo...
< *manages to convince Norway to rebel against Lady Secad*
V Hi Psycho! (Please excuse my randomness)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Hi Aura! (you're excused)
< *Has moved to Italy for pizza and take over. But mostly for pizza.
V Want some pizza before I go to Germany?
^ Sure! I'm ready for domination!
< *Stops to think about what Lady Secad will do to us when she finds out about this.* Aaaagh! The pain! :o
V Are you sure this is a good idea?
^ Yes. Psycho and I have the power to protect ourselves from her and Fi
< *takes America*


V Why did I take over America?

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ No thanks. I have a squadron of flying monkeys.
< Fly my pretties! Fy! Ahahahahaha!
V Is the true wicked witch of the west (And I mean that as a compliment)