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Open Pokemon Civilization - Discussion

He said that he needs somebody else. He doesn't have an infinite reserve, so he needs more. Also, most of them live in Raloid, so they don't go above ground. Merk is a treasure hunter who spends all her time above ground

Name: Maxwell Xyruno (or just X for short)
Species: Plulse
Birthplace: Henlow
Age: 11
Appearance: A Plulse with one cyan eye and one eye that looks like this: (minus the red sharp thingys) trinity_sharingan_by_zecn-d8w2b7l.jpg , and brown ragged cloak (like mewtwo in Pokémon heroes).
Personality: Cunning, brave, clever, helpful , sneaky.
Occupation/Role: Treasure hunter / mercenary
Currently living in: A place outside of Henlow, called Havens Hollow, A very dark cave few have explored in. Lives in the very back of it, the most dangerous part.
Other: Nothing known, he is only 11, and has committed small crimes, like stealing.
Weapon: s-l1000.png The Blood Scythe, a mythical weapon that was gifted to him at 8, after his sister, a Minun, died. Her soul converted into the Blood Scythe. Then his eye converted to the above.
Power: Blood Magic and Telekinesis (the eye.) His power supply of magic is very little though.
Siblings: Kyrua (deceased, but could be revived with an Elixir of Revivination.)
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Name: Cathy
Species: Meowstic(Female)
Birthplace: Unknown
Age: 15
Appearance: Normal mastic, but with a yellow scarf and a pink bow on ear.
Personality: Kind, adventurous, travling, curious
Currently Living in: Nomad
Role/Occupation: Traveling clothing merchant
Other: Owns a caravan pulled by Rapidash