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Ask to Join If Pokemon Was Realistic


Silvania climbed onto the swing and started kicking her legs, struggling to get into the air. Spyro sat below her, barking his full head off.
Ben got onto the swing next to Silvania's and began swinging. "So, how's Miss Brown?" He asked casually swinging. Sharptooth was chasing the other kids around, but it was obvious they were just playing."
"She's great!" She grinned when she finally got into the air, and Spyro lost interest and ran off. "I was wondering, wanna do a playdate after school today?"
She leaped off the swing, falling flat on her bottom, but not seeming to care as she got up, dusting off her pants, and ran over to Ajax.
Ajax was with Apollo working on his teleportation skills along with his growl and confusion moves. He wanted Apollo to be the best that he could be, so he figured that they might as well train whenever they could.

Boy and Pokémon stopped when Ben came over with Silviana and asked about his opinion of Miss Brown. "She seems nice!"
Name: Sandra
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Partner: Bedew
Friends: None
Appearance: She has long black hair and usually wears a white long sleeve. She is very beautiful but isn't very chatty. She wears short jeans and black hightops. She has Bedew earrings that matches a necklace Bedew wears.
Sandra runs with Bedew through the halls knowing she was late. She rushed down the hall looking for her classroom and she found it. She flung open the door and ran to the remaing seat that was on the across from Ben. She sat down and Bedew jumped into her lap.
Miss Brown noticed the winded student. "Oh, you must be Sandra," she said, smiling. "I'm sorry, but all of the students have gone to lunch and recess. They're at the playground. If you brought your own lunch, I'd recommend eating it before you go."
Sandra hung her head. "Dangit im always late!" She said. She got up and rushed out side as Bedew Waddles after her. She grabbed a book before she went. She decided to sit next to the slide and read her book to Bedew
((BACKK)) ((:Grabs ben: HE'S MINE. SANDRA... x'D))

Silvania went onto a nearby slide and slid down it at lightning speed, and landed on top of ben when she went down. "Agh! Sorry ben!" She yelped, jumping off.
(Lol trust me my character is suppose to be a loner nerd type girl.) she read her book to Bedew and looked up once and a while to watch the others play. She read the picture book and examined the pages carefully.
"Whoa!" Ben said, laughing. It's okay." He noticed a girl sitting on another slide reading her book to a Budew. Deciding to be her friend, he casually walked up to her and greeted her. "Hi, I'm Ben. Do you have Miss Brown?"
She looked up from her book again. "I'm fine thank you though" she looked back down and continued to read waiting for the bell to ring. She soon closed her book and decided to color a bit. Sandra loved to draw and was a pretty good artist.
"Alright, then," Ben sighed. Suddenly, the bell rang, signalling that it was time to head back inside. "Come on, guys," Ben called to Silvania and the others. "Let's go!" They all headed back to Miss Brown's room. The lesson was pretty easy, they were learning addition. Surprisingly, Elise didn't even break a sweat. Before they knew it, It was time to go back home. "So," Ben said to Silvania as they entered the bus and sat down. "You wanna go to my house? I got a brand new Wii U!"
((brb pause x'D)) "OOh! That'd be awesome!" She smiled as she sat down next to Ben. "Do you have Wii Kinect? Oooh! Or maybe an Xbox? I love minecraft!"
Sandra tabbed her little pink bag and picked up Bedew. She walked slowly out of class. The day made her tired and she wanted to pass out. She continued to walk towards the gates of the school
"Wait for us! Waaaait, don't start! Ugg, we're not going to make it Apollo, use teleport!"

This time Apollo hit his mark. They re-appeared in the bus in a seat nearby Ben and company albeit being teleported upside down.

They quickly adjusted themselves. "Hey guys!"
"Yeah!" Ben said enthusiastically. "I have an XBox 360 with Minecraft! Not the Wii Kinect though. Not sure that exists. Come on!" The two got off the bus and ran to Ben's house. "Mom!" he called, setting down his backpack. "I brought Sil'! Can she stay for a while!"
"Yes, that's fine," his mom replied. "I'll bring some snacks later."
Home again... Elise looked out the window on the bus, It wouldnt take long, the others almost rode the same bus as her, Ben and sil do, thats for sure. Elise sighed and hugged rotom close to her chest, "So I guess we all seem to live in the same neighborhood..." she mumbled as the bus seemed to start slowing down.

Elise got off and watched the two sprint in a completely different direction. Elise arived home a little later. She walked up to her room, and started reading and studying a bit. She fell asleep a little later.
Before Ben and Silvania dashed upstairs, Ben heard a thudding noise outside. He opened the door to see Ajax and Apollo waiting outside.
"Hey, Mom!" Ben called, smiling. "We have another visitor! Come on in!"
((Meh lemme fix it))
((Also, Wii Kinect is a thing, I have it. x'D))

Silvania smiled and went outside to greet the visitors. When suddenly some bullies walking down the sidewalk began to laugh. "OOOh, having a little playdate?" One mocked. "Such babies."

"H.. hey!" Silvania stuttered.

"Heeeey!" One of them mocked. Suddenly, spyro's paws lit on fire, as well as his tail as he faced the bullies angirly. His tiny barking voice made out some threatening words. "ToUcH hEr AnD i'Ll RiP yOuR fAcE oFf." He growled. When the bullies stuttered and hurried off, he went back to his old self and barked cheerfully.
(Lol I'm so off right now, I'm gonna fix it though)

The first teleport brought them straight to Ben's house and sent them skidding into a wall.

Ajax was pretty sure that Ben invited him in, so Apollo and Ajax stumbled over.
Name: winter forest
Age: 5
Gender: female
Partner: red ralts
Friends: none
Personality: Shy, Calm, Humorous, Loyal to friends, silly, quiet
Appearance:Has knee length white hair glaring yellow eyes she wears a white jacket with a black tee shirt under it, gray pants and shoes, she has a necklace with the psychic symbol on it and a pentagram beside it.

Winter looked at the house with a glare why did she even have to come here she could have stayed with dad in unova and helped him with his work but no she had to go with her mother to Kanto to be with rose her ralts she hated her mother for that but was glad she had rose by her side as she looked around she saw ben and alex she frowned when her mother yelled at her to come and help with the boxes.
Sandra got off the same bus stop as them and she began to walk across the street to her house. She opened the door and her parents greeted her. She waddled to her room and decided to ride her bike. She put Bedew in the little basket and they rode in the driveway
Soon winter and her mother where done unpacking and winter headed over to sandras house with rose running behind her as she got to the door she started to knock and wait for an answer.