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Open A wild world of wild wealth!

Socks's headache hasn't yet vanish but he tried to push it aside as he frowned at the man in front of them, unsure how to feel. The ragged cloak and beard being his only distinguishing features. He glanced at Adam who seemed rather confident and shrugged, if their fearless leader trusted this odd human then Socks decided he would take his word in the fact that they would get a good amount of payment. That being said he still didn't trust people.
Adam: "Now I understand if you don't trust him, I didn't at first either." He said as he and the group walked ever closer. " But he's actually helped me a few times since I was a Ralts; He helped me find someone who could teach me to survive and treasure hunt like I do today, he even gave me this scarf when we first met." he said as he touched the latter. "I promise you that he won't harm or take any of you." He said with a bright smile before he turned back and waved at the old man.

Seller: The old man looked up and cheerfully waved back "Well! If it isn't my most favourite customer, you can't fool me with your evolution- congratulations by the way -but I recognise that scarf anywhere!" He said, before he turned to the group and narrowed his eyes for a brief moment. "Ah! Are these little ones friends of yours? By the looks of them it seems they too have some beautiful trinkets to sell me which I will pay back fairly!" He said and put his hands on the table. "Alright, so who's going to sell their stuff first, hmmmm?"

Adam: "I'll go first." He said as he swung his bag off his shoulder and poured his earnings on to the table. The items in the bag consisted of a few regular and big nuggets, a couple of pearls and a star piece.

Seller: The old man widened his eyes "My word, you really collected quite the haul here..." he said as he began to analyze the items before he turned around and put some gold coins into a bag. "This should cover it...!" he grunted as he passed the bag of money to Adam, either the bag was heavy or the man was weak, there was a lot of money either way. "Alright, who's next?" He asked.
Frubbles stepped forward skeptically, he dropped his bag, the seller then looked into it and pushed forward a bag of money to Frubbles, he picked it up and threw it over his shoulder. He walked back to the others, "Well, that went smoothly," he said as he turned back to let someone else trade with the man.
(Sorry I had been busy but I'm good now)

Arya briskly shook away the growing nausea that jabbed at her upon teleporting to the town. Soon after she trotted after Adam who beckoned to follow, admiring the captivating scenery. She had never gone to the shopping district so the concept was quite foreign yet enticing to her. Colours seemed to fill the area as Pokemon of many types set up shopping stands.

The Electrike's crown suddenly jolted towards where Adam pointed to as he explained their destination. A human shopkeeper greeted them in a tent they had entered who carried an ominous appearance in Arya's view. Soon a query had popped into her head as she wondered how the Galladion would communicate with the human but she entrusted he had already been familiar with the task. Her worries of precarious she should be around the Shopkeeper slowly faded as her companion reassured them to be a safe and rather honourable person.

In a friendly, greeting manner, Arya swayed her bobbed tail horizontally and beamed towards the old man with perked ears.
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Socks watched both exchanges, trying to keep his lurching stomach contained. If Adam trusted the man he should too, but Socks didn't trust or like people. After the Froakie had traded his treasure Socks turned to look at Arya. He flicked his tail waiting to see f she wanted to go next, it was more of out him not wanting to go than curtesy. "Ladies first?" He offered nodding to the man.
Ace had reached his secret hole, where he placed the metal coat for another day. He wasn't ready for it just yet but soon; soon he will. Making his way through the forest again he slowly rubbed his left arm which took the most impact from knocking that Fearow to the after life and back. He's no hero and he know's it; he would have preferred to get nothing out of the exchange. He may not be a murderer, but he's a hell of a thief. If life wasn't so hard he'd stop but you know what they say. Ain't no rest for the wicked.
The old man looked at Socks and Arya after giving Frubble the payment for his findings. "Are you going to sell me what you found? Don't be shy." he said as he went to put the recently sold treasures into a treasure chest behind him. Adam smiled and folded his arms as he looked at everyone.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Name: Spirit

Gender: Female

Species: Snivy

Personality: Shy and careful. Very high spirited, and she loves adventures. She sometimes puts her trust in someone she literally just met.

Likes: Adventures, friends, and happy times.

Dislikes: Being lost, being lonely, and people being upset or sad.

Appearance: She looks like a normal Snivy but her tail is longer and she is a bit taller than a normal Snivy.

Hobbies: Exploring, gardening, and battling


“Hey! Give me that you rat!” A BeeDrill called out. Spirit took a deep breath, and stood her ground. “This is mine! Your going to have to get your own!” She was holding a gold nugget, it was obvious that the BeeDrill wanted it. “Well, I guess I’ll have to beat you to get it!” The BeeDrill unleashed a Peck on Spirit, and the move was Super Effective on her.

She dropped the nugget and the BeeDrill snatched it up. “Aha! Thanks for the nugget, kid.” Spirit hissed and picked herself up. “What a big jerk...” She murmured to herself, and Spirit dusted herself off. She jumped up onto a branch, and saw an Oran Berry there. Spirit got hold of it, and started eating it greedily. “Dang, that BeeDrill was pretty strong...”