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Private/Closed Wild Pokémon Romance


Previously Ryan Crentei
Hello, welcome to WILD POKÉMON ROMANCE. Yes, a thread about Romance, but not trainers, Wild POKÉMON?!?!? No, I am not a furry, I do not wear furry costumes. Let's get the show on the road.
1: Please respect all rules of Pokécharms, especially:
Bunnying: Forcing the actions of another Rp'er. "Totodile used Water Gun and Cyndaquill fainted." You cannot force the other user to faint, or any other forcing things, or taking control of others.
Excessive Gore: Please no excessive blood or gore, a little bit of blood like from a cut or wound but no getting your head cut off by a knife or cannibalism or ANYTHING like this.
Also, please try to limit swearing to these words: Hell, Damn, B¡+c#. Anything else is not tolerated, and if you do not follow these rules than I will ask you to leave once, if you refuse, deal with the moderators.
2: Please use this Character Bio Template:
Name: (Is your name Jerry? Marie? Pikachu?)
Species: (What Pokémon would you like to be? Please note that if you want to be a legendary Pokémon you will have to ask a moderater.)
Age: (If you don't know what this is, get out.)
Gender: (Male or Female, transgender?)
Personality: (Mean, greedy, tends to forget?)
Characteristics: (Shiny? Different Color? Scars or other things? ...clothing?)
Sexuality: (Bisexual, Homosexual, or straight?)
3: You must keep all overage/sexual activity out of this post.
Oh god, this is not a furry post, please DO NOT do anything sexual, you may make sexual remarks as long as they are not blatantly sick or use other words than Hell, Damn, or B¡+c#. "Damn, girl is lookin' fine to'night!"
4: The 2 Golden Rules
1. Treat others the way you would like them to treat you.
2: Refer back to the first rule.

And most of all. HAVE FUN!!!

Name: Jolteon.
Species: Jolteon.
Age: 21
Gender: Male.
Personality: Very caring, aggressive against enemies and attacking Pokémon.
Characteristics: Normal.
Sexuality: Straight

Jolteon roamed in the woods, he looked around and observed his surroundings, he then heard a rustle in the grass right beside the tree lining. He got down low and peaked his head out from the small bush he was passing. The rustling of grass grew louder as Jolteon readied himself to pounce -- however, it was a weedle.

"Watch yourself little Weedle, I heard there's an Ursaring in these woods." The weedle yelped after hearing this and dove back into the grass.

Jolteon laughed to himself, and continued on, he was after a prize. The Teddiursa egg, he heard it was rare and could net him a lot of food if he brought it to the man at the food store. Yes, the man at the food store would give some wild Pokémon food if they brought him things and helped him, he heard that the man was a nice fellow. He wandered on until he found the cave, he stuck his head out from the lining and found the Ursaring sitting, and wrapped in its arms, the egg. The Ursaring was asleep, so Jolteon had to be very quiet, he slowly stepped out of the tree lining, hoping not to make a sound, he succeeded, he crept into the cave and slowly walked behind the Ursaring, he then walked back to the egg, wrapped tightly in the Ursaring's arms. He slowly nudged the Ursaring, it growled, making Jolteon jump harshly, but the Ursaring did not wake up. Jolteon touched the egg lightly, the egg shaked. It was small compared to most eggs. So he could probably hold it in his mouth, he touched the egg one more time, this time, it fell over and cracked.

Jolteon was sent flying back in fear. He crept over to the egg and grabbed it in his mouth, he was about to walk out when he heard a small, "Huh?" Jolteon stood frozen, finally, he looked back to see a fully upright Ursaring. " Oh dear..." Jolteon said. The Ursaring roared and Jolteon began to run fast as a Shaymin on a hot spring day. The Ursaring followed behind and crushed through the trees. Jolteon bolted so fast that the Weedle in the grass was sent flying into a tree, which was then knocked over by the Ursaring. Jolteon could see the entrance to the Wild Pokémon meadow. Ursaring was caught and stuck in a tree, and Jolteon then looked back and stopped. He placed the egg on the ground and looked at the Ursaring who was looking at the egg. The Ursaring's eyes started to water almost making sort of Baby-Doll Eyes. Jolteon looked back in guilt, and nudged the egg towards Ursaring. Jolteon bolted away and back to the Meadow.

Jolteon would not have food tonight, but at least he didn't have to feel guilty about anything, he sat in the Meadow where other Pokémon sat talking, yet Jolteon remained Alone.
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Name: Winter
Species: Glaceon
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: (can this be introduced in the rp? if not, I can come back and edit this later)
Characteristics: has a pink bow tie around her neck (the bow at the back of her neck)
Sexuality: Pan

Sat amongst the other Pokemon, yet also seated alone, was a Glaceon, who was sitting pretty in the sunlight of the meadow. Her fur glistened as the light reflected off her icy fur. The bow around her neck added a charming appearance to her. Despite being an ice-type, it was always nice to take a sunbath every once in a while. An ear twitches, however, as she hears some rustling and roaring from a distance away. She looks over in the direction it was coming from, but shortly after, it ceased. A few short moments after, however, a figure seemed to appear from the brush, although it appeared to be smaller than she thought, and had a yellow color to it. After a brief, close inspection from a distance away, she could tell that it was one of her kind; well, something of her kind. They were of the same species in terms of origins, but they had a different evolutionary track than her. It was a Jolteon, the electric-type of the family. Grinning a tad bit, she watches them from afar.


Previously Ryan Crentei
Jolteon sat and looked around admiring the beautiful meadow. He saw a few Eevees, female, chatting with eachother, school age. He remembered when he was an Eevee. A hotshot that always got into trouble. He smiled to himself and noticed the Glaceon looking at him, he looked at her and then looked away.

"Hmph, why's someone staring?" He asked himself. He then slowly walked torwards the Pokévillage. Then he pondered, almost as if waiting for someone, then in disappointment, he walked back to the meadow and sat down, impatiently, he got up and looked around. He found a useful Pokémon. He walked up to Hoothoot and asked, "Hey Hoothoot, can you fly up and look for Flareon?"

"Hm, your friend still isn't back? I wonder if he is lost, however, sure, I will fly up and search."

"Thank you so much Hoothoot! He better be back cause I don't have anything to do." Jolteon boasted. Hoothoot took off in search of Flareon and Jolteon sat down again. Not acknowledging the Glaceon, yet still noticing her presence. He rolled around in the grass and flowers to make the time fly by. His fur did get dirty however.

Yes, you may introduce your personality later in the RP.
The Glaceon kept an eye on the Jolteon as it started running about the place, heading to the nearby village, then back. She noted their conversation with a local Hoothoot, and how it flew off shortly after. Did the Jolteon threaten it in some way? It was hard to tell; she couldn't hear them. Upon turning her attention back to the Jolteon, however, she giggled a bit as she watched him roll around in the grass. She would have joined him if it weren't for her delicate and easily-messy'd fur. Do you know how hard it is to remove dirt from ice?
Name: yasmine
Species: kirla
Age: 17
Gender: genderfluid
Personality: they are a very happy and cuddly person who love to be around people people. She hates the fact she's shiny because people often like her for just that reason
Characteristics: they're shiny
Sexuality: pan

Yasmin's looked at all the eevees and sighed, noticing a glaceon which stuck out from the crowd she looked around, wanting to talk to her, but she'd seem so out of place, she shrugged it off and walked over to them and sat down happily "hey!" She said energetically hoping she wouldn't comment on her appearance


Previously Ryan Crentei
Jolteon saw all the grass in his fur, so he stopped, there were also Pokémon eyeing him.

"Grow up already. Jolteon!" Charmeleon said walking past him.

"You're not a Charizard yet, are you? Worry about yourself." Jolteon replied.

"What'd you say?!? When I become one. You'll think before talking to me like that!" Charmeleon said in anger.

"Well, maybe if you weren't so afraid," Jolteon continued, "you would actually fight me!"

Charmeleon finally turned around. "That's it! I've had enough of you!"
Charmeleon and Jolteon got into a big fight, and they both fainted. Charmeleon was taken away to be cared for, but Jolteon still lie on the ground.

Funny Sans Rat

Previously The Bog Hog
Name: Riptide
Species: Buizel
Age: 18
Gender: Electric Toothbrush (Male)
Personality: (Not sure yet, it might shift around a lot)
Characteristics: (He is normal) None
Sexuality: pan, I guess

"OH Crap! He dead!" Riptide yelled as he walked closer to Jolteon and checked his pulse "Oh, he's alive..." Riptide said disappointed "Welp, better be responsible and get him to safety... Or use a berry... or something" He said as he gave Jolteon a berry "Wonder if he's just gonna wake up or what?"
As the Glaceon watches the Jolteon roll around in the dirt, she jumps a bit at the nearby and sudden voice of another. She looks behind her, and sees a Pokemon of the kind she'd never seen before. Their shape certainly looked familiar to say the least, but the coloring didn't ring a bell with her. "Oh, hello." She turns around to face them. "Is there something you need to tell me?
"That you look pretty" she says giggling and looking at the two males "anyway, you just seemed a little lonely or something and I wanted to talk to someone so I came over here and said hi to you" she said giggling


Previously Ryan Crentei
Jolteon woke up and immediately shot lightning and it hit the ground. "Grrr! Charme- huh? Why is everyone so concerned?..." He saw his tongue, which was blue, and tasted the nasty taste of a revive berry. "Blehh!! I fainted, didn't I?" He then turned his attention to the Buizel. "Hey! You could've just let me sit here and wake up! Those berries make me wanna throw up!" He spouted. He then caught the glimpse of something. A shine in the corner of his eye, he looked in that direction and saw a truly rare sight. "A-a- a SHINY POKÉMON?!?!?!" He yelled staring at the Kirlia.
She sighed and looked at him "yeah yeah, I know, I'm cool with my coulors, woah look" she said scowling at him "anything else you have to say?" She asked feeling slightly ticked off and him
"O- Oh...!" A small blush shows on her sky blue face, and she smiles. "Well, thank you...! That's really kind of you. Yeah, I guess you could say I'm a bit lonely. I was only just watching hi-" As she looks back over at the Jolteon, she jumps a bit as the Jolteon was right there. "O- Oh...! H- Hiya..."

She looks back at the Kirlia as the Jolteon shouts at them. "So you're a Kirlia...? I thought you looked familiar; but shiny? Now that's a term I haven't heard before..."
She sighed, knowing what would soon happen, everyone would freak out because 'oh woah, she's coulored weird' and she'd be surrounded "yeah... well it basically means I'm coulored a little differently, makes me rare" she explained politely
"Wow... I think that's really cool, too... I'm just not sure if I'd want to say you're lucky... I mean, I can imagine it's a hassle with everyone gathering around you to gawk at you..." She sympathizes. "But hey, you won't have to worry about such from me; believe me, I've had my fair share of stares, what with this fur and bow." She "fluffs up" her bow a bit with a paw.

".... Sorry, I don't mean to brag..." She blushes a bit, embarrassed.
She nodded and smiled at her and moved her hair away from her face and revealing a blush and looked at her "thank you" she said happily and biting her lip "anyway yeah uh"


Previously Ryan Crentei
"Well, when I was an Eevee, everyone thought I was a girl, because my mom entered me in Pokémon Fashion Shows because she thought my tail was, 'beautiful', a guy even asked me out, he thought I was a girl." Jolteon then shut himself up and looked back embarrassed.

"JOLTEONNNNNN!!!" A large yell came from the sky. Then Hoothoot landed next to them. "J-Jolteon, quick! Flareon! He's-he's... JUST FOLLOW ME!" Hoothoot said as he flew back in the air. Jolteon's heart sunk into his stomach.

"This sounds bad..." He said to himself. He then ran under Hoothoot, looking up occasionally to see where to go.
To stop herself from laughing, she puts a paw over her muzzle. However, that didn't last very long as the Hoothoot from before flew back down, warning them about some Flareon. "Huh... is there some sort of Eeveelution gathering going on?" She turns back towards the Kirlia. "Sorry to leave so abruptly, but I'm gonna follow him. Feel free to do the same." She then runs after the Jolteon.


Previously Ryan Crentei
Jolteon looked behind him and saw Glaceon. He wondered why she was following him. He needed to find his friend.
"Over here! Over here!" Hoothoot said lowering down. They reached a small grassy opening where two men stood.
"We'll ain't that somethin'. Caught an Eeveelution! Not everyday you see one of them in the wild!" One of the men said to the man holding the Pokéball.
"You got that righ- hey! More of them! And a Hoothoot too!" He exclaimed as his eyes met the Pokémon. In the Hoothoot's eyes, worry. In the Jolteon's, rage. And in the Glaceon, well. He didn't know what he saw.
"O-oh my Arceus! Shiny! Shiny Kirlia! Catch it!" The man exclaimed.
The other man pulled out an Ultra Ball and looked at the Kirlia. Jolteon, however, backed himself to the front of Kirlia, protecting her. He growled at the men.
(For the record, it wasn't said that the Kirlia followed them yet)
She gasps and covers her muzzle with a paw at the sight of the humans. She grew a scared expression as they encroached on them. "Run...!
She sighed, feeling a little turned down, she though to herself and assessed the risk, she the decided to stuff it and follow them "hey wait up! I'm coming with!"

She saw the two trainers and ran along with the glaceon "I knew this would stuff me up eventually" she said shakily


Previously Ryan Crentei
(OOC: Ohhh...)

Jolteon wasn't getting caught today.

"Wait a sec.. Two Eeveelutions... If I'm right, then this Flareon must be their friend, well, they must be awful friendly too! So breeding for more Eeveelutions won't be a problem!" One of the men said.
"Flareon, go!" The man sent out Flareon, now that Flareon was caught, he had the utmost respect for his trainer as the Pokéball could even alter the mind of a Pokémon to believe their trainer had the greatest of intentions.
"So, Jolteon, we meet again. How come you left me to go to the woods? You left me all alone and catchable..." Flareon said in a sarcastic tone.
"You're the one that told me about the egg!" Jolteon exclaimed. He recalled when Flareon told him of the egg.

"Well, I think we've gone pretty far. Haven't we Jolt?" Flareon asked Jolteon.

"Yeah, now I need to figure out what to eat today and how to get it." Jolteon said and pondered. He could steal, but he didn't like stealing food, especially from the nice man at the Deli.

"I heard that Teddiursa eggs are rare and pay well. If you bring it to the Deli Man, you can surely get some food! Y'know the Ursaring in the woods? Go fetch the Teddiursa egg it has, and bring it to the Deli man. If you aren't back here in two hours, I'm coming back to the meadow slacker!" He said, jokingly.

"Well, ok, see you in a bit!" Jolteon said as he then proceeded to run off.

[Flashback End]

"And I see you brought a Glaceon? I see you took the time to get a girlfriend while I was waiting, too! Huh?" He mocked. Jolteon stepped back a bit as his face got a little red, but he got rid of it quickly.

"N-none of the sorts! You know I hate stealing! And that Ursaring was at the verge of tears." Jolteon said.

"Well, none of that matters now.." Flareon said as the fur on his back started to spike up a bit.

"Flareon use Fire Fang!" The man announced.
Her eyes tear up as the Jolteon and Flareon talk... two friends... now enemies forced to fight by those Arceus-forsaken humans...! She blushes a small bit, however, as the Flareon mentions her, and how she's his girlfriend. She shakes her head dismissively, before looking back up at the Flareon, noticing that he was about to use a move by the order of their trainer. In a panic, she jumps ahead of the Jolteon, taking a breath. "Don't you hurt him!" She exhales strongly, blowing out a semi-strong gust of cold, almost snowy air as she used Icy Wind.
Name: Relic
Species: Kabutops
Age: 19
Personality: Mature and hard to annoy, and playfully mocking
Characteristics: Like a monk
Sexuality: Bi

After hearing a nearby commotion, Relic dashes to where he thought the noise come from. He wasn’t really that fast, but he hurried at a steady pace. From the distance, he hears,” Use fire fang!”
Relic begins to make a mad dash for this ruckus, he thought trainers weren’t in this part of the forest.
As he approaches, the scene, he finds himself a bush to hide inside. He proceeds to watch the oncoming battle.
Yasmine looked back at the glaceon sighing and going back to help her, as if she wanted some attention from her "so what are we doing?" She said, readying herself for a battle


Previously Ryan Crentei
Flareon was blown back by the wind and hit a tree, but the heat of his body shook away the cold, he stood back up on his four legs and shook away the dirt. "Oh, now it's two on one, that's just not fair, and a Kirlia for backup? Cut me some slack, besides. Fire beats ice!" The trainer commanded him to use ember on the Glaceon.
Relic leaps out of the bush, using Aqua Jet to take him to the battlefield.
“Make that three” he says in a monotone voice.
He prepares his scythes in a battle stance
She used protect and stood in front of the glaceon, purely out of impulse, she had just done the worst possible thing, threw herself in front of a attack that would surely kill her


Previously Ryan Crentei
Flareon yelped as he was blown back. He struggled to get back up, a super effective move from a very powerful Pokémon. "T-that's not fair! Ugh! I can faint all of you in a second!" He exclaimed, he then used Fire Fang on Kabutops. But Jolteon stopped him by using Thunderbolt. Flareon lie on the ground now. "U-ugh..." He stood up one last time before he was guaranteed to be fainted.
She stood there, taken by surprise by the shiny Kirlia that had jumped in front of her to protect her. She looked over at the Kabutops that suddenly joined in. She looked around as the battle went on before her, before turning back to the Kirlia. "You saved me... thank you..."
“Did... you just use fire fang on a rock type? A rock AND water type? Nice going there, bud.”
Relic stares directly at the trainer, menacingly
She looked back at her, she had blocked a lot of the attack but she still hand a cut down her cheek, but the shock had stopped her from feeling that "it's ok!" She said thinking she was fine "do I have anything on my face?"


Previously Ryan Crentei
"H-hey!" Flareon exclaimed, "It's not my fault I'm a Fire type! Just go ahead and faint me already! It's no use." Flareon said disappointed.
“ I have a feeling that Mr Sparks over there has the honor of fainting you. As for me, I have a different idea.”
Relic uses false swipe to keep flareon at 1 hp
She blinks in shock slightly as she notices the cut on the Kirlia's face. "Oh, um... y- you've got a little..." She points at her own face with a paw. "... cut on your face..."


Previously Ryan Crentei
Flareon fell down and couldn't get back up.

"Thank you Mr. Kabutops, and as for you Flareon, this is goodbye, I guess..."

"H-hmph! Even at one HP I can still f-fain- AHHHH!" Flareon was hit with Lightning as he fainted.

"Ugh! I need to get this guy to a Pokémon center!" The man said as he retreated with his friend.
She wiped her cheek "oh crud! Well uh... I'm gonna need to clean that up, how bout we get going? That other guy seems like he's got this? I don't want to see you get hurt" she said trying not to show the spike of pain she felt


Previously Ryan Crentei
"Thanks a lot, your power really lended a hand, well, gotta go," He said as he ran to them, "hey, wait up!" He caught up to them and saw the scar on Kirlia's cheek. "Urrgh... that looks bad..." He said as he walked beside them.