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Private/Closed Sinnoh League tournament

"What makes you think we're on the same side?!" Zola asked as he ran towards Saturn ready to attack him with a psycho cut.

Garchomp watched as Floatzel tried to escape. Garchomp roared as he used rock slide causing rocks to form and fall above Floatzel.

Callum looked down at Greg. "It's your lucky day, I made your daughter a promise and I will keep it. Take him back to his cell and bring his daughter here." Callum told the two masqueraders who were holding down Greg. "Yes sir!" They said before they took Greg back to his cell. Callum then looked at the Leader. "So, train her to be the next Mask of the Fairies?" Callum asked.

Meanwhile, the two masqueraders brought Greg back to his cell with Abigail. "We're taking the child next. Hurry up and say your farewell." The masquerader told Greg.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
"Is it a matter of sides? All of you shall be gone when we are done with our plans!" Saturn roared. His Toxicroak moved it's attention to Looker's Croagunk, fighting it in a hand to hand battle.
A rock caught Floatzel's tail. Floatzel tried to escape but found there were rocks surrounding him.

"Go Mr Snowman!" Patrick cried, sending out his beloved Abomasnow.
"Go get them Loppy!" Ella sent out her Lopunny.

A cloud appeared above Mr Snowman. It started hailing.
"Use Ingrain, then ice shard!" Patrick ordered. Mr Snowman planted it's hands into the ground and it started drawing energy from Floatzel. Then, Mr Snowman punched Bibarel with a sharp icy claw, in a physical combat battle. Bibarel flew across the stadium. Then, Mr Snowman shot ice at Venus's Mismagius, freezing it. Mismagius fell to the ground.

"Bounce! You can do it!" Ella commanded Loppy. Loppy jumped in the air and fell down and hit Empoleon several times, rapidly in a row. She was knocked off by the Empoleon as another hydro pump attack weakened her.
" Electra." Drew said. " Help Lopunny." Electra fist became electric as it ran towards the Empoleon. He threw a Pokeball bringing out one of his Abras. " Abra teleport The mask of Tides to the Igloo. Abra jumped towards the Mask of Tides.
"You talk too much." Zola exclaimed as he came close enough to land a hit on Saturn with his psycho cut.

Garchomp roared as it saw Floatzel get trapped by the rocks. It placed it's claws on the ground and started to shake the whole battlefield with a powerful earthquake!

Riley started to lose his balance due to the earthquake as he watched David send out his Abra to teleport the Mask of the Tides away. "Well that's convenient. Why didn't you just do that from the start?" Riley asked David.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
"Alakazam! Now!" Saturn shouted and an Alakazam appeared next to the Abra, blocking him. Saturn jumped down and grabbed the Mask of the Tides by the neck.
Loppy was ordered to attack Empoleon once more. She kicked him hard using a Hi Jump Kick attack which KOed the pokemon. Mr Snowman jumped on Floatzel and tossed him into the air. Floatzel fainted. Bibarel fainted from an attack from Saturn's Toxicroak.

All eyes were on Saturn now as the Mask of the Tides was grabbed by the Commander. Saturn tackled him onto the floor, which was covered with flooded water. Saturn grabbed the Mask of the Tides by the neck and dunked him into the water ruthlessly, causing the Masquerader to choke and suffocate in his own water.

Saturn lifted the Masquerader to hear his last words-he had been singing a song:

The ring is my roiling sea. The towering waves shaped me. Crash! Crash! Crasher Wake! Crash! Crash! Crasher Wake! I’m the tidal wave of power to wash you away! Put out the fire, Crasher Wake! Run from electricity, Crasher Wake! Ah, ah, aaaah! The ring is my sea...

Patrick, Ella, Looker, Venus and Saturn all stared at the Masquerader as he sang this. At that, the Masquerader fell to the floor, dead. Saturn took the mask of to reveal it was in fact Crasher Wake.

"Today, a gym leader and Masquerader falls..." Saturn started. "Let this be a lesson to all of you! Do not mess with Team Galactic!!" He then threw an earpiece from one of his ears. This was an earpiece he used to communicate with the Leader.

(The Leader)
The Leader pulled a face in horror. "They've done it...they actually did it..." He said. "Mask of Shadow, can you hear me? Return back to base immediately. That goes for all of you! Team Galactic has gone off the rails-repeat, they are not in our control!"

Zachary was the only person in the stand. He kept away from the trouble, hiding when projectiles flew his way. When he saw the Galactics and then what they did, he fainted. He awoke on his bed in the hotel with the TV on. News reporters were sending vital information about the fight to TV screens around Sinnoh. Zachary walked towards the balcony and looked through the clear window. He saw Charon wink at him. Zachary fainted once more.​
" Simple." Drew said. "I give my opponents a chance. Anyways." Drew took out his side arm and pointed it at Saturn. " Tess Cover me." He said. " Your under arrest." He yelled. "Put your hands up."

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
"You fools!" Saturn cried. "Now!" Saturn shouted as his Alakazam grabbed him. "Deal with them Venus!" Then Saturn was teleported away with his Alakazam.

Venus's Mismagius thawed out from the ice using Mystical Fire.
Riley backed away as he saw the Mask of the Tides live out his final moments. "I'm out. See you guys later!" Riley exclaimed as he returned Garchomp to it's pokeball. Then he ran as fast as he could to the exit. "Gotta' go fast! Gotta' go fast!" He said to himself as he ran out the stadium. As he ran out of the stadium, he started to lose consciousness and feinted.

Zola looked at the situation not noticing that Riley had bailed. "Okay everyone!" Zola yelled through his telepathy. "Let's settle this like a decent human and Pokemon would. Let's all just take a deep breath. No pulling Abras out of your asses and none of this Galactic and Masquerader dress up game. Let's just talk this out." Zola told everyone in the battlefield.

The Mask of Shadow then appeared before the Leader. "Everything's gone to hell." was the first thing he told The Leader. "What's our next target?" He asked.
Greg looked at Abigail. He felt a mixture of confusion, grief, and sorrow. What had she promised these people? Would he ever see his family again? I failed them, He thought. That guy should've just slit my throat and been done with it.
Isabel, Jason, and their mother had all finished their pizza and gone to their rooms for a while. Isabel lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She wondered if her father and sister were being tortured or were already dead. Or perhaps still dying a terrible death. She sighed and looked to the nightstand by her bedside. On it was her phone, lying dormant for the time being. Isabel grabbed the electrical object and turned it on. At the password screen was her wallpaper, a picture of the Maey family. She sighed a remorseful sigh and put in her passcode. Isabel went directly to the Phone app and opened it up. In 'Emergency Contacts' were five numbers: The number to get ahold of a selected Masquerader for dire emergencies only, Mom, Dad, Jason, and Home. She deleted the Masquerader number, then paused. Maybe I could somehow get ahold of Dad, She thought. Isabel hit the 'Call' button.
Somewhere in the Masquerader's base, Greg's cell phone went off.
Callum felt a vibration coming from his pockets. He pulled out the phone and looked at who was calling. "It's the traitor! Sir, excuse me, I have to take this." Callum told the Leader as he quickly exited the room and answered the call. "Hello there Miss Isabel. Unfortunately your father isn't with us anymore. Is there anything else I can help you with?" Callum asked Isabel.
"Speak to me like that again and I'll actually have your father killed! Now listen, I'm going to give you one last chance to turn yourself in and spare your family. If you actually cared, you would've surrendered yourself to us already. So this is your last chance, tell us where you are and we'll release your family once we have you." Callum told Isabel.
"As if! Listen, I'm not going back to working for the Council. And I will find them and get them back," Isabel said, a menacing tone to her voice. "I do care. But I also know that you're the kind of dirty cheating jerks that'll just go back on your word in addition to probably killing me on the spot."

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
"Focus all efforts on finding Isabel. She knows too much! She will reveal our location to them!" The Leader shouted to Callum. "Notify all remaining Masqueraders to return to base!" He said to the Mask of Shadow. "We need to leave Galactic alone...they've caused us enough trouble!"
"You listen here! Unlike you, I don't go back on my word!" Callum exclaimed enraged about the fact that this woman was calling him a liar when in fact she was the one who broke the deal. "You're lucky I haven't had one of them killed yet like the deal promised. I gave you a chance and you didn't take it. I don't want to hear from you again!" Callum stated before ending the call. Then he turned to a masquerader. "We were tracking that, right?" Callum asked. "Yes we have the location." The masquerader stated. "Okay then, have a team prepared to go. In five I expect them to be ready!" Callum ordered. "Yes sir!" The masquerader responded before running off to inform the others.

The Mask of Shadow looked at the Leader. "Shall I go with them?" He asked.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
"Yes!" Yelled the Leader to the Mask of Shadow. "We must capture Isabel. Callum, I'm putting you in control of this mission. Do not fail me!" He paced the room and the came from one of the drones in the stadium flew up into the air.
Isabel slammed the cell phone onto the nightstand. "Ugh, have I ever told you how much I HATE the Masqueraders?" She said sarcastically. Jason chuckled bitterly.
"What did they do now?" He asked, with the bitter tone still in his voice.
"Threatened to kill Abigail and Dad."
"Oh my frickin Arceus, okay when do we hunt them down?"
Isabel sighed. "I'm not sure if we can. For all we know, they could be coming here right now."
"Understood sir." Callum told the Leader before he headed to the war room where other masqueraders were already setting up the communications. He sat down on his seat in the middle back of the room as a the giant screen in front projected in video form what was happening. "They are on their way to point Alpha." One of the masqueraders reported. "Good. Keep me updated." Callum said as he continued to watch.

"I must retrieve something first." The Mask of Shadow told the Leader before vanishing. He reappeared onto the battlefield kneeling over Crasher Wake's body. He picked up the Mask and put it on Crasher Wake's face. Then he placed his hand over the Mask and started to drain the energy from the Mask of the Tides lifeless body. He felt the power of the tides flow through his body. Once he was done, the mask turned to dust, drained of it's power. "One down." He mumbled to himself before vanishing once again.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
For an instant, Venus, Patrick, Ella and Looker saw the Mask of Shadow. "What was that?" Patrick asked.
"Probably another Masquerader. Now where were we? Venus, you're under arrest!" Looker exclaimed.
"As if!" Venus shouted. "Mystical fire, then shadow ball!" Croagunk, who had recovered from his battle other Saturn's Toxicroak, was covered in flames. The frog Pokemon danced madly around the battlefield.
5 black SUVS surrounded the hotel. 5 masqueraders came out of each one. Each masquerader had a fully evolved Pokemon with them. The leader of the mission who was in contact with Callum was the same one who took Abigail. I want 5 to surround the hotel. There's 4 floors and there's 20 of us left. 5 per floor and have your Pokemon ready in case they have agents ready! Now move out!" The commander stated before walking through the front of the hotel with four others. Another group of 5 climbed to the top and entered through the roof. "Fight to kill." Their group leader told them as they all sent out their Pokemon. For the middle floors, the other two groups of masqueraders broke through the windows. "Okay, we're in. If someone gets eyes on target, report immediately!" The commander told the rest.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
"Why hello there!" The Mask of Darkness spoke to the Mask of Shadow via their earpieces given to them via the Leader. "What are you doing? Whatever it is, come back to the base immediately. I have to tell you something."
(OOC: WARNING! Brutal death scene in the third paragraph! Please be aware and avoid that part if you know you can't handle it!)

"What is it that you want?" The Mask of Shadow asked as he appeared in front of the Mask of Darkness.

Meanwhile, at the IDF HQ, the masqueraders were still searching for Isabel. "First floor clear." The group leader stated as his Magmortar blew a hole right through the last IDF agent that was on that floor. "That's the last of the IDF agents here. The rest are civilians. What shall we do with them?" The masquerader asked. "Take the children and kill the rest. If push comes to shove, the IDF wouldn't risk a child's life." Callum told the masquerader. "I understand. Take the children outside and comeback in. I'll deal with rest." The masquerader told the others.

"P-please don't do this. You can take my Pokemon, but please spare my child." A mother begged as a masquerader took her child. Once all of the children were forcibly taken outside, the masquerader walked up to the parents. "So you're willing to sacrifice a Pokemon's in exchange for yours? How fitting it will be for you to die by a Pokemon's hand. Magmortar, have them burn in hell!" The masquerader ordered before walking away. "PLEASE!" The mother screeched! "Magmor-tar!" The bazooka Pokemon exclaimed without any care before shooting a bazooka blast of fire at the group of civilians. For the next few moments, all anyone in the hotel could hear was the agonizing screams of death!
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Isabel looked out the window to see the Masqueraders flooding out of the SUV. "Frick. Jason, we're going into Mom's room. Now," She said with a serious tone. Jason nodded. "Run," Isabel said. "And once we're in, bring out your Pokemon." They ran to their mother's room and banged on the door. "Mom! It's an emergency, let us in!" Isabel shouted. Julia let her kids in.
"Mawile! Togekiss!"
"Pidgeot!" Julia called out her Pokemon too. "Okay, why are we doing this?"
"Masqueraders. We have to be ready," Isabel said. The four Pokemon watched the door intently, each readying an attack. Mawile's jaws were surrounded in fire, Togekiss was preparing a Shadow Ball, the blades on Sceptile's arms were glowing green, and Pidgeot's beak was also glowing.
A few moments later, about a dozen move SUV's surround the HQ with two more helicopters on the roof. "Don't forget that we're attacking their HQ, there's bound to be more security. With reinforcements we can't lose!" Callum told the masqueraders. "I understand." The leading masquerader told Callum as 15 more masqueraders assaulted the first floor with 15 others jumping through the windows in middle with 6 more coming through the roof.

One masquerader checked one of the doors on the third floor with his trusty Magnezone. He kicked it open to see a group of Pokemon ready to strike. "I found them!" was probably the last words he would ever say.
The Pokemon attacked brutally, ready to defend their Trainers to the death. There was a blast as the Masquerader was hit by the Shadow Ball, which had built up so much power that by the time he had barged in it had grown to be the size of an overpacked backpack. The Magnezone was also very unlucky, having a Fire Fang, Leaf Blade, and Peck all sent towards it. "Keep attacking!" All three shouted to their partners.
The masquerader flew into his Magnezone as it tried to use discharge to defend itself only causing a small explosion, killing the masquerader and leaving the Magnezone severely injured. Then without warning, the roof above the room crashed down with a Drapion and Snorlax landing behind them. Five other Pokemon appeared as well breaking through the walls and doorway. A Luxray which used thunderbolt. A Flareon which used flamethrower. A Ludicolo which used leaf storm. A Weezing which used sludge bomb. And finally, a Bronzong which used flash cannon. All of the attacks were targeted at the family and their Pokemon. Even worse, more masqueraders were running towards the area while others were still fighting the remaining IDF agents at the base.
Thinking fast, Sceptile used Detect to keep the attacks from hitting anyone. The other Pokemon attacked, using Fire Fang on the Bronzong, Sky Attack on the Flareon, and Wing Attack on the Weezing. Chaos had broken out; sheets were torn and burnt, lamp shades were broken, lightbulbs lay shattered on the ground.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
"Follow me." The Mask of Darkness said to the Mask of Shadow. He walked into a room with a round table. Many Masqueraders were all gathered round.
"The Leader is currently not in the base. He has taken the liberty to open ties with Unova. So, at this point, we sit without his authority. I bring another one into the revolution..."
"Interesting." The Mask of Shadow said as he looked at the other masqueraders that were gathered around. "But I have one question for you. Do you all have control of your human hosts or are you all... just human? I'm asking because it's hard for humans to trust, especially after what I have done." The Mask of Shadow said as he put his hand forward and formed a ball of water which floated above the palm of his hand.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
"I'm not quite sure what you mean." The Mask of Electricity said in his bright yellow mask.
"What's the difference between human hosts and just being human, there is none!" Yelled the Mask of Ice.
"How did you get that orb of water to form around your hand...you must of stolen the energy of the dead Mask of the Tides...fascinating!" The Mask of Magic complemented the Mask of Shadow.

"There is no time for this." The Mask of Darkness said. "Let's get things straight. There's going to be a coup against the Leader led by me. The Leader is incompetent. He just takes us into danger and he's already killed at least three of the Council of Elements! It's time to take back control!" The Mask said with a number of cheers. "We must all attack him once we gain enough supporters and when we reach Unova I will have all the details for the plot ready."
"A coup you say? What happens if I decide to inform the Leader about this? Lucky for you I sympathize with you and won't say a word. Contact me when you want the Leader dead." The Mask of Shadow stated before disappearing.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
"The coup will occur sometime when we move to Unova. No one must tell the Leader this or other supporters of him." The Mask of Darkness explained.
Venus commanded her Mismagius to shoot shadow balls at the trio. Patrick sent out Nero to block the attacks. Croagunk hit Mismagius hard into the ground. Looker handcuffed Venus. Then he tried talking to David and James via an intercom. "We've got Venus! Where should I take her?"
The Mask of Shadow reappeared right behind Isabel's mother, placing his arm around her neck, ready to strangle her. "Stand down, all of you!" The Mask of Shadow stated in a dark voice. The masqueraders in the room saw the Mask of Shadow and immediately told their Pokemon to stop attacking. The Mask of Shadow then looked at Isabel. "I'll give you ten seconds to return your Pokemon before I crack her neck." The Mask of Shadow told her.
" Masquerader have flooded the Headquaters." Drew's phone said. He let out a little curse as he put his phone to his ear. " Go to defense delta now." He said. " Abra to the IDF Headquaters."

James heard lookers voice via his headset which these guys didn't take. " So I guess you joined." He said. " Well The Plank is under hostile takeover at the moment. I suggest the igloo it's more secure."
Isabel's mother let out a shriek of alarm. Jason glared, ready to attack. Isabel's mind was racing. She was fighting her primal instincts to just charge this guy down right here, right now. But if she did, he would without a doubt kill her. Backed into a corner by his demands, she returned her Pokemon.
"Good." The Mask of Shadow said when Isabel returned her Pokemon. "Now come over here." He said motioning her to come near him. "Make any sudden movements and I'll kill her." He said tightening his grip on the mother as he looked at the Sceptile and Pidgeot before turning to Jason. "Go to that wall and turn around to face it." He said pointing to the wall on the other side of the room.
Isabel went to go where the Mask motioned for her, but Jason grabbed her arm. "We can fight them," He said, "We shouldn't just let ourselves get pushed around."
Isabel gave him a pained look. "If he didn't have Mom, I'd kill him in a heartbeat," She told him.
Jason still wouldn't budge. "You let yourself be threatened by them once. It's not going to happen again, not if I can help it."
"You don't know how these people work, Jason!" Isabel's voice was rising with panic. "You don't know..."
"Haven't you figured it out yet? You placed your trust in the wrong people. The agent who took you in probably played you for a fool. Let me guess, he told you that they could protect you and your family and then acted like he cared about you. But let me tell you something, he didn't care. Nobody in this world cares and you still haven't learned that yet. I wonder what your little sister thinks about you. Callum has already told her how you let her be taken. She probably hates you as well. I'll give you time to think about that when you're in captivity. Now get over here before I have your mother and brother killed!" The Mask of Shadow roared.
"Unless you're blind," Isabel said with an edge to her voice, "you can clearly see that my brother has my arm. Now will you stop acting like a kid that didn't get the toy he wanted and calm the frick down?"
" I have to agree with her." Drew said walking towards them. " Your under arrest." He pointed his gun at the masked man. " Abra get Isabel and her family out of here." He said.